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IL VII - The Berserkers of Uran (thread 1)


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Her best so far. Better than the canonverse primarchs and imho even better than Icarion and Gwalchavad. Maybe I should ask her if she could draw one with his mask on.


We should ask for an special brotherhood of the lost price and then every one could get an image in this style.


This one would then be Daer'dd Pic http://www.droidforums.net/data/photos/l/4/4069-1274063925-ea71fb27d917ccace59c480de06a83e0.jpg



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Alright, I've had a long and really hard think over these guys the past few days at work, and I've had some ideas on improving the fluff to make things nice and tight, and give a couple of solid reasons why they would have their records expunged. This is obviously only going to apply to the "regular" universe, rather than the BotL universe, but still, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I've also had some ideas relating to the Chaosification of the Berserkers in BotL, so everything's getting a bit better.


Now, crunch question - should I add in another unit? I've got a rough idea of a unique unit only Raktra can take that acts as his bodyguard, and a couple of loose character ideas. Should I roll with them, or am I risking making a bit too much?

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What? I thought we only have 3 special units to keep it close to the canonverse.

Thats What I'm doing but I wont stop others from going on ahead.

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I'm certainly a guilty party of at least too many ideas. But! I think BotL is a great creative environment to really flesh out the concept of what a legion really is as a whole. If nothing else it's a great place to bounce ideas off people, and the three really seems like a constricted number once you consider we've not yet seen Vlka Fenryka or Thousand Sons yet in the Cannonverse.
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At the end if the day, there is no point in creating units which won't be taken in game. You might as well put out your ideas, get some feedback to keep them competitive and then make the necessary adaptions to the fluff. If we end up treading on toes, then we can slightly adapt the fluff (ie Siege tyrant terminators and the Ultramarines copying rthem) or collaborate and make the changes.


I mean, in the end, to keep things fair, im the books, making 3 units results in 54 new units minimum. And we have to do so without trying to tread on other fellow writers toes, and being unique compared to the other expected 54 units in the existing canon.


When I get home tonight i'll list what we have for the legions, with a brief breakdown of what they do. Themes will have developed from the inital one a few months back.

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For the unit it was pretty much just an impact thruster command squad with slightly different gear and rules. Nothing major, just something that's tougher than regular Milewalkers to accompany the primarch.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, news time: I have everything for all my current Iron Hands lists bought and built. Anyone following my Iron Tenth page(s) will know that's a biggy. So, with that factor and the almost-here plastic Heresy models, the Berserkers of Uran are getting models.


Gonna have a lot of chains and generally harsh-looking features to the armour, aiming for a mostly MkV/scraps of plate look, with a huuuuge Fury Road inspiration. So yes, there's gonna be Marines hammered to the front of tanks. Hell, I'm even tempted to use Battlewagons as Raiders and say they're using repurposed inmate transport vehicles from the Uran prison complex.

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