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Today in BA I discovered that BA tac squad bits + grav bikes = very blingy bikes. Should get some pics up tomorrow hopefully.


In other news, it's about time we had a tank called 'The Baracus'.

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Today in BA I discovered that BA tac squad bits + grav bikes = very blingy bikes. Should get some pics up tomorrow hopefully.


In other news, it's about time we had a tank called 'The Baracus'.


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Here are a few things I have on the go...


Mephiston MKII! Made by Master of the Forge and inspired by the one he made for me but for another client. The client has also asked me to paint the model in a similar scheme to mine with a few tweaks.




I've also finally built the "new" Sanguinary Priest model, magnetised for pistol / chainsword or Relic weapons 'Fury of Baal' and 'Valour's Edge'.






5-man 'meltacide' squad with two meltagunners, two regular assault marines and sarge with combi-melta. They will ride in a pod but the backpacks are magnetised so they can have jump packs. The sergeant's weapons are also magnetised so he can have a pistol and power weapon for other uses.




And finally a heavy flamer dude for my tactical squad!



Edited by LutherMax
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Made more progress on Cassor. I've glued the main body and legs together and onto the base. Painted the saltires, some parts in gunmetal, the skull, and a couple of the blood drops, so he's ready to be fielded, but not quite done. 

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Today, I finished not-Corbulo's  deathmask head. Now I'm just waiting on Royal Mail to deliver the Ravenwing Command squad apothecary pack I ordered for him. Given the bank holiday it'll be Tuesday at the earliest :pinch: I just want to finish him!


In between watching the remaining quarter finals for both European rugby competitions, I've knocked out two custom 30mm bases for a not-Mephiston and not-Cypher in anticipation of the ETL. It's been a pretty good day.

Edited by sockwithaticket
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I played a game against Space Wolves today, and damn. Everything went well for me.

Well, not everything. My droppod of sternguard scattered 9" off the board, and I rolled two 2s for my first stormraven on turn 2, and another 2 on turn 3. One of my scout squads got utterly mulched before they could do anything, and I had a squad of four marines try and assault a rhino twice, and do a single glancing hit to it.

But my Sanguinary Guard mulched three units without taking a single in-assault casualty, my Death Company didn't take any casualties, and my other squad of scouts managed to kill a Thunderwolf Cavalry! Hellfire bolts are amazing.

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Successfully converted a narthecium arm from the command squad sprue to be holding a bolt pistol only to realize:


-I really should have removed mold lines from the pistol before gluing it

-That narthecium arm is at a really odd angle to be holding a gun. Really, it looks like an odd angle for almost anything to me. If I angle it down it looks like he's covering his crotch. A bit higher and he's maybe trying to make the sign of the Aquila over his chest or something. Hopefully I can get it adjusted to look a little less strange.

Edited by Akylas
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Successfully converted a narthecium arm from the command squad sprue to be holding a bolt pistol only to realize:


-I really should have removed mold lines from the pistol before gluing it

-That narthecium arm is at a really odd angle to be holding a gun. Really, it looks like an odd angle for almost anything to me. If I angle it down it looks like he's covering his crotch. A bit higher and he's maybe trying to make the sign of the Aquila over his chest or something. Hopefully I can get it adjusted to look a little less strange.

Cut at the elbow, and use green stuff to fill any gaps.

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Every night, I hear things coming from the cupboard that the Deathstorm and BA tactical boxsets are kept.


Sanguinius calls! Well, I hope he does otherwise I'm in even more trouble than I thought... :lol:

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Every night, I hear things coming from the cupboard that the Deathstorm and BA tactical boxsets are kept.


Sanguinius calls! Well, I hope he does otherwise I'm in even more trouble than I thought... :lol:

So long as it's not on the eve of battle, then it's all good...

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Today, I finally decided which forum I paint for for this years ETL.


Blue Blood Angels.Blue. :wink:

I had a feeling .

It was that or do Inceptors with the Age of Darkness. Just need to refine the shade of blue...

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