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***2014 Solstice Advance***

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Well, as you an read on my sig, I am stepping down from 40k. At least for a while. My creative spark seems to have died and I get more frustrated by my models than ever.

For how long am I stepping down? Who knows. A week? A Month? A year? However long I need to get my :cuss together. I have in fact done 3 full fledged Lords, good ones, but I am not pleased enough with any one of those three and I am out of ideas and started doing erratic things like breaking down Lord Odin. No worries, I fixed him again, but it is a clear sign that I have no idea what to do anymore and that I need to step away until I have a clear idea about what to do.. If that ever happens, that is. RPR might have a better idea what I am talking about.

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Well, as you an read on my sig, I am stepping down from 40k. At least for a while. My creative spark seems to have died and I get more frustrated by my models than ever.

For how long am I stepping down? Who knows. A week? A Month? A year? However long I need to get my censored.gif together. I have in fact done 3 full fledged Lords, good ones, but I am not pleased enough with any one of those three and I am out of ideas and started doing erratic things like breaking down Lord Odin. No worries, I fixed him again, but it is a clear sign that I have no idea what to do anymore and that I need to step away until I have a clear idea about what to do.. If that ever happens, that is. RPR might have a better idea what I am talking about.

Immy, I do know what you're talking about. But let me say this-

We all go through times of frustration and indecision. Both in this game and in our real life. What I would tell you to do with 40K is that exact same thing I would tell you if I was to talk to you face to face. You need to take care of you. Listen to what you are telling yourself. This is only a game, and if it effecting you in any kind of negative way, put it down. Step away. Clear your head from it. Don't just give up, just regroup. You've got And They Shall Know No Fear, after all. Fall back and then come back at the 'enemy'.

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Well, as you an read on my sig, I am stepping down from 40k. At least for a while. My creative spark seems to have died and I get more frustrated by my models than ever.

For how long am I stepping down? Who knows. A week? A Month? A year? However long I need to get my :cuss together. I have in fact done 3 full fledged Lords, good ones, but I am not pleased enough with any one of those three and I am out of ideas and started doing erratic things like breaking down Lord Odin. No worries, I fixed him again, but it is a clear sign that I have no idea what to do anymore and that I need to step away until I have a clear idea about what to do.. If that ever happens, that is. RPR might have a better idea what I am talking about.

I would suggest that to go back to the basics. You will find your way back into the Fang eventually. Start by listening to the audiobooks Prospero Burns. I knew it inspired and motivated MaveriK into giving the wolves some depth. Good luck! Until next winter

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Aye, a clear head is what I need right now. Not retreating, just go the other way for now. Sometimes we all need to leave the path to find it. I put away my 40k stuff away for now and take a break before starting from step one. Until then I will have Fantasy to occupy me.

I will still hang around here though, where else to go ;)

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A little end of the week update. First off, the grey hunters:

20141207 134928

20141207 134952

20141207 135108

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20141207 134945

20141207 135059

20141207 135241


The majority are 95% complete. Just need to give them a wash with Army Painter Strong tone. I want my army, like Creamwynch's Volsung, to have the dingy, fought on a thousand worlds look, and probably won't highlight these. It won't be part of the vow, but eventually I'll attempt to print Bran Redmaw decals for the left pads. Also experimenting with face tatoos and paint, but not gonna do it on all the bare heads. probably every other. I'm spending about 2 hours per mini, which is a tad faster than usual with a little better result. Guess that means I'm getting better.


20141207 135250


Still waiting for funds for the Predator Executioner bits, so figured I'd get a head start painting. Probably wont get the bits until after I return from Christmas vacation, so I don't want to get caught hurrying to complete my vow.


If I get to a point where I feel like I can add to my vow, I may do something big. Something like this:


20140824 191327


A Storm Eagle conversion I made before the codex drop. Its been sitting in the stripping bucket for months due to an especially bad primer job. If I'm comfortable with my progress, I may add this to the vow. A bit brash and ballsy, but we're Space Wolves. Go big or go home.

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IMG 2620


At long last, here's my work in progress report - I unbuilt my Thunderwolf Lords in order to make my Iron Priests.  I got the torsos done too - no pic yet, but I forgot my greenstuff so I did not yet get them mounted to the wolves.

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Am I to late to make a vow? I have a few characters to finish and depending on time I have might add some wolf guard.


Please do!! Vow what ever you'd like to, I would encourage you to make it a realistic goal as we are nearing the 'one month left' mark, and we all want to see you complete this!!


That goes for the rest of you guys!! Lets see if we can get all participants to complete their vows (that are planning on doing so)!!


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Cool, well I yoyo ninja vow to complete Krom Dragongaze and the Wolf Priest Horik for the glory of the Chapter by the 23rd of January 2015.


I know it's a late vow, but Krom is almost done (to the point where I feel a little bit like I'm cheating, he just needs his power pack painting and sticking on) and Horik is base coated.


Depending on how well I get on with that I may add more.

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I'm not sure how to add pics (I did read the thread about it, but I'm still not sure.lol.) so these are links to the gallery of the before pics of my vow.





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