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IL VII - The Berserkers of Uran (thread 1)


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I'd need to re-read the passage for Dorns Auric Armor (not because I'm an Imperial Fists and am slightly miffed he got beat down so fast :tongue.:) because if I recall correctly, it states that he can't be wounded on better than a 3+ which means I'm not sure it came in to effect for this fight but could've. The wording on it is a bit iffy for me...

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Yikes. I suspected Raktra was lethal, didn't realize he could be that lethal with the right rolls. 


Nice model. The impact thrusters are smaller than I envisioned, but it works.

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Best I could do for the Thrusters without them looking like they were a bad Lego build. At least for now.

And yeah, I'm kind of frightened by how nasty Big R turned out to be. Alright, Dorn's not exactly the best fighter, but he's supposed to be at least relatively durable.

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You'd have to test it a bit; as a 5+ and again as only a 6+


The testing would also have to be of a large enough sample size so that it isn't incorrectly re-tooled or left as-is when it could potentially be over or under powered.


Soo...to start; maybe on a 5+, instead of outright ignoring an Invulnerable save, maybe reducing it to a 6+ no re-roll?

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I dunno how I didn't get a notification for this, but I didn't. I'll test it out as best I can before I commit to anything, yeah. Or maybe I'll give him Shred or something, I dunno. Grind really worried me with how strong it was against Dorn.


Anyway, until then, round two against Dorn's fluff:
The Berserkers of Uran were battered, bloody, and above all, betrayed. They had followed the renegades of the World Eaters and the Death Guard to Istvaan V to aid in their defence against Manus' loyalist allies, believing that they were still brothers bound by war, regardless of their indifference to the wider conflict soon to erupt in the Imperium. Certainly Raktra had thought this, standing proud by Mortarion as he had for many years, and sharing the killer's thrill with Angron. However, as they stood ready to charge into the Iron Hands' lines, Mortarion's voice crackled over his vox-link with but two words.
"I'm sorry."
Before Raktra even had a moment to register his confusion, blinding flashes of teleporters erupted all around his bodyguard, and where once rank upon rank of Death Guard Terminators stood to shield them from incoming fire, now there was nought but the stench of ozone and a storm of incoming bolter shells. Driven back and broken in mere moments, the Berserkers and their Primarch fled, desperate to escape the dual dangers of their pro-Imperium enemies and Horus-supporting erstwhile allies.

Those that made it back to their remaining Thunderhawks would find no reprieve, however. Returning to their flagship "Hooded Guillotine", they found it being boarded by the last foe they wished to face in the confined space of ship corridors - the Imperial Fists.
"DORN." Raktra yelled repeatedly, bounding through scores of yellow-armoured warriors in search of his gene-brother. He knew he was here. He HAD to be here. No-one would be stupid enough to attack a Primarch's personal ship head-on without a Primarch of their own in tow.
"Dorn you bastard, I-" heavy adamantium studded with razor-sharp teeth cut him off, slamming into his back and ramming Raktra to the ground just as his impact thrusters launched him once more. Spitting blood and scrambling back up, he found himself face-to-face with the heated barrels of the Voice of Terra.
"You petulant, arrogant child," Rogal Dorn's legendary composure giving way to fury. "This ends now!"


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I figured it was about time I comment on your wonderful project. 


I'm always thrilled to see another take on the lost legions and yours is a great effort, the writing is believable, (which I understand from experience can be a pain.) It's really cool that you decided to make your lost Legion an alternate heresy version, so that they can take part in the Horus heresy festivities. Believe me, I've spent hours and hours trying to wrack my brain on how to include my Legion in the Heresy and at the end of the day your solution seems like a lot of fun.


I'm really thrilled to see this progress to the modeling phase. Dorran looks Brutal,keep it up!

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I was sititng for ages after you posted this thinking "where do I recognise that sig from?", and then I had a peek. Jesus GOD man, you're one of the reasons I joined B&C! Yours and Simison's threads are what got me into wanting to build my own Legion, just never been able to re-find you to give proper dues. You loving my stuff is an absolute joy!

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Knocked up a basic 1k list for these guys as a reward for doing an essay (NEEERD). Given that it's 3.30am here, probably not my best, but hey-ho, have a peek.


Centurion - 105pts

Lightning claws

Refractor field

Impact thrusters



Tactical Squad - 230

15 strong



Tactical Squad - 205

15 strong

Swap bolters for chainswords




Rapier Battery - 60

Thud gun


Rapier Battery - 60

Thud gun



Executioner Detail - 225

7 strong

Power fist

Thunder hammer



Whirlwind Scorpius - 115

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Continuing from before:

Raktra gets first turn again, firing his Impact Thrusters and bounding up to Dorn.  His shooting from Heartworm results in two hits, but the Auric Armour doesn't crack and Dorn takes no wounds. Maddened, Raktra attempts to charge Dorn, but his Thrusters fail him and he ends up 1" short. On the upside, he deftly dodged all of the Voice's shells and suffered nothing in Overwatch.

Raktra: 6 Dorn: 6


After debating whether or not to pile into his brother, Dorn throws a frag grenade in the vain hope of it working, which lands on target with no wound. Unlike Raktra, Dorn's charge is successful and again dodges Overwatch wounds, robbing his runaway brother of an attack and gaining +1S from Furious Charge.

Raktra swings first, getting three hits but only one wound, and the save passes even after the re-roll. Dorn retaliates and lands three hits, a mighty three wounds due to Shred + Furious Charge, and obliterates a huge portion of the Behemoth Cuirass as he tears a trio of wounds from Raktra. Raktra gets IWND.

Raktra: 3 4 Dorn: 6


Round two, and Raktra hits and wounds thrice, battering at Dorn's defences to leave him with a single pass after Grind. Not discouraged, Dorn fights back fiercely, with three hits, two wounds, and one failed save pushing Raktra halfway to death. No IWND.

Raktra: 3 Dorn: 4


Raktra again, unleashing a violent roar of defiance and unleashing a hellish six hits and five wounds, enough to kill Dorn outright, but he hangs on for one more round with only three fails after Grind. The experience definitely put him on the back foot though, knocking his hits and wounds down to just two, only one of which failed, and now both Primarchs stood on their last wound. Raktra gets IWND.
R: 3 D: 1


Both Primarchs flail limply at one another, both scoring a single saved wound each as they temporarily slump against themselves, weapons only half gripped, with Dorn passing his IWND before Raktra recovers and slams him into the wall with an almighty burst of attacks that hit and wounded five times, and with three failed saves his older brother is down even without the Grind rule.



Both fought harder than they had thought their bodies were possible, tested like never before in the unnatural whirlwind of two Primarchs fighting to the death. Dorn's early advantage served him well, the wounds on Raktra clearly slowing him down considerably and labouring his blows. In the end, however, it was not enough. As the two brothers fell against each other in an exhausted warrior's embrace, the whirring teeth of their weapons slowing to a halt, Dorn thought that maybe, just maybe, Raktra had burnt himself out and would come to his senses once again. Whether or not that had been the truth, his decision to risk a smile at the Skyhunter changed any chance of that happening, and he felt himself thrown through the air by an Impact Thruster-aided kick. Dazed, he howled in pain as the gigantic chainsword ripped across his abdomen, digestive liquids seeping through cracked armour before his Astartes physiology helped to staunch the bleeding. He collapsed face-down on the deck powerless, and awaited death with a calmness about him he did not expect.
Raktra, shaking all over and barely able to remain upright himself, deaf from head trauma and near-blind from his own blood clouding his retina swayed as he tried to land the final cut, but never got his chance. The blast doors that had sealed the two off since Dorn's ambush exploded inwards, rocking him at first and then pinning him to a control console as a huge slab of adamantium landed atop his battered form. By the time he had been recovered from the mess, the Imperial Fists were gone, Primarch and all, but the Berserkers were far, far worse for it. With the Guillotine limping, his forces depleted and his own body carved into ruin, it was a pyrrhic victory if there ever was one.


Well, that was a goddamn close one pretty average one once IWND was finally factored in. Some odd rolls from me there, I enjoyed it. Felt like it could've gone either way at the start, so I wanted the fluff to match up. Admittedly I rushed it due to it being 2:34am here, but I hope it's a fun read for you lot. I'm going to make this section part of my "canon", as neither are actually killed.

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"I'm surprised you even showed up," a proud and authoritative voice called out, and Raktra and his men turned to see Rogal Dorn and his small honour guard approaching them. It was his first time seeing the Praetorian in the flesh - he was ambivalent. "You and your kin have gained a reputation for disrespect. What would make you rescind such a habit now, of all times?" A murmur of discontent rippled through the Berserkers, and they spoke amongst themselves whilst resting hands on the handles of their Hell's Teeth. Raktra snorted.
"Come now, you can't think that little of me can you? Why would I pass up the opportunity to watch such fine company debate so fiercely?" He motioned for his men to stand back as he strutted forward, steps heavy with cockiness.

"And yet I notice you had nothing to add yourself." Remarked Dorn, keeping his coolness about him. "What you have in cruelty you certainly lack in intellect, it appears."
"Don't mistake my apathy for idiocy," Raktra snapped, dropping his stance to one more aggressive. "You have no idea of cruelty, Rogal."

"Ha, do not assume what I do not know, child. Unless of course, you'd wish to test your theory?" Raktra raised an eyebrow warily.
"Indeed." Dorn made a series of hand gestures and his men made a circle around them. "A brief sparring session seems appropriate, don't you think?"

"Yes. 'Sparring'."

As compensation for rounds one and two, Dorn gets first round and will be counted as getting Rampage in assault, hence him having his dudebros around him.


Dorn forgoes movement, estimating his best odds are to whittle his opponent down at range. Five shots ring out, four hitting home for two wounds, making one failed save and an early advantage.

Raktra bounds up the field, spitting off a pair of useless shots with Heartworm that continue to do sweet bugger-all. Raktra fails charge again, but to offset that overwatch gives us a miraculous four 1s and a 2 on the to-hit rolls… What.


Raktra: 5 Dorn: 6


Dorn considers stepping back to put more distance between the two, but decides to rob the charge from Raktra, throwing frag grenades that don't have any effect before he charges, overwatch doing nothing as he ploughs into the White Devil.

Raktra swings first, his six attacks translating into three hits, two wounds, and two fails, with no Grind helping out.

Dorn fights back with an awesome EIGHT attacks with Rampage, dealing five hits and wounds that break through the Cuirass thrice, a good vicious beating.

No IWND, with no Sire of the Berserkers mucking it up.

Raktra: 2 Dorn: 4


Raktra goes again, getting another five hits and three wounds (due to Auric Armour's rules on wounding), making it two fails after Grind kicks in. Dorn's counterattack cranks out five attacks with two hits that result in no wounds after saves, Dorn clearly faltering as he realises that his brother isn't just playing around.

Raktra gets IWND.

Raktra: 3 Dorn: 2


Sensing weakness, Raktra goes in for the final blow. Three hits, two wounds, two passed saves then re-rolled into fails and Dorn drops, not dead, but certainly not looking healthy after daring the Devil.


"His mouth's filling with blood. Aren't any of you going to try and come to his aid?" Several Imperial Fists began to move forward, until Raktra lurched at them revving the Grinder. They quickly retreated.

"Pathetic," he spat, turning back to Dorn, removing the knife from his neck and taking his boot off his arm. The cut quickly clotted now the wound was unblocked, and Dorn managed to spit out the claret fouling his tongue.

"You keep calling us self-serving brutes when you think we can't hear. But let me point something out to you, Rogal - none of MY sons would've turned tail if it was me pinned to the floor." He left Dorn to pick himself up and headed back to his gaggle of sons. Before moving on, he rested a finger on the pauldron of his Executioner Headsman, who looked up sharply.


"If any of them follow," Raktra jerked his head back. "Shoot them in the kneecaps."


I had an idea on how to balance out Grind - I mixed the two previous ideas and thought that the re-roll would only be triggered on a to-wound roll of 5+. Fairer, aye?

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Okay, decided I'm going to drop the generic special power weapon for the Legion. Gonna leave the invulnerable reduction as a thing for Dorran to have as his special rule. Gonna do another test duel tonight, this time against Perturabo, with the new rules for the Grinder in place.

On a related note to all of this, after Christmas I'll be trying to make a slow start on actual models for these guys alongside my Iron Hands, now that all of my regular 40k stuff is finished (never thought I'd say that). Shame I won't get to make the Primarch himself, but hey-ho.

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"And you were sent to me..?" Perturabo raised an eyebrow at the newest addition to the Primarch brotherhood, he himself standing tall and stern where Raktra sat scowling.

"Apparently I need to learn siege warfare." He said flatly, disinterest in his voice. It didn't escape Perturabo's notice.
"Hmph," he grumbled, turning his back to Raktra and thumbing through his stacks of books. "I'm surprised you weren't sent to learn under Dorn. He is still the favourite, is he not?" He glanced over his shoulder, a difficult task with the sheer size of his armour's hood. "Though you're clearly disinterested. Perhaps his tender heart could not take a man who did not cling to his every word." Raktra snorted, and got to his feet, holding the currently sheathed Grinder in front of him.
"I don't see why I need to learn how to knock down walls when my concern is men. Let the Auxillia fool around with artillery and airstrikes, I only need my blades." Perturabo laughed dryly and pointed to the array of hammers, maces and other clubbing implements he adorned his weapon rack with.

"My men and I carry only that which will assure our enemy's destruction.  Blades are for surgeons and statesmen."
"Care to test that?" A moment's silence, and Perturabo answered by selecting a gigantic hammer from his collection and snapping his fingers. In a moment, his workbenches and various pieces of machinery withdrew from their locations in the workshop to press themselves against the wall. With all the clutter relocated, there was a startling amount of room.
"Come then."

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Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring,

Not even a...



*Merry Christmas from the Berserkers!*

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Hope Christmas was damn good to you guys, because it was to me. It's left me with a small dilemma though - my mum bought me Erebus and Kor Phaeron (sweeet), and I'm torn between building up Kor as himself, or having a shot at converting him into Icepick? Decisions decisions, make them for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Crap, I almost forgot about this. My bad. Got two things to share: One, this pic of Dorran's WiP.


And two, the fight between Raktra and Perturabo.



Pert gets the roll for first turn, so he wisely stays back and calls down an orbital bombardment on his brother's head. The two blasts launch down and land on target, knocking a wound off Raktra. Smiling at his early success, Perturabo levels his wrist cannon and opens fire, but causing no wounds thanks to Raktra's thick battle plate.

Raktra:5 Pert:6


Raktra is very, very displeased with having a series of explosions drop down on his head, and so catapults himself forward to get some payback. Heartworm's hammer rings out, but the Logos is far too heavily armoured, even for the cartoonishly large bullets of the heavy pistol. Making up for that though, Raktra's charge is successful, plowing through overwatch without a scratch. Perturabo proves to be a far more challenging opponent than any other he's faced though, with Hammer of Wrath proving useless and his massive WS allows him to force Raktra into landing only three hits, which resulted in zero wounds even after a 6 from the Grind rule popped up. Taking his opportunity, Perturabo slammed the head of Forgebreaker into Raktra, no Blind tests failed but knocking off two wounds and concussing the berserker. No IWND.
Raktra:3 Pert:6


Now that they're both swinging at the same time, and that Raktra's sporting more than a few broken bones, the fight grows in intensity. Raktra finally draws blood from iron and cuts a wound off Perturabo, with a 2 and a 5 on his to-wound rolls activating Grind. Not to be outdone, Pert knocks yet another wound off, leaving Raktra 2/3 dead. No IWND.
Raktra:2 Pert:5


Raktra gains momentum, battering through Perturabo's impressive guard and forcing him to take a hefty four saves, two with re-rolls. However, the Skyhunter is denied much success yet again as only a single wound gets through. That particular cut proves itself debilitating to the Lord of Iron though, as his previous strong run of attacks finally runs dry after a pair of hits leave no mark and no Blind on Raktra, letting him return to full initiative for the next round. Still no IWND.
Raktra:2 Pert:4


Finally noticing a gap in his defences, Raktra repeats his performance from the last round and slices another gobbet of flesh from Perturabo, this time without the aid of Grind, leaving him at half wounds and slowly closing the gap. Once again, Perturabo slips up, unable to fight through the pain of his injuries and swinging far too limply to cause any harm or blind his brother. No IWND.
Raktra:2 Pert:3


Three attacks hitting and all of them resulting in a Grind roll, Raktra yet again snips a chunk from Pert, but this time he does nothing to distract Perturabo from his ability to fight. With three hits and wounds, Raktra's power field explodes in a shower of light a moment before the colossal force of Forgebreaker makes contact with his skull, catapulting his body across the workshop and knocking him out cold. Victory to Perturabo!

Raktra awoke several hours later, struggling to move in his crumpled and split armour. Though able to stand, he was still seeing a trio of everything at once.
"Well then, I believe my point has been proven?" Raktra moved to grab Perturabo's open hand to steady himself, noticing the dried gore where it was sliced open. It was a small concession, if nothing else.
"Ha, hardly. Think yourself lucky, Olympian. I imagine a different turnout if I were aiming to kill you." He collected the Grinder and limped away, snarling at himself once his face could not be seen. How he could have allowed himself to be beaten so bloody by someone no better than a glorified strategist drove him mad. Meanwhile, said strategist watched the boastful new brother stumble off to lick his wounds and laughed.

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