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Having experience with a Gallant using the Relic Fist + Landstrider Warlord Trait... Hooboy, people are not ready for that.You want a Suicide unit? Here it is. House Krast for me, as they re-roll melee attacks when charging/ charged.


Moves 12" + D6+2" Advance, then for 2CP you can do a 2D6+2" Charge...


The Relic Fist has no penalty to hit and does a flat EIGHT Damage (which is a magic number I've found). Not to mention any monster or vehicle you kill has a chance to do D3 Mortal wounds (1CP!) in which you can perform an extra attack on an enemy model within 1" that deals D3 Mortal Wounds, if they survive, both players roll off and add Strength, if the Knight wins it's another D3 - repeat until the Knight draws or loses. With a Krast  Gallant this extra attack hits on a 2+ with a re-roll.


Point this thing at enemy tanks and watch the god damn fireworks my brothers. Nothing is safe.


Not to mention even when you die from a counter charge you can pop 2CP and fight again at WS4... which is no joke and would definitely either surprise your opponent into a table flip or make him think twice about charging with a pricey unit. 


I really love crusaders though. I'm planning to run 4 hawkshroud crusaders all gatling/battlecannon this next weeked . . . Maybe at some point I'll swap out a crusader for a gallant plus a helverin..


On a side note, anyone have experience using Diorama Clay / Plaster for basing? I'm using it to base the knight bases and my question is whether the clay dries rock hard or does it need to be sealed in with a coat of white glue or something - last thing I want is for the basing material to chip off over time haha

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Sorry to keep asking about Imperial Knights, but can you take relics, use the strats, and use a house's rules if you only bring one knight and dont use whatever unique detachment knights have?



In order to benefit from a Household Trait, you need a lance of 3 or more Knights. However you still count as having a Household, even if you cannot benefit from the Trait. This in turn unlocks stratagems and relics associated with that Household.


A lone knight does not naturally gain access to warlord traits or relics. However you can use stratagems to buy both an extra Warlord Trait and a Relic for 1CP each.


So if running a lone Knight, you can spend 2CPs and get the following:

  • A household (but no trait)
  • A Warlord Trait (including a House-specific one if you wish).
  • A relic (including a House-specific one if you wish).
  • Access to your house-specific stratagem.

A very popular choice is a lone shooty knight such as Castellan or Crusader with the Raven Household so that it access the Raven stratagem to reroll all 1s in the shooting phase (number of shots, to hit, to wound and number of wounds). This can be seasoned to taste with warlord traits and relics if you think it is worth it to spend the CPs.


I would say it is almost always worth it to spend 1 CP on a Warlord trait. If you cannot think of anything better, take Ion Bulwark which increases your Ion Shield save by +1. If you were to use the Rotate Ion Shield stratagem, you would have to pay 1CP every turn to get the +1 to your save (or 3CPs in the case of a Dominus class Knight). Ion Bulwark is the gift that keeps on giving and can even be combined with Rotate Ion Shields for a 3++ save against shooting if you suspect your opponent is about to throw the proverbial kitchen sink at your knight. ;)


Relics are more situational but there are some pretty good ones in the codex so I would generally spend the extra CP to get one if possible.

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As per tradition, there is no Weekly Update for Week 13 as it is so close to the end of the event. The ETL VI officially ends on August 1stat 17:00 GMT, so keep that in mind and organise your work accordingly. 


So this is the end of Week 12 – the most productive week of the ETL so far with 50.5k pts added leading to a total of 205k pts. The overall completion rate stood at 48%.


On a Faction level, the Astartes lead mostly on the back of the BAs spectacular performance with the AoD coming second (with a big margin) as the Loyalists are narrowing the gap with the Traitors – the latter having one of the highest completion rates in the event. Realm of Chaos is in third position as the Chaos Marines strong performance is still hampered by relatively low first vows completions and the Daemons and the LatD have yet to reach the desirable completion rates. IFOR is in fourth position led by the Astra Militarum and the AdMech but kept back by the Imperial Agents and the Deathwatch – while the Grey Knights have already achieved the 100% completion rate! Lastly the Xenos are a bit lagging behind despite the strong completion rates of the Necrons and the Orks. However the Tau are very close to register a significant jump in their score – it just did not happen by Week 12 – so some surprises may still come…


An overall advice at this point of the event: Forget strategy and long term planning, now is the time to act! Complete your outstanding vows and see what happens – completion rates is all that matters right now!


I will now further analyse Week 12 results:


Faction/ForumParticipantsVowsPoints pledgedAvg. Vow Completions CRSCRAdeptus Astartes 185 275 169,238 61576,897 45.4% 39,340 Space Marines 6799 53,312 539 19,715 37.0% 7,291Blood Angels 44 7445,358 61328,858 63.6% 18,360 Dark Angels 45 60 39,520 659 17,184 43.5% 7,472 Space Wolves 29 42 31,048 739 11,140 35.9% 3,997 IFOR 67 95 80,156 844 29,906 37.3% 11,158 Adepta Sororitas 6 8 4,642 580 1,891 40.7% 770 AdMech 13 21 11,764 560 7,020 59.7% 4,189Astra Militarum 21 33 24,550 744 11,086 45.2% 5,006 Imperial Agents 12 13 21,676 1,667 3,221 14.9% 479 Grey Knights 2 2 2,658 1,329 2,658 100% 2,658 Deathwatch 13 18 14,866 826 4,030 27.1% 1,092 Realm of Chaos 67 116 72,278 623 37,278 51.6% 19,226 Chaos Space Marines 55 100 58,351 584 32,730 56.1% 18,359 Chaos Daemons 4 5 4,145 829 1,432 34.5% 495 LatD 8 11 9,782 889 3,116 31.9% 993 Xenos 41 58 33,703 581 16,254 48.2% 7,839 Aeldari 10 11 3,492 317 841 24.1% 203 Necrons 10 15 8,191 546 5,181 63.3% 3,277 Orks 4 8 5,099 637 3,832 75.2% 2,880 T’au Empire 13 19 13,805 727 6,142 44.5% 2,733 Tyranids 4 5 3,116 623 258 8.3% 21 AoD 47 78 75,358 966 44,236 58.7% 25,967 AoD-L 26 40 35,753 894 18,861 52.8% 9,950 AoD-T 21 38 39,605 1,042 25,375 64.1% 16,258 Total ETL VI 407 622 430,733 692 204,571 47.5% 97,158



And excellent performance throughout the ETL this year – but it’s not over yet. The BAs have by the end of Week 12 the highest score in the ETL if by only a SINGLE point ahead of Chaos Marines! This close a competition has never, ever occurred before in any ETL! No the truth of the matter is, that the BAs have expended more of their resources to achieve this with a completion rate of 63.6%. Still there is a lot of firepower still available to see them through in the next few days! Also, your position as leaders of the Astartes Faction seems pretty safe but it is not unheard of to have great fluctuations in Week 13 of even in the couple of days following Week 13 until the end of the event. Especially if your rival is the SMs that should they flex their muscles could have the tables turned. So keep the pace and never relax until it’s all over!



One point. That is how close it is going into the final week. For the ETL we have never been in this position before (and on the years Chaos won the event, they have never been second going into the final week). Not only are we still in the hunt for this year's triple crown, we are on course for our best ever ETL showing regardless of how it ends.


Before I go on, I must praise the phenomenal effort shown by our forum so far. We have dug deep and produced the goods and that is only down to you, the Frater. You have got on board with this project and let it get under your skin; you have helped and encouraged your fellow Frater; you have once again answered the call and shown what an amazing place our little corner of the B&C is and for that, you have my respect.


The event isn't over and now it where it counts. During ETL V we were cruising in third at this point of the competition, only to finish fifth despite registering our best ever ETL score and completion rate. However, this time out we're in a stronger position but it will count for naught if we don't get those vows in. Do what you can to finish. Not only will you feel great about having another completed model in your collection but can you imagine the euphoria if we break Chaos' stranglehold on the competition? The feel-good factor will last for ages! It will also go a little way towards our revenge against them for what they did to our father....


All I've ever asked is that you do what you can. Lets finish the job together.


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One point. That is how close it is going into the final week. For the ETL we have never been in this position before (and on the years Chaos won the event, they have never been second going into the final week).


All I've ever asked is that you do what you can. Lets finish the job together.


*Glances nervously at Charlo*

Edited by Xenith
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One point. That is how close it is going into the final week. For the ETL we have never been in this position before (and on the years Chaos won the event, they have never been second going into the final week).


All I've ever asked is that you do what you can. Lets finish the job together.


*Glances nervously at Charlo*



Plus I only got a tiny bit to do!

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