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For some reason i cant post pictures on my phone and dont feel like figuring it out right now. Hopefully clicking the link will work at least.


Does anyone know who this character is or what this is talking about?

From the backpack i think he may be a Sanguinary Priest

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Yeah that's where I got the pic. One of the first things I noticed when it was posted and wondered why noone was talking about it.


Does seem like another language. But to the right on the original it says tactical marines in English.

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I have been contemplating this new clam pack SP. That honor is usually used on HQ characters. I am wondering if the multiple priests becoming a units upgrade character is going to be erased by taking them out of the elite slot... Just a random thought.


I still hope to see a BA specific TDA kit. My fingers are still crossed, but I am breathing normal.


I think the Blood Brother concept still holds some very interesting possibilities. Centurion sized CC mountains of rage and fury!! I would love to see that, but it ain't happening. But as an elite or equivalent to the codex marine honor guard could be cool.


There's a little part of me that wonders if the whole BA=Jumpers theme is a thing of the past. I hope not.


End of Line

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I love everything I am seeing and I hope to see some new TDA as well. I do think it is interesting they went with sculpted BA symbols as I feel it gives successor chapters the shaft as far as modeling goes. I'm just way too lazy to scrape all that off.
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I love everything I am seeing and I hope to see some new TDA as well. I do think it is interesting they went with sculpted BA symbols as I feel it gives successor chapters the shaft as far as modeling goes. I'm just way too lazy to scrape all that off.


It's actually a bit of a bother, yes. If it wasn't for the BA specific weapons I'd go with the vanilla tac squad. 


Luckily there are plenty of extra bitz for everything and it's usually quite easy to trim and cut away the bling you don't want.

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I love everything I am seeing and I hope to see some new TDA as well. I do think it is interesting they went with sculpted BA symbols as I feel it gives successor chapters the shaft as far as modeling goes. I'm just way too lazy to scrape all that off.

It's actually a bit of a bother, yes. If it wasn't for the BA specific weapons I'd go with the vanilla tac squad.


Luckily there are plenty of extra bitz for everything and it's usually quite easy to trim and cut away the bling you don't want.

Fair enough, it's just that I personally can't/won't put in the effort to do that lol. I just don't have the time. I am truly excited though. It has me sifting through successor chapters looking at color schemes. I love BA but there is just too much red and it seems the black shoulder trim is a thing of the past. It just needs something to break up all the red. I was thinking of doing Angels Sanguine and just painting the wings of the symbols red and the blood drops white. However that halved scheme seems it would be a pain in the ass.

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Take this with a grain of salt as I have no idea of the source quality. Someone in my BA Facebook group is claiming to have had a sneaky peak at this weekends white dwarf and is claiming there is confirmation in there that....


Sang guard 165 points, same load out as now but come with fear and furious charge.


If true that is insane value


Also wings and unleashed rage are in. No description how they work.


This is not my source so I repeat I cannot verify anything but if it's true I'm sure others will see this same info soon!!!


It's looking good!


P.s. Just a little squeee

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Take this with a grain of salt as I have no idea of the source quality. Someone in my BA Facebook group is claiming to have had a sneaky peak at this weekends white dwarf and is claiming there is confirmation in there that....


Sang guard 165 points, same load out as now but come with fear and furious charge.


If true that is insane value


Also wings and unleashed rage are in. No description how they work.


This is not my source so I repeat I cannot verify anything but if it's true I'm sure others will see this same info soon!!!


It's looking good!


P.s. Just a little squeee


I don't know... that sounds almost too good to be true... but if it is true...


I'd better get my sanguinary guard squad(s) painted!

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Sang guard 165 points, same load out as now but come with fear and furious charge.


Also wings and unleashed rage are in. No description how they work.


I really hope the max squad size goes up.


It's been quiet today so I've been working on a compiled post on my blog with all the images and info currently out there. Does anyone know where the rules for the Deathstorm formation were posted? I used the search, but couldn't find them and I can't make everything out from my White Dwarf.

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Take this with a grain of salt as I have no idea of the source quality. Someone in my BA Facebook group is claiming to have had a sneaky peak at this weekends white dwarf and is claiming there is confirmation in there that....


Sang guard 165 points, same load out as now but come with fear and furious charge.


If true that is insane value


Also wings and unleashed rage are in. No description how they work.


This is not my source so I repeat I cannot verify anything but if it's true I'm sure others will see this same info soon!!!


It's looking good!


P.s. Just a little squeee



That does sound too good to be true, and I'll continue with my guarded optimism as I spam visits at natfka and Belloflostsouls.

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Take this with a grain of salt as I have no idea of the source quality. Someone in my BA Facebook group is claiming to have had a sneaky peak at this weekends white dwarf and is claiming there is confirmation in there that....


Sang guard 165 points, same load out as now but come with fear and furious charge.


If true that is insane value


Also wings and unleashed rage are in. No description how they work.


This is not my source so I repeat I cannot verify anything but if it's true I'm sure others will see this same info soon!!!


It's looking good!


P.s. Just a little squeee



That does sound too good to be true, and I'll continue with my guarded optimism as I spam visits at natfka and Belloflostsouls.


Wouldnt bother with BoLS, I have read stuff here before they have even got wind of it. 

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New pics! Apparently, this unit entry says max squad for Sanguinary Guard is... wait for it... 10!!!! I can't make it out though? Anyone else?






I did finish my compiled news post. Here is everything we currently know about the Blood Angels Codex: http://dedard.blogspot.com/2014/12/blood-angels-compiled-mega-post.html#more If anything is missing, please let me know.

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