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The NEW "What will 2014 Bring?" thread


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Tycho now does not ingore armour saves. His comb¡ weapon cannot use special ammo anymore.

1 Heavy Flamer for tactical squads, 2 for veterans and no Heavy Flamers in Devastators

Banner allows to reroll failed moral and pinning tests. 12" bubble

Honor Guard is gone from the codex.

He can buy a bike, but not a Terminator armour.


Ow!  A little unnecessary change there on the termy armour? Quite odd?  Wonder if he can get artificer?



Who can buy a Bike, but not TDA?



Sang Priest :/ 







Why GW?!



I'm right with you brother. :( I never finished painting him.



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Tycho now does not ingore armour saves. His comb¡ weapon cannot use special ammo anymore.

1 Heavy Flamer for tactical squads, 2 for veterans and no Heavy Flamers in Devastators

Banner allows to reroll failed moral and pinning tests. 12" bubble

Honor Guard is gone from the codex.

He can buy a bike, but not a Terminator armour.

Ow! A little unnecessary change there on the termy armour? Quite odd? Wonder if he can get artificer?

Who can buy a Bike, but not TDA?

Sang Priest :/



Why GW?!

I'm right with you brother. sad.png I never finished painting him.


Oh man... what a shame. And what a cool, creative use of Space Hulk bits!

Best stick him in your closet... maybe a future 'dex will give you back TDA priests.

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Kinda like the last codex that made all of my veteran assault marines illegal mellow.png

Not sure if Mephiston is worth taking now? With that gear and stats he'll need an expensive bodyguard and you can no longer put him in a storm raven.

Dante on the other hand just became viable again, and honestly I've used Mephiston in just about every competitive game since 2010. He can sit this edition out.

All in all it will be fun to play something different. :)

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Wow, Mephiston is straight up garbage. 3wounds, really? The guy that mastered the black rage, turned his gene seed back on again is endowed with Ole Sangy boys power blah blah has 3 wounds and can now be instakilled by s10 AND he still only has ap3 AND no inv save? Thanks GW, it's not like he was my favorite character or anything. Assault troops are no longer troops? They have been a troop choice since Rogue Trader. The chapter that is all about assault marines doesn't do them better than Ravenguard, we lost them as troops and that other chapter gets to use jump packs in movement and assault phase but we don't? Yeah, looks like all my BA stuff will be riding the shelf and ill have red marines again. Don't get me started on ws4 D Co that don't reroll wounds with a chap, oh and we don't have 3 wound chaps anymore, I'm done. This is worse than the 2nd to 3red transition.
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...and you can no longer put him in a storm raven...


Why not?


I agree that he needs a bodyguard now, it's true. That's no biggie. Have him ride into battle with some hammernators!



If the Raven crashes and burns and he takes a wound he's dead.



Oh, yeah. Well, that's always been a problem with storm ravens. Put him in a land raider instead.

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...and you can no longer put him in a storm raven...


Why not?


I agree that he needs a bodyguard now, it's true. That's no biggie. Have him ride into battle with some hammernators!



If the Raven crashes and burns and he takes a wound he's dead.



Not when he was T6.

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Wow, Mephiston is straight up garbage. 3wounds, really? The guy that mastered the black rage, turned his gene seed back on again is endowed with Ole Sangy boys power blah blah has 3 wounds and can now be instakilled by s10 AND he still only has ap3 AND no inv save? Thanks GW, it's not like he was my favorite character or anything. Assault troops are no longer troops? They have been a troop choice since Rogue Trader. The chapter that is all about assault marines doesn't do them better than Ravenguard, we lost them as troops and that other chapter gets to use jump packs in movement and assault phase but we don't? Yeah, looks like all my BA stuff will be riding the shelf and ill have red marines again. Don't get me started on ws4 D Co that don't reroll wounds with a chap, oh and we don't have 3 wound chaps anymore, I'm done. This is worse than the 2nd to 3red transition.

I don't think it's a bad as 2nd to 3rd, that made me quit the hobby! tongue.png

It's true that the codex seem to have lost a lot of flavor and many units that had no reason to get nerf got hit hard....

Still I can't help to think that if you apply the crazy pants GW design logic we might be the strongest 7th ed codex so far?

Double stacking initiative buffs and extra WS could give us a serious edge. Together with some point reductions we could now actually be able to take enough units for that to be effective.

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Well, lets be honest - how many things in this game have S10 and kill Mephiston before he kills them in cc.. he still hits with S10, and with our primaris he will have a lot ot attacks and even higher initiative, as well as e.g. a 5++ or something like that. Also, he is a lot cheaper now. Put him with a squad of sanguinary guard or ASM and they will be a big threat to everything.

The old Mephi was great, but it's time for a change, and I think they did it quite well :)

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Well, lets be honest - how many things in this game have S10 and kill Mephiston before he kills them in cc..  


With no invul, I5 and AP3? 


About a bazillion different shooty and melee units. :p He'll need a body guard, which drives up the cost. Then a transport (and not a raven) which only leaves you with land raiders unless you go forgeworld. Tons of points with a questionable return.


Hate to say it but he looks like a bench-warmer now. 


Now jump packs DC on the other hand seem like absolute beasts, even with the nerf. :D

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Corbs, chap, date in low slot, d Co, d Co dread, assault terms, assault squads, some heavy support (Las Dev's or Las pred) scouts to fill troop slots, I guess it could work. Date and an assault squad still do their thing, Corbs with terms in LR, d Co and dread in raven, drop d Co and terms with corbs and date all in one hack slash and burn charge, I guess it works. Funny how I'm already over my outrage lol.
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oh well. Its probably worth it for most armies, at least the style I want to play with BA.

Wondering does the +1 initiative on the charge as a detachment rule mean no Objective Secured?

Who needs Ob Sec when your wall of red death has just swept the enemy from the objective in a swift bloody tide tongue.png

This post wins the thread.

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Wondering does the +1 initiative on the charge as a detachment rule mean no Objective Secured?


Why is that? I rarely use allies and don't know much about all this? 



Obsec is a buff you get from normal CADs. Special detachments trade it for some kind other kind of buff.

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Wondering does the +1 initiative on the charge as a detachment rule mean no Objective Secured?


Yes. Objective Secured is a special rule granted to Troops choices by the Combined Arms Detachment. Unless the Baal Strike Force Thing also grants Objective Secured (possible), then Troops will not gain it.


Of course, there's nothing saying you can't still run your Blood Angels in a Combined Arms Detachment if and when you want to.


Or you could go double Detachment and combine a CAD and a Baalthing. Both can be Blood Angels.


Or, alternately, as Troops in an Allied Detachment have Objective Secured (I think - I don't have my rulebook in front of me ATM), you can bring along someone else. Sisters of Battle, Astra Militarum, and Tempestus Scions are all thematically appropriate and can do a good job of holding objectives while Blood Angels do what they do best: smash faces! Or you could bring another Space Marine detachment as allies. Imperial Fists make a good sturdy yellow anvil to your great big red hammer!

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