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I'm off on holiday for a couple of weeks. I was hoping I could finish my Fragioso before I left but the Scouts will have to do for now. When I get back though, something Furious this way comes...



Edited by LutherMax

Does ETL have to be unassembled? Or can be be assembled but unpainted? If it is the former, then I have a Baal Predator (probably a drop pod), a few squads to put together, and my conversion characters (and here is to hoping I can get those nice conversion world BA sword and spear) to draw from. If it's the latter I have the above plus Tartanators, one furioso dreadnaught, one death company dreadnought, and one librarian dreadnought. 

Got a 6000 point game yesterday. I played

Iron Hands with the intervention force along with grey knights and his two imperial knights and a ravenwing deathwing combination. We fought against tau eldar and csm iron warriors. I dropped 5 drop pods thank to skyhammer in the first round with two locator beacons. Oif came turn two but only had unattraktive targets like drones or eldartroops and tau breachers. I lost 3 terminators on overwatch and another two guys in cc. i wiffed so much armorsaves :(. We won the game with 8:6 but i felt that the oif showed me his weakness this time.

It can be either, but ideally you'd have it assembled and undercoated.

Prior to the start of the ETL to save time.

Then throw in another squad, lol.


So it can be primed even? Basically anything that isn't fully painted?

Edited by Arkangilos

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Here's the state of my Chaplain.


I also have a shop on Shapeways. Lots of chaos pads at the moment in honor of the Legions book but loyalist pads for the founding chapters are coming soon (I promise :biggrin.:). Link is in signature for those interested.

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Here's the state of my Chaplain.


I also have a shop on Shapeways. Lots of chaos pads at the moment in honor of the Legions book but loyalist pads for the founding chapters are coming soon (I promise :D). Link is in signature for those interested.

I just set that same piece of debris aside for my kitbash Dante I'll be building soon! Awesome model! Is that helmet on Shapeways?

Mostly done with this guy... great model but so much dang bling. What do you guys think about the Blood Drop, probably would be better purple or blue right?



Veeery well done.  However, GW really need to lay off the toilet paper dispenser trend.  These are the worst purity seals I've ever seen, way too thick in width.


I have a DC Tycho and 5 metal DC primed for ETL..

Edited by appiah5

I know it's really early, but has anyone else started putting things aside for the ETL?


I've got my bikes which will take priority but I'm still looking for something suitable for my second vow (other than my event kitbash of course).

Oh I have plenty in my queue for this, don't worry! :wink:


So far, the following items jump out as on my ETL plate:


Slightly kitbashed termie captain with relic blade (Hint to my vow for BA event)

10 man dev squad with lascannons and plasma cannons (Throw over from 5th/6th that I should really get done)

5 man melta squad (need to swap one of them with evisorator and find jump packs for them)

Sanguinary Priest with Angel's wings and power sword

4 man gav-bike squad with MM attack bike


But I have a bunch of things I want to do if I can get all the things above done before.


Libby in Termie armor

10 man sternguard squad

5 man Sanguinary Guard

Tactical marines (2x ten man squads with at least one heavy flamer and the other idk at this time).

Storm Raven

Drop Pod (low priority for ETL since it's worth very little points for a lot of work)

Edited by Spagunk

2k versus Tau tomorrow. Thinking of fitting the AOIF in there because apparently he likes his Riptides and Stormsurges.

Any tips from anti tau vets?

AOIF will be good. Also they don't like templates. I like bringing scouts, infiltrate them onto cover up close. They sometimes take a lot of fire just for being close, which I'm fine with, and if they survive I try to charge them to soak overwatch so the DC or whoever don't have to. Especially if he's running a gun line, aiming at the middle of it can put people out of range (or out of rapid fire at least) which helps a lot even if he doesn't waste his overwatch on the scouts.


I just set that same piece of debris aside for my kitbash Dante I'll be building soon! Awesome model! Is that helmet on Shapeways?


Thank you. The helmet is available here: https://www.shapeways.com/product/THE5AN6WM/skull-helm-and-hammer?optionId=61556518


It's sold with the top half of a crozius because the way Shapeways sets their prices it was actually cheaper to include it with the head than to sell each separately. Basically I could sell a head for $8, half a crozius for $8, or both for $10. I think it's silly.:tongue.:


I also made helmets for Sanguinary Guard and blood drop shoulder pads with embellishment. I use them with the GW Blood Angels pads from the upgrade kit.



Preview of the HH Weekenders programm.

Is the last date on sunday a hint of the long awaited Blood Angel HH Book?




Atia did say that the book after Inferno was called Angelus internally and was going to cover us and DA!


So, yeah... By the next weekender with some luck we could have a tasty treat.

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