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I got given some Blood Angels death company models back in 1990 something during 2nd edition. I didnt know what they were so i looked into the hobby, My older bro had an Eldar army, my cousin Chaos...So i got me the Angels of Death codex and after reading it cover to cover...Decided the constant struggle for purity and the rage was very appealling. and Sanguinius really swung it.


Although it came from being given some BA's by chance, after reading up it was confirmed i would remain a BA for life. Even when I stopped for 10 Years, I never let my BA's go.

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My first GW game was the original edition of Space Hulk in 1991, and I've had Blood Angels as my Space Marines in any game since (first Epic Space Marine then 40k proper).


Also I love the way they remind me of power armoured British Red coats.



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I am currently drawn to the Blood Angels for several reasons.


1. My love of aggressive close combat space marines.

2. You can not go wrong with red and black.

3. Thier role in the defense of Terra.

4. Their inner duality. They are long lived,introspective, and artistic. Thier attempt to express beauty and craftsmanship in thier art, writings, and sculpture makes them much more human and interesting rather than an indoctrinated generic killing machine. However, due to their flaw there are one of the most intensely destructive chapters and when provoked thier vegence is unlimited. Like so many real people and other varied stores, they are at constant war with themselves, representing both heavenly ideals and a rage as unlimited as Hell itself. I love all literature dealing with this dual nature of humanity.

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As I got into 40k for real about four years ago, I wanted to find two armies that were opposite in the way they played to get a taste of the game.

Some site had a description of BA as close-combat oriented and Tau as shooting.

That was my reason for selecting BA and Tau as armies, and I don't regret it to this day.



Edited by gustmic
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1) Angel vampires IN SPACE


I wish I could hate you to death.


For me: I'm a big fan of quality over quantity, so I like the idea of a smaller elite style force, the fact that they are assault oriented also fits me perfect, I like to throw everything forward towards my foe. I also like the fluff of Sang being the noblest of Primarchs; knowingly sacrificing himself in the fight against Horus. This leads to the Angels being noble warriors with the slight dark side of the flaw. Very cool.


Doesn't hurt that red is my favorite color either...

Edited by Wax_Assassin
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Well for the hardest question is why I wouldn't want to play BA or one of it's succesors! The fluff is great, the models are stunning and Space Hulk. You doesn't love that!


Edit: HA! I just noticed my Member No. It's 44444, what are the chances. Lol, sorry for going off topic. :P

Edited by Prince of Blissful Discord
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when i got into the hobby at the tender age of 12 (1995) they were games workshops marine poster boys.

I remember buying the blood angels captain that was to become tycho and painting him head to toe in blood angels orange..oops sorry blood angels red.


anyways i have been waiting what seems like forever for this codex and am looking forward to returning home from vacation to get into my new models :wub:


This is almost exactly my experience. They were the guys on the cover of the boxed set when I started (2nd edition I think?). I also really loved their fluff, especially the story of Sanguinius' sacrifice.

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The fluff, furious charge, their lack of play at the store I was at, and one of the biggest reasons. Moriar the Chosen!


I thought Moriar was the greatest special character ever invented! A dreadnought that was s10 and had 2D6 against vehicles, a heavy flamer and meltagun, no crew shaken or stunned. He was the coolest thing in the codex!! So you can imagined that I am saddened by the loss of old Moriar, but glad that the DC Dread in this dex gets to ignore the crew shaken or stunned, giving a shout out to all us Moriar lovers.

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I started Blood Angels back in 8th grade because the codex was cheap and my funds were limited to the money that I could earn from mowing lawns. Of course I didnt realize at the time that you also needed the 3rd ed space marine codex. I also didnt realize that the dreadnaught that I bought was a Space Wolves dread. This means that the center peice of my army was a red Dreadnaught with wolf pelts and painted with Testors High Gloss Enamel paint. Ignorance was bliss. Edited by River Black
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I started playing Blood Angels when their 3rd edition codex was released. I loved the fluff. I particularly liked the way the game rules followed the fluff and had the Death Company drawn from units within the army list. I also have to admit I really enjoy fielding Dreadnaughts and prefer the Blood Angels' focus on hand to hand combat.
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I loved the fluff the first time I read it on the GW website 9 years ago.

After a search I found www.exlibrismortis.org and then I knew I had to make a Blood Angels army.


I bought the 3rd edition starter set and was going to paint the marines up as Blood Angels.

Later that day I found out that a friend had already gotten the Blood Angels codex and were making an army of them.


As the gaming group was small back then two Blood Angels armies would have been boring and I found myself repainting my marines over and over again until they finally ended up forgotten in a box.


Last year though I dug out my old marines, painted them up as 4th company Ultramarines and expanded them to 3500 points.



My Blood Angels paying friend dropped out of the hobby a few years back and now I've been waiting for a new codex to finally have my own Blood Angels army.


Might wait a few months until the Blood Angels craze has died down until I start fielding it though.

Should give me plenty of time to paint up these beautiful new models. :Troops:

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For me it started in 2nd ED. when a friend introduced me to the game, I bought the angels of death codex because the cover looked bad A. After reading the fluff I was hooked, to me they are the most realistic elite strike force in 40K. Hitting the enemy hard and fast, not sluggishly rolling around in giant tanks. Plus the thought of ripping their enemies apart with their hands and occasionally drinking the blood of the vanquished. I mean honestly, who has never imagined drinking the blood of a recent kill?


Any way my reasons are:

1) Jump troops count as troops

2) Damnation vs. Redemption

3) The fluff

4) Did I say jump troops as troops

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I started at the beginning of 3rd Edition, before the codex was released. At the time, all I knew was that they could have assault squads as Troops, which seemed really cool to me. Since then, I've collected as much fluff as I could and have grown to like the Angels because of their great background and flawed nobility.


But when it comes down to it, I just like fielding an army of flying marines, and the new codex does it better than ever.

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