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++ The Harrowing - An Alpha Legion Community ++


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Excessus & sfPanzer, Yikes! Bugs got real nasty, huh? I guess that's good for them. Last edition the only thing I remember hating were those burrowing bugs. But last edition I also had templates to take them out in droves...


Redtoof, I'm thinking the same. I may have to give them a whirl. Give them some good guns (plus mark of Slaanesh), infiltrate them, shoot something to death (using Slaaneshi stratagem), then either buckle down or charge in to hack'n'slash. In reality it will probably will be the latter.


Scourged, what's something that you want to paint? Any colors or designs that you've been wanting do? Maybe a quartered scheme like the Howling Griffons or Sons of Malice? Or do the halved things like the Marine Errants or the Angels Sanguine?


I wanted infiltrators in my XX and wanted to do a plasma gun squad of Raven Guard...because, you know, good history there. Ended up doing Berzerkers which I built using Ultramarines and still need to paint. The one I started on is showing XX colors on spots of his armor just to further hint at his true allegiance. The next unit I want to do will be Deathwatch used as Chosen I'm feeling, like yourself.

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Oh wow... already a whole lot to start considering.


@ChazSexington: No fluff has been put to page yet, or even really thought about in my head. I may have to start drafting ideas... Regardless, thank you for that extensive input of information. I don't have any of the HH books, so that's quite helpful knowledge there. Some Sons of Horus could be a fun inclusion.


@Dragonlover: Now that would be one hell of a fun challenge to myself. Fantastic idea.


@hushrong: Sons of Malice... that made for some fun reading. Quartered black and white would be a fun new challenge. Plus, those sketches for Malice Daemons are just wicked looking...


@Iron Father Ferrum: Now that would be a fun, fluffy option as well. Tragic, too - turning heretic and joining the very forces that sealed your doom. 


So much more to think about now... so many good, good choices. My thanks to all. 

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Oh wow... already a whole lot to start considering.


@ChazSexington: No fluff has been put to page yet, or even really thought about in my head. I may have to start drafting ideas... Regardless, thank you for that extensive input of information. I don't have any of the HH books, so that's quite helpful knowledge there. Some Sons of Horus could be a fun inclusion.


@Dragonlover: Now that would be one hell of a fun challenge to myself. Fantastic idea.


@hushrong: Sons of Malice... that made for some fun reading. Quartered black and white would be a fun new challenge. Plus, those sketches for Malice Daemons are just wicked looking...


@Iron Father Ferrum: Now that would be a fun, fluffy option as well. Tragic, too - turning heretic and joining the very forces that sealed your doom. 


So much more to think about now... so many good, good choices. My thanks to all. 


I often find the Lexicanum and 40k Wiki pages good for inspiration (almost all the info is there too), as well as reading BL books. 

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Scourged, I may not have many Sons of Malice left but they are near and dear to me. I had been thinking of trying to jumpstart my terminator army of them, especially with how 8th edition army building works. However, I made plans to build a terminator army for the Despoiler... so that's going to start in like 5 years after I make some headway with my current army building:rolleyes:


and Chazsexington, that is a dangerous place. That and the 40wiki. So much time can be spent on those sites that you wonder where the day went.

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Question. How would you make use of the new upcoming Alpharius model in 40K?


It seems to nice to not use it somehow. Perhaps as a demon prince?

That might go well with my heraldry and icons free army, as I'm trying to fit in between the imperium and chaos in terms of looks.


And would you like to see other weapon option on the Alpharius model?

I would think that a primarch size bolter with special ammunition and scope would if in nice.

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Question. How would you make use of the new upcoming Alpharius model in 40K?


It seems to nice to not use it somehow. Perhaps as a demon prince?

That might go well with my heraldry and icons free army, as I'm trying to fit in between the imperium and chaos in terms of looks.


And would you like to see other weapon option on the Alpharius model?

I would think that a primarch size bolter with special ammunition and scope would if in nice.


I would honestly not use it in 40k.

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So I just got home from a 1500 point tourney and achieved a clean sweep with my Alpha Legion. I brought the following list:



++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [52 PL, 959pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Legion: Alpha Legion


+ HQ +


Chaos Lord [5 PL, 81pts]: Blade of the Hydra, Chainsword, Mark of Khorne, Plasma pistol


Lord Arkos [7 PL, 124pts]: Combi-melta, I am Alpharius, Warlord


Sorcerer [6 PL, 98pts]: Bolt pistol, Delightful Agonies, Force sword, Mark of Slaanesh, Prescience


+ Troops +


Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 44pts]: No Chaos Mark

. 8x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun

. Chaos Cultist w/ special weapon: Heavy stubber

. Cultist Champion: Shotgun


Chaos Space Marines [9 PL, 191pts]: Mark of Slaanesh

. Aspiring Champion: Plasma pistol, Power sword

. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun

. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon

. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon


Chaos Space Marines [9 PL, 198pts]: Icon of Wrath, Mark of Khorne

. Aspiring Champion: Combi-melta, Power axe

. 7x Marine w/ Chainsword

. Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun

. Marine w/ special weapon: Meltagun


+ Fast Attack +


Raptors [6 PL, 118pts]: Mark of Slaanesh

. 2x Raptor

. Raptor Champion: Combi-flamer, Power sword

. Raptor w/ special weapon: Flamer

. Raptor w/ special weapon: Flamer


+ Heavy Support +


Havocs [7 PL, 105pts]: Mark of Slaanesh

. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Chainsword

. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter

. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter

. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter

. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Heavy bolter


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [27 PL, 541pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Legion: Alpha Legion


+ HQ +


Sorcerer [6 PL, 100pts]: Bolt pistol, Death Hex, Force axe, Mark of Nurgle, Miasma of Pestilence


+ Elites +


Helbrute [7 PL, 147pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Missile launcher, Twin lascannon


Helbrute [7 PL, 165pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Power scourge, Twin lascannon


Helbrute [7 PL, 129pts]: Mark of Nurgle, Reaper autocannon

. Helbrute fist: Combi-bolter


++ Total: [79 PL, 1500pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe



Game 1 vs Chaos Marines, won 7-3 on Cleanse & Control, Spearhead deployment. MVP was the Raptors, who Infiltrated and jumped into the backfield, murdering two squads of Cultists and tying up a dual lascannon Helbrute for two turns to shut down its shooting. The chainsword CSMs did quite a bit too, slicing through Cultists and half a squad of CSMs to grab a Secure objective card.


Game 2 vs Space Wolves, won 6-3 on Spoils of War. MVP was Arkos, who murdered like seven Space Wolves and incinerated an eighth with his melta on Overwatch. He and the chainsword CSMs were rolling DTTFE like crazy, which was awesome. Combined with the Raptors, the two units and Arkos killed a total of five Fenrisian wolves, 14 Grey Hunters, and a Wolf Guard Terminator, oh and most of a Rhino. They sucked away most of the enemy army including his outflanking reserves, which left my base of fire units to keep pounding on his Dreadnoughts and Terminators.


Game 3 vs Death Guard, won 11-4 on Deadlock. MVP was Havocs, who utilized the VOTLW/Endless Cacophony combo to shred two squads of Plague Marines across three turns who were trying to hold the center of the board and deny me Area Denial (which I ended nabbing for 3 VPs).


So yeah. The winnings paid for a new box of Raptors to expand my squad. Glory to the XXth!

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Alright, as promised, I have come by to offer a WIP pic of my kitbash Obliterators. Yes, those Blightlord bodies were perfect, and all my other plans for them worked so well. They're not quiiiite as wide as the finecast Oblits, but they're taller than them and Terminators of all varieties. So it works for me. Now, keep in mind that I have yet to greenstuff anything on these chaps. A lot of the "Nurgle" pits and cracks in the armor I will probably fill in, and I'll add plenty of the traditional Obliterator skin grafts we all know and love. But for anyone considering similar conversions... these fit the bill nicely. 



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Good showing, and good start to the oblits.


I like a 1500 point game, it feels like you have to make some harder decisions during list building and units that fill multiple roles become more valuable the fewer units you can get. I guess it feels more like an Alpha Legion force at lower points values!

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Those oblits look great! I think I'll have to try that using death shrouds.

It's worth a go, and I'd love to see them. The Helbrute heads just take a bit of trimming on the back and they slide right in. And spare Cataphractii bits made for easy arms (that weren't all Nurgle-y). 

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Im planning to use him as a counts as girlyman for my primaris Alpha legion


What codex are you using? Space marine or something else?


Personally I gonna take a closer look at the new Deathwatch codex and see if it might fit.

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Im planning to use him as a counts as girlyman for my primaris Alpha legion


What codex are you using? Space marine or something else?


Personally I gonna take a closer look at the new Deathwatch codex and see if it might fit.



im using Ravenguard at the moment. seemed the logical choice with them sharing 2 ability's. 

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I just picked up some mk3 Marines and I play AL when I do chaos. Any suggestions to make mk3 a little more alpha legion-y?


Hard to say, there are so many different ways of doing a Alpha Legion theme.

I prefer a clean look with as little Imperial or Chaos iconography as possible.

I do this because I want to show that the Alpha Legion is faction apart and see the Imperium and Chaos as tools instead of masters.


I have also see some visually stunning theme when the aspect of the hydra is emphasized with scales and Alpha Legion iconography.


Others use a more chaos theme Alpha Legion.


So there is no one version of a Alpha Legion theme, there are many.

So you get the pleasure to personalizing the theme to your hearts content.


(It would be cool to see the different members of the forum armies in one big scene, a true and terrible Harrowing)

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