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  1. Howdy Guys and Girls! Edit - Summer 2018: This is my all-around thread for my work. Fun mix of everything, from 30k to Specialist Games! Currently focusing mostly on Necromunda, Kill Team and Adeptus Titanicus! Edit: Added an Index for the finished content: NECROMUNDA: House Escher: The Raven Queens House Cawdor: Sons of Heylel House Helmawr: Palanite Enforcers Genestealer Cult: New-Trysst Mine Freedomfighters Cults of Chaos: Gellerpox Infected Bounty Hunters: Belladonna, Noble Bounty Huntress THE 13th BLACK CRUSADE: Black Legion: Abaddon the Despoiler Chaos Terminators Chaos Havocs Chaos Obliterators THE HORUS HERESY: Adeptus Titanicus: The Legio Titanica - the God-Engines of the Imperium of Mankind Legio Gryphonicus; the War Griffons: Iron Regent, Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Solaria; the Imperial Hunters: Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Legio Mortis; the Death's Heads: Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Mars-Alpha pattern Warlord Battle Titan, Lucius-Alpha pattern Reaver Battle Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern Warhound Scout Titan, Mars pattern The Knightly Houses - Banners of proud Scions House Vyronii; Scions of Damaetus III/II: Cerastus Banner 'Demeter' House Coldshroud; Scions of the Gryphone Octad: Support Banner 'Teabeanie': Questoris Knight Gallant Questoris Knight Errant Questoris Knight Paladin Scenery: Civitas District Warzone Gamma Civitas District Warzone Ultima Age of Darkness: Death Guard: Nurgle: Mortarion, Daemonprimarch of Nurgle Typhus Lord of Contagion Plaguecaster Plague Surgeon Biologus Putrifier Noxious Blightbringer Tallyman Twisted Lord, Gellerpox Infected Leader Plague Marines Foetid Bloat-Drone Foul Blightspawn Vox-Shamblers Sludge Grubs Eyestinger Swarms Cursemites Glitchlings Dreadnought with twin linked heavy bolter Plague Thallax Cohort Pre-Heresy: Mortarion the Reaper Calas Typhon Moritat Prime Tariq Vralgor Siegemaster Durak Rask Deathshroud Terminators Legion Terminator squad Grave Warden Terminators Destroyer squad Contemptor Dreadnought Castraferrum Dreadnought Medusa Siege Tank Vindicator Siege Tank Hunter Alpha AA Tank Land Raider Achilles Alpha Land Raider Phobos Fellblade Super Heavy Tank Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter Salamanders: 1st Captain Artellus Numeon Firedrake Terminators Pyroclasts Contemptor Dreadnought Deredeo Dreadnought Alpha Legion: Hekatos Delphat, Chief Librarian Sons of Horus: Arkathas Ythedon, Consul-Delegatus of the 1st Company, Commander of the Ikon Raven Guard: Shade Lord Arkhas Fal, former Legion Master Word Bearers: Lorgar Kor Phaeron Erebus Kurtha Sedd Zardu Layak Tactical Squad Tactical Support Squad Breacher Siege Squad Ashen Circle Gal Vorbak Anakatis Kul Blade-Slaves Contemptor Dreadnought Mhara Gal Dreadnought, former Contemptor Anaziel, Mahra Gal Dreadnought, former Castra-Ferrum Ushknub, Davinite Lodge Priest Traitor Militia Grenadiers World Eaters: Angron, the Red Angel Thousand Sons: Consul-Praevian Ardashir Agents of the Imperium: Navigator Clad Eversor Nihilator Daemons of Chaos: Khorne: Valkia the Bloody, Daemonprincess of Khorne An'ggrath the Unbound, Guardian of the Skullthrone, Greater Bloodthirster of the first rank U'zhul, the Skulltaker The Bloodreaver, Herald of Khorne Bloodletters Bloodcrushers Skullcannon Greater Brass Scorpion Slaanesh: Zarakynel, Daemonqueen of Slaanesh Nurgle: Epidemius, Herald of Nurgle Plaguebearers Tzeentch The Changeling The Loyal Mechanicum: The Legio Astorum: Liktor Rex, Lucius pattern Warhound Scout-Titan The Dark Mechanicum: The Archmandriture: Archmagos Draykavac The Legio Fureans: Princeps Thorash Ganesa The Knight House Makabius: Dame Vespasia, Knight Paladin The Macrotechnia: Legio Titanicus Tech-priest Enginseer Majoris c&c are welcome =) xoxo Atia
  2. Hey all! Welcome to my shiny new thread. Some of you will know me from my 30k Iron Warriors and Dornian Heresy White Scars threads that I’ve had up here over the years, among other things. In the last year I’ve moved across the country and, unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of room to bring those projects with me! A crying shame, I know. However, that has left me with a clean slate to start a new force! No more half-finished projects staring at me, begging to be completed. At least not for a while. So, I’ve decided to go ahead with an army I’ve wanted to put together for years - the better part of a decade, actually. Black Legion! Some of you may faintly recall my Fifteen Fangs warband, which I built way back in 2018, when Kill Team first came out. That was my first foray into CSM, but, after finishing the conversions, the project never went anywhere. Until now! When visiting home a couple months back the models caught my eye and I got inspired to take them and expand them into a full Black Legion force. But more on that later. Today my offering is the one and only, the unmistakeable, Warmaster of Chaos: Abaddon, the Despoiler. Abaddon has been my favourite character in the setting for a long while now - ever since I first got my teenage mitts on ADB’s Talon of Horus, an experience I’m sure a lot of you can agree with. Needless to say - other characters from the book will be cropping up here and there in this thread. Over the last few weeks I’ve chipped away at the big guy, and finally finished him up today! He was an absolute blast to paint, and a really excellent model all around. A few notes about creative decisions: • I decided I wanted that infamous red underglow, and it was the first part of the model I’d say was in anyway completed. Looking at it reminded me of the iconic Horus V the Emperor painting, so I decided to paint that fallen marine on the base as a Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard - with an mind towards making the broken wing statue on the base appear as though it was the wing from said Sanguinary Guard’s jump-pack. I wanted Abaddon, clad in black and gold terminator armour, wielding his father’s talon, and stood over a winged, golden-armoured warrior to look the spitting image of his own father - a sort of meta life-imitates-art take, with an ironic twist in that Abaddon probably would hate to know how similar he appears to Horus in this moment I have captured him in. • Left the cape off - I wanted that classic Abaddon silhouette that alluded to his old mini. Cool as the cape looks, it doesn’t feel like Abaddon to me. Plus it obscures some cool details to be found on the back! • Trophy rack - I had so much fun painting up some of my friend’s armies as trophies mounted on Abaddon’s spike rack. We have an Ultramarines lieutenant as played by my friend James, and my friend Raj’s green-and-black Tyranids. I’ve purposefully left the left-most skull (which has Space Marine Bionics attached to it) partially unpainted, so I can add another space marine faction if desired. Coming up - I’ve got plans for a terminator retinue for Abaddon, with a member representing each of the chaos gods. I also have a squad of possessed, and the aforementioned Fifteen fangs kill team, which I will re-photograph to be added to this thread later on. And that’s all for today folks! Cheers for reading, stick around if you wanna see more! If you want more frequent updates, my Instagram, @jallens40k, gets WIP photos as often as I work on my minis. Laters!
  3. Hello, I'm starting a WIP Night Lords blog to track my hobbying. Here is my first completed batch of 6 cultists (I'm saving my higher points units for the ETL). I learned how to paint the chaos sigil on the cultist's back from Insane Pschopath's excellent Iron Warriors' 5th Company blog. Here is my WIP next batch of cultists: I used my cultists for the first time this week. They managed to tie up a space wolves dreadnought and a unit of Thunder wolves for 2 turns (and even killed one thunder wolf). Here are some photos of my cultists in the game. Here's are some shots of a couple of chaos rhinos I finished up this winter I hope you enjoyed the photos.
  4. I needed a break from Scions and with the announcement of more Primaris coming down the pipe I figured I'd hold off on painting more power armour. I wanted something I could finish quickly because I don't want to get bogged down. A 1-2 day palette cleanser as it were. I've had some Nurgle kits about since Dark Imperium came out as I thought it might be fun to supplement the Death Guard in there. This has to be the most satisfying unit I've painted in such a swift time. I assembled it and primed it yesterday and got the unit painted up today. No portions required more than three steps to do and a lot of the smaller steps that aren't on all the models I managed to keep down to two steps. The details are crisp enough that it's pretty easy not to stray onto areas you don't want painted. White Primer Spray Gryph-Charger Grey Contrast Paint Athonian Camoshade wash Light Drybrush of Pallid Wych Flesh Those three steps take care of a huge portion of the model. Any sloppiness is easy to paint over or can be worked into blending up colours. Pallid Wych Flesh on the toe nails, horns, exposed bone, and teeth - The horns kind of get an edge highlight and kind of get a blend; I did it by eye. Corax White on the eyes Nuln Oil or Purple recess wash around tummy teeth. Mechrite Red on the tongues and guts (followed by Baal Red wash and Evil Sunz Red hightlight between other steps) Mechanicus Standard Grey on the swords Heavy Drybrush Administratum Grey http://i.imgur.com/tVynU8gm.jpg Only a single highlight step for the guts and that's not really an edge hightlight. Champion The head bundle was done by heavily diluting a light green paint and putting it on the heads and once it was dry hitting the entire bundle with Guilliaman Flesh contrast paint. Guts and Gut Nurgling Here's an example of the Mechrite Red - Baal Red Wash - Evil Sunz Highlight on the guts. The gut nurgling was Warpstone Green and a Thraka Green wash. I've definitely caught the bug - pun intended and wallowed in like a filthy nurgling - and I look forward to doing another unit after my next Scion unit.
  5. Khorne, Nurlge, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. You know them well, you know what they represent. They are the four most well known Gods of Chaos, warp entities bent on ruining everything, and corrupting the material galaxy with their daemons. But they surely aren't the only godly entities floating around in the warp. There are other gods that have appeared in Warhammer that could definitely be reconsidered, adapted, and expanded upon in the Grim Darkness of the future: Renegade Chaos Gods. The other chaos gods who hate the main ones. And so this is to give them their time in the limelight for a change, and come up with some new lore for them. So here is my reinterpretation of the three known renegade chaos gods. Malal - The Malicious Laconic Malal is a deity who represents anarchy, paranoia, renegation, hatred, phobia, prejudice, revenge, enmity, infighting, and other forms of malice and ill will. Champions of Khorne fight for the sake of fighting, wheras a champions of Malal will always have a very specific purpose in mind. Malal was once a Chaos God proper, but he would come into conflict with the other Chaos Gods, although whether it was out of their fear against him that they struck, or his fear of them that it was he, he would end up cast from their pantheon. And what did he do? He would form a new pantheon of his own. (Without blackjack and hookers, that's Slaanesh's thing.) And this pantheon was solely made to advertently cause harm to the rest of chaos. Avatars and Daemons Malal most often takes the form of a horrid, reptilian, draconic entity, wreathed in shadow. Around him, color ceases to exist, everything becomes black and white. His daemons often resemble smaller, weaker versions of his avatar, as they share many traits, like horns or scaly skin. I mean, hey, he's the god of malice, not the god of originality. Anyway, his daemons are particularly known for fighting with other daemons, but when no other daemons are around to fight, they'll attack mortals, and if no mortals are around, they'll turn on each other. That's the chiefest flaw in his domain. There's always an enemy, always something to turn against. Mortal Servants Malal is served by many a Chaos Cultist who realizes "Hey, maybe this isn't all it's cracked up to be." worshiping one of the main four, and wants out. And so even at the best of times, a Chaos Warband of Malal is disjointed and has poor internal chemistry, due to these varying origins. But they are all united against the rest of Chaos, so that keeps them mostly in check. At least one Chaos Space chapter, known as The Sons of Malice. This chapter acts almost as a Chaos version of the Grey Knights, in that it fights daemons and other chaotic threats. The colors of Malal are Black and White, with silver or iron metallics. Nehoco - The Dubious Laconic Nehoco is the god of doubt, of disbelief, of hypocrisy, and of the rejection of the supernatural entirely. He arose from much of humanity's blindness to the supernatural, and the growing power of Chaos and their incursions into the material world harms him. He is a paradoxical being through and through, antithetical to himself. Avatars and Daemons Nehoco appears most commonly as an elderly human man, with wrinkled skin, grey hair, and black voids where his eyes should be. His servant daemons are very rare, but when they do manifest, they are often take mundane forms, they might imitate Humans or Eldar, but they are still wholly demonic, merely disguised. He has no distinct color pattern to speak of. Mortal Servants Nehoco despises any mortal who knows of him, much less a mortal who worships him and tries to spread his name in any way. No, he refuses to have any mortal worshippers. All of humanity worships him by not worshiping him, by not worshiping Chaos at all. There are few exceptions to this rule, the only times he ever does call upon cultists or marines is when he feels he must eradicate knowledge of himself or another god located in the material realm, in which case, his color is a very boring grey. Zuvassin - The Malformed Laconic Zuvassin is the god of errors, mistakes, misfortune, failures, deformations and undoings. Zuvassin was an artificial creation, an attempt by Tzeentch to expand the powers of Chaos by generating a new Chaos god from the depths of the warp. But the experiment went wrong on a cosmic level, and inevitably so. Zuvassin is a mistake on every level, and one that suffers constantly as a result of his basic nature. And he wants revenge for that suffering. He works constantly to spread his corrupting influence wherever he can and to unravel everything the gods have planned. Avatars and Daemons Zuvassin's avatar is a misshaped mass, congealed into a barely cohesive form, much less a comprehensible one, which he shrouds under a heavy robe. His daemonic spawn only reflect a fraction of his misshapen corpus, masses of tentacles, teeth, wings and tongues, slimy puddles of primordial ooze, beings bent and malformed. They exude an aura of failure and misfortune around them wherever they go. Mortal Servants Zuvassin's mortal servants, the few who would devote themselves to such a pitiable entity, are cursed with his misfortune. They rarely succeed when attempting to form cults or warbands, they end up collapsing and devolving, becoming inherently flawed or unstable. Most successful servants of Zuvassin are inevitably used as kamikazes against other chaos cults, entering them and spreading his corrupting influence, only a scant few are truly given his blessing, such that they can last long enough to spread his will further, although they tend to look deformed or melty at minimum. His color is a sickly orange, sometimes with tinges of purple. Some Questions Answers, right off the bat: - Why no Hashut or Horned Rat? Species gods to a species not present in 40k, and they were never really renegade either. - Why no Ynnead, Tau'va, Gork, Mork? They are species gods who might work with each other if need be, but not with the main Chaos Gods or Renegades. - Why no C'Tan? They aren't Warp Gods, they are Material Gods, there's a big difference. - Why no Smiling God-Child? What is that kid even the god of? Mischievous glee? Who knows, maybe. - Why no GEoM? He's still kind of alive? And he would never work with these guys, for obvious reasons. Do you have any ideas below? Feel free to contribute however you see fit! (Even if it's telling me that my idea is lame, that's still contribution, lol)
  6. This Thread Covers all of my Chaos projects but is primarally for my Thousand Sons and Daemons with a few other bits as well that dont fit into my other Threads. Possessed Chaos Space Marines (Pages 1 - 4) Warp Talons (pages 4 - 5, incomplete) Khornate Renegade Knight (pages 5 - 12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Possessed Space Marines. So... a bit of background information on the project. I acquired a second hand unit of pre built, possessed chaos space marines for my Thousand Sons army. I was pretty happy to get them as my army has no standard marines in it and I could do with some close combat units to compliment my Rubricae. This was a few editions ago and Possessed weren't even that good, being over priced for what they could do. I don't really play competitively though and I like the idea of the concept of the units. That being said... they stayed in a small box for a very long time, years possibly... Recently I dug them back out while sorting my projects "to do" list and decided they needed attention. Looking at them all though, I thought they looked weird. Not in the good, "look how messed up these daemonic marines are" kind of way, but ... look how weirdly uniform these are. From what I've read, I feel like the rolling maelstrom of the warp is a limitless plane that does not abide by the laws of physics and contains boundless, unreal realms that are inhabited by an infinite varieties of warp entities that include the daemons we know and love. So why... do my possessed, not only have 2 arms, 2 legs, a head and body... but some have identical bladed weapons, heads, legs... and so on. We know the answer is that its cheaper and easier to just design enough parts to spread among the models and give the illusion of variety and freedom to design your possessed. This isn't good enough for me, at least not anymore. I want MY possessed to look like any one of a billion weird things has wormed its way into the marines body... with unpredictable results. My next idea was born of how I think my Thousand Sons would feel being possessed. That is, not great. I have read the Ahriman books though and in that daemons are summoned and imprisoned in the bodies... I think. If i'm mistaken, then never mind... its a cool idea right. My Thousand Sons fear the flesh change and those who actually have flesh to change are not keen on handing over a portion of their freedom to a warp entity. They want knowledge, and power... and tools to that let them get it. In order to imprison a daemon they need vessels, not necessarily willing ones... My possessed will be painted in the colours of other chapters and legions and I want the possessons themselves to be more varied than the kits allow. My first few picture are of complete models, before I even had intentions of having and account on Bolter, never mind posting my work in progress. After these pictures the amount of WIP pics I can provide increases. I hope you all enjoy them and I welcome any and all feedback, I'm trying to improve my painting, kit bashing and sculpting with these models. My efforts were a little more tentative at first and then get more adventurous as they progress... Here is the Imperial fist, I think this was the first model I modified. Very basic, I think his wibbly left arm came from some spawn spares and I cut down his horns to make his head look different from similar ones on the other possessed (specifically his friend the Ravenguard). I had started some of the conversions before deciding I would have marines from other legions and chapters. When I did decide, this guy holding his left "fist" in the air looked like a fun mockery of the symbol so it seemed and appropriate fit. His new name: "Spikey Fist" This is my 30k World Eater, I liked how this head from the spawn sprue looks kind of like a minotaur or something and with the charging pose of the body it seemed to fit nicely. Combined with the winged backpack, I felt like I had no option but to give him a tail. "Mini Thirster" This find fellow is a Ravenguard, and while i haven't specifically been converting converting these models to pervert their original profiles... cutting up a Possessed claw and grafting it onto his face seemed like a fun way for a daemon to make fun of his body. It was for a long time the only modification I made to the model... then i noticed he shared his right arm with another model. So I took the Forgeworld Cockatrice tail I had left over from another project and fitted that instead. Even though I doubt anyone else would notice, I like that this claw also has a bird-like connection. Say hello "Beaky". This fun guy is my 40k World Eater Berzerker. Another early conversion, I used a Berzerker helmet and used the top of it to replace the top of a possessed head that had kind of Predator mandibles. I like the little connection there that they are both things that hunt for the sake of killing. I gave him a chainsword I stole from a Black Templar that wont be needing it as much anymore, and since completing it Im told (by the owner of this colourscheme) that the Black Templars took the chained weapon idea FROM the World Eaters! so that came together nicely. Oh, this is also the first example of a missing backpack. The winged backpacks are obviously quite recognisable so I cut those off and was obviously down a few backpacks, come to think of it, more than losing those winged ones would suggest. given the amount of organic looking bits of this model it was a happy coincidence that when I thought about trying a carnifex thresher tail... it was almost the exact dementions of a space marine backpack. Rise sir... "Predzerker". This handsome chap is an Ultra Marine... all I really did here was cut out a quarter of his head and replace it with the eye and head tendrils of a pink horror head. The stance and sword make him look like a bit of a fencer... which reminds me of some of the stories i've heard about the emperors children. So I picked a daemonic colour i associated with daemonettes and their Slaaneshi connection. Thats all there really is to this guy, I guess the daemon was also making fun of the blandness of Ultramarines. I think I shall call him... "Ultra Bland" Ok, from here it gets a bit more interresting and includes WIP pics of some sort or another. I originally just popped a big Spawn eye in his belly while doing the other early efforts and thought "Eye of Magnus!", so he was destined to be a Thousand Son Sorcerer that went a bit wrong. However by the time I got back around to him I was getting a bit more confidence and thought he was a bit plain. ... so I sculpted 6 other eyes onto him. Around this time I'd started posting this stuff onto the Krakendoomcool Blog and also networking with other hobbyists on Twitter for the first time. I was running out of space marine armies belonging to my friends to use in my Possessed so I started asking about on Twitter if anyone wanted to "donate" one of their men to my cause. One really nice guy (@DrakePoldragon) offered up two different chapters, and I suggest two of my models including this one. I suggest this will be the Dark Angel, and based on the poor first photo I sent he thought he was wearing a hood so that he would be blind to the truth of his actions. I laughed at the idea he would ever be blind to anything anymore... but he had a point, Dark Angels love them some Hoods and Cloaks. So I had my first crack and Green Stuffing a cloak onto a model. It was a bit tricky because of the big spike coming out of his head and that his backpack was already glued on, but I just followed a tutorial and winged the rest of it from there. I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm not as happy with the paint job on the cloak as I am with the construction but I can always go back over it. I'm happy with how this guy turned out and he lookes pretty unique for a possessed which is what I was going for. I like to call this guy "Dark Eyengel" I hope thats ok for now, I will have more stuff to post semi regularly and the rest of my projects should have WIP pics now that the projects have caught up to the present point in time. As I said, please let me know what you think, I wont be offended and I'm eager to learn more. If you have any ideas of your own, feel free to suggest them, I bought a box of vanilla marines to fuel this project for a bit longer than I originally planned...
  7. Hey everyone, DiscipleOfTheWord here. A few years back I started my 9th host with a topic here in the B&C, but quickly gave up due to poor camera quality, and eventually drifted out of the hobby. But, with the release of 8th edition, I've decided to get back into it, and restart. Although I already have some Word Bearers models assembled and a small number painted, I'm going to repaint details on all of them at some point, so I'll post pictures of them once that is done. Once I've got a few units fully painted I will start making some fluff for the army, but at the moment all I have is the name of my Dark Apostle, the number of my host and a few other names here and there. Anyway, enough talking, I'll start with some pics of the few models I have painted (fully) at the moment. First Acolyte Sor Talgron: Helbrute: Possessed: Bloodletter: Marines: Malefic Lord: Cultist: Heldrake: And what's on my paint station at the moment: (You have no idea how long it took to paint that script) More photos soon. Please tell me what you think!
  8. I - An Introduction and an Invitation Greetings! I am Ezra. I have been lurking in the background of this website for a while now, though you may have seen a post or two of mine in the distant past. I’d like to return to blogging a little bit, and especially, to sharing fun and interesting conversion ideas with like-minded souls. I’ve tinkered on various projects over the years, but there’s one that’s been rather close to my heart, and that I’d like to share with you all here in this topic. But first, to set the scene… ++ Brigannion Four – The Well of Hunger ++ It is the 40th millennium. Brigannion Four, known amongst Navigators as the Well of Hunger, has stood inviolate for centuries. The Iron Warriors, siege masters beyond compare, hold the Warp-tainted world in an iron grip, repelling all invaders, both from within as from without, with cruel and merciless efficiency. However, they are not alone on this world. Others have managed to establish a foothold upon its surface, from where they strive to dislodge the Iron Warriors from their position of power and claim the planet for themselves. Amongst the warring factions stand the heirs of two other Legions of old. The Death Guard, the implacable servants of Nurgle, were the first to lay claim to the world after its initial capture by the Night Lords. They fought a short but brutal war against the sons of Curze, successfully driving them into the fortress’ underworld before falling prey themselves to the ambitions of the Iron Warriors. The survivors are still licking their festering wounds, biding their time until they can strike against their hated foe once again. The world’s strategic location near the Cadian Gate has also made it a prime target for Abaddon the Despoiler, the Warmaster of Chaos. The Black Legion has launched countless assaults upon the planet, but not even the full might of a Black Crusade could bring the defenders to heel. Though beaten and bloodied, the Warmaster’s own will not relent until their prize is firmly in their grasp. Over the millennia, numerous other Traitor Legions and Chapters have descended upon the Well of Hunger, seeking glory, plunder, or simply another chance to spill blood. Most of them perish, victims of their own greed and the Iron Warriors’ guns, but some of them survive, thriving in the darkest corners of the war-torn fortress-world. Most notable among these survivors are the Sons of Hate and the Brotherhood of Blood. The two Renegade Chapters arrived on the planet roughly at the same time following their exile from the Imperium. The two former Chapters have been locked in bitter conflict with one another and with the Traitor Legions ever since, making up for their lack in experience through malign ambition and insatiable bloodlust. The Brotherhood of Blood has recently subjugated a large portion of the mutant throngs trawling the wastes, bolstering their ranks considerably, whilst the Sons of Hate have been mercilessly raiding the supply lines of the Iron Warriors, slowly bleeding the strength from many of their strongholds. The fortress’ vast underworld is home to the shattered remnants of the defeated, who feed off whatever measly scraps they can find. To these scattered Astartes, the conquest of the massive fortress is but a half-remembered dream, lost in the endless quest for survival in a bottomless pit of darkness. The remnants of the Night Lords haunt these shadowed places, tormenting the lost souls that dwell there, forever seeking ways to regain the power they once had. It is the 40th millennium. On Brigannion Four, a shadow war rages without end, the promise of final victory leading thousands to their grisly death. These are the stories of those who fought and died on that accursed world, and of those who against all odds lived to tell the tale. ++ ++ Brigannion Four. Veterans may remember the world from that ancient and malign tome, the 4th edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Ever since I read its description, I’ve been strangely enamoured with it. To me, it is an interesting microcosm, a fun little sandbox to poke around in. I mean, what’s not to love about it? A daemonic fortress world, conquered and desecrated by the Night Lords, fought over by Legions, Renegades and daemons, fortified to a ludicrous degree by the Iron Warriors - in short, a true hellscape where Chaos rages against its own kind for no other reason or purpose than pure, undistilled spite and hatred. There’s a lot of potential here, and I intend to tap it as much as I can. Tap it how, I hear you wonder? Well, at first, I tried to do so by writing my own fluff for the conflict, with the idea of one day turning it into an expansion for Shadow War: Armageddon. While I never did get quite far with those writings, they did inspire me to convert a couple of Not-quite-True-Scale Black Legionnaires, and in the more recent past, to expand on those Legionnaires with other models, such as a Hellbrute, a Daemon Prince, etcetera. I’ve got a couple more conversions lined up, which I’m very eager to share with you all. The Black Legion marches on Brigannion Four, and all shall tremble before the Warmaster’s might! But I’d like to do more. Specifically, I’d like to invite you, dear readers, to join me in this hellpit of darkness and despa– I mean, lovely little sandbox. There are a lot of factions and ideas to explore on Brigannion Four, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. I hope that my own works, and the accompanying fluff, will inspire your own hobby projects – and if they do, that you share them with all of us! ++ ++ So what’s next? In the posts below this one, I’ll be posting my own finished and work-in-progress Black Legion models, as well as some of the fluff for the other warbands and Legions present on Brigannion Four. At the moment, I have some text ready for the Night Lords and the Death Guard, as well as a short blurb on the Obliterator cult that the Iron Warriors have an agreement with. I also have a few loose ideas regarding the Sons of Hate and the Brotherhood of Blood, which I’ll be posting later down the line as well. That’s it for now – let me know what you think!
  9. Lucio

    Pink Horrors 1

    From the album: Crimson Slaughter

  10. Lucio

    Screamers 1

    From the album: Crimson Slaughter

  11. The Ynnari storyline and the introduction of Vashtorr in the Lore changes everything The two most powerful civilizations during the most destructive war in this Grimdark Universe ALLIED TOGETHER just to fight Chaos 60 Million Years Ago. Neither unrivaled magic nor unrivaled technology alone could beat Chaos when they were much weaker back then (Gav Thrope might have spoiled how Neoth, Ollianius Pius and the others are going to beat Horus in the HH Finale. Thematically.) Seriously, where are these Uber Daemons present day!?! Not even the Emperor in his prime could take on a dozen of these Warp-monsters let alone BILLIONS! Imagine a Daemon capable of fighting an Eldar Psyker a hundred times more powerful than Eldrad and a Necron Phaeron that is slightly below the Silent King in power at the same time!!! Vashtorr is the only Daemon confirmed to be during or before the WiH. Be'lakor is implied to be from that time due to his rivalry with Vashtorr Ironically, modern Lore gives certain similarities to the C'tan and Chaos Gods (except the former is infinitely weaker tham the latter). Vashtorr and the Void Dragon both emphasize technology. The Nightbringer is physically affected by emotions. The WiH Daemons don't seem to be negatively affected by emotions and symbols
  12. From the album: Daemons

    Daemon conversions for all four ruinous powers

    © Mine

  13. General Warhammer question. Is it possible to build a legal mixed Chaos Power Daemon army for AoS, 40K and possibly HH? Okay, looks like that’s a no-no for AoS. I would either have to play just one faction at a time, or convert things to be similar enough in 40K to be Plaguebearers, while being…er…something else…in AoS. Without it being confusing. I’m not aiming for a competitive force, but I would want it to at least work on the table, if you see what I mean. Thank you.
  14. Quick question that I can't seem to find anywhere... Currently building a Word Bearers army so never played with them yet. If a summoned daemon unit is eliminated can I summon the same unit, later in the game, again and again provided I still have a Character in play? Thanks Alex
  15. Howdy y'all, I decided to start a small force of Chaos Daemons, picked up a few start collecting boxes (2 of Nurgle, 1 of Khorne) while those are still available, as well as a Beast of Nurgle and figured I'd start painting some stuff up before the Daemon codex comes out. Right now, I'm focusing on Nurgle and Khorne daemons kind of to pair at least thematically with the Death Guard and hopefully the upcoming World Eaters. One question I do have is for when making the larger blobs of Plaguebearers/Bloodletters, do you normally take a banner and instrument per 10, or just one throughout the squad? To start us off, I've just finished a Herald of Nurgle from one start collecting box, as well as the Beast of Nurgle that I picked up Some more images http://i.imgur.com/9kRy23f.jpg
  16. So I am working on the Liber Challenge for Daemon Warbands, and this is what I have so far. Notable Members of Warband True name:Ea’Kirffu’Uagz Other names:Alst’Amhirz, The Tip Tongue Daemon, The Misplaced Name, Thoughtcanker Herald of Nurgle, and Leader of the Thoughtstealer Plague Warband Thoughtcanker’s existence began with the fear of forgetfulness that is brought on during old age. In ancient times as Terran humans grew old and weak so did the fetid mushroom destined to become Thoughtcanker grow strong and filthy with the memories they lost. The final memories were often the sweetest, and those who lived despaired the most at their loss. So were Thoughtcanker and its eventual kin born. Thoughtcanker was bound to the despairs which lead to its creation, seeking ever more to steal the memories of mortal souls, yet always leaving behind the memories pointing to that whole so that they may know what they are truly missing. Only when their last memory remained, whether a childhood joy, or a cruel twist of fate, or even just their name, did Thoughtcanker offer them release from their cruel fate. Those who took its deal soon found themselves turned to Nurgle’s servants in turn, cruel sprites and faeries who even after Thoughtcanker returned their memories were none the happier. For in their new forms the memories no longer were theirs, but just those of some dead mortal who had forgotten all and was to be forgotten in turn. However, Thoughtcanker grew dissatisfied with merely taking those who fell to dementia and injury. So it soon began to offer bargains with mortals, the memory of a first kiss in return for the stamina to win a race, all the recognition of a best friend for a pile of gold, rule of a kingdom for a last name. With each deal mortals made, they had less to lose, but often no less to gain, as the gifts of daemons are fickle indeed. For with each part of their memory, these mortals gave up a bit of themselves, a portion of their very soul. Thoughtcanker was never gone for long, as the one memory it almost never took was the knowledge of how to summon it back. Mortals would bargain away their lives piece by piece, until nothing remained to them but a body without meaning or desires and their souls were forfeit to Thoughtcanker, destined to become servants of Nurgle when their emptied bodies finally expired. Woetide Bloodplague the Enslaved: once Bloodthirster of Khorne Woetide Bloodplague was once Woetide Bloodrend, one of Khorne’s Bloodthirsters. A being of rage and hate quite similar to Khorne’s other servants, Woetide did not fear any threat until dispatched from the mortal plane by a member of the Grey Knights on one particularly humiliating excursion into realspace. Unable to take out his rage on the mortal realm, Woetide grew bitter at his banishment. When Thoughtcanker offered to let Woetide lead his force against the mortal realms versus a servant of She Who Thirsts, Woetide leapt at the chance. When Thoughtcanker promised to prevent Woetide from any such debilitating harm as he had once received for a price, Woetide gladly paid it, one forgotten piece of name for each wound displaced. For a time Woetide grew great in strength, his new allies supporting greater and longer forays into the material realm with each assault. And each time he would be dispatched, the wound was transferred from Woetide to one of Thoughtcanker’s minions through powers Woetide found distasteful, but which he also quickly forgot under the harvest of bloodshed he reaped. The Battles of Holuster Hive raged and fifty five times did Woetide return from wounds which should have easily banished him, and fifty five times did the deals of Thoughtcanker work their powers as promised till all that Woetide remembered of his true name was the Hl of his first syllable. But when Woetide was struck well the fifty sixth time, he finally noticed what was wrong. Chains that had once bound his weapons to his arms now bound his will to that of Thoughtcanker. Where once bloodshed filled him with rage and glory, it now only served to lessen a bitter pain eating away at his insides. The battle over, returned to the Immaterium, Woetide found himself trapped in Nurgle’s garden, surrounded by cackling nurglings and craning up from the ground he was chained to at Thoughtcanker’s rare smile. Thoughtcanker spoke his name, but it was different than it once was, the pauses and breaks were all wrong, where it had been eight by seven it was now seven by eight. Where he had been Hle’Eshp’Pioppdeao he was now Hleeshp’Piop’Pde. Where he had been Bloodrend he was now Bloodplague. Now Woetide serves the Thoughtstealers, bound to Thoughtcanker and remade as a servant of Nurgle. Although he still bears much of the power he once did, the joyful glory of hatred is denied to him, and as such his bitterness grows, only binding him ever tighter to Thoughtcanker’s will and his cruel slavery. However, it appears that Khorne has not forgiven this theft of his power, and the Thoughtstealers have more than once heard the braying of fleshhounds whilst nearby his armies and domains. Warband Structure The Thoughtstealer Plague is organized under seven powerful daemons of Nurgle and their attendants and servants. Each herald preferably draws power from the loss of a specific type of memory: sensory, working, episodic, semantic, procedural, prospective, and spatial memory. First amongst them is working memory, Thoughtcanker itself, because that is the first memory loss noticed and feared as a sign of what losses are to come; the repeated failure “at the tip of the tongue” only signals further forgetfulness. The daemonic attendants of each herald take on forms suitable to the forms of the memories they steal, many often start as small creatures formed of but a single thought. These grow as more similar thoughts are stolen and added to them. Such beings often take on forms indicative of the memories they are created from, though onlookers will rarely be able to to describe or classify them.and instead will be overcome by a crippling feeling of presque vu. Each being, though it may be made by any of the seven Nurgle lords who rule the Thoughtstealer Plague, will find itself attracted to the retinue of that specific lord who identifies with the form of memory from which it was made. This means that the Plague grows in a haphazard way, and any particular lord and its retinue may be stronger than another in pure daemonic might at any given point. However, in general, each lord is responsible for controlling their own minions and for leading when their field of expertise is at the fore, with Thoughtcanker responsible for making sure everyone works together as smoothly as possible. Warband Origin Thoughtcanker was the first daemon borne to the Thoughtstealer Plague, but its long untended incubation in the Garden of Nurgle feeding on the sorrow of lost memories was not quite the same as that which spawned the remainder of the warband. At first Thoughtcanker found that feasting on the sorrow of memories, its favorite the mix of rage and bitter stubbornness when a thought was lost just at the tip of the tongue, was quite enough to satisfy. Yet as the timeless ages stretched, Thoughtcanker grew bored in its lonesome duties. Thoughtcanker wished to spread its influence, but had only limited reach as a single entity. It began to plant the memories it stole, organizing and codifying them in the process. In Thoughtcanker’s small plot in the vastness of Nurgle’s estate, six withered weeds took root, one for each form of memory save Thoughtcanker’s favorite, working memories. These plants grew in proportion to the sorrows and related emotions which fed them. The loss of emotional memories and personal anecdotes is often the most jarring and bitter of all lost memories and therefore the weed associated with episodic memory grew fastest and fattest on the loss of mortals. Its baleful fruit was the second daemon amongst the Thoughtstealer plague. Next came the loss of function found in procedural memory, each thought of “I used to know how to do this” feeding its greedy roots. Third came the aggravation of forgetting to remember, for it was so often in its occurrence and occasionally devastating, even if not quite so frequently as the first two. Now that they were four, the Thoughstealer Plague began to steal memory even more greedily and the remaining three members grew faster than ever before. Fourth sprouted the loss of spatial memory from the sorrow of being lost in once familiar places. Fifth came the loss of semantic memory as forgetfulness of general information took its frustrating toll even without direct emotional links to such information. Last came sensory memory, for its loss was so fleeting only the devastation of failed senses was left to feed it. When the seven lords of this host stood together, they understood, even through all their differences, the powers they might wield together, if only they had the numbers. Where once there was one daemon, now there were seven, where once there was one plot, now it was sevenfold grown. Memories became both harvest and seed, and the Thoughtstealer Plague continued to build. Warband Goals Primarily the Thoughtstealer Plague exists to feed upon the sorrow and despair of mortals, not unlike most of Nurgle’s servants. Generally, this is accomplished via the removal of various memories from mortals and in so doing reminding both that particular being and those around them of their own mortality. The more specific goals of the warband as a whole are usually decided by Thoughtcanker itself, although it often consults the lords of emotional memory and prospective memory in its plans so as to ensure collaboration from the former and gain insight from the latter. Each lord has its own preferences and peculiar desires which are a result of both its creation and its history not unlike many other daemons and as such these lords will direct their personal subsets of the Plague as they see fit. In particular importance are the designs of the lords of emotional and prospective memory, as both seek to usurp Thoughtcanker’s control. So far the fierce loyalty of the procedural memory daemons to Thoughtcanker have made any military conquest impossible, but any plans laid by the far subtler actions of the lord of prospection are yet to reach fulfillment, and may yet spell out a far different chapter in the warband’s history. The recent, as much as such a word has any meaning within the immaterium, acquisition of Woetide has prompted a whole new direction for the warband, as they turn their sights to the theft of memory from not just mortals but from rival hosts. Where such endeavors will lead, perhaps none can guess, and any who once knew have now likely forgotten. Warband Tactics Though Thoughtcanker prefers subtler actions, the Thoughtstealer Plague is not averse to war, often stealing memories from the foe as they fight. Enemies often find themselves forgetting how to load firearms or operate the heavy machines of war even as the fighting is thickest. The various functions of war of the Thoughtstealer Plague are roughly parceled out to those daemons whose nature are most suited to such tasks. Since the forms of the different subsets of daemons often vary wildly from each other, many enemies don’t realize the full unity of the Thoughtstealer Plague until it is far too late, a fact Thoughtcanker has often put to good use. The daemons formed of stolen sensory memories form the first group and are tasked with reconnaissance and the discovery of new targets for the Plague’s more militant attentions. Many of them consist of not much more than bitterness and half formed representations of the senses, and as such are uniquely skilled in such endeavors. The second group, daemons formed of semantic memories are walking catalogues. They keep track of the facts and figures of all the Thoughtstealer Plague’s enemies and allies and are responsible for integrating the data given to them by those daemons of the first group. In the third group are those daemons formed of episodic memory, who form the heavy hitting arm of the warband’s military might. The bloated forms of these large daemons are due to the vast sorrow caused by the loss of such emotionally strong memories. Horrifying flashbulb memories are often weaponized in great psychoreactive explosions that tear the heart out of the foe’s willingness to fight. Additionally, since these daemons are the most in tune with human emotions of all the Thoughtstealer Plague, their ranks include several more diplomatic heralds who are in charge of solidifying alliances with other daemonic warbands and with corrupting and turning mortals to Thoughtcanker’s cause. The fourth group of daemons is comprised of those who were formed of procedural memory, and contains some of the most efficient memory thieves from the ranks of the Thoughtstealer Plague. They form the main foot soldiers of the warband. They are also partially responsible for carrying out and helping to plan battlefield tactics, alongside those of the fifth group lead by Thoughtcanker. They are reliable troopers when circumstances are as planned, but have little initiative and will often fail if confronted with scenarios too far outside their experience. This is why the fifth group, lead by Thoughtcanker itself and created from working memories is so important. They are masters of coordinating the seven groups and are primarily responsible for strategy, taking on command roles throughout the warhost. Though they often present with limited foresight, their comprehension of the here and now is of vital importance in a warband otherwise dominated by daemons who focus primarily on the past or the future. The sixth group is formed of spatial memory daemons. These, often winged or long legged, creatures work tightly with the first and fifth groups and contain some of the warband’s strongest telepaths. They are responsible for intra-warhost communication and for keeping track of battlefield terrain developments. Swift and surefooted, they can often be found relaying messages between different heralds of the Thoughtstealer Plague when psychic communications are impossible or break down. They are also often employed alongside sensory daemons of the first group to track down and eliminate enemy scouts or act as scouts themselves. The seventh group of daemons is formed of prospective memories. These are the memories of remembering to remember and as such, these are the most forward thinking of the daemons of the Thoughtstealer Plague. They have a large role in determining long term strategy and developing sets of contingency plans for the occasions when circumstances turn against the Plague. Additionally, they have the largest quantity of psychic and sorcerous might in the warband and are frequently employed before battle to strip the enemy of preparation, with ammunition often going unloaded and war materiel unmaintenanced before the warband’s arrival. Notable Battles The Battles of Holuster Hive: Slaanesh cultists led by a sisterhood of three Slaaneshi heralds overthrow the government of the hive planet Holuster over six nights of bright noises and loud colours. Over the next several weeks, the cults grow in strength as their debaucheries expand across the hive blocks. Seeing the strength these excess fueled memories, Thoughtcanker decides to feed off of the efforts made by the Sisters Kaleidoscope. Additionally, it makes a pact with the Khornate host of Woetide Bloodrend in order to minimize damage to the Thoughstealer Plague itself and to test the new binding methods devised by the prospective memory daemons. The Thoughtstealer Plague, particularly the sensory memory daemons, feast upon the glut of vivid memories found in the Holuster cults and those who have been forced to witness such acts. As these cultists lost their memories the Sisters Kaleidoscope begin to lose control of their subjects, and with dwindling resources left to them, even war as a means of stimulation becomes more difficult. However, when Woetide’s host slams into the capital city of Holuster hive heading straight for the Sisters’ pleasure palace. War creating a brand new theatre for delicious experience the Sisters’ lead their forces in a meat grinder against Woetide’s blood spattered host. Meanwhile, the Thoughtstealer daemons continue to feast upon the memories of the Slaanesh cultists, weakening the Kaleidoscope forces. This farming of emotions invested by the powers of the Sisters continues for several weeks before becoming unsustainable. In the fighting, Woetide iss struck down and enslaved to Thoughtcanker’s will, but not before shattering the defences of Holuster’s capital. When the Thoughtstealer plague finally descends, glutted upon the powerful memories of the fighting forces, it easily wipes aside the remnants of both other armies and proceeds to suck the rest of the planet dry. The Fading of Nunivok: A fleet is sent to ascertain why Nunivok has stopped sending its imperial tithe abruptly, particularly since the civilized world had never even sent a reduced tithe at any point in recent records. Inquisitor Jarvis arrives to discover a planet filled with blank faced people milling about aimlessly. None of them can remember anything about what happened or about anything else for that matter; none even remember their own names. Jarvis removes from the planet in fear of a pox of some kind and has it biocleansed as a precaution while he and his retinue are examined for contamination. Jarvis reports that the planet had total population loss but that replacement colonists should be able to quickly bring the planet back to full functioning, as the infrastructure seems undamaged.
  17. Index Daemonica: The Antecruorian Daemonkin of Tivan Chaos is unstable. It fluctuates incessantly, its very flow counter to the rational mind, to order. As the domain, so are its denizens. Though the Chaos Gods are forever, they are not eternal. Though they have existed since time immemorial, they came into being well into their pre-existence. Once born, always existed. Though the daemons never truly die, their lives can be but the brief flickers of candlelight lost in the wind. These entities are forever changing, forever different, never uniform. The Antecruorian, the Born Unborn, are valuable examples of this reality. These daemonic creatures embodied certain aspects of Khorne since stripped, and perpetuated those aspects upon the galaxy. They were the blood-embrace, the first angels of death. They were the anger that raged quietly in the dark. It was they who lent killers their formidable charisma, who enticed and beguiled the innocent and the young to give the blood of life that their master so craved. To forsake the mundane life of virtue for an eternity of power and thirst. None encompassed the devil's blood-thirst like these monstrosities. Since before the beginnings of human history, these beasts, beautiful of form but terrible of spirit, plagued reality. Mankind was no stranger to their penetrating stare, the Antecruorian featuring in many legends, their nightmare following them from the darkness that surrounded their small fires to the empty black about their star. But the flows of the Warp change, and the waters of madness swelled with the pregnancy of a new god, born of the passions and addictions of an ancient race. Not all of its vast power was new, owned solely by this newborn deity. None either was borrowed, but drained or snatched whole, forever, from its equals. To be so diminished, to find oneself sharing the power of all between four where there was once only three, was not well received by the older gods. None raged at the birth of Slaanesh more ferociously than Khorne. For the birth of Slaanesh had erased, with sudden finality, one of his infernal Hosts, the Antecruorian. Once born, always existed. Slaanesh’s birth erased time and wrote it anew, giving this god an eternity of life before birth, just as it had done for those gods before Slaanesh, and as it will for those gods after Slaanesh. With time and existence making room for Slaanesh, the Antecruorian were erased from it. Time undone, atrocities, and afflictions visited upon the galaxy by the never-existed would fade away as a shattered timeline. Who could know what was lost, that which had never happened? Yet, not all was lost. Some memory of the Antecruorian remained, yet anchored by their daemon king, who by blood and ritual managed barely to survive the oncoming wave of unreality. Though known by many names of many tongues, the name given by the ancient Rumanii of Old Earth has remained with them past their nonexistence. Other names, distant legends, erased or subverted, become something else, such as the wamphyr, the strigoi. Perhaps it is because of their dark lord, protector of their gates, whose mortal name is long forgotten. When he rose to become Prince of the Antecruorians, he was known first as the Dracruor, the Blood Dragon. Some say he was the first Prince of this breed. Some say he was the last. Both true, both false, both irrelevant. In this now, he is the only. The Last Immortal, he has been seen across many other cultures of Old Earth, as well as other domains of humanity and beyond, and been known by as many names. When the shattered lands that once linked Nord and Sud Merica together were still enveloped with hot life, he was the War Serpent, Kukulkan. To the Lunar Chirurtechs, he was the Silent Scream. To the Eldarkin, before the rise of another would erase all memory, He Who Thirsts. Upon the distant colony of Moyscax, where he and his children reigned as Blood Gods in the outer night, where they would entomb themselves within protective earth from the galaxy-shattering cry of a new power, imprisoning their black souls within black stone, he was Tivan. For a thousand years, these blood gods survived on this world, Reigning supreme, but bound still. By replacing mortal hearts with these onyx coffins, Tivan and his children could possess and dominate. But never could they reach beyond, extend their infernal souls to be replenished in the winds of Chaos, for they yet remain anathema to its present design. To release themselves fully from their self-imprisonment in this time would be more than simple folly, it would unwrite their very existence from all of time. Only by being remade in the image of Khorne in the Blood God's current incarnation could they ever burst free from the chains they have bound themselves. Carnage, mayhem and massacres, the unthinking ferocity of murder and mindless fratricide. These are what the Blood God favor, what must be enacted a million times over for there to be metamorphosis. Though, there are some who say that this is not intended to receive once more their blood-father’s favor, but that the ritualized letting of Antecruorian blood is of altogether different symbolic relevance, a shifting of their daemonic essences to make them unaligned and free. Either possibility is irrelevant. The population of Moyscax would never be enough. But if bound to the XII Legion echelon in orbit, sent by the will of a false god in spite of a destiny writ in the blood of true divinity, the Antecruorian may yet live again . . . The story of the Antecruorian continues, as the Eyes of Tivan. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Roen screamed. His rifle lay inches away, but forgotten. The titan who towered above him encompassed the whole of his vision, and of his breaking mind. The beast, shaped like an angel of the Emperor yet so corrupted, so different, bellowed back, spittle spraying from the grille upon his helm that sizzled and burned wherever it touched, including Roen. Screaming still, in fear and agony, the guardsman weakly tried to pull himself away from the monster, across the rubble-strewn stone bridge. The titan’s head jerked back and to the side, shards of armor splintering away, the instant before the loud crack of a heavy-caliber rifle reached Roen’s ears. Roen paused in his scrabble, staring at the giant, his screams whimpering down to childlike moans and grunts of pain and exertion as he waited to see if the marksman, likely Lieben, had hit true. The traitor marine slowly rotated his head back, his whole frame visibly shaking as if containing an uncontrollable rage. Roen was struck by the vision he beheld, the fragmented helm revealing what was underneath to the light of the sun. Skin, white as marble and threaded by thick ropes of dark veins, framed an eye of all the madness of fury. As Roen stared, tiny flickers of flame appeared upon the exposed skin, the eye shriveling from the growing heat. The titan bellowed and contorted, stumbling towards the guardsman as it shed armor and skin alike. Any further screams were choked from Roen’s throat by the sight of the beast that had hidden within the World Eater. Almost Ork-like in appearance, yet devoid of its overdeveloped musculature, the tusks more finely pointed like fangs. Long and thin of limb, distended of belly, and aflame. Roen’s stomach lurched at the sight and his vision swam. The daemon pounded across the bridge, every footfall, and swipe of its claws tearing the bridge apart faster than a baneblade. Roen gagged, blood tears streamed his face, unable to flee. Distantly, the sniper Lieben lay twitching, his ears bleeding, as his mind tried, and failed, to comprehend the destruction that was being rewritten and undone as he witnessed it be wrought. The immense, burning hand closed about Roen’s torso, slamming downward with enough force to break through the bridge floor. The two forms plummeted between the towering hive spires amidst the rain of pulverized stone. The creature held fast his grip, pulling the rapidly dying guardsman to blackened lips. As the lifeblood left Roen, leaving him cold and dead, the last sight before unseeing eyes was of the diminishing bridge above, shifting back and forth between whole and pair of broken stubs. Fed upon blood, source of all power, did not save the daemon, as the consuming flames reached a fevered intensity. The creature shrieked, its cry shrill and terrible, and then detonated with nuclear fire. The expanding sphere of pure, unbound, yet flickering light was immediately visible to vessels in low orbit, and within seconds enveloped them. The planet splintered, cracked under the pressure, pieces of the world began moving independent of each other as . . . Trembling fingers found the trigger. Another resounding crack, and Roen’s rifle kicked against his shoulder. The beam burned through exposed flesh and into the brain behind the fiery eye. The World Eater ceased its contortions, and slowly collapsed, causing the stone bridge to tremble under the dead weight. Deep in the titan’s chest, a heart of black stone burns cold, empty. Daemon cage, it sat empty, void of unlife. What might have happened, in another reality, had it been filled? What destruction might such a creature have wrought when freed? Irrelevant. The battle continues. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= TIVAN War Serpent of shattered sons, Blood Dragon of darkened skies The earliest recorded mention of the daemon now known as Tivan can be found deep in the central radwastes of Urazi, within the Ruslav Spires. There, kept under lock and key by the Inquisition, is a treasure trove of ancient, mythological information pertaining to the local region. These records are incomplete, and suffer greatly from countless generations of scholarly rewrites and biases, leaving only old recorded analyses of older analyses. These antiquated strictures detail a period of great turmoil for the Rumanii, as barbaric, eastern peoples waged terrible war upon them. Salvation came to the Rumanii in the form of one of their princes, whose prayers to the Sole Divine did not go unanswered. A legend speaks of this prince, visited in the night by a winged shadow, granting him angelic blood. This prince grew powerful, crushing those who had gathered before his gates, toppling all rivals to his domain, and inflicting a reign of terror upon his own. The name given to this prince upon his birth is long lost, all that remains is what, in frightened whispers, his people would call him long after his passing. Dracruor, the dragon of blood. This change of man into demon is far from thoroughly recorded, but accounts attributed to this Dracruor continue centuries after a would-be natural, mortal demise. Though somehow deposed from his position of political power, this entity would become a well-known terror within the darkness of night, preying upon humanity with rarely opposed abandon. The records state that this Dracruor had the capability of creating others like him and that many such children were made. However, no evidence has ever been found of these beasts crawling forth from his den. It was as if, in the process of transformation, they simply ceased to exist. Often throughout history, the Dracruor would fade from mortal memory, as if possessed of some demon trait to cause forgetfulness in all who consider him. Tracing his path upon Old Earth will lead one to the shattered islands of Meztli that link the Merican landmasses together. While even less reliable than the information found within the Ruslav Spires, there is some evidence of a feral god, the Kukulkan. This foul deity, popularly depicted as a great serpent, demanded blood sacrifices in his name, and molded the local tribes to his will. Though much in the myth of the War Serpent points to it and the Dracruor being the same entity, the matter is left unsettled due to the often-conflicting time periods, with some records of the Kukulkan pre-dating Dracruor. However, it is possible that the Kukulkan deity predates the creature known as Dracruor, and that in Dracruor’s travels he would come upon its worshipers who would mistake them for their terrible god. It is impossible to tell how long Dracruor took on the Kukulkan persona, as the march of central pre-civilization would eventually reach this western expanse, and with its coming bury these feral tribes beneath concrete and steel. In this age of ignorance and savagery, those dark times before Humanity would rise into the stars as a truly civilized race, the Dracruor was a figure of legendary malice. War-perpetrator, this vulture of the dead instigated conflicts of theretofore unheard of levels of bloodshed, every drop shed upon dry earth as refreshing to it as the drops that would pour down its inhuman throat. His myth also featured great amounts of guile and charisma. While when caught in the savagery of war this monster would be death for millions, it would also stalk the darkened alleys and shadowed recesses of Mankind’s villages, singling out individual victims and alluring them into its embrace. Often this latter persona of Dracruor’s was connected to the rise and fall of Luna, which perhaps makes it unsurprising what one can find in the recorded histories of the Selenekh Hallowdomes. The populace of Luna has long been a fey lot, easily given over to superstitions, but in this, they may not have been far from the truth. How or why the Dracruor traveled to Luna is not understood, but it quickly began making its mark once it set foot upon the grey dust. In time, the dusty plains surrounding the Selenekh Hallowdomes were littered with the desiccated corpses of the enchanted and the enticed. The chirurgeons of Luna were distressed by the bodies, their faces pulled tight and mouths frozen wide, caught in an eternal silent scream of horror in their final, tortured moments. The Dracruor would plague Luna for centuries, yet could never be cornered or brought to task. In fact, there is little to confirm that this creature of the moon is the Dracruor, but for its identifying behavior and what few reputable eyewitness accounts one can uncover. While potential incidents may have occurred that prove the Dracruor’s continued presence within the Sol System, it appears as though the beast took refuge within the great Hibernatships of Mankind’s initial diasporas into the greater black. Little reliable sources can be found on the creature from this point, though all told points to it perpetuating an age of darkness and blood upon many a world. During the Age of Strife, when the warpstorms isolated and swallowed the domains of humanity, all mention of the Dracruor ceases. Ancient cartographical data originating from the Great Crusade reveal the potential home of the Dracruor during this period. Labeled Moyscax, it was given a peripheral scan and superficial planetside exploration. What was found was a planet enveloped in dark jungles and hot waters, populated by warlike native humans who had truly gone feral upon the fall of civilization millennia prior. A false faith was prominently catalogued, as was the habit of Imperials of this age. The tribes of Moyscax worshiped a pantheon of dark gods who thirsted for blood, and who walked among them as if of them. Though their highest god, the most devoted one by the name of Tivan, matches all prior descriptions of the Dracruor, there are oddities to be found. For one, this Tivan is described as a god contained within the heart of stoneblood, and who walks and massacres among its faithful by means of a devoted taking this stone device within him or herself, replacing their mortal heart. Secondly, this account holds the only reliable source on the so-called children of the Dracruor, often hinted in older legends but never given weight due to severe lack of evidence. Matching in behavior and description, though in varying degrees sorely lacking in strength of will and physical prowess, these lesser deities are likewise encased within small, eye-scoured blocks of stone. Whatever the case may have been, the planet was tagged for immolation at the hands of the XII Legion, a task undertaken in the opening days of betrayal that would bring the Great Crusade to an end. Decades later, when Imperial vengeance entered Moyscax space, they found a planet still in a slow blaze, with the few survivors taken into Imperial possession raving of their need to attract their gods back to them with acts of bloodshed. They were in short order put down. In the process of confirming classification of Moyscax as a Dead World, no material evidence of their false faith was found, beyond the ruined remains of ossified temples splattered with boiled blood. Whatever was on Moyscax, if it was the Dracruor, left with the World Eaters. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= BLOOD OF STONE Blood Nonetheless Rodon found the talisman archaic, rudimentary, and foul to his senses, as any trueborn son of Magnus would the blunt work of the Blood God. Yet, he could not help but admire the effectiveness to be found within its simplicity. The stone was warm to the touch, lightly pulsating in the semblance of beating life. Everything about it spoke to its nature. A rock of black glass, forged from the fiery blood found deep within the heart of a world. Its shape smooth and smoky, yet contoured to fit perfectly within the cavity of a full-grown man’s chest. An indentation upon the stone, that of a small circle, gave it the impression of an eye. It was the ritual importance of the eye that lent it its power and integrity, and yet the carving upon the stone predates the power of the eye as a ritual device. The Eye of Terra, not yet raised, not yet corrupted. The Eye of Terror, symbol of the Warp upon the material plane, not yet named. Eye of Horus, of Abaddon. The Eye of the Warmaster not yet born. The eye stared outward from the stone, and by looking out prevented all sight of within. It was basic, lacking in subtlety or complexity, yet Rodon found the blood-washed stone alluring. How this Tivan had the knowledge or wherewithal to even conceive of these black hearts, constructs that would house beings existing outside time that was, is and will be, was completely beyond him. Both the device and the daemon were decidedly unlike anything the Thousand Son had ever encountered among the Khorne-sworn. But then, he supposed that may be the point. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= To Become a God If Able Krune tore the twelfth heart from a screaming savage. It was a sacred number to his brothers, for it was their Legion numeral in the ancient past. It meant nothing to Krune, as this Legion many of his older brothers were once a part of meant nothing to him. Nevertheless, he tightened his grip on the young boy thrown flat upon the stone as it went into spasms. Krune passed the heart to a brother, who held it aloft with a roar before devouring it, and gestured for one of the gods to be handed over. Dutifully, an attendant serf, one of the Blood-touched, heavily scarred from the lash and the pit-duels, passed him the obsidian stone with reverence, his hands and forearmed heavily threaded with black lines from the contact. It was one of hundreds kept in the possession of Krune and his brothers, who each bore one within them as well. All had been upon a stone slab such as this one, their hearts ripped free and replaced. Gripping the small form of this lesser god in his armored palm, Krune once again marveled at the ease with which he could simply crush it, grind it into dust. Though such acts of deicide were not uncommon among his uncontrollable brothers, it was well known that all god-slayers are hunted down, slain and their skulls and obsidian hearts ground to powder, lest their perfidy taint the warband further. As always, Krune dismissed the thought and plunged the hand gripping the stone of liquid black into the boy’s chest cavity, holding it in place where the heart once was. Instantly, the body arched its back upwards, veins becoming visible as something darker than the space between stars threaded through. The screams sputtered and became choking, the spasms grew in strength. One of the serfs reached over with some gear taken from the corpse of a medicae, and stapled the boy’s chest closed. The boy’s head snapped around as the noises escaping his tortured throat became filled with anger. Eyes of the deepest black stared at Krune with pure hatred. Then the flesh around the eyes browned and blackened, and small embers formed in the eyes. The roars of anger degenerated back into screams of pain, as blackening spots appeared across the body. With a snarl of disgust, Krune tossed the boy off the altar with a swipe of an arm. It came to rest at the base of the temple of skulls among blackened skeletons just as flames began to flicker across the skin. Krune looked across at the other half dozen altars built upon the smoldering plains of this feral world. One of his distant brothers roared in triumph, holding high his sacrificial victim by the throat. Even across this considerable distance, Krune’s enhanced sight bore witness to the changes beginning to come upon the boy. He let out a deep growl as he gestured impatiently for the Blood-touched to drag forth another of the crying masses below. Krune tore the thirteenth heart from a screaming savage.
  18. The ritual was met with some apprehension. Whilst such things, needs be, existed within the halls of theLiber Astartes, most Liberites did not truck with such Heretical knowledge. Three members of the Mournival of the Liber watched the fourth warily. The last few months had put a significant amount of pressure upon him and it was starting to show. The Moderatii was twitching, occasionally muttering to himself, a different voice decrying the very thing he was trying to complete. "We really need to get him to go to counselling." Whispered Olis. "No, I think that we really need to get him to pull himself together. I mean Daemons?! Seriously? Doesn't anyone else have a problem with this?" "Conn. You know that if we are serious about cataloguing every entry in these hallowed Halls, it needs to be done." "Ly, I understand the reason. I'm simply questioning the method..." "I'm questioning why we need to clarify our work...No! I'm talking!" "Brother, are you nearly complete? The last time we had this many candles, Brother Tyler and Kurgan nearly revoked our budget..." Aquilanus turned to his Brothers. "We have a budget?!" The three couldn't quite look him in the eye at this. "Ahem...well, what can we do to help." Olis tried to divert the conversation away from that sore point and hid his brand new Calliver behind his back. "The procedure is complete. However, we think that something has gone....WHO DARES SUMMON US?!" The three pushed themselves as far back towards the wall as they could. Aquilanus had gone. Not with a puff of smoke, not with a bang...not even a whimper. He just wasn't there. In his place was something that looked worse than something that came out of an Ork's nose. It had eyes where there was no need for them...and that wasn't the worst thing either... "Where is he?!" Snarled Conn, despite the creature had grown so huge that its head was scraping the considerably high ceiling. A snuffling noise that could conceivably be laughter emanated from a truly alien throat. "I WOULD WORRY ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE GOING!" What? Without any arcane effect at all, the remaining members of the Liber Moderatii disappeared as well, replaced with beings that made reality scream in horror at their existence... Welcome to the FIFTH Liber Challenge! Like the ones that precede this one, a vow must be made to indicate interest: I [insert forum name], vow to create a Daemon Warband, by 17 August 2015 at 18:00pm GMT. This I vow to [insert Chaos God], or spend an eternity as a Spawn! The entry must have: Warband Leader's name, origins, ultimate aim (if applicable) Notable members of Warband Notable battles or conflicts joined Any other information of interest The banners that denote your vows to put in your signature or "About me" page: The Boons should you succeed: The one stipulation is: The Warband must be devoted to ONE God, no Pantheon-centric ones unfortunately. Good luck! The Gods will ensure that you will need it! The list of Vows: Aquilanus - Praevaricatrix Soror COMPLETE! Brother SP - The Binder of Truths Conn Eremon - The Antecruorian COMPLETE! Dizzyeye Grand Master Belial - The followers of Murv'hee COMPLETE! Knurd - The Ethereal Swarm COMPLETE! Lord Thørn - Bloodsteam Warmongers Olis TDF - The Maceran Fellowship Teetengee - The Thought stealer Plague Uveron - The Cohort of Bloodied Brass
  19. Greetings all. Like a lot of members here, I couldn't wait to get started with the contents of Dark Imperium, and as well as building an Ultramarine Primaris army from it, I thought I would use the opportunity to recreate an old Nurgle army of mine, named The Pestilent Scourge. Without further delay, allow me to share my progress... Balantisis the Wretched, Lord of Contagion He is finished for now, until I get my hands on some clear resin to add water to his base and perhaps some more technical paint effects. The army so far... And I've started working on my Poxwalkers... I've started removing the horns and such for a few reasons; it'll make them easier to convert duplicate miniatures in the army while allowing me to buy more split set contents online to bulk out the army cheaply, I like the idea of humans touched by Nurgle and mutated to the look and feel of the base models provided, and ultimately because I feel that all the horns just look stupid and a touch too much like Age of Sigmar esque miniatures for my taste. This isn't likely to be the fastest blog in the world, but I'll update as and when I have progress. C&C welcome and appreciated!
  20. So I thought it was high time for a new thread for y'all to speculate (and wishlist) what's coming in the next HH Book, Angelus. What it includes; - Blood Angels - Dark Angels - Daemons - Dark Mechenicum - Night Lords What it covers; - Signus Prime - Thramas Crusade - Persecution of Sarum - Siege of Baal - Passage of the Angel of Death Other stuff; - Daemons get new units and characters - Daemons mostly an expansion, 40k units will be usable in HH - 15-20 books plan (holy heresy that's a lot) - White Scars gotta wait - Luther not in book http://battlebunnies.blogspot.ca/ So... pretty crazy stuff! Here's my two-cents. I'm thinking another box like Betrayal at Calth/Burning of Prospero will be dropping before Angelus does. They sell well (Calth did, I'm assuming Prospero did too) so I'm sure GW is keen on another one. Obvious choices for a box is Night Lords vs. Dark Angels. Or maybe they'll do Blood Angels vs. Daemons. From what I read it seems Dark Mechanicum aren't getting very much, just the ability to bind daemons to machines. Sarum is a Dark Forgeworld so there will be some exploring of fluff there. I didn't even know Baal was under siege during the Heresy, maybe someone knows about that. But "Passage of the Angel of Death?" Only thing that comes to mind is perhaps the Blood Angels carving a bloody path to Terra, leaving behind the DA and UM. I don't know too much about the possibilities for new units. I don't know much about any of the three legions here, so I'm curious. Also, what new Daemon units could appear, or new Daemon characters? Ka'Bandha's probably getting rules, but the Bloodthirsters have so many models already. Let me know, I want to hear some thoughts!
  21. IT'S 8TH EDITION EVE!!! To celebrate I am posting a SECOND full length Glacial Geek 8th Edition Battle Report this week! In this one my Dark Angels take on the Forces of Chaos! https://youtu.be/8-KauOE5I5g The Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain read the missive, "And we are positive this is what was sent?" The Chapter Serf who had delivered the message nodded his head, "Yes my Lord, the Astropaths were adamant that this was the message exactly." The Interrogator-Chaplain turned and walked away, "Then inform the captain we have a new destination to plot travels towards." He walked through the halls of the ship until he arrived at a nondescript door and knocked. "Enter." came the short reply. The Interrogator-Chaplain entered the room and bowed his head to Ezekiel, "Brother, we have received a disturbing message via Astropath." The Chief Librarian put down the book he was reading and turned to the Interrogator-Chaplain, "What was the message?" The Interrogator-Chaplain raised his head, "It consisted of two lines, 'The planet has fallen to the forces of the Arch-Enemy. Their numbers include fallen Astartes.'" Ezekiel stared at the Interrogator-Chaplain for a moment and slowly stood up, "Do you think it is the Fallen?" The Interrogator-Chaplain shook his head, "There is no way to tell from the message, brother, but ignoring it is not a risk I am willing to take ..." Will the Unforgiven be able to stop the forces of the Dark Gods, or will the forces of Chaos prove too much? Watch and find out!
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