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For those not in the WIP section, I finalised my Quad Mortar Design last night to some praise.

Now I just need to buy 3 more Lascannons and mortars...



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For those not in the WIP section, I finalised my Quad Mortar Design last night to some praise.

Now I just need to buy 3 more Lascannons and mortars...



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That is pretty damn nifty. Where did you squire the tracks?



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Got some progress on my Knight.

Now he needs som washes (on the metal) and some highlights here and there. base needs also basing.http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/Slaughter3000/IMG-20151001-WA0000-1_zpsle2lvldt.jpg on Saturday i will ride against him with my tyranid army in a 12000 points game. he will be proxied for a chaos knight. the other super heavy will be a barbed hierodule. In the future he will support my blood angels in battle.

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How much bling do you guys put on your tactical squads? Spread it around thinly? Or on every marine?


I'm building a small force up and was thinking about mixing the BA tactical box up with the standard tactical squad (with a bit of Forge World MKIV thrown in for good measure)


When I looked through the codex, everyone was blinged to the max

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Personally I think both the BA tac box and DC box need to be 'watered down' with other bits. Building them straight out of the box they look far too OTT for my taste...




Agree completely, I think 1-2 pieces per model is great for tactical/ assault marines.


My sternguard, however are almost entirely BA parts.

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I just finished doing the equivalent with the Deathstorm provided tactical terminators and the Blood Angel specific Assault Terminators. I used body/legs from one box with the arms/shoulders from the other. It looks good, won't take me 1000 years to paint (just 500) and they are very cohesive. Special models, like sergeants, flamers, and things got the "extra" special shoulders. I distributed the tabards and flair around a bit. They look ace. 

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I recently finished painting a tactical squad using just the Blood Angels' kit. It took a fair bit longer to paint than models with plain armour (generic kit) but I think it looks much better. Having said that, I certainly don't blame anyone who doesn't want to spend all that time painting ropes :D

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RE: Bling.


I tend to embellish tacticals more than other troops. Because the progression is Assault > Devs > Tacticals, I personally go with 2-3 pieces > 3-4 > 4+. Rarely am I decking out one tactical in full on BA gear though since aesthetically it looks too busy.


Technically speaking, the newer the suit the less bling it has since armor is handed down after people die but that's more of a fluff thing.

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