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Finished my RTS Codex Dreads - just need to base them (first layer of Ironearth is down!) and then do the Deredeo from the start.


Also started work on my first three Drop Pods:


Left one came from eBay painted like that, back one was blue and glooped on silver and right pod was on a sprue until today - you can't see but the doors a black on it :tongue.:


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Yesterday was perhaps the last good priming day for the UK, so I primed a lot of stuff, some of it for my Blood Angels!


Namely the WW exclusive Command Rhino and Land Raider, a couple of DC sprues and some Tac Terminators, both from the Deathstorm box and all the Space Hulk minis.


I wanted to make sure I wasn't lacking for hobby stuff during the winter, but I think the chances of me finishing everything are slim but like Han Solo says "Never tell me the odds"!



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Built this beautiful little fellow today, for my ETL Penance Vow. Unlike my previous two, he hasn't a name yet, in case anyone has some suggestions.





Edit: It would help if I included the damn pictures.

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Built this beautiful little fellow today, for my ETL Penance Vow. Unlike my previous two, he hasn't a name yet, in case anyone has some suggestions.





Edit: It would help if I included the damn pictures.


Death Company: The ORIGINAL angry marines!

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Panic buying.


I went to purchase a Cullexus and an Eversor to complete my Assassin set in time for my next Apocalypse game (wanted the old models before they go out of production as they will be cheaper than the new and will look better with my older ones), and to get the cost over the line for free postage (not going to go near a GW anytime soon you see) I purchased a Sanguinor and the Armour through the Age box which I've wanted forever.


Really shouldn't have but I figured that I'm going to get them at some point so...


Also, I saw that Warzones Pndorax and Damocles are no longer available, so I'll be getting Damnos soonish...


Btw, has anyone bought the new BA Battlefore box yet? If so, does it come with all the Dreadnought options or just the bits for a Furioso?

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I think as the sprues are so packed it'd have to be all three dread options :)


I also picked up a Sanguinor recently, nicely painted in white armour and red wings too. Going to re-base him and use him as a mad contrast to my black Marines.


Love his fluff and think with some good generalship that extra attack aura will go a long way plus he destroys people without a 2+ in a challenge.

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Yeh recently bought one and it has all three options for furisos - however I'm not sure if your asking about if it has like the assault cannon or lascannon which it does not


Panic buying.


I went to purchase a Cullexus and an Eversor to complete my Assassin set in time for my next Apocalypse game (wanted the old models before they go out of production as they will be cheaper than the new and will look better with my older ones), and to get the cost over the line for free postage (not going to go near a GW anytime soon you see) I purchased a Sanguinor and the Armour through the Age box which I've wanted forever.


Really shouldn't have but I figured that I'm going to get them at some point so...


Also, I saw that Warzones Pndorax and Damocles are no longer available, so I'll be getting Damnos soonish...


Btw, has anyone bought the new BA Battlefore box yet? If so, does it come with all the Dreadnought options or just the bits for a Furioso?


was bidding on a vindicator today but was sniped at the last second :furious: so bought another BA tacticals box :biggrin.:

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Got a base for the hawk, did some more filing to get the hull sections to line up a little better, and sorted small parts into "basecoat red" and "basecoat black" piles.


Also had to de-red scorpion the pilots, and give them suitably tech marine-y helmets and shoulder pads.



This weekend I'll pick up a suitable acrylic rod and drill out the mounting hole in the base and lower hull

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Today I will be hopefully finishing off my 3 RTS dreads and a Tac Squad - then making a start on the Deredeo!


Yesterday I bought 2 more pods (now I have the magic 5!) and and a new ADL as it was cheap on eBay and I was bored at work...


Anyone had success with them? They seem pretty good!

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I'm working on converting some Prosecutors from Age of Sigmar into Sanguinary Guard.  This is my first proper conversion (chopping off and replacing bits like arms and heads and trying to hide fantasy parts and make things look a bit more sci-fi).  Hopefully I don't mess things up too bad!

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Well, if you do, there's always the new Prosecutor kit coming out! I imagine it'll lend itself better to conversions, too, being multi-part.


For myself, I have purchased a box of Blood Angel tactical marines! But, of course, I'm not allowed to touch them until I've built the last of my ETL Penance vow. I have two more Death Company to build! Let inspiration strike!


...After I've made a cuppa

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Well, if you do, there's always the new Prosecutor kit coming out! I imagine it'll lend itself better to conversions, too, being multi-part.


For myself, I have purchased a box of Blood Angel tactical marines! But, of course, I'm not allowed to touch them until I've built the last of my ETL Penance vow. I have two more Death Company to build! Let inspiration strike!


...After I've made a cuppa




You've got an ETL vow to finish too...

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