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Quick update here. I was able to finish the Bloodthirster's base, which was much easier to do than some of the others. I did notice a spot where some of the ballast had come up, so I had to repair that before proceeding. Still it all went rather quickly:


Bloodthirster with updated base


And with that, I'm finished with my Daemonkin bases. I hope to get my next set of bikers in a couple of days. As always, thanks for looking!


  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got my new unit of Chaos Bikers, and I've put them together. This is my first set of new bikers - as in the models are less than 11 years old. With my old bikers, the legs on the marines were very narrow. As a result, they would really grind when you tried to take them off the bike. With this newer set of models, they almost fall off if you turn the model upside down. Personally, I like that as I prefer painting the marine and bike separate. Should mean less scraped paint.


Khorne Daemonkin Bikers, squad 2

Khorne Daemonkin Bikers, squad 2

Magnetized biker champion

I decided to magnetize one of the Biker champion's arms, in case I want to change his melee weapon load-out. It's the first time I've done any magnetizing in a while, and it seems to have turned out well. 
With these guys about ready to go, it's time for me to make my Call of Chaos vow. This squad will be part of my vow, which I hope to actually complete this time. :unsure.:  I'll be posting my vow progress here. As always, thank you for looking.


Just a quick update to add my "before" pics for my Call of Chaos vow:


Chaos Havocs, undercoated

Black Legion Chaos Lord, undercoated

Obliterator, NIB!!!!

Call of Chaos group shot

My vow includes the bikers immediately above as well. If some of these models look familiar, it's because they are. Except for the bikers, they are models I pledge in last year's vow, and ended up doing little or no work on them. :sad.:
But that's okay, because I'm going to try harder this year! Also, have a much lower model count should help keep away intimidation and discouragement. :happy.:
  • 6 months later...

Well, yet another long layoff from posting, and yet another failed set of vows. I probably won't be allowed to submit to the next Call at this rate. :unsure.: But I'm back into it again. And, I've actually completed something:


Second squad of Khorne Daemonkin bikers finished.


This is a near final image of my bikers. When I took this pic a couple days ago, I hadn't finished the bases or gemmed up the buttons on the handle bars or the console screen. All that has since been done and the bikers have been varnished. I was even able to use them in my Gorepack formation for a game on Sunday. They were great, and it was nice having a (nearly) uniform look to my army on the tabletop. Anyway, I'll post more pics today or tomorrow. 


Also, I've started a hobby blog, of sorts, which will have future stuff here cross-posted: http://www.chainswordsurprise.com


As always, thank you for looking.



So, as promised, a couple of pictures of my finalized Khorne Bikers. This is my second squad, so I now have an operational Gorepack for the table top:


Second squad of Khorne Bikers, finished

Second squad of Khorne Bikers, finished - rear view

I'm fairly pleased with how this squad came out. I used the same techniques and colors as the other biker squad. Below you can see the current state of my Bloodhost Detachment.

Bloodhost Detachment in its current state

I've got a couple things more to build that I have now, and a couple more models that are on their way in the mail. Though first I may try to finish the vow work that I didn't complete for the Call of Chaos. :ermm:  Yeah, I should probably do that....
As always, thanks for looking!



  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've been posting on my blog to the exclusion of this thread. :ohmy.:  Time to stop neglecting it! 


I started work on my Black Legion Havoc squad recently, and its slow going, but still getting done. My goal will be to get this squad finished by the end of the month. Totally doable... I think.


Black Legion, work in progress

Black Legion powerfist champion, work in progress

My technique on my Black Legion guys continues to evolve. I'm using a thinned Chestnut Ink on all the gold trim and details for this squad. Let me just say, Chestnut Ink is flippin' awesome. I'm sad it's out of production and hopefully my pot will last for all the projects I want to use it on. It adds a really nice red luster to the gold, giving a little of that "blood-stained" look. Also, I'm going to try to do some gold highlighting with Mithril Silver. If all goes well, these guys will look quite a bit different from my early Black Legion models. Hopefully, that will be a good thing.

On the topic of Mithril Silver highlight for the gold, here is my first shot at it:


Black Legion plasma gunner, trim closeup

Black Legion plasma gunner, trim closeup profile

Smartfone pictures are not the best, but hopefully its clear as to what I've done. This is my first time really doing this kind of highlighting on the gold. Not sure if I thinned the paint down enough? Should I thin it down more and do more layers with it? Any advice would be appreciated.
Again, thanks for looking.


  • 2 weeks later...

Another update on my Black Legion squad. I'm now in the home stretch on this squad. Now it's just a matter of basing, water transfers, and varnish. 


Black Legion, champion and old marine

Black Legion, plasma gunners

Black Legion, flamer and missile launcher


Black Legion, champion and old marine, rear

Black Legion, plasma gunners, rear

Black Legion, flamer and missile launcher, rear


I'm satisfied with these models, though I don't feel it's my best work. It is nice to have them done. One point - it is amazing to see how far details on GW's models have come over the years. I put the Chosen CSM next to a mid-1990s era CSM to show that. The level and quality of detail is just amazing on the new models. I really hope when the new Chaos Space Marine codex comes out, we get an update of our basic line troop models to the quality of the Chosen from Dark Vengeance. 


Anyway, I hope to have this Black Legion squad all finished up tomorrow. Should be easy enough to do. As always, thanks for looking!

  • 1 month later...

Ah, nothing like real life to slow hobby progress. Actually, I've made some in the past month, and I did finish up those Black Legion fellas. I've posted pics at my blog (see my sig below) so check them out over there.


However, the reason I'm posting is to start up my ETL log. I've vowed just three units so far. If I finish them quickly enough, I may vow a couple more. We'll see how things go. Anyway, here are some pictures at the time of vow:


Forgefiend 1, assembled

Forgefiend 2, assembled

Skull Cannon, assembled

Now it did take me a little longer than usual to put these suckers together because I did magnetizing work on each one. The Forgefiends are fully magnetized so I can switch them to Maulerfiends as I wish. And I magnetized the rider platform on the Skull Cannon to make it easier to store. Hopefully, I'll be able to post some more pics in the next few days. 


  • 1 month later...

Quick update. Been a busy summer so haven't had as much time for my painting as I would have liked. That said, I've made some progress on one of my Forgefiend/Maulerfiends:


Forgefiend/Maulerfiend near complete

Need to apply some shading, then do just a little bit of highlights, and dry brush the base, and it'll be done! So, even though I may not be on track to complete my vows for ETL, I might actually complete a unit this time! Very exciting as I've totally failed in the last two Call of Chaos events. :unsure.:


  • 2 months later...

So it's once again time for the Call of Chaos. And once again, I'm a glutton for punishment. Maybe I've learned my lesson. We'll see. So this time I vowed only two units, and only two single-model units at that! I can't lose, right? I hope not, but past performance does not tell a kind story with these things. :unsure.:


My vow this time is just a Chaos Lord (the one from the Dark Vengeance box set; the one I've vowed before) and a Chaos Sorcerer. I'll log progress here. As such, here's the before shot:


Chaos Sorcerer and Chaos Lord

As you can see, the DV Chaos Lord's base is slightly bigger than in previous pictures. That's because I added an adapter ring. I bought a bunch from Eccentric Miniatures, and I think they work well. The Sorcerer has one, too.
BTW, I actually did finish that Forgefiend, though not the other two parts of my vow for ETL. Working on the rest of the Maulerfiend bits for that one. Once done, I'll post that here.


Quick update post here. I've made progress on one of the minis in my vow for Call of Chaos. This shot is actually from a few days ago, but I want to have some charting of my progress in this thread to show intermediate stages. 


DV Chaos Lord in progress


It's been fun so far. There really is so much detail on these models, the ones from Dark Vengeance I mean. A few times I've had to stop and consider what color scheme I want to go for with this or that. More updates to come, so stay tuned.

Another update! I've made a lot of progress, much more than I was expecting. That's good. 


Chaos Lord, near completion, front

Chaos Lord, near completion, rear


Anyway, I've gotten the Chaos Lord pretty close to done. There are just a few things I want to clean up and then I need to do the base. But I'm closing in!

I have to say, I really like what you are doing here. All the classic models and the green trim on the bases reminds me of my teenage years :D. This latest Chaos Lord you are working on looks great too, the sword in particular :tu:



@Nemac Vradon


Thanks! When I started collecting, Goblin Green on the base trim was still very much the standard. I've decided to stick with it for my Chaos stuff, or until my pot of Goblin Green runs out or dries out.

Alrighty! I'm feeling good today. No damage to family or home from the hurricane and I finished up my Chaos Lord. Here he is:


Black Legion Chaos Lord, completed, profile

Black Legion Chaos Lord, completed, front

Black Legion Chaos Lord, completed, rear angle

Black Legion Chaos Lord, completed, rear


I think he turned out pretty well. I went ahead and painted the ballast on this base, which is different from my other Black Legion stuff. I figure, since he's an IC, it's fine for him to be a bit different. Also, I used tufts for this grass, rather than my usual static grass. On balance, I'm pleased with how this guy has turned out. With this completion, I'm halfway done with my vow. Very exciting!

Well, I've made some additional progress on my Chaos Sorcerer. This is the second part of my vow. I've got him pretty well done, except for some clean up here and there. 


Sorcerer, near complete, front

Sorcerer, near complete, back



Of course, I also need to do the base. That might be a bit tricky give his robe but, we'll see how it goes. For the metal armor trim, I went back to using Shining Gold, washed it with Reikland Fleshshade, then did a highlight with Liberator Gold. It's good, but I think I still prefer the Blighted Gold as the base. I tried to do the force sword with a voltaic arc effect, but I'm not sure it turned out quite right. Also, there were a couple chunks of metal left on parts of the sword that I didn't realize weren't filed off until I started painting. That said, I'm fairly pleased with how the layering and highlighting turned out. I hope to have this sucker done soon.


As always, thanks for looking.

I got around to finishing up my Black Legion Sorcerer the other day, but haven't had a chance to post until now.


Black Legion Sorcerer, complete, front

Black Legion Sorcerer, complete, back


There wasn't a whole lot I had to do between these shots and the previous ones. Just highlights on a couple small details I missed and clean-up in another couple of places. The base was the last big thing I had to do, which I did in a similar fashion to the Chaos Lord. I did fumble with the tufts this time, so I lost a couple to large glops of glue, but otherwise it was pretty standard procedure. Since this is a metal model, the last thing I did was apply a layer of 'Ard Coat, followed by a couple layers of Lahmian Medium to keep the shine down to a minimum. 


So this actually finishes up my vow for Call of Chaos, which is nice. No more mark of shame! Now back to work on my Maulerfiends.


As always, thanks for looking.

After successfully finishing my Call of Chaos vow, I've gotten back to finishing models for my Khorne Daemonkin army. As such, it's two Maulerfiends I posted about a while back, one of which is now completed:

Second Maulerfiend, complete, front

Second Maulerfiend, complete, rear

Second Maulerfiend, complete, profile



I debated doing some extra highlighting and light effects on the exhaust pipes, but decided against it. I figure if it really bothers me after a few games on the table top, I can always go back and add those highlights. One thing I've been using recently is Vallejo Thinner Medium, rather than water, to thin my paints. Not sure if it's because I have a better mix with the dropper bottle but I think it really helps smooth out the red before shading. Overall, I like how the model came out. Now I need to see if I can replicate it on this guy:


First Maulerfiend, primed


This one has a couple extra pieces of basing because I didn't realize the legs/hooves needed some work to get them to sit flat. Bur otherwise, it should be pretty similar. While not part of my vow, I'll aim to get it done before Dec. 15, just to see if I can. :happy.:


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