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So after a long time on the shelf, my Blood Angels are making a return to the table! I had gotten tired of only being able to run one list to be competitive, so I got myself involved with Astra Militarum and Imperial Fists. On the eve of a new codex (I hope), I have decided to bring back my Sons of Sanguinius to supplement my IG in a campaign at my local GW.


Here starts my WIP thread, and I hope it keeps me motivated to continue painting, because that is the one thing I can't seem to keep going.


I'll start off with my test marine, and its not clean but the color came out exactly as I wanted:



Basically its a 4-step process for the red, and it comes out deeper than just doing the Mephiston Red. This is over white or grey primer:


1) Base coat Khorne Red

2) Nuln Oil Wash

3) Heavy dry to wet brush of Mephiston Red, leaving some dark recesses

4) Carroburg Crimson wash


Obviously the metal parts that will be Leadbelcher go on before the Nuln Oil, and anything gold goes on before the Crimson wash. I like having the guns black and dirty and the gold with a reddish tint.


Here is a pic of my Sternguard Captain (1st Captain) after the Khorne Red base followed by everything I plan on painting in the next week:






C&C welcome, I hope y'all can help me stay motivated though this! More to come!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update, I have not given up, I have just no time in the day to sit and paint. I should be back into it over this weekend as I have just acquired about 30 tac marines, 10 death company, 5 more sternguard, 10 more assault marines, and about 10 more devastator marines along with two rhinos and a landspeeder for an insanely good price. I will post a pic later of the specifics but I am super excited.


I am planning to make this into, with what I already have, a full 5th company. I've got everything except two tac squads and a few more rhinos but those can come in time. More updates later!

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Ok, so I finally got home and unpacked my new BA models from my friend, and I have to say I am rather pleased.




I got two Rhinos and a Landspeeder with Typhoon Launcher, three Tactical squads with melta gun and heavy bolter, nine Sternguard with two combimeltas and two meltaguns, ten man Assault squad with a flamer, ten man Death Company with two power fists, thunder hammer, infernus pistol and the rest boltpistol and chansword, and a Devastator squad with four missile launchers. I also got random marines, one with a heavy bolter, multimelta, missile launcher, heavy flamer.


With this I am well on my way to having a full company as I have a tac squad and two assault squads already. To this I will add two Razorbacks, another Rhino, two Baal Predators, a Furioso Dreadnought, and 5 more Death Company. The combination doesn't fit any regular company as I also have the bikes previously posted for this army too, but its the closest I have ever come to being able to field a full company.

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