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IA13: Dedicated Transport Dreadclaws, and More!


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At least we know Forgeworld are properly playtesting their rules...





Being a Power Armor kinda guy, I'm more interested in knowing if there is anything CSM specific in this book or if its just for War Machines / LatD / cults.

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Well given there are a lot of vehicle profiles even if you want to stay pure power armor it's going to give you a lot more vehicle options.

It's a shame this book sounds so good-going to force me to buy a bunch of FW stuff. biggrin.png

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I'm already fully invested into 30k so buying more FW won't be a problem for me :p


I truly fear for those not on the FW train and the Resin-Crack induced rabbit hole they are surely to go down once they get this...

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I can hardly afford to buy regular used products, FW is mostly not a question for me.


That said I hope their special dreads can be used to substitute Helbrutes in the brute formations. Well, until we're all using drop tactics instead of the mayhem packs haphazard deepstriking.

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The more reasons there are to field dreadnoughts and not have them be DISTRACTION CARNIFEX's is a good enough reason for me. 


ie: Contemptors in 30k actually being pretty great. 


Little OT: apparently FW is making another dread that will be in between a Contemptor and a Knight in size...So a Not-Silly Dreadknight?


This might actually be the first Chaos Specific Book I buy...


Though that would mean I'd have to get C:CSM...

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I think what's super exciting about the book is that you name a cult or rebel army from BL and it can represented, easily. A more militaristic force like the Blood Pact or Sons of Sek seems easily replicable with the Khornate Bloody-Handed Reaver allowing grenadiers and military training. The meat-machine of Zoica's infantry can be represented via a Master of the Horde. Khayon's beastmen servants from Talon could be primarily formed through using a mutant overlord. The Gaur rebels from Xenos via Archheretic Revolutionary with Slaneeshi dedications. The seperatists in the flashbacks of First and Only via a Primaris-rogue Witch. Etc etc etc.


Imagination is the limit, it seems, with the Renegades and Heretics list. It's like 3.5's more imaginative elements, but whereas that was actually a very limiting, legion archetype-based codex, there is no such limitations for the renegades. They can be anything. Amazing work.

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As I understand it, it would work like the 30k version. You come down turn one, and can choose to disembark if you wish, but you can't assault if you do (as per the reserve / assault rules). You can also choose not to disembark when you come on and instead stay inside your open topped vehicle (that counts as a flyer in hover mode). In a subsequent turn you could disembark and assault (as per the rules for assault vehicles).


So a nice option, although you pay for it. Of course If you stay inside you would have to be careful about not landing too close to an enemy unit that could surround the pod, as the enemy could surround it, then destroy it leaving you unable to place the unit and resulting in death, but given you have hover mode you can ds a little distance away and fly over turn 2 to assault out at a unit. This would also leave you free to heat blast something turn one.


Edit: It's never open topped, yum.

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As I understand it, it would work like the 30k version. You come down turn one, and can choose to disembark if you wish, but you can't assault if you do (as per the reserve / assault rules). You can also choose not to disembark when you come on and instead stay inside your open topped vehicle (that counts as a flyer in hover mode). In a subsequent turn you could disembark and assault (as per the rules for assault vehicles).


So a nice option, although you pay for it. Of course If you stay inside you would have to be careful about not landing too close to an enemy unit that could surround the pod, as the enemy could surround it, then destroy it leaving you unable to place the unit and resulting in death, but given you have hover mode you can ds a little distance away and fly over turn 2 to assault out at a unit. This would also leave you free to heat blast something turn one.


Exactly correct - except it's never Open Topped......

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As I understand it, it would work like the 30k version. You come down turn one, and can choose to disembark if you wish, but you can't assault if you do (as per the reserve / assault rules). You can also choose not to disembark when you come on and instead stay inside your open topped vehicle (that counts as a flyer in hover mode). In a subsequent turn you could disembark and assault (as per the rules for assault vehicles).


So a nice option, although you pay for it. Of course If you stay inside you would have to be careful about not landing too close to an enemy unit that could surround the pod, as the enemy could surround it, then destroy it leaving you unable to place the unit and resulting in death, but given you have hover mode you can ds a little distance away and fly over turn 2 to assault out at a unit. This would also leave you free to heat blast something turn one.


Exactly correct - except it's never Open Topped....


Oh yes, never noticed that before. Even better. :)

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Special edition is up on FW





Pretty good deal if you ask me. Same probable price as the basic will be, and you get the slipcase and a nice poster. Hopefully mine should arrive soon.

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I didn't have the Vraks books. I went to the new stuff page and have just purchased the limited ed IA13 along with the three Vraks books for eighty quid... wow. I think that is quite the deal.
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