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Perfection and Glory - Full Army Shot!


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The Sicaran's looking pretty dang good. I've been a fan of your color scheme for a while, it's very distinctive for a Sons of Horus force.


Side note: how are the Blood and Skulls tracks? I've heard mixed reports about the Rhino size ones, and was curious as to know your opinion.

Thanks mate, the Rhino tracks come in a bunch of different length pieces with no guide on how to make them fit, so on that front they are a little disappointing. In the end you need to glue two individual track pieces together to make a double length to fit the underside and the track lengths going into the hull need the massive link bolts to be shaved off otherwise they wont slide far enough in. I will throw a step by step up when I get around to doing the second Deimos if that would help.


The Sicaran's looking pretty dang good. I've been a fan of your color scheme for a while, it's very distinctive for a Sons of Horus force.


Side note: how are the Blood and Skulls tracks? I've heard mixed reports about the Rhino size ones, and was curious as to know your opinion.

Thanks mate, the Rhino tracks come in a bunch of different length pieces with no guide on how to make them fit, so on that front they are a little disappointing. In the end you need to glue two individual track pieces together to make a double length to fit the underside and the track lengths going into the hull need the massive link bolts to be shaved off otherwise they wont slide far enough in. I will throw a step by step up when I get around to doing the second Deimos if that would help.



Yeah, definitely, if you can. I've got 3 or 4 old Rhinos sitting around with no idea where the tracks are located, so I've been looking for an alternative to use. The B&S ones look really nice, so I'm hoping to get some of them, and any help would be much appreciated.

I went ahead and did the other set of tracks for the Rhino today in between doing the Sicaran transfers and sealer. The set comes with 1x8 links, 2x4 links, 2x3 links and 9x1 individual links per side. I tried a bunch of combinations and in the end settled with the 8 and one 4 link for the underside which you then need to add 2 individual links (I glued those together to make a 2 link piece), both ends need a 3 link piece for the angle sections with a single link to cap the ends. Then both ends going up under the hull need two more individual links glued together with some cutting and shaving involved to get the pieces to slide up without hitting anything. Its a little more tedious then the standard plastic tracks but I think they look 100% better and give a more "Heresy" vibe while also fitting in with the style of the other tanks like the Sicaran.

The pieces to start with:


First attach the 8 link long piece to the underside, the last pair of teeth should sit over the center lug of the track wheels:


Now attach one 4 link long piece:


Clean off two single link pieces:


Now glue those two pieces together making sure to keep them straight:


Attach the double link you just made to the end of the underside:


Now attach one 3 link long piece to the rear 45* angle:


One single link is needed to cap off the end:


Again, glue two single links together to make a double:


In order for it to fit under the hull you will need to cut off the open end just above the tooth:


And the complete rear once glued:


Now attach the other 3 link long piece to the front 45* angle:


Another single link to cap off the front:


Make another double link and cut off the open end with the large track bolt so that it can fit under the hull:


And the finished front end:


Which leaves us with two single links and two 4 link long pieces to use as spare tracks or, in my case, to throw in my basing bitz box:


And the almost complete Deimos Predator, the Liberator tracks really set it off and anchor it, in my mind, as a Heresy era tank.


Sorry its a bit long, I tried making it all 'spoilered' but couldn't get that to work. Either way I hope it helps!

Two Deimos Predator Executioners ready for battle! (Well ready for paint at least...)


Very happy with the gaps between the resin sides and plastic hull being completely filled in. Apart from one rear section on one tank, the rest held up beautifully. A small repair after priming and they are 100% ready to paint. Also my first time using magnets, so in the future I will get the Heavy Conversion Beamer sorted out too.

  • 4 weeks later...

Its been a small while but I have work to show!

The two Deimos Executioners are near finished, just need matte clear and the plasma and lenses to be done.

Before and after oil wash cleanup...



And the start of The Warmaster's Equerry



Just trying to work out how best to do his Eye of Horus banner...

Thanks for looking!

I agree, black armour for Malgohurst. He would probably be considered First Company, albeit most likely detached from the actual Chain of Command, thus commanding as much power as Abaddon without being the First Captain. He also makes Reavers Troops when you take him as an HQ, so I'd use that as inspiration too.

Loving Maloghurst! He was a character I was intrigued by in the early HH books and you've done him justice

Thanks a lot mate!

Looking good, I'd go for black armour.

Thanks, I am still umming and ahhing over the colours for him.

I agree, black armour for Malgohurst. He would probably be considered First Company, albeit most likely detached from the actual Chain of Command, thus commanding as much power as Abaddon without being the First Captain. He also makes Reavers Troops when you take him as an HQ, so I'd use that as inspiration too.

Im not so sure on his placement within the Legions command. As far as i have read, he seems to be outside of the structure acting as the Warmaster's Equerry and also playing a significant role in the Lodges. The other thing that shouldn't be confused is that not all Reavers were black, either way i am leaning towards a pre-Heresy Maloghurst at the moment. Hopefully Forgeworld will do a proper model for him with the Chaos Star and Eye of Horus banner in the future. Thanks for your input smile.png


Spent some time on Mals banner this morning, just added skulls and chain really. Now i just need to get hold of a Chaos Marine or Khorne Beserker backpack to finish him off! I've also put together 10 Veterans with Combi-meltas to split into the two squads I will be running and then made another Sergeant with Powerfist to lead the second squad.



Here is the list I am working towards right now. Just waiting on the Command Rhino to arrive and then I can sit down and smash out the three remaining tanks.

++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (2505pts) ++

+ HQ (370pts) +

Damocles Command Rhino (110pts) [Hunter-killer Missile]

Legion Centurion (120pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field]

Consul [Master of Signal]

Maloghurst the Twisted (140pts)

Master of the Legion [Armoured Spearhead]

+ Troops (910pts) +

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (455pts) [5x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]

Legion Land Raider Proteus [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Twin-linked Lascannon]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (455pts) [5x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]

Legion Land Raider Proteus [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Twin-linked Lascannon]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

+ Heavy Support (795pts) +

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]

Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (360pts)

Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (215pts) [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Traitor, XVI: Sons of Horus]

+ Lord of War (430pts) +

Questoris Knight Styrix (430pts) [Hekaton Siege Claw with twin-linked Rad Cleanser]

Created with BattleScribe

Thanks for looking!

Just finished up pinning the Combi Vets to their bases and got a little too excited, ending up pulling out all the other models for my tournie list. I was a little worried it wouldn't be much to put on the table but after seeing it all layed out I think it will do alright. Missing from the photo is the Styrix, two Proteus Landraiders which will be built after the Vets and the Damocles.


A little late to the party, but loving Maloghurst! The Dreygur model really lends itself to him. Great work on the subtle alterations, it actually looks like an official model!!


I like the idea of black armour, but could you work in the SOH green on the pauldrons? Or maybe green with black pads.

A little late to the party, but loving Maloghurst! The Dreygur model really lends itself to him. Great work on the subtle alterations, it actually looks like an official model!!

I like the idea of black armour, but could you work in the SOH green on the pauldrons? Or maybe green with black pads.

Thanks man! I am definetly leaning on the green and black accents scheme at the moment.

Today I based the remaining infantry and primered them, I also finished off the Deimos Executioners except for the track mud which will wait until I do the other tanks later on.



Thanks for looking!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks fellas!

The project is moving along, I have the infantry and Maloghurst airbrushed and the black details picked out. I then got on to the first Proteus, I had a feeling it might have some joint issues....which it does. Big, big gaps...all easily fixable though.


And I pulled out the big boy for the Tale of 20 Hobbyists start for October, he just needs some chains and possibly a trophy belt with facemasks of fallen Knights.


Thanks for looking

  • 2 weeks later...

Making good progress, I expect to have the first Proteus sealed by tonight and the second Proteus has just had the hull and sides glued. Maloghurst and the Veterans are currently getting the bases painted and then I will pull all my infantry out and apply weathering powders to finish. Good times! I also won the raffle for our last Escalation League game which was a Rhino/Razorback tank, so I need to find a use for it. I am thinking at the moment of building it as normal, making a mold of it and then using the cast from the mold to make ruined terrain Rhinos etc, that way I can give a little bit back to the gaming group that has taken me in...who knows, we will see.



Thanks for looking!


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