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Tzen's Ultramarines WIP blog!


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This is literally the GW method for painting Ultramarines:


Mordian blue base coat (or new equivalent)> Nuln oil wash over all of it > Ultramarines blue on all the armour plates, leaving the recesses darker blue > 50/50 Ultramarine blue/Space wolves Grey (fenrisian grey for newer paints) >  > 20/80 Blue/grey (same as last step) > Highlight edges with pure Space Wolves Grey.


That's where it is at right now. Eventually you will want to pick out the very edges with skull white or whatever they call it nowadays.


There are other ways to paint Ultras, and some of them look very good, but I recommend painting them this way for just about everyone, even people who hate the smurfs because it is such a good and forgiving way to learn how to layer and highlight.

BOOOOOO get back to ya chaos ya traitor. 


But seriously, nice mate. Absolutely agree with your comment about Ultras being a good learning tool. Allot can be debated about our beloved beakies but they are a great place to teach people how to paint. With such large flat armour plates you really have to learn to be neat and smooth or things rapidly start looking off. Blue is also very forgiving.

Man, Tzen, stop embarrassing the rest of us by being all awesome with colors and things. It hurts me in the heart, yo.


But I am doing it in glory of you all!!!11oneone


Sorry Lex :( If it cheers you up any I am truly god awful at both fantasy and 40k.

Looking awesome as always. I'm still torn as to which chapter to paint my SH minis.


I couldn't resist Ultras. Also, I don't mind admitting I am getting sick of painting red. 


I want to get my Word Bearers finished ASAP so i can do the army of my dreams. THOUSAND SONS! :D


Tzen I can't wait to see this come to fruition, and the promise of Thousand Sons I cant wait. :smile.:


btw Ultramarine fan since RT :smile.:



You and I both! 


I keep meaning to purchase Marneus Calgar and paint him for old times sake! :biggrin.:


*your conscience wisphering* dooooooooooo it...

I had a very small window of time for painting last night, as I spent the limited amount I do have playing Borderlands 2 with my brothers!


However here is a quick pic of what I managed to get done!





The picture looks a little dark,  I had to take it early this morning! I Still have to clean everything up, but made a start with the grey and the silver areas! Hoping to get more done tonight!

Another WIP pic, light is really unreliable at the moment so it’s a bit darker than I’d like.




I suddenly found myself with a rather impromptu day off today, so I am taking advantage of it and doing some painting!


Still need to tidy things up, but happy with it so far!

Well, this is nearly finished. I don't have a light box any more, it's on my 'to buy' list, so these crappy photos will have to do!




I have enjoyed painting this guy quite a lot, I still need to fix the battle damage and the Ultramarine sigh on his knee pad but the light is gone so it will have to wait.


I also took a picture of the models side to show you some of the down sides of these clip together minis.




The right leg's knee is so far away from the actual leg the damn thing looks like Stretch Armstrong. It's something I will darken and try to hide a little better, but it's pretty annoying!


Anyway, hope people like!

Without the Photoshop'd background looks better and saves you a bit of time and effort in the process :)


By the by, how do you paint your gold? I'm having very little success with the current GW paints (might just be a bad batch).

  • 10 months later...

Well, once again my Word Bearers have been taking up the lion's share of my painting time, however they are on a brief holiday at the moment so it's a good time to catch up on some of my Ultramarines! 


Here is the intitial paint job on my first five assault marines. 




I won't bother listing off the stuff I still have to do for these guys, its a very very long list!


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