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Eldar outpost attacked as planned... Servitor hooked up to the Veritas Vitae predicted a 99% victory chance... Element of surprise is with us, Death Company - for Sanguinius!... [static] Where are they coming from?... Are we surrounded?... Throne help us...


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Battle Report here for those interested.

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Lord Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels.



Comments are welcome.



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4 of 5 guys for the Vanguard Vets squad finished before ETL commences and nearly all the gap-filling is done on the Fire Raptor.  I'd say it's about 98% done and ready to finish tomorrow, hopefully, along with the 5th VV, and maybe adding a 6th guy to the squad.


Will probably try to bang out the Contemptor that's been laying around for about 2 years before I lay in my 1st ETL vow, though maybe I'll start priming everything that could be vowed. :dry.:

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Just about finished my moderately overpriced Vanguard Vet squad this morning. Just a few heads left to glue, some shoulder pads, and eventually the jump packs (after painting). They'll be joining my recently assembled captain, Sanguinary Priest, and small Death Company squad for the ETL.

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Not today, but this weekend I aim to do a big push and finish my two Melta-cides and do a good start on my dreads :D 2 libby and one fragioso.


May even treat myself to a death company test mini and spray my raven from its current silver to black (eBay!)

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As I previously stated:  it takes me a long time to finish stuff.  But I got my Terminator Reclusiarch done (I'm still calling him that).  I intend to use him as carrying Lamenter's chapter relic - Victory's Price (and count it as Valour's Edge).  Big shout out to Midnight Runner for the glowy eyes tutorial.  My first attempt at it, and it looks pretty cool.







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Finishing touches done on my overpriced vanguard vet squad. A few trophies and other small bits may still be in order. I'm starting off in the ETL with a character I can finish quickly, so I can think about it while painting him.

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Played a game yesterday and had plenty of fun.


We had a new player show up with brand-new Tau separatist army. I offered to take him under my wing for his wing. Found another Blood Angel player who had been out of the hobby for a while and set up a 1,500 point game. The other Blood Angel player fielded the full points, while I fielded 1,000, taking the Tau player as my ally with 500 points. 


Big Guns Never Tire, Dawn of War. Only three Heavy Supports on the field: I had a Vindicator, while the opposing BA fielded a Vindicator & Auto-cannon Pred with H.Bolter sponsons. We both fielded Death Company (His in a pod, mine with Jump Packs & Cassor), Fragiosos in Drop Pods, and Scouts. He had two Razors with Laz and two TAC squads in them. A Librarian Dread led my Strike Force, while Mephiston stood his opposite. The Tau fielded two Fire Teams, a Piranha, Devilfish, Cadre Fireblade with one team, while his Commander hid with a Stealth Team. 


Battle plan? Tau shoot, I maul, like a real man. 


Highlights of the battle:


My Fragioso drops next to his left flank, fires at the enemy Vindicator, destroying the cannon Turn 1. 


He shoots laz and immobilizes my Vindicator turn 1. Drops 2/3 of his pods, his Death Company in the center, his spare dreadnought near my Fragioso. 


Turn 2, Cadre Fireblade with his team shoot the scouts from 4 to 1, who promptly runs off the board. Piranha gets behind his first dreadnought and glances it to death. My Fragioso finishes off enemy Vindicator. My two units of Death Company and my scout squad charge his Death Company, reducing them from 10 to 3 and his Chaplain, losing a scout and one Death Co.


Said Chaplain watches as his Death Company get finished off before he holds all three units at bay, killing all scouts, but the sarge before finally dying. (I was disappointed with my Death Company.) 


End of Turn 3, Tau player has to go. Fluff-wise, my Blood Angels curse as their Tau allies flee from the battle. (At this point, we were obviously winning, so we continued the game since it was now back to even. That and I wanted to win showing even losing 500ish points couldn't stop my boys from winning.)


His fragioso drops and one-shots my Lib Dread. 


Cassor destroys the autocannon on the Pred with his melta. 


With the Tau gone, Mephiston turns his Razor around and deploys to attack my Fragioso. Fragioso shoots first, kills razor and three TACs. Mephiston charges. Hilariously, in Overwatch, my Fragioso hits with Melta and gets the full 3 shots with Frag cannon. Then, he wounds with all of them, two out of the three Frag shots Rending. The TACs drop and Mephiston is on his last wound. Unfortunately, he has Sanguine Sword and promptly kills Fragioso. So close. 


After killing Chaplain, my Death Company charge the new enemy Fragioso. I have 2 PFs and expect to reduce him to a smoking hulk in a turn or two. The game ends before they finish the fight, again, much to my disappointment. 


Now the only mobile unit on my left flank, Cassor spares the Pred as he heads for the nearby objective guarded by the remaining TAC team. Cassor promptly butchers them, winning me the game. 



Things learned:


PFs are not dreadnought killers. 


Tau and BA are a dangerous combination, avoiding the ally penalties. 


Vindicators are unlucky. 

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So it turns out that Halfords Matt Black spray doesn't wash off your fingers. Who knew?

It's a mark of greatness by the Omnissiaah :wink: I expect to be touched by that gift later today!



Got it off my fingers this morning but it's really gotten into my nails... Worth it though: I love how evenly-coated, black sprayed miniatures look.

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