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Death to the False Emperor!: A XVIth Legion thread.


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"Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away..."

Welcome fellow brothers of Chaos! *fires bolter into the air*

I present you with my humble attempt to track the progress on my slowly building Black Legion army. I've been a HUGE follower of the path of Chaos since I first entered this hobby back in 1997. I even still have my 3rd edition Chaos Space Marine Codex (still absolutely love that cover). So my collection is quite large and one day I decided it was about time to get my Chaos army back on the table regardless of edition changes and the meta of my play area. I just love Chaos and I want to bring that love into the hobby and I want to get playing again.

So I present to you a few finished pieces before the WIP.

First is my Nurgle Daemon Prince.

I just finished him today and I have had him since the Medusa V campaign over 8 years ago (he sat assembled but unpainted)




He's technically armed with a Black Mace/ Black Sword tongue.png

Then we have another Daemon Prince but this time alligned to Tzeentch!

I may just end up using him as a naked DP in case a Champion wins a challenge and I roll hot!



Now we have some Troops!

A standard squad of Black Legion Chaos Space Marines with bolters and a flamer.


A close up of the old school pewter flamer mini.

Love this guy so much!


A melta gunner.




The 10 man squad so far with Sorcerer!


The Helbrute


So thats everything Im working on at the moment. I still have another 10 man squad of Marines, 20 Cultists and some vehicles somewhere. Hope you all like them so far. More pics and maybe even some background to the force soon!


Thanks candleshoes! Really glad you like what I've done so far.

Your work has been very inspiring over the years and I'm really happy that you like what I've done.

Small update!

Here is my Sorcerer that I finished. Again keeping to the red throughout the army.



And I just finished painting the Tzeentch Daemon Princes base!


Next up on the painting block is the first 10 man Chaos Space Marine squad with Flamer and Meltagun. I'm also in the midst of basing the first 20 Cultists. I also plan on painting up a DIY Khârn the Betrayer and his squad of Khorne Berzerkers. Till next time!


Congratz on taking the Black devil.gif Nice start, what yellow did you use for the shoulder pauldrons? I ask because I haven't decided what shade to use yet and that looks well against the black. How well does it take when applied? I ask because yellow is right pain over dark colours, and with painting so many I want to make it easy as possible ;)

Both Daemon Princes are very well done thumbsup.gif

Congratz on taking the Black :devil: Nice start, what yellow did you use for the shoulder pauldrons? I ask because I haven't decided what shade to use yet and that looks well against the black. How well does it take when applied? I ask because yellow is right pain over dark colours, and with painting so many I want to make it easy as possible ;)


Both Daemon Princes are very well done :tu:

Thanks MidnightRunner! Glad you like them!

If you want a simple and quick way to paint yellow I have the answer for you. Basically I painted the symbol first with Pallid Wych Flesh. Once it was dry I simply washed it with Lementers Yellow. All you have to do is touch up some spots with the black and your done. Super simple.


First things first... Apparently after finishing my Nurgle Daemon Prince, Papa Nurgle decided to gift me with a virus. I basically had gotten a staph infection. So with work and then this I hadn't had much time to get painting but I finally managed to finish the first Marine squad!

Chaos Space Marine squad 1 with Sorcerer


The Aspiring Chump!



Mutant Marine


Banner Bearer


So up next is the start of another 10 man Chaos Space Marine squad and then maybe just maybe I'll start working on my Cultists....

Hope you all enjoy everything so far!

C&C always welcome.



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