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***2014 Solstice Advance***

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A little update on my very slow progress


Hope to get the main body and tracks assembled tonight. A couple of more sessions should get the weapons and cupolas put together and then a little bit of wolfing up before the deadline.

This is the reason it takes me ages to finish "the little details"


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my vow so far.. more pics on my WIP/PIP thread. I'm still waiting on my servo-arm bits, my tracking tells me that it's been processed through customs three days ago so I hope it comes in tomorrow! I will post more once I get the bits added on. I really wanted to make a different Iron Priest. All the other ones I've seen are pretty generic or lacks imagination... but at the same time I've seen some amazing ones built.

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Just some in work progress shots on the Stormwolf





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Sturm, the Storm wolf is looking good, nice to see it started, and its tempting me to see if wifey Shield maiden will allow me to splurge on one :)

MActire, That is dedication, painting the interior of your tanks, I salute you, I just usually glue the doors shut and leave it at that... I have a feeling the Raider is going to look special when you are done with it.

Maverik, I like the look of that Iron Priest, is tat the Storm Wlf pilots head? It looks cool, is it a separate piece or is it sculpted to the torso? I also had a look at your thread and will put a comment there. A bit odd but cool, we have both been thinking along the line of Valkyries, but for different things tongue.png

Sigh, I didnt get off the rig today, the sea between the rig and Aberdeen was too rough, so the helicopters wouldn't fly here sad.png

Better safe than sorry though.

Meant I got a little more time to do some painting, so I finished up the wolf on the other side. It is smaller and looks similar but different (head more pointed down and smaller over all) but I still really like it and will not be changing it, besides, it'll be a rare player who can see both wolves at the same time msn-wink.gif

SAM 2414

I also painted the front section in black as well as the front track section too..

SAM 2415

Here is where I need help... The black sections, I had considered marking it up as Long Fangs, but in 30K do they even have Long Fangs? Heoroth was the oldest Wolf at that time and considered a Long Fang, but I have no idea of Space Wolf markings for that time.

The other thought was to do a Grey Hunter symbol, as they are known to drive tanks from time to time and it gives me a nice re spot colour, like on the Raptor

Third option is to keep it black, but mix things up by doing steel/ silver knotwork instead of gold. However I am getting nervous that the model will start to get a little "busy" if I keep adding more stuff to it.

What do you think

1. Black and white Long Fang markings?

2. Red and black Hunter markings?

3. Black background with steel knotwork?

Oh and Valkyrie names... I gave you the 3 names I like, I also posted this up in the Space Wolves forum also and got a few suggestions from the list.. But I want to open it up a bit more, so let me know what you think please?

this is the most extensive list of Valkyrie names I could find, I didn't realise that everyones favourite fantasy barbarian was named after a Valkyrie (look at the bottom of the list):

Name is in Gold, description in blue and name meaning in Red

Brynhildr, she was also called Brünnhilde or Brynhild. She was a shieldmaiden and Brynhildr was the daugther of Budli. Bright Battle

Eir, she was a goddess and or a Valkyrie, she was associated with medical skill. Peace, Clemency, Help, or Mercy

Geiravör Spear Vör/Goddess

Geirdriful Spear Finger

Geirönul The one charging forth with the spear

Geirskögul, it was two separate or an individual Valkyrie. Spear Skögul and Skögul: Spear Shaker or High Towering

Göll Tumult, or Noise Battle

Göndul Wand Wielder

Gunnr War or Battle

Herfjötur Host Fetter or Fetter of the Army

Herja Devastate

Hlaðguðr svanhvít, she was the sister of the Valkyrie Hervör alvitr Swan White

Hildr, she had the power to revive the dead on the battlefields, and used it to maintain the everlasting battle between Hedin and Högni.Battle

Hjalmprimul Helmet Clatterer, or Female Warrior

Hervör alvitr, she was the sister of the Valkyrie Hlaðguðr svanhvít All Wise, or Strange Creature

Hjörprimul The Sword Warrioress

Hlökk Noise, Battle

Hrist Shake, Quake, The Quaking one

Hrund Pricker

Kara The Wild, or Stormy One

Mist Cloud or Mist

Ölrun Ale Rune

Randgrior or Randgrid Shield Truce, or Shield Destroyer

Ráðgríðr Council Truce, The Bossy

Reginleif Power Trace, or Daughter of the Gods

Rota Sleet and Storm

Sanngrior, she has been the mentor of the Norse hero Sigurd Very Violent, Very Cruel

Sigrun Victory Rune

Skalmöid Sword Time

Skeggöld Axe Age

Skuld Dept or Future

Sveid Vibration or Noise

Svipul Changeable

Tögn Silence

Trima Fight

Thrud, she may or may not have been a Valkyrie, but there was a Valkyrie with the name Thrud. Thrud was the daughter of Thor and Sif. She is the half sister to Magni and Modi Strength or Power

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I Capitano vow to complete 5 Space Wolf Guard in Power Armour... for the glory of the Chapter by the 23rd of January 2015.



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I'm done...haha







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Hjolda brothers, I Konnavaer announce my vow completed !




The reason they are wearing a fairly rag tag and non matching collection of armour and wielding various different weapons has to do with my background for my wolves. With the blood claws being so impetuous and eager to throw themselves into the murder make the wolf priests have decided that their wargear will be made up from collections of spare pieces that they will use until they take their place in one of the hunting packs, upon which time they will receive a more uniform set of power armour and weaponry. This has created a fierce sense of competition within the blood claw pack and they strive to out do each other even more fiercely to be given the honour of earning their hunter wargear from one of the elders, they have also taken to decorating their armour with sigils and designs that they use to further individualise and leave their mark upon it.

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No I started sat night and took my first pic but was worried about finishing but messed up my neck Sunday and finished instead of going to work hah


I had gone through all my bits and clipped all the extras off the spruces and found the five legs soo blank five guys in 24 hours table top ready...ish

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Well..... With life being kind of crazy right now, I am shelfing every thing GW I own until they clear up what they are doing with Warhammer Fantasy Battle in the near (year or so) future. If the Rumors are true, I am not putting another second or cent into GW in any way. Sorry for the some what unrelated lead into this post, but the level of unease with the chance of over 15 years of fluff and history, that I like far more then anything 40k (no offense to any one here just more of a WHFB guy then a 40k guy), just getting flushed down the toilet and 2 of my 3 armies getting rolled into one, does not sit well and I fear for the well being of my models as my wood stove is just on the other side of th room from where they are now, sooo.......... I'm done, sorry to jump ship like this but I can't handle my favorite hobby, and what I probably spend the most of my free time on out side of normal life, getting trashed.


I was almost done with my core pledge and started some extra models I had primed. Just some "small"-ish touches to the main models.

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Finally finished! After learning exactly how much I hate painting any kind of PA, my vow is now complete! All the final products are on page 2 of this thread in my initial vow post.


and here's a group shot of everything in the completed vow

Completed Solstice Vow


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Minor update, the bits finally came in and assembled. Still need to clean up mold lines and what not. Going to start painting this weekend! more photos on my thread.. just click my signature banner below.

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Brothers, I  declare my vow completed!


Grey Hunters:


20150117 074344

20150117 074435

20150117 074503

20150117 074553

20150117 074613

20150117 074645

20150117 074700

20150117 075201

20150117 075236

20150117 075419

20150117 074729

20150117 075140


Predator Executioner:


20150117 090458

20150117 090516

20150117 090524

Bjorn the Fell-Handed:

20150117 075550


And a group shot:


20150117 091047


There are a few things I will address once I'm more comfortable with painting, such as blending on the power weapons and weathering the tank, but I am thrilled with how they came out. Definitely some of my best painting yet.


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And surprisingly with nearly a week to spare Mactire declares his vow complete.

One Land Raider










First time trying a new technique on the lights happy with how it turned out. Best of luck to everyone still trying to finish, keep at it.

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