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Minotaurs of the Labyrinth: 01/01/15 Bldg Air Support (pg.3)


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A plasma and combi-plasma squad? Have you considered adding a multimelta to have a 12"/24" firing line of anti-heavy infantry murder? I've not tried it myself, but I've read good things about it, though the example that comes to mind had a combi-flamer on the sergeant instead.

I like Dragon Forge Design bases better, but your Scibor bases look good too.

The sergeant looks good.

I plan to have this squad be in a Rhino as Plasma offer good ranges. If I'm planning to pack Melta against heavy armour, I'll be shooting them out of a drop pod. Though the suggestion is welcome, and I am planning to build a second squad with Meltas.

Though, I did read the plasma/multi melta squads faring really well seince they nearly have the same profile. Will look into this. I haven't stuck anything on yet. biggrin.png

As for the bases, I did consider the Dragon Forge bases at one point, but then I saw Scibor and I never looked back. The bases just scream "Deified heroes" and I want each and every unit in my Minos to be as epic as they can be. Tall order, but I could manage :P Will probably do a themed scenic display tray for them too.

Since you probably have a greater amount of experience in using Marines, what are the best units to have on an assault based army? Not too much experience with Astartes :/

I literally only have the ones in the pics for marines.

I certainly have more experience than you in using marines.

I certainly don't have any experience in using them well.


I always get tabled and I always roll ones for all my plasma weapons with no exception as well as for the subsequent armor saves.

I certainly have more experience than you in using marines.


I certainly don't have any experience in using them well.


I always get tabled and I always roll ones for all my plasma weapons with no exception as well as for the subsequent armor saves.


Having any experience is better than having none at all. Awful luck on those rolls though.

With the time its taking for my parts to come in, might as well do some updates. Any progress is still progress in it's own right


Pinned the arms and glued on the plumes on the 5 marines I've done. Still need to apply acrylic putty to fill the gaps between the helmet and the crest, but Priming will commence once that's done. (Again, as a reminder, click to see larger images)



Also, tested blood splatter/marks on Moloc. I realized that I still haven't clear coated him, so I'll need to reapply the blood to get back the sheen.


Just wondering do you find it easier to paint with them assembled like that? Do you paint and glue the shoulder pads first then add the backpack?

At first I assembled my minis in one go, spray prime, then paint. One thing I don't like about it is that painting obscured areas is a pain that tests my overall patience. I do this method for Necrons and its not so bad, since the they have thin frames and painting around their arms and legs is not so bad.


But for Marines that have large/broader frames and limbs, pinning the parts and painting them separately is a much better method for me. Shoulder pads and backpacks I keep separate as well, since I'm planning to add cloaks to these guys.


Plus being at a stage where every thing is painted and gluing them to completion just gives me satisfying sense of accomplishment. Yes it takes a bit longer, but I want these guys to look their best within my limit of talent and perseverance.

I should try the separate approach method...keep up the work

Thank you, as always biggrin.png

If you need any help or how to approach pinning, drop me a DM, and I'll be happy to help smile.png


My motivated is at its root short, and doing too many repetive things in a long span of time tires me out :/ (I feel old...)

Anyways, to keep me plowing through, I listen to this:

Playlist to the OSTs here:


Can't get enough of Jet set and Jet Grind. I played those games to death when I was younger.

What do you guys listen to when you paint?

Very nice looking army! I really like the shield-banner you show in post #16.

And Jet Set Radio games, bringing light to golden hits like Birthday Cake and Funky Dealer.

Thank you smile.png Don't forget "Oldies but Happies"...that's my jam hahaha

Out of a lack of significant updates, might as well post on how I do the front plating of the collar well. The cheap-o way of doing Mark VIII errant armour.

I personally use this baby, 0.5 thick Tamiya Plaplate. Used this to mod some custom gundams and its thin enough to be bent and folded without it snapping.


Using a sharp X-acto, or anything equivalent, and a metal ruler, cut a strip that's roughly 1/8" thick. Make sure you use the straight edge of the sheet to assure a flush contact when you glue the collar to the piece. Then, cut a piece that's 1/2" long from this, and bend it slightly by wrapping it around a pen or by using your fingers to squeeze it into shape.


Most typical space marine front plate bits have a short well that denotes the collar, apply some super glue/plastic glue here and press the flush bottom edge of the plaplate strip you bent into it. Apply slight pressure and keep the shape for about 3-5 mins. It'll help if you glued the back piece to the front plate as so you have a solid piece to hold on to.


Using your nippers, cut the edges at an angle (Just estimate it tongue.png). Its best if you do this when the glue has fully cured, to avoid this piece popping out of shape.

Using a marker or fine-liner, draw the top shape of what you want the well to be (in this case I just did a clean, straight edge). Then, take your blade and cut along the line. It might take a bit more time if you did a more complicated shape, but don't rush it.


Once done, just use sand paper or your blade to clean up the edges. One down, 1XX to go!


NOTE: When you place the head into the well, it might get a bit tight. So use your judgement on how you'll shave down the head to fit. Obviously beakies are a no-no in this tongue.png, but I think everyone knows that smile.png


Finally got my orders in. I got my minotaurs shoulder pads (FW) and the cloaks (Anvil Industries), and more importantly Hecaton Aiakos (FW).

When I saw the 'Delivered' notice on my tracking, basically counted down the time 'til I finish work tongue.png

Like always, please click the images for a larger resolution. (Still cruddy camera pics, but I promise better final shots)

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Made some considerable progress on my Tacticals. Finished the bronze and reds on the bodies, arms are base painted and ready for final bronze, some of them already have their backpacks and cloaks on as well, bases have also been started.

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Even the captain got some cloak love. The connection for the capes are considerably snug, so I expected some paint chipping and such. Once the backpack and left shoulder pad is on, it won't even be visible.

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So my minos are shaping up very nicely.

Things to do during the weekend:

  • Finish the stone drybrush and aging for the bases.
  • Finish the bronze of the arms and the backpack. Finish the weapon colours.
  • Paint 5 sets of big blue eyes
  • Fully assemble the 5 tacs I have.
  • Clean and wash Hecaton

Stuff on its way:

  • 60mm Scenic base for Hecaton (Scibor as always)
  • Assault Marines box
  • Astartes Strikforce box
  • Conversion bits
  • 4x Jetbikes

As always, pics for updates when I can.

Looking great so far, though if everyone has a plume and cloak, how can you tell who's the sergeant? 



Heroes/Characters are on a higher pedestal than the regular troopers. The regular troop bases are 1/4" off the bottom. Also plan to have serg's to be the only ones with red shoulder pads.


Like so:




Named heroes will be on the highest bases Scibor can produce in theme.

So did some work all through the week, but it seems more appropriate to post them over the weekends when I'm not too bogged down with work.

For now though, just an idea dump to update the thread:

Colour schemes is something I've been thinking of a while now, and although IA 12 shows some great pics of Minotaurs colours and markings, it doesn't fully explain the whole system in which they are executed. Of course we might be able to find out something if we read between the lines, I'd rather save myself the trouble (and headache) and go with my own visually pleasing squad markings.

So the following will be a proposal on how to present my squad, their position within the chapter, their role, etc. in colour schemes:

(Characters may be exempted from the colour schemes below)



- Bronze base colour

- Bronze shoulder pads

- Deep Red plumes and capes

- Single Bronze line at cape hem

- Ice Blue eyes

- White tactical squad outline symbol


(Placeholder!!! Will photoshop!!!!)


- Bronze base colour

- Black stripe in the middle of helmet forehead

- Deep Red plume, cape, and right shoulder pad

- Double Bronze line at cape hem

- Ice blue eyes

- Solid White tactical symbol, stylized like marble or stone


(Placeholder!!! Will photoshop!!!!)

VET. SERGEANT (will also apply to Sternguard Vets-with 1st co. markings of some sort)

- Bronze base colour

- Deep Red helmet with Black stripe along the middle forehead

- Deep Red plume, cape, and both shoulder pads

- Plume is also white along the base

- Double Bronze line at cape hem

- Ice Blue eyes

- Solid White tactical symbol, stylized like marble or stone


(Placeholder!!! Will photoshop!!!!)



- Bronze base colour

- Bronze shoulder pads

- Deep red jetpack with Bronze lining at thrusters

- Deep Red plumes and capes (if no jetpack)

- Single Bronze herring line starting at cape hem

- Ice Blue eyes

- White assault squad outline symbol


- Bronze base colour

- White stripe in the middle of helmet forehead

- Deep red jetpack with Bronze lining at thrusters

- Deep Red plume, cape (if no jetpack), and right shoulder pad

- Double Bronze herring line starting at cape hem

- Ice blue eyes

- Solid White assault symbol, stylized like marble or stone

VET. SERGEANT (will also apply to Vanguard Vets - with 1st co. markings of some sort)

- Bronze base colour

- Deep Red helmet with White stripe along the middle forehead

- Deep red jetpack with Bronze lining at thrusters

- Deep Red plume, cape (if no jetpack), and both shoulder pads

- Plume is also White along the base

- Double Bronze herring line starting at cape hem

- Ice Blue eyes

- Solid White assault symbol, stylized like marble or stone


- Will be whatever it may be, as long as they look pretty.



- Bronze base colour

- Bronze shoulder pads

- Deep Red plumes and capes

- Single Bronze (pattern to be determined) at cape hem

- Ice Blue eyes


- Bronze base colour

- 2 Black stripes in the middle of helmet forehead

- Deep Red plume, cape, and right shoulder pad and arm

- Double Bronze (pattern to be determined) at cape hem

- Ice blue eyes


- Bronze base colour

- 2 Black stripes in the middle of helmet forehead

- Deep Red helmet, plume, cape, and both shoulder pads and arms

- Double Bronze (pattern to be determined) at cape hem

- Ice blue eyes


The 5 Tacs are now done. Just need to add the tactical decal to their right shoulder pad, but in terms of painting, its done!


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There's still 4 more to round out the 10 man tac squad, and I'll be picking up more stuff from my local game store this weekend. Some of my orders came in :P


Now, a group shot of my budding Minotaurs force:


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Minor Update:


Merry Christmas to me!

Picked up a Strike Force and a box of Assault Marines to start out my Boreads Assault Squad. Gotta keep busy during the frigid Winter holidays.




Started on the body base for Icarus. Have a ton of plans in my head using Greenstuff. Stay tuned for progress.



Yay for new plastic!


Boo for having to wait to see what you do with it!


I'm pretty stoked to build these guys, and prep 'em for painting. Process will be slow, but hopefully I won't disappoint.


Mini update:


Finally figured out how to build Veteran Sergeant Ikaros. DId some greenstuff work last night, and been pretty happy with the look. Still need to GS the cloak end on his right side, sculpt the pteruges to cover the crotch, and grab the "super-special-awesome" bits I ordered specifically for him from my FLGS.

Head and Shield arm are pinned-on.


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He's running around with a power sword and a combat shield. Plume is from Anvil Industries this time, Shield is from Scibor, and Sword is from Kromlech.

An idea how to do Atalanta, an allied Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour with crusaders and bolter acolytes as Amazonians.

Not too familiar with Inquisition Units unfortanately sad.png But I have been eyeing their mini-dex for a while now.

Is it worth the buy? What models can I use to field an Ordo Malleus Termie?

Ikaros looks great. I especially like the cape, really nice sculpting work there. But I think he would look a lot better with a different sword, it´s a bit to big and clumsy in my opinion. Good looking force anyway, looking forwards to seeing some vehicles in the future! biggrin.png


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