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Let's Talk Custodes


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Id wager on Spartans and Land Raiders, yeah. But I doubt we'll be seeing any Super Heavies.


Not quite sure if they'd deploy with Drop Pods; so maybe no Kharybdis or others.

Caestus, not quite sure either.


I see them more as...well...Grey Knights, really. But better.

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No, they shouldn't be. Couple that with their close proximity to the Sisters of Silence and well, them being psykers would be useless when working with them.


Though it brings up the question of how the Emperor is able to tolerate blanks in his immediate area....

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Oh yeah, I didn't think of that haha. So like GK in terms of eliteness and combat prowess (probably better), but not Psykers. So I reckon they'll have their fancy rhino, land raider, Spartans, Dreadnoughts, maybe Stormeagles? Some kinda flying transport I'd imagine. Jetbikes?


And good point about Empy and the Sisters... I think they didn't think that one through :P

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On the subject of blanks near to the big E, I think he is to powerful to be effected. I mean at the end of Wolf Hunt Malcador turns up with some Sisters and can still use his powers and I would say he is number 2 on the list of most powerful homo-psyker's.


Also stop giving me ideas...

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Jetbikes are more or less confirmed for Custodes since there is a piece of artwork with them on one. plus you could practically make a full Jetbike legion list if you really wanted only downside being the troop slots. So I don't see why they wouldn't get them.


And I guess Demon is right. The big E is so psychically powerful that he overpowers the blanks null field, same with Malcador.

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So, more food for thought (the only thing I'm more addicted to than Custodes are Thunder Warriors...)


Land Raider



A no-kidding hover Rhino...





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The head pieces on those terminators look like Psychic hoods :\ its the one thing about that particular piece that I dont like.... 


These on the other hand....



Looks like they went full Kool-Aid man on that wall, OH YEAH!

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Yes they are; so will Sisters of Silence and rather obviously the Thousand Sons. All three of which ( I don't like the Space Wolves at all; I can appreciate them, but I don't like them) will leave me hard pressed to collect at the same time... BUT I SHALL PERSEVERE!


on that note; the only legions/ imperial factions you are likely to see me not collect are : Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Word Bearers Sons Of Horus and Dark Mechanicum. They are the only ones I cannot get behind in any way, shape or form. But thats neither here nor there. 






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Like me, the only ones I wouldn't touch are probably Space Wolves, Dark Angels and Iron Hands... The Thousand Sons are gonna be rather hard to resist when that book comes out but by then I might be in a position to collect them.


But anyway... Custodes...

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Yeah Custodes...

So; basing their wargear off the artwork, I guess it would be safe to assume that the majority, if not all, of the Custodes will come standard with True Grit since their ranged weapon is integrated into their Melee Weapon. They'll probably have +1A base over Legionnaires to exemplify their familiarity with such weaponry and the advantage it can bring in combat.

Sisters of Silence I just want them to be suped-up Death Cult Assassins with some toned-down Culexus Assassin Rules. Maybe a Psi ML3 or Lower negation bubble? That way Chars with ML4 (eldrad, Magnus and Big E) would not be handicapped by them; as we've ascertained with them Emperor giving Zero F's about the SoS's in his personal space. Though, that has yet to be expanded upon in writing so it might actually change.

Ps: Thousand Sons were to be my third Legion before the World Eaters interjected themselves tongue.png

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I was thinking giving them Deny the Witch on 3+? Or a tiered bubble, so a ML1 would be blocked completely, ML2 would be -2 warp charge (or DTW on 2+), ML3 would be -1 warp charge and DTW on 3+ and ML4 would -1 warp charge and DTW on 4+? Obvs all within a certain range (say 12"?) - this gives them a chance against psychic beasts like Eldrad, Lorgar transfigured and the likely Cyclops rules whilst not being op vs them. It also keeps them fluffy as they only affected the enemy psychers they were in close proximity to - this is for SoS.


I like that pic (it's Valdor and a random Custodian iirc) it was either a pre-release cover or a genuine hardback cover but I can't remember which book aha

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