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If one can get to sweep this is good

The amount of fearless or stubborn 2w counterparts they come across though will likely bog them down, and either suffer from countercharges or following turns in combat which will see them crushed. Very glass hammer esque.

Sweeping with these guys is very situational at best unfortunately. Unless spending a few characters with them, then it defeats the object lol


At least as a minimum they have ws5.


Maybe ws5 will help a little and reducing ws of opponents. But I guess we will see.

I think, with: sweep, WS5, +1I or +2I, AP2 +1S on the charge, they fit their role of bodyguard perfectly. No, they are not the best of the best, but stick Fulgrim or Eidolon with them, and I think they will compliment them like not many other terminators can.

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Will be interesting to see how they play out, I might even finish their bases off even.

Did I miss something, why would it be +2 initiative?

I read something posted by someone who said that all EC get the +1I on the charge, and the special rule of the phoenix guard had been altered to stack another +1 on top. I'll try to find it.

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And most units will hit Praetors and Champions only on fives in challanges!

Actually, MEQs will still hit on 4's. WS3 opponents like Militia will need 5's after the debuff.

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And most units will hit Praetors and Champions only on fives in challanges!

Actually, MEQs will still hit on 4's. WS3 opponents like Militia will need 5's after the debuff.


Damn, you're right. Hitting on 3 with your Marines against MEQs is still cool though.  

Tell you what, bop a forge Lord in there with rad grenades for even more pain..

Uh yeah.
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I was thinking on the way home, how versatile kakophoni are now.


You can ride up in a raider (with bling and bright colours) hop out 6" relentlessly shoot a unit with your chora, then charge them.

If they still come stock with shriekers they get the ws bonus, and the i bonus on the charge. Even chuck a character in there with them to enhance if you like (chaplain maybe?)


And they are troops! I could easily see 2/3 units of these in my army as stock troops in transports.


Also the feedback is cumulative, you can maybe get them to fail some leadership tests. Don't have the book on me, but pretty sure they won't affect fearless etc troops.


Even without I'm liking the new flavour of ec, it's like a new legion. Or a re spray of armour! Might even pint some bright colours on them now

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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this earlier but if Fulgrim chooses the night fighting strategic trait all stormbirds would jink at 3++ and lightnings at 2++ making a very tough airborne army easily combined with guns in cover

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I copied a pic off a site but not sure about re posting.


But with the row, our limitations are : only used by traitors (duh)

Cannot take allied sm detachment

And if playing alongside another legion you are counted one worse in the allies chart (get weirded out by all out piercings I guess)


It will be interesting how they change the actual ec legion traits though

Edited by Theredknight
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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this earlier but if Fulgrim chooses the night fighting strategic trait all stormbirds would jink at 3++ and lightnings at 2++ making a very tough airborne army easily combined with guns in cover

How is this? It would only be nightfighting turn 1, and the flyers would arrive after that, T2 earliest. Or did we get something that changes that?

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I wouldn't bother with kakophoni in transports. They've the range and mobility to rock from the off. I've got a game against salamanders a week on Sunday so I'll report back how the new rules go :)

To each their own, the idea however that my pink perverts can cavort across the battlefield in transports, get out, and deafen people with sonic waves gives me oodles of 'pleasure' lol


I think they are also going to double up as a pretty good all rounder unit, they have the upper hand on some from the offing with shriekers and relentless.


36" range is fairly short, and a good enemy will avoid your fire hiding in cover and staying just out of range. As ec, it's always good to redeploy on the battlefield at a shorter notice, even if we are becoming more depraved..


Also lets me paint up a rhino mainly in the normal colour, but start splicing some 'degenerated' bits on there too.


Btw maybe the herald will be pants, we will see.but I'm going to rock the hell out of one with a fulgrim painting.. complete with framing and 'oddly textured' paint!!!

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Stormbirds are Super Heavy and can't jink. I've always thought it would be a neat thing for Thunderhawks to get Jink to make up for being a medium Super Heavy Flyer and representing their Astartes nature. Maybe at a leaser nature, perhaps forcing a reroll.


Still, i don't have much else to add to the conversation. :)

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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this earlier but if Fulgrim chooses the night fighting strategic trait all stormbirds would jink at 3++ and lightnings at 2++ making a very tough airborne army easily combined with guns in cover

How is this? It would only be nightfighting turn 1, and the flyers would arrive after that, T2 earliest. Or did we get something that changes that?


true, didn't know that


burner of cities or master of ambush then

Edited by noigrim
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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this earlier but if Fulgrim chooses the night fighting strategic trait all stormbirds would jink at 3++ and lightnings at 2++ making a very tough airborne army easily combined with guns in cover

How is this? It would only be nightfighting turn 1, and the flyers would arrive after that, T2 earliest. Or did we get something that changes that?


true, didn't know that


burner of cities or master of ambush then


Depending on the battle, I usually go for: 

- Paladin of glory: +1 combat resolution

- Child of Terra: units rerolls failed to wound rolls of 1 (my favourite)

- Divide and Conquer: -1 for opponent reserve rolls (if he has a deathstar or other important unit in reserve that he cannot afford to arrive late)


Master of ambush can be good depending on your list. It sucks that you can't infiltrate a vehicle, but since you can choose the warlord trait and don't need to roll, you can reliably build a list around this trait that uses it to it's best effect. I could see rapiers, veterans and Kacophoni infiltrating being useful, especially the latter with the new ROW. (but I personally don't play traitor so thats not for me)

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Until now I've reserved comment while all the finer details of the changes coming in Retribution & the Red Book were coming out. It's hard to deny that the Emperor's Children have been given a cascade of buffs that really enhance the legion's niche and power level versus the others.


The new Rite of War is good to the point of being almost mandatory - Kakophoni might kill themselves every so often but in terms of firepower they outclass virtually every possible Troops choice in any other Legion. One can make the point that they are still weaker then HS Squads with Volkite Culverins, but since the latter takes up a Heavy Support slot its comparing apples to oranges (not to mention the Kakophoni can move and charge). Sonic Shriekers in their new, improved form also seem quite nice - especially because of how available they are to normal line infantry now. Depending on how the rule is worded (if its only models in base contact as opposed to units, there's a good chance they could do nothing) they definitely put Emperor's Children in the running as a powerful close combat legion. Not to mention the drawbacks to this Rite of War seem almost non-existent... basically play as Traitors and take no allies.


The new Flawless Execution rule is perfect for Emperor's Children, and gives our units a pretty noticeable advantage in close combat provided we get the charge - going first is highly desirable in almost every combat. This effectively grants all our legionnaires Sonic Shriekers (from the old rules) free of charge, so you can imagine why I might be a bit excited!


Improving Phoenix Terminators has been a long time coming, given their points cost disparity with other Stubborn terminators like Lerneans from AL and unenviable Close Combat abilities when they sacrifice having any kind of ranged firepower. Added together with the Sweeping Advance buff, I can see them being really effective when deployed out of a Dreadclaw whereas before they needed characters to work and hence had to be inside a Kharibdys or Spartan.


I'll have to change around my lists to reflect these new upgrades :)

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