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Oh, the ETL. Now that's a point. Should probably start thinking on that myself...


Probably start a "mustering" thread about it next week (if it hasn't been done already). To be honest, finishing in the penultimate place last time around was saddening and it already looks like our rivals are stealing a march, so to speak.

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Oh, the ETL. Now that's a point. Should probably start thinking on that myself...

Probably start a "mustering" thread about it next week (if it hasn't been done already). To be honest, finishing in the penultimate place last time around was saddening and it already looks like our rivals are stealing a march, so to speak.

entering augustus' arena has taught me much. At least enough for me not to be an oath breaker this year
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Had a game yesterday. Was a 500 point ally to a 1500 IG army against 2000 Chaos Space marines. Mostly nurgle. Turn 1 was disappointing since my LRC was destroyed by a Maulerfiend. ("What do you mean it can ignore a Stun result on a 2+?)


However, my Priest and his Terminators do their best to make up for this: killing the Maulerfiend, a deep-striking squad of Chaos terminators, a Nurgle marine, a triple-las Pred, & 3 Obliterators, while losing only 2 Terminators (whom I forgot to give FNP saves, oops.) 


The game ended with the Imperium winning 11-7. Most hilarious unit in the game was a squad of IG veterans sitting on a Skyfire nexus. In two turns, they 1) sniped a Daemon Prince out of the air with a krak grenade launcher and 2) one-shotted a Heldrake with a melta-gun. 

Edited by simison
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Resisting the urge to buy this.







And now so am I. So awesome.


yeah i already did, along with wingless SG jump packs... they look flipping sweet... i should snap a pick i suppose...





Yes please!

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Started a couple of new units, kitbashed from DC, BA Tactical and biker sets. 4 x HB devastator squad and a Grav spam bike unit. Just need to collect the other HB from the post office and get the bikes together.


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Still painting a Duo of Melta-cide Assault squads. Base, wash, touch up, second wash and first layer done! Can check them out in my WIP thread in the signature.


...But I'll post an obligatory shot of some tasty melta guns:



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Finally back on BA after a too-long hiatus building filthy xenos.


So in the last week and a half, I've built a 10-man flamer tactical squad, the 3 melta element of a 5-man assault squad, a 5-man scout squad, 2 Rapier gun platforms, 4 stern guard (3 of which have fully magnetized combi weapons) and am posing the legs on a Librarian dread.


A captain and a priest are on deck, along with a Fire Raptor.


Need to get those out of the way, because something big is headed my way from England.  It walks.

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Finished base painting Cassor and glued the legs and main body together. Need to get some detail done before I can glue him to his base (which is painted).

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Today I worked on painting a x3 melta x3 storm shield command squad that I have been slowly kit-bashing together for a few days. The shields are filed-down warriors of chaos shields I've been waiting to put to good use. Hopefully they will be finished tomorrow!

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Started something a bit different on the off chance I play some Apocalypse. Librarius conclave *cue evil laugh*.


Looks wicked!

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Not huge progress these last two days.  1 sternguard finished and another in progress.  1 DC finished.  And the remaining two marines from the assault squad.


Have tomorrow off, so hopefully good progress will be made.  And, according to UPS, a new horde of resin will arrive tomorrow. :biggrin.:

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Started something a bit different on the off chance I play some Apocalypse. Librarius conclave *cue evil laugh*.


can you save those for another month? That would be an awesome etl vow!
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can you save those for another month? That would be an awesome etl vow!

Yeah, why not. Should probably give my raven its wings and sort out my bikers for a functioning 1000-1850 army, then worry about apoc later :tongue.:


I also have most of our special characters primed for painting, which will make a rather nice vow for little painting time.

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