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I've been working on my battle company list some more. I can't seem to be "happy" with it. I'll get some what excited and then think, no - no it could be better! I could add this! But then I'd have to drop this! And then I want the dreadnoughts and company ancient + champion, and I want it to be in under 2500 points. or 130ish power level. And the lieutenants will have to be scratch built and I can't decide on load outs that I like.

It's an all gen 1 modified list. After I complete this list, I'll add to it for "The Bloodied-Battle Company" to flesh out for my campaign that will still hopefully come to fruition during the summer!

Right now the Core is pretty glorious, and it is going to look great/menacing on the campaign trail! But I'll probably figure it out eventually. Gonna take another gander at the Unit-of-the-week segment for Lieutenants. Do we have a "Favorite built Lieutenant" thread,  like we do the Captain thread? I can't remember!

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Do we have a "Favorite built Lieutenant" thread,  like we do the Captain thread? I can't remember!

I can't think of one. Lieutenants are less powerful and more of a nice-to-have unit. I use a Buff Lt for my firebase as it is cheaper than a Buff Captain and statistically the same if I am not using Plasma.


In general a Captain is only 14 points more than a Lt. For that you get +1A, +1W, +1BS, a 4++ and a reroll that is more useful if you have any plasma in your army. Most of the time I would look at the Lt and think "Why am I not taking a Captain?".


One answer of course is that you already have a Captain and you want to benefit from both reroll auras. In the case of a Primaris Lt, one of the master crafted bolt rifles is quite nice, probably the ABR. 3 shots with 2D (and Ap-1 in the Tactical Doctrine) is not too shabby at all.

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Do we have a "Favorite built Lieutenant" thread,  like we do the Captain thread? I can't remember!

I can't think of one. Lieutenants are less powerful and more of a nice-to-have unit. I use a Buff Lt for my firebase as it is cheaper than a Buff Captain and statistically the same if I am not using Plasma.


In general a Captain is only 14 points more than a Lt. For that you get +1A, +1W, +1BS, a 4++ and a reroll that is more useful if you have any plasma in your army. Most of the time I would look at the Lt and think "Why am I not taking a Captain?".


One answer of course is that you already have a Captain and you want to benefit from both reroll auras. In the case of a Primaris Lt, one of the master crafted bolt rifles is quite nice, probably the ABR. 3 shots with 2D (and Ap-1 in the Tactical Doctrine) is not too shabby at all.


Right, good stuff!  However; this is for a narrative Battle Company. In the competitive market we don't even need a Lieutenant since we have the Sanguinary Ancient which does the same thing, but better.


I guess I could take 2 more captains and just call them lieutenants, but that doesn't feel right either. They are suppose to be the direct chain from the captain if anything happens to him etc.

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Right, good stuff!  However; this is for a narrative Battle Company. In the competitive market we don't even need a Lieutenant since we have the Sanguinary Ancient which does the same thing, but better.

I thought that the Sanguinary Ancient only works in melee. If you want to stack rerolls in your shooting, that is the best place to put a Lt.


I guess I could take 2 more captains and just call them lieutenants, but that doesn't feel right either. They are suppose to be the direct chain from the captain if anything happens to him etc.


Presuming at least one Captain have DVOS, you could say the other has just recently been promoted. Your Smash Captain could have promoted him from Lt recently as he realised he was succumbing to the Black Rage and wanted to leave the Company in safe hands before he completely lost his grip on reality.

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Since Germany is finally in a state closest to a lockdown since the spreading of the virus began(sounds like the narrative of a zombie movie, haha!), I’ve stopped working on my new project, the Hammers of Titan, and decided to finish some of the units for my BA.


10 assault veterans have been assembled and primed, shaded and highlighted. Next edge highlight and shade should be done today after work.

Will then finally finish my Sanguinary Guard, Tactical Squads and the remaining Death Company. Should be a good month, hobby wise!

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More work on my vanguard Blood Angels. I’m hoping to get some serious work done I’ve the next few months.


These guys are looking really good as BA.


And I'm all aboard the Primaris hype-train.


I still have my eye on FirstBorn marines also. I have enough second ed marines to really diversify my collection.

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More work on my vanguard Blood Angels. I’m hoping to get some serious work done I’ve the next few months.


Those do look good! And really nice pieces of terrain too. Where are those bunker hatches from?

And I'm all aboard the Primaris hype-train.


I still have my eye on FirstBorn marines also. I have enough second ed marines to really diversify my collection.

I see you've been working (out) on those shapeways icons. They look visibly better :thumbsup:

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And I'm all aboard the Primaris hype-train.


I still have my eye on FirstBorn marines also. I have enough second ed marines to really diversify my collection.

I see you've been working (out) on those shapeways icons. They look visibly better :thumbsup:

Yes, the latest experiment was dpping them in boiling water while still on te sprue then bending the top of the icon down 5 at a time, this worked a lot better. Still not perfect, but the glue can get a hold of it at least.

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These guys are done bar the squad markings, weathering and basing.


This is the 10th squad of the 4th company that I've painted, and while a couple of those squads are only 5 men strong and need filling, this fels like a big achievement. More pics in my plog.

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I'm going to paint a horseshoe on him somewhere. If anyone can think of local 'lucky' icons, I'll add them too. The plan is to make him overcharge every single shot, no matter what. 

Haha, great idea!

I'm thinking maybe the bullet-charm? A Mechanicum icon? (Imperial Knight sprue has loads of those small ones). But purity seals lready look great and deliver the message quite clearly :)


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Classic plasma gunner pose.

With added purity!


I'm going to paint a horseshoe on him somewhere. If anyone can think of local 'lucky' icons, I'll add them too. The plan is to make him overcharge every single shot, no matter what.

Depending on your view of it. ST. Patrick would probably enjoy either his insignia or a four leafed clover on that boi. His name could even be Battle Brother Asher, which means fortunate lol.

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Classic plasma gunner pose.

With added purity!


I'm going to paint a horseshoe on him somewhere. If anyone can think of local 'lucky' icons, I'll add them too. The plan is to make him overcharge every single shot, no matter what.

Depending on your view of it. ST. Patrick would probably enjoy either his insignia or a four leafed clover on that boi. His name could even be Battle Brother Asher, which means fortunate lol.

Asher it is. Very appropriate as I assume that's all that will be left of him by turn 3.

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Classic plasma gunner pose.


With added purity!


I'm going to paint a horseshoe on him somewhere. If anyone can think of local 'lucky' icons, I'll add them too. The plan is to make him overcharge every single shot, no matter what. 


Maybe the emperor's tarot. It's described in DoB as a small box with a button on it that when pressed flips a tile with the tarot on it. no idea how to model it though.

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