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  On 3/9/2018 at 8:01 PM, Brother Lemartes said:

I'm looking at the codex and I don't see the option for a Tactical sgt to take a combi weapon. I know he can... what am I missing? It just says sgt equipment list



You missed nothing: Sergeant can take items from sergeants equipment list and Combi weapons are in that list.


EDIT: second! :D

Edited by Majkhel

I can’t stand Primaris in SO many ways and think they should be purged from all files for their blight on existence...but 2W 2A 30” AP-1 Line Infantry is nothing I sneeze at. So if I was STRICTLY ASKING FOR A FRIEND, how useful is it to put power swords on the Sgts? 3x AP-3 attack’s each with red Thirst is enough to dent any unit charging them. I know those 4pts per sword can go a long way in other parts of a list, but it does seem quite useful.



  On 3/10/2018 at 5:49 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

I think I want to build a squad of plasma vets with chainswords.


For a drop pod. A Melta Squad would also be cool.


Maybe I'll do both!

I’ve messed around quite a bit with jump Vets. I think Combi-plas/Power sword on Sgt + 2x plasma guns + 2 mooks with Bolters and al 4 regular dudes with chainsword is that happy balance. 6x plasma shots on the drop, just enough damage to finish something off with DoA, and as close to 150pts you can realistically manage.

  On 3/10/2018 at 4:37 PM, Indefragable said:

I can’t stand Primaris in SO many ways and think they should be purged from all files for their blight on existence...but 2W 2A 30” AP-1 Line Infantry is nothing I sneeze at. So if I was STRICTLY ASKING FOR A FRIEND, how useful is it to put power swords on the Sgts? 3x AP-3 attack’s each with red Thirst is enough to dent any unit charging them. I know those 4pts per sword can go a long way in other parts of a list, but it does seem quite useful.



There is a reason the whole board was clamouring for them when it was first ruled we weren't allowed them ;)

Took two 5 man squads of intersessors (and 4 5 man squads in a game after) this weekend and I'm blown away by them. My white scars opponent could not shift them out of cover or off of objectives. The intersessors took everything and dished it right back out. I know they looked good on paper but I'm just amazed by how effective they actually were. All 20 of them just made their way straight to the top of my "to-paint" list.

Not all of his games were streamed, but there was a lot of good LOS blocking terrain. He likely played the objectives really well, and sent his SG and DC to deal with anything threatening that the Captain wasn’t handling himself.


I believe there’s a video of of Mike Brandt, another top 8 Blood Angels player, using terrain to beat a tank heavy list. I think it was the Hellhound list. If I remember correctly, he put his more delicate infantry in ruins and then took apart this 15 tank list by surrounding a Hellhound in the charge phase thus not allowing it to fall back.


The good/bad thing about the ITC missions is that you don’t have to generally worry about wiping out your opponent. Picking secondary objectives you know you can achieve and just playing the mission goes a long way.

Edited by Calistarius
  On 3/15/2018 at 4:10 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

Great news everyone. Today I'll hopefully be getting a gaming table so I can play at my house. I've always wanted one, and hopefully today I'm going to be able to have it!

That’s fantastic! I’m jealous. I plan on building one this summer.


What will you be doing for terrain?

  On 3/15/2018 at 5:48 PM, Calistarius said:


  On 3/15/2018 at 4:10 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

Great news everyone. Today I'll hopefully be getting a gaming table so I can play at my house. I've always wanted one, and hopefully today I'm going to be able to have it!

That’s fantastic! I’m jealous. I plan on building one this summer.


What will you be doing for terrain?

I have a few imperial ruins but not sure what to do!

  On 3/15/2018 at 6:58 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:


  On 3/15/2018 at 5:48 PM, Calistarius said:


  On 3/15/2018 at 4:10 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

Great news everyone. Today I'll hopefully be getting a gaming table so I can play at my house. I've always wanted one, and hopefully today I'm going to be able to have it!

That’s fantastic! I’m jealous. I plan on building one this summer.


What will you be doing for terrain?

I have a few imperial ruins but not sure what to do!



I have one that I have been sloooooooooooooooooooowly working on for 2 years (lolz). That being said, it would be cool to have a theme of sorts...just like each ballpark in baseball has its quirks that make the game interesting, your table could be fair playing wise, but have some interesting elements.


For example, the idea for mine has been "Firebase Baal":  the idea is a little landing pad with fuel cans and detritus scattered about, some guns for fire support (some perfectly sized WWII 88mm flak guns from my FLGS), tents, etc... in one part, a little "village" cobbled together in another quadrant, and then some rocky hills in another.  My thought was to have stuff set up thematically, yet 90% balance for games, but have a system so that if I have to clear it off, people know where things go to set back up rapidly.


Also becomes a sort of "home turf" field to play on as all my BA bases match the color scheme of the Desert mat from FLG.


Now if only I could find a cheap Skyshield Landing Pad for the centerpiece....

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