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***2014 Solstice Advance***

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I will start tomorrow, the job has taken all my hobby time these 2 months. I hope I can paint them in two weeks. Here you have the minis, primed in sw grey spray (Wolf Lord in grey).



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Somewhere during the paint stripping process I lost my Lone Wolf's Wolf Claw. So he will be getting a custom weapon that will count as whatever I can get away with instead.


I still need to prime and paint him. Plan on getting some new small paint brushes tonight so I can finish the 3 Wolf Guard that are nearly finished. If I stop reading on here when home I should complete my vow this weekend

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My vow is now underway.


Hit a few snags almost from the get go though... Leadbelcher has run out and I spilt my nuln oil so none left... However this is to be considered a challenge not a problem.


Going to try Agrax earthshade for shade and shadow, and just mix blak with iron breaker and try to keep it consistent.


This is where she stands just now.


SAM 2385

SAM 2386


However my brothers & sisters, kin of Russ I need your help. This Sicaran is to be an honoured relic for 40K, but I want to use her for 30K and will try to weave a worthy saga.


First I need a name... Worthy of a Champion of Fenris.


Secondly I need some design help.


I keep Ā gallery of ideas, and I want to make her ornate without going over the top, plus time is limited. Any ideas on how I should mark her up?


This is my gallery


Help me make her look specialand worthy of a place in the halls of Russ
And this is her sister.... The majestic Night Fury. Who is almost completed and ready for her saga to be told


SAM 2312




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Somewhere during the paint stripping process I lost my Lone Wolf's Wolf Claw. So he will be getting a custom weapon that will count as whatever I can get away with instead.


I still need to prime and paint him. Plan on getting some new small paint brushes tonight so I can finish the 3 Wolf Guard that are nearly finished. If I stop reading on here when home I should complete my vow this weekend

VYKRYL!! Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stealing this idea. Beautifully executed!!

My vow is now underway.

Hit a few snags almost from the get go though... Leadbelcher has run out and I spilt my nuln oil so none left... However this is to be considered a challenge not a problem.

Going to try Agrax earthshade for shade and shadow, and just mix blak with iron breaker and try to keep it consistent.

This is where she stands just now.

Dantay, that free hand on the flyer!! WOW!!

I'm not the best at names, but try looking up Norse words for birds, women, and war for some inspiration!!

Brother Max_Dammit joins the ranks of battle brothers cunning enough to complete their vows!! Congratulations!!

Updated to here!!

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Slow but steady progress, did a Wolfs head design on the side.


What do you think??


SAM 2389

Tried doing a bigger one on the other side but made a dogs breakfast of it!!
Then I tried this

SAM 2388

Ā and this...

SAM 2391

Which is better big design or smaller design??


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Slow but steady progress, did a Wolfs head design on the side.


What do you think??


Tried doing a bigger one on the other side but made a dogs breakfast of it!!
Then I tried this

Ā and this...


Which is better big design or smaller design??


Dantay, this stuff is super exciting!! I am really excited to see it finished!!


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I, Sturm Moonwolf, vow to complete 1 Stormwolf by 23rd of January.


Time to get to work on those Christmas gifts!Ā 


Here it is, fresh out of the box


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Ah yes thank you, but bigger or smaller design across the top??


Smaller, It looks more like the tread of the tank!!


Welcome aboard, Sturm Moonwolf!! You better get crackin' pup!! You don't have long to get that flyer in the air!! ;)


Updated to here.


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Hahaha I guess you are right RPR


Smaller was better, so changed the knotwork over


Anyhoo, I am plugging away at getting my Solstice Advance vow done... Did the wolf on the opposite side to yesterday, same design, but look nothing alike really, grrrr! Saving Grace is that you can't see both sides at the same time


SAM 2394

, May try incorporating some black in to the wolf to tie it in with this....
I decided to do the runic rims, like on my Raptor, but had to make them bigger... I think it looks okay, tried dark at the bottom getting lighter with the gold as it goes up...
With or without the lascannon sponsons... I am considering either magnetising them or, using tem to make 2 Long FAngs with drumfed HB's :)

SAM 2395

SAM 2396


Top knotwork matches both sides now..
Made a start on the turret, trying for an aged brass effect, but worried this will look like a gold mess!! Any tips on brass, and I do not have any brass paints with me :(
Played with some heat discolouration just behind the muzzle brake.. for fun and to see how do-able it is, need to stipple some black on the end of the barrel too.

SAM 2397

This is to fit for 30 & 40K hence the nice grey... Any ideas on 30K wolves pack/ vehicle markings??
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Hahaha I guess you are right RPR

Smaller was better, so changed the knotwork over

Anyhoo, I am plugging away at getting my Solstice Advance vow done... Did the wolf on the opposite side to yesterday, same design, but look nothing alike really, grrrr! Saving Grace is that you can't see both sides at the same time

, May try incorporating some black in to the wolf to tie it in with this....
I decided to do the runic rims, like on my Raptor, but had to make them bigger... I think it looks okay, tried dark at the bottom getting lighter with the gold as it goes up...
With or without the lascannon sponsons... I am considering either magnetising them or, using tem to make 2 Long FAngs with drumfed HB's smile.png

Top knotwork matches both sides now..
Made a start on the turret, trying for an aged brass effect, but worried this will look like a gold mess!! Any tips on brass, and I do not have any brass paints with me sad.png
Played with some heat discolouration just behind the muzzle brake.. for fun and to see how do-able it is, need to stipple some black on the end of the barrel too.
This is to fit for 30 & 40K hence the nice grey... Any ideas on 30K wolves pack/ vehicle markings??

How do you get so sharp edges on the runes?

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I cheatedĀ was resourceful :D


I hate runes... Draw them out on paper, paint it then cut out and stick on or find a nice rune design, print, paint and glue on. if they look soft, go around he edges and tidy up with whatever background colour you choose to use.


Either that or custom decals


Darn, now I am giving away all my secrets!!!

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I spent 2 nights trying to draw and paint the runesĀ and just about gave up on them, but sometimes you just get lucky/ resourceful.


I could draw/paint it okay on paper, and you can get stuff off the internet, outlines and such which you can print and the paint, which is what I did, plus on paper you can screw up as much as you like and not wreck the paint job, paint effects to try them out etc.


After almost launching the Sicaran across the office in a manly fit of rage (no high pitched ranting I swear) and a lot of "expletive deleted's", it saved my butt, looked good and also covered up the horror show underneath... Pigging runes!!


I guess the moral of the story, is you should always keep trying to push yourself to get better, but it's okay when things do not work out... Just keep practising and if that doesnt't work, adapt and overcome.


I will say though, the wolf and knotwork were done by hand, so I am not a total fraudster hahaha... just takes practice

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So, slow progress since I returned from the holidays, but slow progress is better than no progress. Finished the paint on the Executioner, and have all but 3 grey hunters painted. Looking to finish the other guys tomorrow, and wash everything throughout the week. Does anyone happen to have tips for washing a rhino chassis vehicle? The last two times I've tried it, it came out very streaky. Also, has anyone tried out the GW Typhus Corrosion? I thought about using it for a little bit of dirtying on the Executioner, as I am afraid of trying weathering powder just yet.


Anyway, photo dump engage:



20150110 120821

Bjorn (complete)

20150110 120758

Grey Hunters (finished one more after this photo)

20150110 120747

Group shot of my vow

20150110 120738


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