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Very smooth painting but the red somehow looks flat and pinkish.. It might be the lighting or camera settings on the wrong white level (which seems to be the case due to pinkish white backgrounds, but I'm just guessing..)  Better photos would be great.

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IMHO they are best en masse. So on Devastators, Terminators, Land Speeders, etc. So whilst four (or three and a Lascannon) would be good on a Devastator squad, a single one in a Scout Squad is a bit wasted considering the rest of the unit. Same goes with Tactical Squads; you sacrifice the rest of the unit's output for one STR 8 shot (or pie plate).


For Scouts, I prefer to either go without or opt for the heavy bolter (regular synergises well enough with bolter Scouts or even combat ones as you can move and still get three shots: more chance of hitting on a six with three goes than one - while the hellfire option works well sniper scouts)


As for Devastators, choosing between missile launchers or plasma cannons will vary from meta to meta. I know that plasma Devastators are uncommon due to the Gets Hot! feature (but we can mitigate that) - are you more likely to face light vehicles/MCs or AP2?

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No more Razorback with an oversized 3rd party heavy bolter turret for the WW Scorpius for me. Slap Battle of Keylek on this pupper and watch your enemies ignore your jump pack blobs till they've dealt with it. WIP, and as always, potato cam.

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Well ...rule of cool means Plasmacannon all day for me, but I feel like the ML is just more versatile and offers better range, which is severely lacking in most of my lists (and in general most BA lists).




As for Devastators, choosing between missile launchers or plasma cannons will vary from meta to meta. I know that plasma Devastators are uncommon due to the Gets Hot! feature (but we can mitigate that) - are you more likely to face light vehicles/MCs or AP2?


My meta is very variable, as I travel quite a bit. And Given the Versatility of the ML.... I think it will be the better choice. 

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Tonight, I will order a box of Space Hulk.  Because why not?


Order placed.


This feels better than I can explain.  Back in 2009 when this thing released, I just couldn't afford/justify it.  I wasn't making much money, the box was a huge investment, I was kind of out of the hobby in between 3rd and 5th editions..  And then it just.. disappeared! Like that!  I regreted it greatly.


Then it got re-released in 2014 and for some stupid reason I decided I didn't need the genestealers, or even all the terminators.  I went to bitz sites and grabbed a couple of the terminators for modelling and painting.  When they came in the mail, I started punching myself in the face for not grabbing the whole box because of how beautiful they were.


This time, it is mine.  I will likely preserve it in its shrinkwrap for a decade or so, then unbox and paint it with my kids when they are old enough to appreciate it.




Considering getting the paints out this weekend as I'll have some time... :ohmy.:


How'd this go?




Edited by appiah5
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Considering getting the paints out this weekend as I'll have some time... :ohmy.:


How'd this go?






Appiah, you have no idea how much i love that image. It's an absolute classic that always gets its share around my group of mates :laugh.:


Aaaaaaaand.... I posted saying not well already! Friday was one of the Roughest nights of my life followed by a Hangover that would have ended Dante's life.

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I asked about FAQ for Deathwatch and Angels Blade. Apparently they're working on both!


Even if they aren't good answers, answers will be good.

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I'm not all that hopeful we'll get anything new out of it. It could just be simple rules questions, like most of the other faqs had, where just reading the rule clarifies it. Or people asking if they have to use the updated datasheet over the old ones. If we do get, say, chaplains in a LB, I'll be ecstatic, but I don't think they'll do anything like that.
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I'm still a bit confused as to why we now have a "Death Company Chaplain". It seems like an awfully narrow gap they've squeezed a unit into, and while the dual re-rolls are nice (Astorath lite), he's so inflexible - not being able to remove his pack and not being able to take any gun other than an infernus pistol.


Could they not just have made the dual re-roll a Command benefit of the LBSF or DCSF and updated the standard Chaplain datasheet allowing him to take the new Relics?

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