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Perfection and Glory - Full Army Shot!


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Thanks mate, I did find the actual font FW uses but it's a trademarked style that you have to buy the licence of to use...so I went with the next closest the program had. .


What is the font that Forgeworld uses, out of curiosity?

Celestia Antique Std, I couldn't quite remember it before but finally got it

Working ever closer to completion, Proteus I is almost complete...just needs sponson guns and dozer blade to finish. Proteus II is assembled and basecoated/highlighted and so is the Damocles. Another week or two and I should be finished up for the tournament and can then focus on the House Ærthegn Knights, which I am really looking forward to!



I was considering doing some black striping on the Rhino...either on the rear hatch or on both sides...suggestions?

I was looking at doing that or the SoH Predator example from the Forgeworld books, but the stripes are oddly placed. They either go across the exhaust stacks or they are squeezed in the ends of the side panels. When I get home from work I will be doing it, just too many options at the moment to choose from...

Had some spare time this week in the evenings so I got the basecoating done on the Lancer, now he just needs weathering and oils followed by the little details and the base...will most likely get his armour panels and shield prepped and primered by the end of the weekend.


Back on to the tanks this weekend! Both are at the oil painting stage, I ended up going with a simple vertical stripe on the doors with the Eye of Horus symbol sitting across the black and green which I think looks pretty cool. I ordered a Falchion and a pair of Vindicators the other day so I will probably plan a bit better and do some diagonal striping on them. Only three more weeks until my (first) tournament so I plan on finishing up my prep work this weekend, by the end of the week at the latest...and then it is head first into House Ærthegn!



The Armoured Spearhead is almost complete, just need to paint the lenses on the two Protei and the Damocles and then do the mud on the tracks of those plus the two Predators! Feels good!





I am considering using some red oxide powders to possibly add some rust to the tanks, might test it out on some scrap bits first so I don't go ruining my newly completed models...

Bit of a double post, but I couldn't help getting out the 2.5k Armoured Spearhead and setting them up! I was a little worried that the army would be too small but it is actually quite intimidating...








All that's left to do is mud the tank tracks, finish the bases/black edges, make Hunter-killer missiles for the tanks and hopefully the Vindicators arrive asap so I can make a couple of dozer blades for the Predators.

Thanks for looking!

Awesome stuff mate! That Falchion and Armoured Spearhead really needs to find its way into the To20H! Still think you need a few more black stripes over those tanks!! happy.png

Have you tried out the dust/oxide effects? Use some Mars Pattern sides to practice on!! If you need weathering tips, shoot me a PM!!

Awesome stuff mate! That Falchion and Armoured Spearhead really needs to find its way into the To20H! Still think you need a few more black stripes over those tanks!! happy.png

Have you tried out the dust/oxide effects? Use some Mars Pattern sides to practice on!! If you need weathering tips, shoot me a PM!!

Thanks LCE, it's a shame that these guys were almost finished before the To20H was even announced, that's why I vowed my Knights instead. Thanks for the offer mate, I'll be playing around with some powders soonish for the tanks, I already did the infantry so it's just a matter of scaling the technique up.

Thanks fellas, no point only having just one hobby :)

I am in between making HKM molds and I have two pieces to pick from, one is the massive missile/rocket that comes with the Ironclad MkIV Dread which is quite simply, a massive rocket but looks a little silly on tanks or two, the smaller Frag assault launcher from the same kit that has 2 smaller 'krak missile' sized rockets in it which looks a lot more compact. I intend to arm all the tanks with the same style, so I would like peoples opinions, would having a smaller 2 Krak missile launcher be appropriate to represent a HKM?

The red circle is the standard kit HKM and the blue circle is the Frag Assault launcher I am thinking of using.

Thanks for reading!

You know, I always thought the big missile was rather ... goofy. I mean, I get it: "Hunter-Killer Missile" has a nice ring to it. But in the game it's just a Krak Missile. wacko.png

If I had to make a choice, I would pick the blue pill and be blissful in ignorance.

(See what I did there?)

I couldn't agree more on the goofiness, nice reference too Race Bannon


What I might do is drill out one of the missiles on the frag launcher and then add a lense with gs so it looks like it has some sort of advanced tracking system

I personally like the frag assault launchers' look better than the missiles'.


Maybe seeing a completely built ironclad with the frag launchers can help?


Forge World Mk IV Ironclad, converted so the heavy flamers are slung under each arm, because I thought it would be cooler!








I went for the Assault Drill because I like the look of it but also so it can 'count as' a Seismic Hammer or Chainfist depending what I decide.


Played a game last night using the 2.5k Armoured Spearhead list I will be using at the tournament against my mates Cybernetica list, very close match of Blood Feud with Clash of the Line deployment with me losing at 11-12 VPs. As you do when in the thick of it, I forgot to take any pictures after deployment...



  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so last Sunday I took part in my first tournament. It was good fun, met some fun guys and saw some awesome armies. Out of the 18 players FOUR were Sons of Horus which was good to see, everyone had a different theme to their armies and not a single one was the same green biggrin.png. We played three games over the day with winners going to Best Traitor, Best Loyalist, Best Judged and Player's Pick, sadly I didn't get any and I have a really good idea of what I need to do to bump my army up to a better standard, but I did get 3rd overall so that's not so bad.

Here is my display during the lunchbreak, I will definitely need to work on a display board as that was the deciding factor for the winner:


Game one saw me facing a Loyalist Thousand Sons all infantry army, sadly it wasn't a very long game and I felt pretty bad for my opponent. It was a total annihilation with me only losing one hull point on a Proteus and 3 Volkite Support guys...this is my sort of "go to" deployment:


And the red horde, it was something like 110 marines:


Game two saw me playing against Salamanders, and boy did I learn a thing or two. Firedrakes, indestructible. Pyroclasts, eat infantry and can kill tanks. It was a very fun game, the Firedrakes caught my Knight on the right flank and bashed him to death with their Hammers while the rest of my force swept up the left flank and shot everything to pieces, notably Immobilizing his Vindicator in turn one...facing the wrong way!

I think this is called a denied flank, it definitely suits my play style as I box in my weaker tanks with terrain and Landraiders before spreading them out and opening fire the next turn:


Third game was a total loss for me, I didn't get any pictures because it was a weird custom mission where only my HQ started in the center of the board while both armies came in reserve...it was my game to lose really. The Ultramarines whole army bar one Contemptor came on turn two whilst my whole army bar one Deredeo stayed in Reserve until turn three. It was piecemeal annihilation! Still, I played a fun player and he still made the game entertaining.

As we finished quite early, I set up the Sons for some terrain pictures.


And the main man, only taking one wound over the course of the day and claiming two objectives from three games!


So, having learnt a good deal about my meta I can confidently say that my army was well balanced and not an auto-win list. With that being said, I have already made some changes that I will get on to for next April's tournament. The Deredeo, while a great unit that did a lot for me, is being dropped to make room for a pair of Vindicators since I was lacking in the anti-infantry/large blast department. I will also be dropping the Styrix for a Falchion for some heavy hitting Anti-armour and the Tactical Support squad are also being left at home because they weren't really pivotal to any of my games. That will also bump up my tank count to NINE, which will look suitably impressive....I just need to make sure I can fit them on a 4'x4' display board...

The list:

+++ Mal Armoured Spearhead w/ Falchion (2500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++

+ HQ (240pts) +

Damocles Command Rhino (100pts)

Maloghurst the Twisted (140pts)

Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

Master of the Legion [Armoured Spearhead]

+ Troops (850pts) +

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (425pts) [2x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]

Legion Land Raider Proteus [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Twin-linked Lascannon]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (425pts) [2x Combi-weapon, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen]

Legion Land Raider Proteus [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Twin-linked Lascannon]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legiones Astartes [Legion Specific Rules]

+ Heavy Support (835pts) +

Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (360pts)

Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

Legion Predator Tank [Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (215pts) [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile, Lascannons]

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (260pts)

Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile]

Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade, Hunter-killer Missile]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Traitor, XVI: Sons of Horus]

+ Lord of War (575pts) +

Legion Falchion Super-heavy Tank Destroyer (575pts) [space Marine Legion Crew]

Twin-linked Volcano Cannon [Neutron Wave Capacitor]

Created with BattleScribe

Oh, and all the XVIth Legion of the day with the medals the Traitor team won!



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