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For sure! I really dislike the plastic Daemon Prince, so I figured this dude would fit the bill in a WB army! I need to find an appropriately sized set of wings for it!

The Manticore from the AoS line has massive wings that wouldn't look out of place on the Mhara Gal.

They are nice and neat up too! But what to do with the rest of the Manticore? Converted Maulerfiend with left over bits after building a Forgefiend maybe?

Could pull a Krautscientist and make it into another Daemon Prince :lol:


The AoS Crypt Ghouls (?) have some nice sized wings that might be useful.

You're thinking of the Vargheists/Crypt Horrors/Crypt Flayers kit. The Crypt Ghouls are the little ones.

Haven’t done much summoning this edition, but skull cannons seem like a decent choice. 90 points (I forget PL) for decent shooting, and 2 can be summoned in a turn using the new Malefic power. A Bloodmaster is also a good choice. Cheap, extra boost in close combat if things look like they’ll turn south. Karanak as well, if you need to deny some witches.

Just like they perform for every other Chaos Space Marine army. Imo they're definetely fun to bring, but you're laying too many of your eggs into one basket. For all the devastating firepower it provides (it's awesome), you're losing all of it at once as soon as the enemy focuses his firepower. It's also heavily overpriced - I like to bring models that I enjoy the look of rather than what's really good for the most part, but I really felt how big of a points sink it was when I got to test one out. Stay away from it if you're planning a strong army, and even if not I would recommend not fielding one in a game that's smaller than 3k points.

I have not purchased Shadowspear yet so I didn't have the Daemonkin, unfortunately however I summoned a pack of Furies who did nothing and a Daemon Prince of Chaos whom slew a Grandmaster in Nemesis Dreadknight in melee after some shooting and then took my last objective to win the game.

I plan on using Bloodletters, Flamers, and Nurglings in the future.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sumoning the thread back from the warp for some advice.


Basically I am picking up a Shadowspear box to make Primaris Templars with and the Daemonkin have been burrowing into my mind and whispering their dark secrets to me.


So I'm looking at making Word Bearers out of them but need advice on where to go with them. I'm fond of their use of daemons (namley by using then as tools and shoving them into things/people) but I don't have a strong grasp of how to build around that.

I posted this list in the Daemons form for feedback, but this is what I'm planning for my upcoming Word Bearers project:




++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [49 PL, 4CP, 952pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Dark Disciples [1 PL, 10pts]: 2x Dark Disciple


Detachment CP [5CP]


Legion: Word Bearers


Specialist Detachment [-1CP]: Daemonkin Ritualists


+ HQ +


Dark Apostle [5 PL, 100pts]: Benediction of Darkness, No Chaos Mark


Master of Possession [5 PL, 98pts]: Cursed Earth, Force stave, Mutated Invigoration, No Chaos Mark


+ Troops +


Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark

. Cultist Champion: Autogun


Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, No Chaos Mark

. Cultist Champion: Autogun


Chaos Space Marines [8 PL, 174pts]: Mark of Slaanesh

. Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Power maul

. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun

. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Reaper chaincannon

. Marine w/ heavy weapon: Reaper chaincannon


+ Elites +


Greater Possessed [4 PL, 70pts]

. Greater Possessed: Mark of Nurgle


Possessed [10 PL, 200pts]: Mark of Nurgle, 10x Possessed


Possessed [10 PL, 200pts]: Mark of Nurgle, 10x Possessed


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Daemons) [41 PL, 635pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Chaos Allegiance: Tzeentch


Detachment CP [5CP]


+ HQ +


Changecaster [4 PL, 65pts]: Flickering Flames, Treason of Tzeentch


Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [9 PL, 180pts]: Diabolic Strength, Malefic talon, Warptime, Wings


+ Troops +


Horrors [12 PL, 180pts]: 5x Blue Horror, 5x Pair of Brimstone Horrors, 20x Pink Horror


Horrors [12 PL, 180pts]: 5x Blue Horror, 5x Pair of Brimstone Horrors, 20x Pink Horror


Horrors [4 PL, 30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Daemons) [22 PL, 412pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle


Detachment CP [5CP]


+ HQ +


Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]: Malefic talon, Miasma of Pestilence, Nurgle, Wings


Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts]: Virulent Blessing


+ Troops +


Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms


Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms


Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms


++ Total: [112 PL, 14CP, 1999pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe


To me it feels very thematic, but it does leave out the Obliterators and Venom Crawler from Shadowspear. Hope it helps!

It's definitely interesting, but I'm not really sure why you made some of the choice you did. How would you plan on deploying it? Particular combos worth noting?


I'm coming in blind so why I can look up the units, I don't know why choices were made.


I tried looking into Word Bearers tactica post Vigilus but I haven't really been able to find hide nor hair of how it's changed the game for the legion.

So I've been mucking around seeing if I could come up with something that's fun and possibly fluffy with the new rules and detachments (since I feel like three of the new detachments fit the Word Bearers almost perfectly):



++Cult of the Damned: Dark Apostles, Dark Disciples, Chaos Cultists++ -1CP
Dark Apostle 100
+Inferno Tome
Master of Possession 90
Chaos Cultist (x30)
+Autoguns (x27)
+Flamers (x3)
Chaos Space Marines (x10)
+Autocannon (x2)
+Icon of Vengence
+Champion: Chainsword
+Champion: Combi-bolter
Chaos Space Marines (x10)
+Autocannon (x2)
+Icon of Vengence
+Champion: Chainsword
+Champion: Combi-bolter
Dark Disciples (2)
++Daemonkin Ritualists: Dark Apostles, Dark Disciples, Masters of Possession, Possesed, and Greater Possesed++ -1CP
Master of Possession
+The Burning Rod (-1CP for extra Artefact)
Greater Possesed (x2)
Possesed (x10)
Possesed (x10)
++Soulforged Pack: Warpsmith and Daemon Engine++ -1CP
Lord Discordant on Helstalker
+Techno-virus Injector
Heavy Support
Venomcrawler 130
Venomcrawler 130
Obliterators (2) 230
Total: 1998
CP: 10-4= 6CP
Dark Apostle and Master of Possessions deploys with the Obliterators and uses the Cultists as a screen while they move to take the midboard. The Chaos Space Marines cap objectives and act as long range support for the Possessed who move in a wing with the other Master of Possessions and Greater Possessed. Lastly the Lord Discordant acts as a Distraction Carnifex with the two Venomcrawlers as the three of them can get in the opponent's face quickly, aren't too plussed about being shot at for Overwatch and do some damage while taking pressure off the rest of the army.
Power and Prayers are the only things I'm still mulling over at this time to be honest.

Benediction of Darkness and Warptime are your go to Prayer to The Dark Gods and Psychic Power of choice.

Master of Possession doesn't have access to Dark Hereticus for Warptime though.


For the Oblit support one I was thinking Cursed Earth and Infernal Power while the one with the relic I was thinking Mutated Invigoration and Possession.


For prayers I was looking at taking Warp-sight Plea and Benediction of Darkness.


Benediction of Darkness and Warptime are your go to Prayer to The Dark Gods and Psychic Power of choice.

Master of Possession doesn't have access to Dark Hereticus for Warptime though.


For the Oblit support one I was thinking Cursed Earth and Infernal Power while the one with the relic I was thinking Mutated Invigoration and Possession.


For prayers I was looking at taking Warp-sight Plea and Benediction of Darkness.


Actually you can use the Chaos Familiar (?) stratagem




Benediction of Darkness and Warptime are your go to Prayer to The Dark Gods and Psychic Power of choice.

Master of Possession doesn't have access to Dark Hereticus for Warptime though.


For the Oblit support one I was thinking Cursed Earth and Infernal Power while the one with the relic I was thinking Mutated Invigoration and Possession.


For prayers I was looking at taking Warp-sight Plea and Benediction of Darkness.

Actually you can use the Chaos Familiar (?) stratagem
I forgot.about that (obviously). Probably worth considering then. It'd likely be better with a single blob lf Possessed but that'd mean I'd need a third elite choice to make it all work.

Okay, here we go again:


++Cult of the Damned: Dark Apostles, Dark Disciples, Chaos Cultists++ -1CP


Dark Apostle 100

+Inferno Tome

+Prayers: Benediction of Darkness, Warp-sight plea

Total: 100


Master of Possession 90

+Force Stave 8

+Powers: Cursed Earth, Infernal Power, Smite

+Warlord: Reader of Fate

Total: 98



Chaos Cultist (x30) 150

+Autoguns (x30) 0

Total: 150


Chaos Space Marines (x10) 65

+Autocannon 10

+Icon of Vengence 5

+Champion: Chainsword 0

+Champion: Combi-bolter 2

Total: 80


Chaos Space Marines (x10) 65

+Autocannon 10

+Icon of Vengence 5

+Champion: Chainsword 0

+Champion: Combi-bolter 2

Total: 80


Chaos Space Marines (x10) 65

+Autocannon 10

+Icon of Vengence 5

+Champion: Chainsword 0

+Champion: Combi-bolter 2

Total: 80


Chaos Space Marines (x10) 65

+Autocannon 10

+Icon of Vengence 5

+Champion: Chainsword 0

+Champion: Combi-bolter 2

Total: 80



Dark Disciples (2) 10



++Daemonkin Ritualists: Dark Apostles, Dark Disciples, Masters of Possession, Possessed, and Greater Possessed -1CP


Master of Possession 90

+Force Stave 8

+Warptime (-1 CP for Chaos Familiar, replaces Smite or Possession depending on opponent)

+Powers: Mutated Invigoration, Possession, Smite

+Field Commander: Shepherd of the True Faith -1 CP

Total: 98



Greater Possessed 70

Greater Possessed 70


Possessed (x20) 400

+Icon of Wrath 10

Total: 410



++Soulforged Pack: Warpsmith and Daemon Engine++ -1CP


Lord Discordant on Helstalker 150

+Baleflamer 30

+Techno-virus Injector 0

+ Field Commander: Master of the Soul Forges -1CP

Total: 180


Heavy Support

Venomcrawler 130

Venomcrawler 130

Obliterators (2) 230


Total: 1996

CP: 10-5= 5CP


Deployment: Chaos Marines take objectives and provide rear support, Cultists screen Dark Apostle, Dark Disciples, Master of Possession Warlord and Obliterators to move up and to hold mid field objectives.


Lord Discordant takes one flank with the Daemon Engines while the other flank is taken by the Possessed Horde and their supporting units.

  • 3 weeks later...

Brothers, I have a question for a match against the hated Ultramarines in a few days.


Simply put, I'm bringing all sorts of forces, but for the first time I'm putting aside some reinforcement points for Daemons. At most I'll be able to summon some Seekers of Slaanesh (5 of them with full upgrades) and either the Masque, 10 Bloodletters or 10 Plaguebearers.


Issue is that my Batallion army has two Characters, a Dark Apostle (with all the trimmings - relic, illusion prayer, WB WLT, etc) and a Terminator Lord (Teleporting in with his retinue of Combi-Plasma+Power Axe Terminators). The problem I have is I'm not sure what I should do about summoning. I have a rather substantial fast portion of the army too - Melta Bikers, Chaos Spawn, Defiler, Deep Striking Warp Talons and Termis, as well as the aforementioned Daemons, but what would be the better idea? Deep Strike the Mortals on turn 2, and summon the Daemons over the next two turns while the Plasma-nators unleash hell, or risk having the Dark Apostle fall behind on turn 2 to summon one of the Daemon units then to capitalize on the Warp Talons?


Also yes I plan to take pictures win or lose. 1.5k vs the local Ultramarines player. Who is bringing Guiliman.


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