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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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yeah, but now we're going to keep refreshing, hoping for small updates, i just want more detailed info on sanguinary guard... and to know if the sum of what makes our marines special compared to other marines is... furious charge, if it is, i'm more than a little bummed as its lacklustre to say the least.


that being said, the models are gorgeous, and im glad to see stuff like librarian points drops.

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Furioso dreads, death company, DC dreads, sanguinary priests, sanguinary guard, Baal predators, assault marines as troops...and more special characters than any chapter this side of Ultra Marines...unique psychic powers and warlord traits...


I don't think it's the "chapter tactics" (i.e. furious charge) that make us special. I think it's the background, fluff and a bunch of unique codex-specific models and characters. 


Besides, as far as army-wide special rules go, furious charge is pretty good. 

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Just idle musing here brothers, but grav weapon access. Now we have it I'm thinking about who best uses it as I don't play vanilla marines and have limited experience. So with a look towards BA focus and grav what could run them? Obviously bikers are one but I don't tend to run many outside of attack bikes, tac squads are sub par because of salvo. If death company get access I will do a little jig because of relentless.



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You notice the page on the left? Looks like possibly a captain at a 10% points reduction....also consistent with the vanilla book.

Let's just hope he gets Artificer armour and a relic blade and the writers did not make the unnecessary distinction between captain and terminator captain.
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Furioso dreads, death company, DC dreads, sanguinary priests, sanguinary guard, Baal predators, assault marines as troops...and more special characters than any chapter this side of Ultra Marines...unique psychic powers and warlord traits...


I don't think it's the "chapter tactics" (i.e. furious charge) that make us special. I think it's the background, fluff and a bunch of unique codex-specific models and characters. 


Besides, as far as army-wide special rules go, furious charge is pretty good. 


True enough, we've got a fair number of unique units, and characters, we've always had the vast majority of those, and we also don't have quite a few of the regular marine stuff either.


that being said, army wide special rules are still a big part of what will differentiate a blood angels army from a raven guard army, or an ultra marines army.


we also have no evidence to support us retaining assault squads as troops yet, so i won't count my blessings on that count. I don't know that we're even going to have sanguinary priests in the way we currently do either to be honest (sanguinary priest appears under HQ, not Elite) We also don't know what exactly the priests will do, we do know that he no longer provides furious charge - as thats the base rule we appear to have. 


I'm not sure i agree on furious charge being especially good these days, the strength buff is okay, but not really great, when it had an init buff, it was very good to have.


codex marine chapters have 2 army wide special rules, space wolves have 2 special rules, I've no idea about dark angels though. 


I've played blood angels for about 16 years now (started age 11), I've seen the army go through various iterations, I'm sure I'll love everything to come out, as I always end up happy!

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I still think the best way to use Death Company is via an assault vehicle rather than deep strike using jump packs. They get shot up otherwise, and/or charged to limit their attacks.


I don't mind them shooting at my DC. I can take 18 Jump DC for the price of 10+Land Raider. And it's gonna look so damn cool! :)  With the new bases and max spacing i welcome plasma cannons :)

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I still think the best way to use Death Company is via an assault vehicle rather than deep strike using jump packs. They get shot up otherwise, and/or charged to limit their attacks.

I don't mind them shooting at my DC. I can take 18 Jump DC for the price of 10+Land Raider. And it's gonna look so damn cool! smile.png With the new bases and max spacing i welcome plasma cannons smile.png

Agreed....I can't wait to bust out my jump pack death company!

They no longer have black rage, so hopefully they'll be scoring. I wonder if we'll still be limited in how many units of DC we can take in a list and whether Astaroth will still have his power. I'd love to see multiple jump pack DC squads in my lists.

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Just idle musing here brothers, but grav weapon access. Now we have it I'm thinking about who best uses it as I don't play vanilla marines and have limited experience. So with a look towards BA focus and grav what could run them? Obviously bikers are one but I don't tend to run many outside of attack bikes, tac squads are sub par because of salvo. If death company get access I will do a little jig because of relentless.




I play a lot of vanilla SM and graviton weapons aren't all that special, imo. Where they really shine is on the centurions because the centurions have the "grav cannon" version of the weapon that shoots 5 shots at a 24" range. They also have "grav amplifiers" that allow them to re-roll wounds. Regular grav guns are only 18" inches, salvo 2/3, and don't re-roll wounds. 


Grav Guns:

A salvo weapon only shoots at half range when moving and does not allow assaults in the turn they were fired, so a non-relentless model can only shoot it 9" after moving and can't charge. I like my BA units to be mobile, so likely would never put a grav gun on a tac or assault squad. For my money, I prefer melta. Better against vehicles...better against units with high armor saves....better range for a moving unit (12" versus 9") and you can assault in the turn you shoot it. The only negative is one shot instead of two. If you're going to use these, save them for the models with relentless (bikes).


Grav pistols:

For me, this is where the money is. It has a 12" range, even when moving, and you can assault after firing. Most importantly, it's concussive, so it will ensure any multi-wound baddie that gets hit will be attacking at init 1 when I assault. I might consider a grav pistol on an assault sergeant or DC, for example. 

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Just idle musing here brothers, but grav weapon access. Now we have it I'm thinking about who best uses it as I don't play vanilla marines and have limited experience. So with a look towards BA focus and grav what could run them? Obviously bikers are one but I don't tend to run many outside of attack bikes, tac squads are sub par because of salvo. If death company get access I will do a little jig because of relentless.





I play a lot of vanilla SM and graviton weapons aren't all that special, imo. Where they really shine is on the centurions because the centurions have the "grav cannon" version of the weapon that shoots 5 shots at a 24" range. They also have "grav amplifiers" that allow them to re-roll wounds. Regular grav guns are only 18" inches, salvo 2/3, and don't re-roll wounds. 


Grav Guns:

A salvo weapon only shoots at half range when moving and does not allow assaults in the turn they were fired, so a non-relentless model can only shoot it 9" after moving and can't charge. I like my BA units to be mobile, so likely would never put a grav gun on a tac or assault squad. For my money, I prefer melta. Better against vehicles...better against units with high armor saves....better range for a moving unit (12" versus 9") and you can assault in the turn you shoot it. The only negative is one shot instead of two. If you're going to use these, save them for the models with relentless (bikes).


Grav pistols:

For me, this is where the money is. It has a 12" range, even when moving, and you can assault after firing. Most importantly, it's concussive, so it will ensure any multi-wound baddie that gets hit will be attacking at init 1 when I assault. I might consider a grav pistol on an assault sergeant or DC, for example.

Concussive! I completely forgot about that, that's a great buff to an assault if used correctly.

Thanks for the quick breakdown chap :)


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What difference will LoW make to Dante? Haven't encountered them yet!

Nothing I expect - Draigo and Grimnar weren't that much different from their previous incarnations (except the addition of the sled in the latters case).


So it'll be more that he won't be your mandatory HQ, and you have to decided whether he's worth forgoing the opportunity to have a super heavy...

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yeah, making the big guys into lords of war seems off without also making them 'good enough' to justify it... and unlike Draigo or Grimnar, Dante hasn't been a go-to guy for blood angels since 6th ed came out at least (and even before that it was debatable, although i still use him purely because i made a model lol..))

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What difference will LoW make to Dante? Haven't encountered them yet!

It's the HQ tax and it makes it even less likely that Dante will enable SG as troops or something similar to the Company of the Great Wolf detachment (Logan is not required for that).
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it's only a nerf in games where people are using enough points to use a super heavy or something like that (thunderhawk for example costs about three times what dante does, but is going to do a lot more in a game), in a 'normal' game, it simply means he doesn't use up a hq slot.

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Oh crap. Death Company are now listed on the Elites part of the web store.


Don't read too much into that. Lemartes is still listed under Troops and in Deathstorm they were still listed as Troops. Also, the new Sanguinary Priest model is under HQ while Corbulo is under Elites. I think it's just messed up.

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Just thinking but a drop assualt list might be fun. Tactical squads,sternguard,furiosos,death company all in pod and then have assualt marines drop in as well. Looking at the tactical marine box makes me want to buy three of them also isnt the armor on the seargent the same as sanguinary squad?

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