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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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So, I'm in a bind, brothers. Went to bed about 9 hours ago, and the last thing I did was call up my local gaming store (or FLGS? Not sure what the F stands for) and pre-order the codex and the datacards. Didn't check if there were in stock, was just trying to get to bed at that point. Fast-forward to now, I check the GW site and see that they're sold out. Thus, I have two questions.


One, does anyone know when they sold out?


Two, if my gaming store didn't preorder it in time, will GW ever print out a new set or am I going to have to scour ebay and hope somebody's selling?

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1) F stands for "Friendly".


2) Yes, you will be scouring eBay if you don't grab some soon. They are limited print and those that missed out on the DE card set ended up having to spend over retail on ebay. 


3) Don't fret, most stores will get shipments of new items automatically, they are allocated by GW. So, the store you ordered them through will probably get some and has your name on their list, so all will probably work out fine. If by some chance, they don't get any, other stores in your area should have them. Just make sure to call around the day they are released and don't delay and you should be fine. 

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Much obliged. I'm really hoping to get the cards because the Maelstrom missions are only now just starting to grow on me. But I refuse to play them unless someone has the Tactical cards, otherwise, it turns into an annoying amount of paperwork.

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Even if you don't get the BA specific tactical objective cards, you can still play maelstrom missions with the generic set of tactical objective cards. Most of the deck is the same, each codex-specific set has ~6 or so of the generic cards swapped out for objective that are more in theme with the codex. 

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Logan actually changed for the worse when he became a Lord Of War.  

The Chariot ended up tacking another 70 points onto him and is a meh upgrade. 

He also lost all his High King rules as well as making  Terminators Troops. 

Not to mention as it was stated a LoW  slot can be used for a lot of things that are just better than Logan since his massive points cost just makes him pretty meh. 

Characters as Lords of War are actually a pretty subpar thing because they cost a ton and dont fill the slot properly. 

As far as I am aware most of us dont take Logan , since even with stormrider ( the chariot )  that amount of points is much better invested elsewhere.

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Even if you don't get the BA specific tactical objective cards, you can still play maelstrom missions with the generic set of tactical objective cards. Most of the deck is the same, each codex-specific set has ~6 or so of the generic cards swapped out for objective that are more in theme with the codex. 



That is true, and I suppose I would end up buying a set if I can't get the BA-specific one. But I really want the BA set. I haven't bought anything 40k-related for two seasons because finances are so poor right now. I've finally been given a chance to splurge, and I know what I want. So, fingers crossed. 

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I think the disadvantage of Dante being a LoW is that you then have to also take another unit to fill the HQ role (as opposed to just using Dante as your HQ), which ends up being a lot of points in total (Dante + Librarian, Dante + Reclusiarch, etc.). 


However, that's really the only negative I see. It's not like the LoW slot is overflowing with options. There are a few FW knights and other FW super heavies that can fill the slot, but that's about it. Regular Imperial knights can just be allied into your list without using the LoW slot. If you're using one of those FW models as a LoW, chances are you weren't going to also be spending 250 points on Dante. And if you really must have a FW LoW AND Dante in your list, you can go double-CAD. 

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Even if you don't get the BA specific tactical objective cards, you can still play maelstrom missions with the generic set of tactical objective cards. Most of the deck is the same, each codex-specific set has ~6 or so of the generic cards swapped out for objective that are more in theme with the codex. 



That is true, and I suppose I would end up buying a set if I can't get the BA-specific one. But I really want the BA set. I haven't bought anything 40k-related for two seasons because finances are so poor right now. I've finally been given a chance to splurge, and I know what I want. So, fingers crossed. 



Just stay in synch with your FLGS (call them early this weekend) and you should be fine. 

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I think the disadvantage of Dante being a LoW is that you then have to also take another unit to fill the HQ role (as opposed to just using Dante as your HQ), which ends up being a lot of points in total (Dante + Librarian, Dante + Reclusiarch, etc.). 


However, that's really the only negative I see. It's not like the LoW slot is overflowing with options. There are a few FW knights and other FW super heavies that can fill the slot, but that's about it. Regular Imperial knights can just be allied into your list without using the LoW slot. If you're using one of those FW models as a LoW, chances are you weren't going to also be spending 250 points on Dante. And if you really must have a FW LoW AND Dante in your list, you can go double-CAD.


A lot of tournaments locally ban LOWs.
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You are correct, that is true. But things are changing.


In 6E, LoW models were giant super-heavies that were only found in Escalation and the FW rulebooks. They toted around large D-weapons that weren't balanced for regular 40k. Those models were very OP and banning them made sense. However, 7E changed all this by allowing cover/invuln saves for D-weapons and by changing the D-weapon damage table. Furthermore, rather than being only included in the expansion books, many well-balanced LoW models have begun popping up in base codexes...Ghazghkull, the Stompa, Logan, and now Dante/Seth. 


Also, the advent of imperial knights further complicated things. Keep in mind that imperial knights are not LoW models. So, by banning LoW only, they are eliminating a lot of the super-heavy options that could help counter-balance imperial knights. 


Some tourneys have already started rethinking their ban on LoW and are adjusting their rules to either allow LoW models or to allow limited LoW models (ie. LoW models can't consume more than 30% of your list). The more models that are moved to LoW in the new codexes, the more this trend will grow. 


Besides, let's face it. It's not like Dante or Seth were the most tournament competitive options in our codex, anyway =p. Regardless of where Dante sits on the FOC chart, this 7E codex is going to be much more competitive in today's game than our current 5E codex. 

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Looking back at the last LOW Dante will get his axe at inititative it happened to draigo I dont know about Logan though....

Logan can swing at I5 or at I1 for a more powerful punch. It's his axe that does it though, not any rule or ability.


The thing I am getting butt hurt about is that my Wolves got a brand new Logan Grimnar model. He was getting a little outdated. He got bumped to a LoW.

So what, GW??!! You can't make a sick new model for Dante, or Mephiston?? Hell, even the Sanguinor??!!

The new termis and the TDA Libby are ace and all, and so is the the new Priest. Players will buy that :cuss up, no doubt. But they could also sell more Dante models if he was able to break away from the 'elbows on hips' syndrome a lot of the models from the era have. Yeah, I have Dante already. But I sure a :cuss would buy a new spiffy new LoW version in a heartbeat!! Just like I have an old Logan Grimnar and a kit bashed one as well, I was still pounding down my FLGS's door on the day of his release. I'd do the same with a new LoW model. Maybe Seth get's a comeuppance??

*takes a deep breath*


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