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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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I'll reserve judgement until the codex is in my hands and I can see it all for what it is. Whatever happens, I'm a Blood Angels player, and will enjoy figuring out new lists, and maybe go unbound if I'm feeling nostalgic for the armies I've been running recently.



Adapt and survive, we have certainly been through the bad old days of the PDF codex and come out battered and mostly triumphant this should be a cake walk for the rest of us who are the true sons of sanguinius!

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For the people with elite slot concerns, wasn't the basic BA detachment in these rumors described as 1 HQ, 1 Elite, 1 troop?  If that's the case, there seems to be plenty of potential room for elites.  But maybe this is all bunk.  We'll see!

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And Snorri? A detachment is now the basic "unit" of your force. Instead of there being a single FOC that everyone needs to obey, you have the option to organize your army into a detachment. If you obey the detachment's FOC requirements, you get a benefit. The Combined Arms Detachment is basically the old FOC, and gives the benefit of enhanced objective grabbing. New codices have included new detachments that grant different benefits characteristic to the army.


Oh, okay I see. That's not too bad then, I reckon. However I'll take all of these rumours with a grain of salt that equals the weekly cocaine intake of an 80's business man.


And how again did Meph get better? According to that, he's got no EW, wings, and lost most of his stats(which I kinda expected to be toned down a bit). Being insta-killed by S10 weapons now doesn't seem like an improvement, exactly.


Anyways. I think I feel kinda sad that we might have lost DoA, a rule that was both fitting to the fluff and quite effective rules-wise.


Too bad there's no mention if we got the Land speeder storm. With the loss of fast troops, I'd gladly take one of those.




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Apparently Preds can buy Fast for 10pts, not Vindis though.


Reclusiarchs are gone from the list.


Corbs is an HQ, Lemartes can only join DC and takes an Elite slot.


Ouch! I really liked my reclusiarchs... well, that's better than both reclusiarchs and priests going to HQ.

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- One jump pack that allows the bearer and his unit re-roll when DS and when other units Intercept -> Snapshots. (25)
- Gives Fear, and fear tests are done with -2 L (10)
- One item that gives an additional warlord trait strategic table. (15)
- One physic weapon +2S, AP4, bearar may re-roll 1 in the psychic phase. If rellod die is a 1, bearer takes one wound. No saves allowed. (10)
- One Master-crafted plasma pistol, that does not get hot. (25)
- One AP2 power sword. (25)

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Bummed about the Talons/Centurions but now I don’t have to go out and buy any.  I would like to know about the Land Speeder Storm though.  I ended up with one and I’d love an excuse to use it.  If not I will just convert it into a Tempest.


Death Company Changes:  Sounds reasonable given how versatile they can be.  I hope they don’t dumb down the options though.


Dante/Libby Dread HQ/Mephiston:  Outstanding!


Crowed Elite Slot:  I’m pretty sure this was partly about balance, but mostly a business move.  By eliminating a ton of troop choices you force your customer base to go buy the new tactical kit.  Based on what we’ve seen with the Terminators I feel they will be getting some options to fill in other slots.


Sanguinary Priest move to HQ:  I have invested in A LOT of these and I am hoping what we’re hearing about is a High Priest and not Priests in general.


I’m still pretty new to 7th edition and the new psychic power system.  So far I’m really liking what I’m seeing at the table.


Like many of you this news greatly impacts how my existing collection is used.  I am fortunate enough to have options here so I will adapt and keep on fighting.  Ultimately anything I have “too much” of will get used in Apocalypse games.

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Apparently Preds can buy Fast for 10pts, not Vindis though.


Reclusiarchs are gone from the list.


Corbs is an HQ, Lemartes can only join DC and takes an Elite slot.


Ouch! I really liked my reclusiarchs... well, that's better than both reclusiarchs and priests going to HQ.



Do you mean a dc unit with a lemartes is 2 elite slots or 1? If the former that is one big pile of bull. 

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- One jump pack that allows the bearer and his unit re-roll when DS and when other units Intercept -> Snapshots. (25)

- Gives Fear, and fear tests are done with -2 L (10)

- One item that gives an additional warlord trait strategic table. (15)

- One physic weapon +2S, AP4, bearar may re-roll 1 in the psychic phase. If rellod die is a 1, bearer takes one wound. No saves allowed. (10)

- One Master-crafted plasma pistol, that does not get hot. (25)

- One AP2 power sword. (25)


AP2 power sword. Oooooh!

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Apparently Preds can buy Fast for 10pts, not Vindis though.


Reclusiarchs are gone from the list.


Corbs is an HQ, Lemartes can only join DC and takes an Elite slot.

Ouch! I really liked my reclusiarchs... well, that's better than both reclusiarchs and priests going to HQ.

Do you mean a dc unit with a lemartes is 2 elite slots or 1? If the former that is one big pile of bull.
Not clear, trying to find more info.
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I've decided to reorganize my reaction a little...


  • Sanguinary priests out of Elites screws up my collection. Also, it will make it harder to spam FNP (though at least we don't need them for Furious Charge anymore, which is nice).
  • If sanguinary priests are HQs, I'll need to strip the priest I've painted up so I can give him a nicer paint job more befitting a personage of his status. Maybe white?



Just a guess here, but I'd put even money on it that the Sanguinary Priests are in the HQ bin, but probably don't actually take up slots in the FOC.  I think Iron Priests in the Space Wolves are like that, or at least under certain conditions (codex not currently with me).


If I'm right, then those of you with 3+ SPs still ought to be fine and able to spam the +1WS and FnP to your units, but it'll be somewhat expensive and quite a bit less vital given Furious Charge to all units and +1 Initiative to all units on the charge when using the Blood Angels-specific Detachment.



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- One jump pack that allows the bearer and his unit re-roll when DS and when other units Intercept -> Snapshots. (25)

- Gives Fear, and fear tests are done with -2 L (10)

- One item that gives an additional warlord trait strategic table. (15)

- One physic weapon +2S, AP4, bearar may re-roll 1 in the psychic phase. If rellod die is a 1, bearer takes one wound. No saves allowed. (10)

- One Master-crafted plasma pistol, that does not get hot. (25)

- One AP2 power sword. (25)


No eternal warrior relich eh? Bummer. Sword sounds good though.

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Apparently Preds can buy Fast for 10pts, not Vindis though.


Reclusiarchs are gone from the list.


Corbs is an HQ, Lemartes can only join DC and takes an Elite slot.

Ouch! I really liked my reclusiarchs... well, that's better than both reclusiarchs and priests going to HQ.
Do you mean a dc unit with a lemartes is 2 elite slots or 1? If the former that is one big pile of bull.
Not clear, trying to find more info.



Probably works like Arjak and Lukas from SW - they don't take up slots when attached to the appropriate unit (Wolf Guard and Blood Claws, respectively).

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I'm really waiting for the entire codex and confirmation.

Most changes seem nice, even the Mephiston-change.


But going from 8 Troop-choices to 4 feels like a gigantic kick in the nuts and I do not like it. Let's hope that is false.

Yes, four! Because Cassor the Damned and Raphen's Death Company are still a Troop-choice unless they already invalidate a box that was released two weeks ago.

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Relics:[/size]- One jump pack that allows the bearer and his unit re-roll when DS and when other units Intercept -> Snapshots. (25)[/size]- Gives Fear, and fear tests are done with -2 L (10)[/size]- One item that gives an additional warlord trait strategic table. (15)[/size]- One physic weapon +2S, AP4, bearar may re-roll 1 in the psychic phase. If rellod die is a 1, bearer takes one wound. No saves allowed. (10)[/size]- One Master-crafted plasma pistol, that does not get hot. (25)[/size]- One AP2 power sword. (25)[/size]

Is it me or does the second 1 sound like it could be a death mask? And the sword could be the 1 sanguinius has when not pictured with the spear of talesto?

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Following the breaking news on warseer, man, the difference in views there and here.

"time to sell my BA" dry.png pfft.

Proud of this community!!

This x1000 smile.png

I believe Codex revisions are much like 40k natural selection biggrin.png

Yeah. Seriously. What kind of wimp abandons his army because of a few changes? I mean, maybe I'd sell my Knights of Blood if they went and confirmed that they were Chaos now, but... even then, I'd just replace them with a different BA successor!

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So when do we reckon we'll start getting leaked rules from early delivery? Shouldn't be too long now.

Also, and just as a P.S. I have really enjoyed being part of this forum (for years yes) during our currently ongoing update. Whilst scouring the interwebz for any snippet of info for this release it's amazing how much vitriol and utter nonesense you come across from other people. It's great knowing that you can always come here to share some honest brotherly love for a chapter that everyone really enjoys and has fun with. It shows we are all managing to hold the Thirst at bay cool.png thumbsup.gif

Yes, 100% true.

The hatred and complaining on Dakkadakka made me come here for my general Blood Angel-talks.

It's a totally different attitude: "How can we make them awesome?" instead of "How can we insult GW because of changes?"

I love this forum :)

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So when do we reckon we'll start getting leaked rules from early delivery? Shouldn't be too long now.

Also, and just as a P.S. I have really enjoyed being part of this forum (for years yes) during our currently ongoing update. Whilst scouring the interwebz for any snippet of info for this release it's amazing how much vitriol and utter nonesense you come across from other people. It's great knowing that you can always come here to share some honest brotherly love for a chapter that everyone really enjoys and has fun with. It shows we are all managing to hold the Thirst at bay cool.png thumbsup.gif

Yes, 100% true.

The hatred and complaining on Dakkadakka made me come here for my general Blood Angel-talks.

It's a totally different attitude: "How can we make them awesome?" instead of "How can we insult GW because of changes?"

I love this forum smile.png

This is 100% the reason I finally started an account here. I've been lurking the last few days waiting for access. It is soooo nice having some Brothers to talk Blood Angels with finally. I'm hoping the Hive Mind presence here is as awesome.

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