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Custom Character, Fluff-Oriented for my personal Chapter


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In my Blood Angels Successor chapter our Captains are known as Tech Psykers. They possess both the wargear of a Librarian and Techmarine. This being said it helps them psychically communicate with machines as well as fix them. This forms a strong Psychic bond between the weapons, armor, and vehicles of his company. Being a Librarian also forces him to confront Chaos/Xenos and use his pyschic powers to strike down the imperiums enemies. I have a template for my character and many rules to go along with him


WS-5 BS-5 S-4 T-4 W-3 I-4 A-2 LD-10 +2/++4



Power Armour

Iron Halo


Relic Bolt Pistol



Special rules:



Repair Vehicle

Bolster Defences

Angel's Fury



Relic Bolt pistol- S-5 AP-4 Pistol

Servo Axe- S-2x user AP-3


Repair Vehicle- The Tech pysker must be in base contact with the vehicle he is trying to repair. On a +5 you negate any damage previously done to the vehicle that was rolled for on the vehicle damage table and gain 1 lost hull point. This includes being immobilized in terrain.


Bolster Defenses: At the beginning of the game, if the Tech pysker is standing in terrain he can try to make defenses. On a +4 it is successful and it increases the cover save of the ruin he is standing in by +1.


Angel's Fury- If a successful charge is made role a D6 on a +5 the Tech psyker gets D3 additional attacks


My question is as a single HQ how much should he cost? My friends have agreed to let me field him but we need to agree on a points cost.

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(Please no judgement on how this breaks the fluff!!! I have spent months fleshing out the back story of my chapter)


I'm judging you! I'm judging you! I'm judging you, and you can't stop me!


But seriously... I don't think most folks are going to care enough to post in your thread if you don't give us something to work with. I mean, I know I don't. Maybe if you posted an IA, or gave us a little of your fluff justification. As it stands now, without your carefully crafted backstory, I don't see any reason to help you field something that seems, frankly, like a collection of overpowered rule-breaking special abilities and is completely out of character for any Blood Angel successor.


I'm not saying its categorically bad. But as an exercise in tactical posting, I recommend you give us something to work with here!

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I'd be looking for a pretty high points cost here. This guy is basically a librarian with improved stats and the abilities of a techmarine on top. His bolster ruins ability seems to be somewhat better than a standard techie. Does he have the opportunity to upgrade whatever ruin he's standing in? Does it remain bolstered when he leaves? Is his servo axe unwieldy like a power axe? If it is, then his high initiative is redundant as he'll be striking last; if its not, then that is an extremely nasty weapon especially when linked to his fury rule.

I think giving one character improved stats, special abilities and weaponry is going to require a hefty uplift in cost.

On the other hand, the relic bolt pistol is a little cranky. It has no AP, making it basically a s5 water pistol. While it is twin linked, with BS5, this guy hits on a 2+ regardless, so its not really that useful.


Please don't feel I'm taking shots here, my intention is only to get more information and possibly help you tweak your ideas. Hopefully I've raised some points that will help you get this guy polished up as you clearly have a lot invested.

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The chapter's home world is called Ja'Kron Vuel. As it is near the Eye of Terror it suffers frequent warpstorms. Up until recently the planet and the rest of the system has stayed on its regular orbit. A warpstorm occurred and the whole system and chapter was thought to be lost. This was the time known as "The Great Darkness"  This has caused many of the Chapters recruiting worlds and their populations to undergo psychic changes and possibly have traces of psychic imprint from the warp left on them. Many do not realize the potential they have and it goes unnoticed. A reasonable amount of marines, recruits, and citizens realize they have this power and start trying to master it. It becomes a very prestigious gift to be able to harness the warp and is socially accepted throughout the system. These Warpstorms have also elevated the effects of the red thirst/Black rage. Somewhat similar to their Flesh Tearer cousins they seem to be much more ferocious and bestial in close combat. Many of whom can keep this in check but more so die from it before their 300th year of service.


When the Chapter was first founded it had been searching for a place to make a Fortress monastary. After searching for quite some time they discovered the Ja'Kron Vuel system. It had a strong Machine Cult presence since before the great crusade and a well reknowned Magos Dominus Jenithrax. He offered them a home world boasting many strong hardy recruits in return for a very specific relic. A Reaver class titan named the "Venator Umbraculo".


According to the Magos Dominus the titan was in a deep stasis somewhere beyond the edge of the Eye of Terror. It was said that this mission would greatly benefit both Adeptus Mechanicus and the Chapter. Even though great perils lay ahead they went through with unwavering determination. On the other side of this tear in the warp the allied force found the titan but were soon ambushed by an enormous horde of Dark Eldar. Fighting along side the Skitarii and many techpriests, this forged a bond that will never be broken between chapter and Adeptus Mechanicus. They managed to retrieve "Venator Umbraculo" and bring it back to the magos. Staying true to his word, Magos Jenithrax granted them a homeworld amongst his forgeworld system. 


In honoring ancient chapter tradition, Only the most powerful psykers/adept techmarines who showed heroic duties on the battlefield were ever considered for the rank of captain. After "the Great Darkness" many techmarines were able to psychically communicate with their machines. After the gift the Omnissiah had bestowed upon them to speak directly to their machines It was decreed by the high council of the chapter to make the rank of Captain attainable to only those who held the 2 most powerful talents. This leads to my chapter having the rank of Tech Pyskers.


This is a very, very brief summary of just one small part of my Chapters lore. If you have any further questions please ask.

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Currently the servo arm serves no purpose, as both it and the axe are 2x S, AP2 and unwieldy, however the axe can be combined with the BP for +1 Attack. I'd consider having the 'servo axe' allowing him to attack at initiative, AP3. This then gives him the choice to attack at I, or use the servo arm for fewer more powerful attacks. Also note that BA characters do not get the red thirst rule. Do you want to leave it on this guy?


The T5 also isnt really justified.



Captain stats and iron halo (marine codex) 90pts

Servo arm - 25pts

Power weapon - 15pts

2M levels @ 25 each - 50pts

Im gonna assume that bolster defences and blessing cancel out with the -1WS, A, and I from the captain stats.

Angel's fury - kind of...pseudo rage? Furious charge was +15pts in teh 3.5 chaos dex, so go with that.


I would try 195pts, but this seems too much for such a 'do everything' character. I'd go with 175, and limit the psychic discipline to telepathy andy pyromancy to represent him lifting bits of tank up and welding them with his mind.

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