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***2014 Solstice Advance***

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Hile, brothers. My turn. I, Hrafnkel, do solemnly vow to complete 1 Wolf Lord and two Fenrisian Wolves, plus 5 models of Thunderwolf Cavalry for the glory of the Chapter by 23rd January 2015.

I hear the clarion call, O brothers, and I obey.


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I, Wolfbrother Frór, vow to complete my Thunderwolf Lord and his personal retinue of Thunderwolf Cavalry for the glory of the Great Company and of the Chapter by the 23rd of January 2015. 

 How many TWC Fror??


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Five. Sorry I forgot to write that. msn-wink.gif

[Edit] Also, are we going to show our models here when painted?

Yes, if you can post a picture of them now, before you start and then again when you are finished.

And thanks for the number, it's not that big of an issue. I just wanted to get the number right!!

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Still WIP, still in the blue tac mode msn-wink.gif

Wolf Lord Nadir on mount. He will be mine Harald also.






torso - plain SM (the one without the aquilla, just with a skull). I've drilled holes, filled them with milliput and then curved runes in it.

legs - one normal TWC, left one from Krom (the one with runes on it)

arms - normal + Krom wrists

belt - icon with Morkai symbol and a gem, from SW Ven Dread kit

heads - Ulric and old SW sprue

weapons - Kroms axe, and Krakenbone Sword made of DE sword with SW thunderhammer handle

shield - i don't want to use magnets on the wrist so i've made a milliput hook to attach the shield to the forearm

backapack - Krom (again)

cape - metal rods for a rack, then milliput, then liquid greenstuff. I will add a wolf pelt on top of it.

I hope I will be able to build it AND paint until the time will pass...

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I, codyrstuart, vow to complete Bjorn the Fell-handed, 10 Grey Hunters, 1 WGPL, and 1 Predator Executioner for the glory of the Chapter by the 23rd of January 2015.


A little late, but I'll throw my hat into the ring. It'll give me a reason to paint. I'll post pictures once I get home and figure out how to.

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So I need a little help. Apparently my phone takes pictures larger than the 2MB limit in the gallery, and the website doesnt support flickr. How can I get my photos up?

You should be able to change the size photo your phone takes. What are you running? The android I have let's me shrink pics

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So I need a little help. Apparently my phone takes pictures larger than the 2MB limit in the gallery, and the website doesnt support flickr. How can I get my photos up?

I use photobucket and I never have an issue. Then again, I use a camera and a laptop to do it. My phone is dumb.


No worries Snuggatron, but thanks for posting the shot as is.


I want to take a moment to notify you all that someone absconded (stole) my Bjorn model at some point during my game today. I will not be painting him due to an inability to do so. I am substituting my BlizzDread in his place.


And lastly, my genuine thanks to you all for making this event well received!! I missed the one month mark a few days ago, so here it is a little late.




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dantay_xv vow to complete my Sicaran battle tank for the glory of the Chapter by the 23rd of January 2015.


SAM 2274


SAM 2273


SAM 2275


SAM 2277


SAM 2276


Priming will take place on the 9th December when I get home.... Main paint will hit around the 29th December and done around the 8th.


Compared to the Raptor this will be like speed painting!!!


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Finally figured out how to shrink my photos, so now for my befores!


First off, Bjorn:


20141128 142839

20141128 142931

20141128 143000

20141128 143009


I really like the old metal Bjorn, and was lucky to get one that was in good shape for cheap. I even was able to find an original banner, bt still haven't found the original pole. Good thing I have tons of wire coat hangers laying about.


Next, the Predator Executioner:


20141128 150350


This will be a conversion job, since I do not have Forgeworld money. Just waiting on a Baal Predator turret to stuff a couple Stormraven plasma cannons it. I will almost always run the Battle of Keylek legacy of war with it, and want to represent it on the model. Thinking about spiking a couple Cold One heads on the dozer blade and putting a Lizardmen standard on the back. Still working that.


Finally, the Grey Hunters:


20141128 150357

Pretty simple. 10 Grey Hunters, two with plasma guns, one with power axe, and a WGPL with combi-plasma/wolf claw. I began them (quite poorly) sometime ago, but promise to give it my best attempt to bring glory to the Chapter.
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WIP so far on Bjorn:


20141128 194619

Decided to add a little character to the base based on my experiences with Bjorn. Second ever game with him, had him pass 4 invul saves from a Daemon Prince, and insta-killed him in return. Paying homage to that, figured I would have him stomping a Daemon Prince axe in half.


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Part 1 of my vow is complete. Behold, Bjorn the Fell-Handed!


20141202 100025

20141202 095952

20141202 095944


Tried my hand at drybrushing highlights, still have some work to do. With me being down the next couple days due to wisdom teeth being taken, I'm gonna try to knock out the Grey Hunters.


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