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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Wow! So much change to try and take on board. But bottom line: I love jumping assault squads- I'm going unbound if this is all true. Or just converting all assault squads to DCo! Or even Wolf Guard!!

But let's not forget- it's still just a rumour.... Keep the faith brothers. Even if all this IS true- heck, even if all this is BETTER than the truth: we will find a way to overcome, and then unleash the rage!!

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I was having really high hopes for my all-jump pack army to come back, what with cheaper SG, jump packs on DC, and perhaps a return of Wings as a psychic power.  But if these latest rumors turn out, I'm going to have to shelve 70% of my BA models just to fit into a force org.


But its warseer, so hopefully salt will make it all better when i get my real codex next week?

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I will be rather disappointed if they get rid of the Priest mini-squad.  I just converted like a dozen of them.


As for the new model I'm kinda torn.  If I wasn't already flush with Priests I'd definitely get one.  I do like the David Boey feel it has though.  If I get one I may end up converting it to look like it's riding into battle on a tiger made of lightning!  ::P:


Here's my current take on jumpy priests:




This was originally my High Priest before they did away with that.  He's converted from a butchered Corbulo I got from a friend.  I also should apologize for the paint.  I suck at painting white.






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I've decided to reorganize my reaction a little...



  • No centurions. I don't like those guys. I don't want them in my codex. I don't want to be tempted to buy them so I can win games and then spend hours working on how to fix the issues that make the models look awful.
  • New Dante. I can see myself using him now.
  • Librarian dreadnought HQs. This sounds amazeballs.
  • New Mephiston sounds great.
  • Heavy flamers and AA missiles on tac squads are awesome.
  • Psychic powers look like fun.
  • New detachment sounds awesome. The return of I 4 on the charge - when combined with +1 S (and +1 WS and FNP with a priest) - will help us to win fights we've been losing since the end of 5th.
  • Sanguinary priests as HQs is cool. It's nice to see them take center stage.
  • It looks like we didn't lose chaplains as Elites, which is really good, especially since priests are moving to HQ. It's not a fair trade, but imagine what would have happened if both chaplains and priests moved exclusively to HQ?



  • No storm talons (or anything similar). I miss air superiority!
  • Death company as Elites. That stings. Our Elites slot has always been crowded - and now it's more so.
  • Loss of dedicated transport land raiders for assault squads. The 35 point price break was really nice...
  • The loss of fast non-Baal predators stings a little. Oh, well. Luckily I don't own any.
  • EDIT: I forgot to mention - the loss of fast vindicators REALLY hurts. Ouch.
  • So does the loss of death company re-roll to wound with a chaplain.
  • Sanguinary priests out of Elites screws up my collection. Also, it will make it harder to spam FNP (though at least we don't need them for Furious Charge anymore, which is nice).
  • If sanguinary priests are HQs, I'll need to strip the priest I've painted up so I can give him a nicer paint job more befitting a personage of his status. Maybe white?



  • Assault marines out of Troops is a shame, but I don't really care. I haven't run a full jump army in more than a year, anyway.
  • We already knew that our vanguard veterans were going to get nerfed into compliance with C:SM. It's a shame, because old Heroic Intervention was cool, but it's not a surprise.
  • New Warlord Traits look great. I'll miss Descent of Angels being an army-wide rule, though.


Overall, I'd sum it up thusly: Blood Angels are no longer the jump pack marines. I guess that's just Raven Guard now. Blood Angels are now the assaulty marines, and from the changes I see, they can do a pretty good job of it now. Better than they did in 5th. Of course, that does mean that they will still favor assault marines as one of several available options for assault, because more attacks and Hammer of Wrath are still good tools.


And Snorri? A detachment is now the basic "unit" of your force. Instead of there being a single FOC that everyone needs to obey, you have the option to organize your army into a detachment. If you obey the detachment's FOC requirements, you get a benefit. The Combined Arms Detachment is basically the old FOC, and gives the benefit of enhanced objective grabbing. New codices have included new detachments that grant different benefits characteristic to the army.

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Detachment is nice: 

Mandatory 1 HQ, 1 Elite, 2 Troops 
Optional: as usual, but 3 additioanl Elite (Total 4) 
Special rule: +1I when charging, all the army, any turn. 



if that is true- i will have fits of joy for nostalgia alone!!!

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I am genuinely upset by losing our assault marine troops. I loved using jump troops. +1 Initiative army wide is monstrous. I am curious about our relics. And I am giggling like a little girl right now because of possible combinations I can come up with to bash the opponents face in.

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Detachment is nice: 

Mandatory 1 HQ, 1 Elite, 2 Troops 
Optional: as usual, but 3 additioanl Elite (Total 4) 
Special rule: +1I when charging, all the army, any turn. 



if that is true- i will have fits of joy for nostalgia alone!!!



This part I definitely like a lot. Assault Terminators, Sanguinary Guard, Death Company, and Sternguard/Vanguard at Initiatve 5? Yes please!

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My thoughts are as follows (briefly)




Dante: FINALLY the eternal warrior the background says he is.  Also, he will put an axe in your face before you see it coming.


Furious Charge:  A reliable rule that reflects the fact that Blood Angels are a largely codex chapter who will dismember you with their bare hands if you get too close.


Tactical marines:  Blood Angels may have a temper, but they are still renowned for their tactical prowess.  Good to see that the staple of all marine armies will be a staple again for the Blood Angels.  Also, heavy flamers.  (yeaaah!)


Less Awesome:


No Centurions or Storm Talon.  I don't follow the "I don't like them, therefore we shouldn't have the option" sentiment here.  I want options.  If they're not to your taste, just don't run them.  Plus, Blood Angel CC Centurions would have been so cool.  But I guess not.


Descent of Angels:  Bummer this is gone; I really thought it was a beautiful and cinematic rule that suited the army well.


Changes that I don't care about:


Assault marines.  We can still use them.  Then again, I feel bad for those whose armies were largely assault troops.  Like I said, I like options.



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I am skeptical. Half the codex is in the Elite slot and that just seems really odd.



We should all be skeptical. It could be made up. Or the OP could be wrong. But... it rings true for me.

The source posted a pic of the dex from his lounge, but closed, so could have been a picture glued to the back of a cereal box :)


Have to say I'm liking this more than not if true. I may have to squeeee again... I'll be back.

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I need more info to completely make up my mind about this. So far I am quite happy with a lot of the things, but there is one issue that really bugs me - WHY THE HELL IS EVERYTHING IN THE BLOODY ELITE SLOT??

It's gonna be very very hard to build a proper assault army if all assaulty units are in the same slot, alongside with Fragiosos and DC dreads -.- also, if priests take up a HQ slot I will be sad, I hope they get the techmarine treatment (take 1 free for every HQ).


Like the psychic powers though - move up to 18" with those termies, or up to 24" with that DC blob? YES PLEASE!

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If this is accurate, it kills me as I have often played pure jump infantry lists.  Think I have 1 tac squad and maybe the bodies to build another (and of course I ordered 1 more new one, maybe I need another new tac suad...).

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I'll reserve judgement until the codex is in my hands and I can see it all for what it is. Whatever happens, I'm a Blood Angels player, and will enjoy figuring out new lists, and maybe go unbound if I'm feeling nostalgic for the armies I've been running recently.


I will say though, Librarian Dread as a HQ choice.



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