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My first army was the Blood angels, friends of mine back home introduced me to the hobby about 14 years ago, they all had orks, ultras, wolves and guard. My mate told me about a group of space marine jump pack close combat nutters, sadly i only played a couple of games with them b4 we moved onto gorka morka, fantasy, bloodbowl and mordheim. After about four years we all grew apart. Recently i have got back into the hobby, thanks to a guy i worked with on a ship. He encouraged me to create my own force and i believe i will base them on the blood angels. I have thought about going back 2 the blood angels but i believe having my own company with its own unique eccentricities.
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Well, I've never been a huge Blood Angels fan. I never liked the color red used at all. However, one of the things I've always enjoyed is taking a well-known popular story and saying "what-if". I'll play around with the things people thought were true based on the facts that they know were true.


In 3rd Edition, I heard a story, about what REALLY happened on Horus' battle barge. We all know that Dorn, Sanguinius and The Emperor teleported aboard the barge, and that Dorn got seperated (what a loser). Sanguinius and The Emperor fought their way to where Horus was and slaughtered his chaos retinue. But that's where the story you know changes. When face-to-face with his father's glory, Horus was freed of the grip the chaos gods had upon him. He fell to his knees and dropped his weapons, begging for his Emperor's forgiveness. The Emperor, being compassionate and loving towards his favored son, moved to embrace the prodigal son. It was then that the chaos gods played their trump card.


Sanguinius leveled his pistol to the back of the kneeling Warmaster's head and fired, killing him instantly. Then, with fiery hatred in his eyes, he started swinging at The Emperor. Consumed by evil rage, Sanguinius mortally wounded the Emperor, who struck a final blow to Sanguinius and killed him. Dorn appeared just in time to see the winged primarch fall by the Emperor's hand. As Rogal Dorn took his crippled father in his arms, the Emperor beseeched him to keep Sanguinius' betrayal a secret. So Dorn told the tail of Horus' treason to the end of his life and spoke of Sanguinius' heroism and sacrifice.


The Blood Angels that are cursed with visions of Sanguinius' death are not driven mad by the glorius sacrifice that their primarch made, or by the fact that their primarch died at the hands of Chaos. Many such sacrifices were made. What would drive a disciplined Astartes insane is the knowledge that, not only was everything they were indoctrinated with involving their history a lie, but that it was their own beloved primarch that mortally wounded the Emperor. It's these visions that drive the Death Company to blood-thirsty rampages worthy of the disciples of the Blood God, and it is this knowledge that keeps the Death Company secluded from all but the Chaplains when the time comes for them to die.


The Blood Angels have been under the sway of Khorne for 10,000 years. Their fixation with drinking blood, feasting upon the flesh of their enemies, and the raw carnage that they have been known to unleash, it is only the false legend of Sanguinius' sacrifice that keeps the Imperium from excommunicating them for heresy and declaring them tainted followers of Khorne.


This is the only reason I would play Blood Angels as Blood Angels.

Edited by Capt_Darius
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By the Emperor, that is some sick twisting of our proud BA background information.



// Sander

I know a lot of people who say BA are really Khorne worshipers. Mostly due to Furious Charge and the whole red thing.


But where did that story come from?

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Some Blood Angels player came up with it back in 3rd Edition and sent it in to White Dwarf. I think they may have published it in one of their magazines or something and it sent several other Blood Angel players into the black rage. This, I believe, is the reason that when Tycho went Death Company, they spelled out EXACTLY what he saw in his visions.


It wasn't so much that Blood Angels became Khorne's favored legion. They weren't tragic at the time of the Heresy. Sanguinius was simply a back-up plan to be used if Horus didn't work. (Probably the work of Tzeench, convincing the idiot Khorne that if one blood-thirsty army is good, two is even better, and Sanguinius is MUCH closer to the Emperor to strike a killing blow than Horus.) Also, I don't think that the Blood Angels worship Khorne. Deep down, they're not evil any more than the Soul Drinkers or the Relictors. They're just tainted. But being tainted by Khorne makes them more savage in close combat (Name another CC-oriented army that even comes close to the World Eaters and ISN'T Black Templars), they have more of a thing for drinking blood and eating flesh of their enemies as well as their brethren (i.e. cannibalistic tendencies), and they DO turn into blood-thirsty berzerk killing machines (In a game recently, my 9-man Death Company destroyed a unit of 8 Khorne Berzerkers to the man with only 2 casualties, Blood for the Blood God indeed). They're not evil, it's just... in their blood.


Remember, Gvozd, Khorne doesn't necessarily want berzerk killers. He wants "Blood for the Blood God" and "Skulls for the Brass Throne". It's not so much that he has full sway over the Blood Angels. It's more that they're tainted with the same taint that caused Sanguinius to turn on The Emperor. It states that the Thirst started when Sanguinius died. Who's to say that it wasn't a psychic curse on the legion imposed by The Emperor as punishment for the primarch turning on him. I guess I just don't understand why marines would be the only chapter driven insane by visions of their primarch dying when several legions lost their primarchs in similar, but not as glorious, ways.


Also, the only person even close to witnessing what happened when Horus, Sanguinius and The Emperor met is Rogal Dorn. And even though he may be an incompetent yutz, even HE would know that the only people who would believe that it was Sanguinius that turned are people wearing silly yellow armor. The Blood Angels probably would have killed him and every other Imperial Fist on the spot if he mentioned that Sanguinius turned traitor after Horus was forgiven.


Anyway, it was just something fun to think about until Codex: Armageddon came out with rules for the Death Company Army and detailed descriptions of the visions an Angel has when they're going Death Company.

Edited by Capt_Darius
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Remember, Gvozd, Khorne doesn't necessarily want berzerk killers. He wants "Blood for the Blood God" and "Skulls for the Brass Throne". It's not so much that he has full sway over the Blood Angels. It's more that they're tainted with the same taint that caused Sanguinius to turn on The Emperor. It states that the Thirst started when Sanguinius died. Who's to say that it wasn't a psychic curse on the legion imposed by The Emperor as punishment for the primarch turning on him. I guess I just don't understand why marines would be the only chapter driven insane by visions of their primarch dying when several legions lost their primarchs in similar, but not as glorious, ways.


If memory serves me well ( :tu: ) BA suffered such heavy losses during the siege of Palace, that they took their gene-material for future marines directly form Sanguinius' body. As he was already dead by that moment, his gene-seed has the visions of his last moments imprinted, so during induction the marines get not only his formidable strength and abilities but also these last visions (and emotions).


The other source stated that as Sanguinius was a prophet of some kind, his visions of future were translated to his sons with his gene-seed. I personally believe the first point of view.


And as Dorn new this little secret he created BT in order to counter BA's HtH potential ;)


Whether BA are tainted or not, I will still play them. If they turn traitors, so will I ^_^


PS I'm starting my search for Codex:Armageddon

Edited by Gv0zD
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If memory serves me well ( :tu: ) BA suffered such heavy losses during the siege of Palace, that they took their gene-material for future marines directly form Sanguinius' body. As he was already dead by that moment, his gene-seed has the visions of his last moments imprinted, so during induction the marines get not only his formidable strength and abilities but also these last visions (and emotions).


And Chaos taint. That makes it even more likely, as well as the creation of the Black Templar. I'm certainly not posting this story to keep people from playing, but to add potential depth and drama to an already cool story.

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I'm certainly not posting this story to keep people from playing, but to add potential depth and drama to an already cool story.


I can't tell about other players, but this story makes me wanna play BA even more! Now I refer to BA as to the REAL Legion that defined the conclusion of the Heresy! :tu:

Edited by Gv0zD
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I take it though that GW never sanctioned this as "scripture", as it's the first time I've ever heard of this "alternative reality"?


Are you kidding? Half the Blood Angel players in Northern Europe would construct their own bolters and storm Games Workshop specifically to slaughter them all. I'm actually thinking that, since this alternate version makes much more sense to so many people, and explains so much of what was unexplained, they made Tycho go Death Company and specifically described the visions he saw which, until then, has intentionally been left a mystery.

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This alternate version of history infuriates me. Now I know how DA players felt after Traitor was released... And for that reason, I must do my best to completely debunk the idea...


(Name another CC-oriented army that even comes close to the World Eaters and ISN'T Black Templars)


Not sure why we're putting the conditional of not BTs, because that's like asking someone to name a better shooty Horde army than Orks without naming the Imp guard...


Space Marines alone:


Raven Guard...

Night Lords...

Space Wolves...

Ummm Black Templars (because I refuse to play by conditionals)...

Grey Knights (if played Raider Rush)...

Deathwing DA...

ANY Chaos army with Daemon Prince and Chosen squad (and adding the mark of Slaneesh rather than Khorne only makes them better... just sayin)...


And into the NON-Space Marine armies:





3rd Ed armies:


Biel-Tan Swordwind Craftworld...

Dark Eldar Wytchhost...


Claming the CC is the exclusive realm of Khorn is like claming that flamer weapons are the exclusive realm of the Salamanders. What do you mean the Sisters can use flamers? And have flamer tanks? And that practically every other army can be tooled for it?


Anyway, it was just something fun to think about until Codex: Armageddon came out with rules for the Death Company Army and detailed descriptions of the visions an Angel has when they're going Death Company


DC Army rules are not in C:Arm. They only lay out rules for Salamanders, BT, Speed Freeks, and Arm Steel Legion. DC Army rules were, however released in Chapter Approved 2001 following the rules being placed in WD.


+++++Edited for spelling and coding+++++

Edited by Mattsama
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You want to know why I play BA?


BECAUSE THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!














You want to know why I play BA?


BECAUSE THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!













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I'm certainly not posting this story to keep people from playing, but to add potential depth and drama to an already cool story.


I can't tell about other players, but this story makes me wanna play BA even more! Now I refer to BA as to the REAL Legion that defined the conclusion of the Heresy! :blink:






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No offence but i smell a bit of fan-fiction balony.


Some Blood Angels player came up with it back in 3rd Edition and sent it in to White Dwarf. I think they may have published it in one of their magazines or something


Riiiiight. Urban Myth much?



If its not made up on the spot, It's typical post 3rd ed. dex rules meets fluff-world.


The Blood Angels were not called Blood Angels because of their obsession with rage and blood, nor for their desire to consume it. (By the way, consuming flesh was only referenced to Flesh Tearers).


If you know your fluff, you'll know why they're called Blood Angels.


Further to that, the rage and vicious fighting and curse was all post Sanguinius - you've got the cart before the horse.

Where's the evidence to suggest that Sanguinius was on the brink of turning to Chaos where every other bit of fluff provided says otherwise?


You could just as well argue any other primarch had an "alternate" ending that was disguised and kept secret. *yawn*


Sanguinius' loyalty being called into question aside - what would the Chaos players think??!?!


Here you have the WARMASTER - which has been stated countless times to have insane amounts of power that not only rivaled but could be greater than the Emperor's...and...all of a sudden hes all like:

"Oh cripes, you just nerfed mah bodyguard - OH FATHER- I'M SO SORRY- Actually now that I think about it, I was wrong, please forgive me!!"




Insulting to BA players and Chaos players everywhere.

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Why play Blood Angels?


The red armour? The vampire angle? The non-existent ‘sure-win’ codex rules?




Perhaps it's the alternate version of Blood Angels fluff, where Sanguinius was a pawn of Chaos? Double Nay!


For me, it’s simple. The Blood Angels are the most NOBLE of all the marines. A Flaw not of their own design besiege them, but they fall not into Despair, as they continue to fulfill their many obligations, as all worthy men must. They are dealt a bad hand by Fate, but they stoically deliver what is expected of them. A Blood Angel, if he weren’t a seven-foot genetically engineered killing machine with barely contained Rage & Thirst, is a man to walk the mountains with.


Of all the ‘races’ of 40k, he is the one I respect the most. Not for him, the unrealistic view of reality (Tau). Nor the guilt-tainted motivation of the guilty (Dark Angels). Nor the boastful arrogance of the ignorant (Space Wolves). Nor the last gasp of the hopeless (Eldar). Nor the hatred of the corrupt (Chaos). Nor the unfettered depravity of the undisciplined (Dark Eldar). Nor the blind hunger of the mindless (Tyranid). Nor the unquestioning faith of the ruthless (Inquisition). Nor the uncaring waste of the masses (Guard). Nor the machinations of the dead and lifeless (Necrons). Nor the unending persecution of unthinking zealots (Black Templars). Nor the rigid adherence to scripture (Codex Marines)…


Blood Angels know their limitations, but are not limited by them. And they possess Art and Culture. In fact, they are the only ‘race’ noted for them in 40k. This is important. Historically, all the ‘pure’ warrior civilizations, which eschewed art and culture, despite their initial military success, never last for long (say, the Spartans, and Genghis’ Horde?) compared to the Great Civilisations of the World (say, the Romans and the Chinese Han?). The reason is plain: There is more to existence than war. The Blood Angels understand this, yet they are some of the hardest warriors in the galaxy…


This is why, though I may occasionally dabble in other 40k armies, I remain, in my heart, a Blood Angel.

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Daredevil Posted Today, 03:15 AM

QUOTE (Archangel Vitae @ Aug 26 2009, 04:45 PM)

This is why, though I may occasionally dabble in other 40k armies, I remain, in my heart, a Blood Angel.

*Daredevil pinks away a tear.


Well said brother, well said.



// Daredevil


*joins daredevil in the pinking away of tears*


well said brother Vitae, well said <_<

Edited by Demoulius
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Why do you play Blood Angels?


By now, we all know the legendary Solar's thoughts on the matter ->



The Blood Angels have, without a doubt, the very best Chapter fluff in the Imperium. We aren't all lame and disgusted with our bodies to the point of hacking bits off to be replaced by cybernetics, nor are we all goody-goody blue funboys with no real fluff short of, "Uhhhh... we got our asses handed to us by the 'nids." We aren't scouring the galaxy, searching for our brothers who turned to the dark side and might out us while living in a floating rock because we blew our own homeworld up. We aren't self flagellators in yellow armor, we aren't all albino with schtoopid mutant weirdos, we don't have lame claws growing out of our forearms, and we do not enjoy chowing down on a steaming bowl of dog food and rolling over for a nap.

We are among the oldest lived space marines. We are possibly the only ones who appreciate, and create art. We have a true hero Primarch that died in the service of the Emperor. Our Primarch didn't have canines, he didn't have pallid skin, or one freaky eye; he had wings! He had precognition without dabbling in the chaos arts. The Blood Angels are proud, yet not self-important. They fight as well as any marine, yet at the same time hold themselves back to keep from falling into the abyss of the Rage. I could go on, but I'd be speaking to the converted...


The popularity of marine armies waxes and wanes as GW focuses their baleful eye on each one. While our rules may suffer in light of the current armies, there will always be a core cadre of players who play them because they are just so dang bitchen' regardless of the rules.


Oh, I almost forgot... the Blood Angels are red. Not some fairy lame color like blue or yellow. Not presumptuous goth black, or goth-lite gray. Not green (I mean, green?) or white (coming up with a primary color was too difficult for them). They are red; the color of blood and violence. In other words, the color of why it's good to be a marine!

-Soular; 01/25/2005 expurgated



But what are yours?


Well hells bells.

That convinced me right there.

I need too start a new army and I can say this is the 1st time I was convinced by a quote!



*edit for poor spelling caused by excitement

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Hi there,

I am a student from Germany, call me Snorri if you like.


I play Blood Angels since they had their good ol` dex from the third edition, I guess...and before that, before even starting with SM, I really thought about what chapter I should choose to reflect my preferred gaming style I had from Hordes of Chaos in Fantasy.

I was so close to choose Chaos again, but in a hour of bright illumination I saw Sanguinius standing at the Gate of Ultima, fighting and slaying the hordes of the Dark Gods, and from that hour I knew, playing Blood Angels would be my destiny.



I hope my English is not too bad as I am only a student....

Edited by SnorriSnorrison
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