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I've never pledged anything before and I don't know how it works.. but I did do up 4 knights from scratch in the past 4 weeks... is there a provision for me to chip in...?


I'm afraid your only allowed to makes first vows within the first two weeks or something like that. Special cases would have to pm captain semper but with so little time left you'll have to wait till next time. Shame since we could have used a few more big pledges.

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Mephiston alternative is now for sale https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/space-warriors/imperial-death-lord/ :smile.:

Had to order him along with skulls and the chaplain heads for funky conversions.


That looks rather good. Looks far nastier (and larger) than the ancient metal/finecast sculpt. 

You have to laugh at the naming conventions though - "Wing of death angel terminator" so we don't get sued... :-) 

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Mephiston alternative is now for sale https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/space-warriors/imperial-death-lord/ :)

Had to order him along with skulls and the chaplain heads for funky conversions.

I'm away at the moment, but could you add it to our third party thread please? Can update it when I get back then.

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I just wIsh I could have done more, but my wife was going through chemo and the effects of it were getting steadily worse. Thankfully she’s done with it now.

Sorry to hear this; let us hope that her recovery is steady, lasting and sure.

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So....it's not quite Blood Angels, but since he was born on Baal (so to speak), it's worth noting especially since he pops his head back in here from time to time:


"Our" very own LutherMax made the front page of Warhammer Community today, though it's about his (gorgeous) Raptors, rather than BA:




If you are not familiar with him, his website (with many, many a BA model on there):



...and his WIP thread:


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Tough games today for the Narrative list. I'm a little disappointed when I told my opponent before we met up I wanted to play a narrative based game. He showed up with loads of Tesla based weapons and two separate dynasties, I don't mind playing chef gouda lists, but I want to be on or close to an equal playing field, so I definitely wasn't prepared for that.

Tomb Blades are absolutely gross, as are all the living metal and ***** canoes. Such a resilient army! I really did have fun, I held my own fairly well, my dice really weren't with me today. I failed both +1 rolls to go first as well as whiffing on pretty much everything charge wise. I'll write up some fluff for this and a little bit on the two games for batreps. Stay tuned for some fun stuff!


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Mephiston alternative is now for sale https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/space-warriors/imperial-death-lord/ :)

Had to order him along with skulls and the chaplain heads for funky conversions.

I'm away at the moment, but could you add it to our third party thread please? Can update it when I get back then.

Was busy too. But I added it now. :)
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