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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Well, if you look in army builder, the symbols down the left side are the FOC slots available to you in your codex. For example, my Tyranids codex builder does not have the LoW icon because there is no LoW option in the tyranid codex. Since there is a LoW icon in the BA builder (from the preview screenshot), I'm making an educated assumption that the BA codex has at least one LoW model in it.


Now, the way the builder works is that when you click on one of the icons on the left, a list of units fitting that FOC slot is displayed. You can see that in the preview screenshot that Dante and Seth and no other characters are shown. This means that either 1) a screenshot was taken when the tool was not yet complete (which is possible), or 2) Dante and Seth are in an FOC slot in which there are no other units (which can only be LoW).


Two points totals are shown, the larger number is the total of all units you've selected in your list (represented by the icons along the bottom), so is irrelevant to this discussion. The smaller number is the points cost of the unit you've currently selected from the on-screen listing. Since 155 points is shown, that is likely Seth's point value. 


So while it's possible the screenshot is from in incomplete tool, I'm assuming it's not. Which would mean Dante/Seth are LoW models and one of them costs 155 points base.


Is this being said with 100% confidence? Absolutely not. It's totally possible they took the screenshot before all the units were loaded in the tool and Dante/Seth are really HQ units and Meph or Sanguinor is a LoW. 

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Looking back at the last LOW Dante will get his axe at inititative it happened to draigo I dont know about Logan though....

Logan can swing at I5 or at I1 for a more powerful punch. It's his axe that does it though, not any rule or ability.

The thing I am getting butt hurt about is that my Wolves got a brand new Logan Grimnar model. He was getting a little outdated. He got bumped to a LoW.

So what, GW??!! You can't make a sick new model for Dante, or Mephiston?? Hell, even the Sanguinor??!!

The new termis and the TDA Libby are ace and all, and so is the the new Priest. Players will buy that censored.gif up, no doubt. But they could also sell more Dante models if he was able to break away from the 'elbows on hips' syndrome a lot of the models from the era have. Yeah, I have Dante already. But I sure a censored.gif would buy a new spiffy new LoW version in a heartbeat!! Just like I have an old Logan Grimnar and a kit bashed one as well, I was still pounding down my FLGS's door on the day of his release. I'd do the same with a new LoW model. Maybe Seth get's a comeuppance??

*takes a deep breath*

End of Line

Bit ranty, but there are some valid points in here. While a new Libby is nice, Mephistons model is from 2nd edition I believe. And Corbulos model is from 3rd or 4th, not sure on that. While a new priest and Libby are nice, there are other models in desperate need of attention.

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Tyranids recently saw some models in their 1 year old codex get an update with new plastic models (venomthropes and zoanthropes). There is hope that the same could still happen for BA.

To quote a movie great: "The dissapointment I can live with... It's the hope that will kill me!"

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Combi weapons would not normally come on termi sprues, You mean tactical sprues? No, I don't see any.


The sterguard kit has two of each combi weapon. That's where I get mine from.

Hmmm, thanks but hoping to mag at wrist joint to swap out for storm bolter if points are tight. Wondered if I could get termi glove on weapon. There was a metal one but too heavy to mag. No sweat.

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Tyranids recently saw some models in their 1 year old codex get an update with new plastic models (venomthropes and zoanthropes). There is hope that the same could still happen for BA.


I think this is what will happen - there'll be a second wave. Just a year to wait then!

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Combi-weapons on Terminator squads would be great but unfortunately that seems to be for traitors ans space wolves only. There also are a lot of 3rd party combi weapons out there. Most if not all are of the over under design though.
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I have a question: this army builder we have a pic of, is that a tool in the digital codex? That would be pretty useful for me seeing as I still haven't got my head around list building in 7E, but I've ordered the hard back codex and don't want to pay for both!
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I don't know about that, but I recommend getting battlescribe and the appropriate list data instead. Not only is it free it will also have all the forgeworld units. You will just have to wait a bit until someone writes the data files for the new codex. I bet tsijben will be quick about it.
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It's a tool in the iBooks version of the digital codex. The regular e-book edition does not have it.


The iBooks versions of the digital codexes have a lot more features (360 degree rotating pictures, mini-windows that pop-up with key rules from the BRB embedded into the codex at the appropriate places, hyperlinks throughout, very nice search capability and index/ToC, etc) and are FAR nicer than the e-book counterparts (I don't like the e-book versions), which is why they can sell for a little more. Once I started down the road of iBook enhanced edition codexes, I have given up my paper copies.


All that said, the FoC program in the codex is not one of the better features. It technically works, but isn't nearly as decked out with options as a third party program like "Army Builder". I would not buy the enhanced digital codex purely for the builder, but I can recommend getting it for the other reasons (assuming you have access to iBooks). 

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Thanks for the info Red-beard. I do actually have the 5th ed codex iBooks version, and agree things like pop up rules are useful. Maybe I'll cancel my order of the paper codex and wait for the digital one...


@ Quixus, thanks for that link I'll check it out. I do have Battlescribe on my iPhone actually, do you where I can get the 7E rules file?

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I don't know about that, but I recommend getting battlescribe and the appropriate list data instead. Not only is it free it will also have all the forgeworld units. You will just have to wait a bit until someone writes the data files for the new codex. I bet tsijben will be quick about


id recommend this as well if im honest its such a good tool for building army lists and if you get the premium 1 you can apparently save units so there easy to import at a later date. (sadly something i haven't looked into at the moment because im waiting on blood angels new release)

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Thanks for the info Red-beard. I do actually have the 5th ed codex iBooks version, and agree things like pop up rules are useful. Maybe I'll cancel my order of the paper codex and wait for the digital one...


@ Quixus, thanks for that link I'll check it out. I do have Battlescribe on my iPhone actually, do you where I can get the 7E rules file?


Typically the digital copy can be downloaded from iTunes a few hours before the hard copies go on sale at the midnight releases, so you shouldn't be left waiting. I expect to be able to download the new BA dex sometime around 10PM Friday, give or take based on your timezone (I am in Eastern US). 

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Couldn't find whether this has been posted previously, but some snippets from this week's WD (apologies if this is a repeat):


- Unleash Rage and Wings are both in the Psychic deck for BA.

- "Blood Angels have access to plenty of Librarians" (probably nothing different from what we have already had but thought I'd mention it).

- Painting Guide spiel confirms: Archangels (1st Company, obviously), The Blooded (2nd Company), Lost Brethren (DC Force), and the Flesh Tearers strike force.

- Carmine Blades (new Successor): originally passed by as a Successor to the Ultramarines, until a chance meeting with Astorath revealed the truth behind their origins. They then had an answer to the "symptoms" they had worked so hard to conceal from those around them (Rage and Thirst).

I dont think I can take another 5 nights of not seeing what's in this new codex!

Bring on the next wave of leaks!!

I'm itching to update Quartermaster so I can play them ASAP :)

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i thought the same when seeing that pic... i wouldnt be surprised, as much as ill be disappointed with it. Will have to wait and see though! I find the note on BA having a lot of librarians interesting, but it does make sense for a chapter that is based on one of the legions to originally maintain the librarius program.

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Also, I know you shouldn't read too much into a battle scene picture, but that image that shows a combined BA force with all the characters shows Mephiston all on his lonesome - is he still a unit of 1 do we think?

Hopefully he gets default wings then.....at least pods should be fast attack? Otherwise its 'Raven Taxi

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