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They look good.

Where is the head from on your Jarl? I thought it was a TWC head, have you added some GS to it. I think it might be your best Space Wolf to date.


I humbly suggest you name your Jarl Bulveye. Of course you do not have to. The decals you are using are the old 13th company ones from the Eye of Terror codex days. During the HH Bulveye was Jarl of 13th Company, and is still ruling the company in 40K as he, & his Rune Priest help Ragnar defeat Madox, wound Magnus by stabbing him in the eye, end their infernal magicks and retrieve the Spear of Russ :smile.: 


Saying that markings are repeatedly used over time by various Jarls, so you could name him anything you want.


Oh and that breacher shield? It was the exact shield, colour & design I was considering for my Achilles :biggrin.:


Dagnammit man!!

The head comes from http://www.ebay.com/itm/361406022060?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


I bought them and was excited, but they are too tiny for power armor. Probably too tiny for the Imp Guard. However, the Cataophractii torsos limit the size of the head that can be placed in them. So that worked out.

Im not crazy about using a "named" character. Detracts from my story. 

and yea, I know who Bulveye is. I believe he also appears in the Tales of Heresy anthology, though I may be incorrect. Im too lazy to back upstairs and check my bookshelf.


I had one, and picked up another 4 or so offa a FB buy/sell/trade group. That gives me roughly 80 of those decals to work with. Thats enough for the size of the Wolves Im going for at the moment.


What can I say, Im in your head. Its a disturbing place. Stop doing that. :wink:  

Awesome stuff! What are you planning for your bases? Stereotypical snow or something else? :smile.:


I did snow in my 3rd (4th?) Wolf army many years ago. I mixed the snow with green flock and thought it looked decent. 

that said, I wont be doing that again.


I'm of 2 minds right now:

the first being metal flooring, like on a starship. The "theme" of the Wolves is a dedicated boarding force, so Breachers as the backbone and heavy and skilled infantry to support them. I *may* pick up some Land Raiders for normal games (as Breachers cannot get Rhinos or Pods) but that is faaaaar down the road.


the second being shattered glass of Prospero. I'm skimming various places looking for ideas and tricks I can steal. 


The Jarl looks great, loving the ginger legion!

I like the grey you've used also, sets them apart as HH Wolves.


Thank you, I made sure it was very different from my 40k Wolves. 

Im torn on giving them a Nuln wash as that may go too dark. Right now I see the grey of thunder clouds.


Thanks Marshal Rohr!


Im still unsure of what to do with the cape. I was initially going to make it into furry, but decided against it after remembering how FW said they are making distinctly different Wolves from 40k. Ive painted it black, and was advised to try and free hand on it. Its going on my list of things to do.



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  • 1 month later...

my Raven Guard got into another fight this past Saturday, this time at 5k (well we planned on 4k, opponent shows up and says "You wanna add another thousand? I stare at him stupidly, then start laughing. The answer to adding points is always YES)


My Raven Guard consisted of:

Praetor in Cataphractii Armor with Paragon Blade+Volkite, Legion Command Squad in Anvillus
Praetor with JP and Raven's Talons, Chaplain with JP, 10 strong Dark Fury Squad
2x10 Tactical Marine Squads in Drop Pods (1 never arrived due to poor reserve rolls...really)
1x15 Tactical Marine Squad with Apothecary
1x10 Tactical Marine Support Squad carrying Volkite Charges in Drop Pod
1x10 Tactical Marine Support Squad carrying Plasma Guns in Drop Pod
1x10 Mor Deythan Squad, (3 Combi-Flamers, 4 Combi-Meltas, 3 Flamers)
1x1 Apothecary (attached to 1x15 Tactical Marine Squad)
1x3 Contemptor Talon (1 with dual Assault Cannons, 2 with power fist+graviton gun, Multi-Melta)
1x2 Laser Destroyer Rapier Battery
1x1 Storm Eagle 
1x1 Darkwing Storm Eagle 
1x1 Deredeo Dreadnought
Army comes out to 4,995 points
My opponent brought 40k Word Bearers
Ray's Army (from memory) {2 CADs were used, dont know exact breakdown}
1x2 Bloodthirsters
1x1 Chaos Lord
1x1 Dark Apostle
1x19 Possessed in Storm Eagle 
1x1 unit of Bloodletters
1x1 unit of Pink Horrors
1x1 unit of Plague Bearers
1x1 unit of Daemonetters
2x3 units of Obliterators
1x2 units of Helldrakes
1x2 units of Hellbades
1x1 Forgefiend
2x1 Soul Grinders
4x35 Cultist mobs
Yes, that is 4 mobs of maxed out cultists and little Space Marine presence. I love Ray. He always builds such unique and fun lists.
Now onto pics, starting with my Raven Guard
Ray's army
Chaos Deployment
Loyalist Deployment
Table top view
Next post, Turn 1!
Edited by Wolf Lord Kieran
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Turn 1, Raven Guard go First. No Night Fight


Turn 1 Anvillus with Praetor+Legion Command Squad arrive. Contemptor moves to 2nd floor for better LoS



Tactical Squad in Drop Pod arrive. Sadly, Tactical Support Squad of Plasma Guns scatters off of table, re-entering Reserves. Ray then moves his Cultists around the Tactical Squad's pod an grins evilly...



With most of my guns out of range, I only kill 2 of 3 Obliterators holding a building and wound a Bloodthirster. The last Obliterator surviving with a single wound denies me First Blood...


Which Ray promptly scores, blowing my Anvillus from the sky and killing one of the Legion Command Squad



Wondering why Ray was grinning, this happens...



Do you have a moment to discuss the SKULL THRONE!? That pod lasts all of 3 seconds



Turn 2 has more RG arrivals, with my Tactical Support Squad arriving deep in Ray's deployment zone to demonstrate the power of CHOOM



The Mor Deythan flank Ray, but the Oblit's armor proves impervious to their flamer attack



My Tactical Squad holds their ground infront a pissed off Bloodthirster (but really, is there any other kind?) while the Tactical Support Plasma Squad arrive again, this time landing off of the Tactical Squads Vox and not scattering. This time they blow the Bloodthirster back to the Warp


Yea, those Tactical Marines straight up DGAF



The impressive CHOOMING kills 16 of 35 Cultists, and the survivors decided to find the Chaos Gods somewhere off the table



My Praetor and last of the Legion Command Squad decide the Cultists need to go, and charge them. They break them in a round of combat, and the survivors flee



Ray's Helldrake arrives



as does his second 



as does one of his Hellblades



and just incase that wasnt enough reserves, both Soul Grinders appear in my deployment zone



The wounded Bloodthirster moves to spread the word of Khorne to my Mor Deythan



Ignoring my Praetor, the Bloodletters move to take an Objective Marker



Chaos shooting takes a hull point from 2 of my Contemptor Talon, destroying one's power fist



Chaos shooting also allows my Tactical Squad to fall back, depriving his Warlord's their souls



Yea, that conversation went as well as one could expect



The Legion Standard Bearer falls to enemy shooting, as the Plague Bearers move to charge my Praetor





While the Warlord vents his fury on the Tactical Support Plasma Squad's drop pod...the overwatch kills maybe a cultist



with predictable results



Next, Turn 3!









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Turn 3


My Storm Eagle does an ultra-risky deep strike into the rear of the chaos army, behind the Chaos Storm Eagle (forgot to mention he arrived before)...and does NO damage to the craft



Corax arrives to lay the smack down on the enemy Warlord, as the Plasma Gunners light him up like the 4th of July. The Lord survives, his cultist escort does not



Yea, I charged a Soul Grinder with my contemptor...and did no damage. But I passed my 6+ invul save TWICE, and recieved no in return



The Warlord meet in Epic hand to hand combat! Not really, Corax cuts him down with ease. The dude had like 1 wound left



In his eternal crusade to spread the Good Word of Khorne, the Bloodthirster swings to bail the Soul Grinder out of combat



and Ray drops a squad of Daemonettes into my deployment zone



and his 2nd Hellblade arrives (see Corax hiding behind the Plasma Squad...there is a reason for that)



and that reason being 19 freaking Possessed and a Dark Apostle pile out of the Storm Eagle like a daemonic clown car of DOOM



the now rallied Cultists make the Choom Squad pay for the carnage they wrought on the other Cultist mob and BloodLetters (killed like 9 of those dudes)

the Choom squad is wiped out



Ray forgot the Bloodthirster's SMASH in the first round of combat, but swears vengeance this time...



The Possessed pile into the Plasma Support Squad, and easily rip them to shreds



those three dice? Those were the pen rolls for the SMASHING Bloodthirster. Poor Ray.



Ray begin's to beseech the Dark Gods for help



Next, Turn 4!

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Turn 4!


My Darkwing Storm Eagle arrives, fails to hurt any of his targets



Corax, the 10 strong Dark Fury Assault Squad, Praetor and Chaplain are about to avenge the Plasma Support Squad



My Rapier Batters finally penetrate the Soul Grinder's daemon save and blow it up, while a Dreadnought and Tactical Squad start thinning out the Daemonettes



It only took Corax and HALF of the Dark Fury Assault Squad's attacks to completely wipe out the Possessed. That Chaplain's Zealotry made the squad insane



after bring double drake'd, plasma cannon'ed and having the kitchen sink thrown at them, the Dark Fury Assault Squad with Praetor and Chaplain are locked with a summonded Herald of Khorne



The Contemptor finally kills the Soul Grinder, laughs off the Bloodthirsters attacks, and they remain locked



the game ends at the end of Turn 4, with the final results being:


Victory to the Raven Guard, 14 to 8! (forgot to count Linebreaker for both of us)


More pics of the Chaos Warlord, as I love the job Ray did on him








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It was an enjoyable game for both of us, with lots of laughs and cool moments.



Things I liked about my army:

-The Choom Squad. They put the FEAR OF THE EMPEROR into Ray.

-The Contemptor Talon. They anchored me very well and the one on 2 fight was amazing

-The Dark Fury charge. It was amazing


Things I didnt like:

-I used the Mor Deythan poorly. I should have kept them on the other side of the table with their Outflank, but didnt think hard enough on this

-I was too cautious with both Corax and the Dark Fury bomb for too long. But when they hit, they HIT

-the Deredeo Dreadnought. It dropped the second Hellblade as soon as it arrived, but did little more throughout the game.


I have to give Ray credit, he brought an unusual army (what a chaos army should look like by fluff, if not by rules) and pushed me hard. I got lucky with a few D3 rolls on the Objective Cards, which helped greatly.


We were both a little rusty, so may have goofed rules here or there, but the important thing is that we both had fun. And a re-match in the process of being set up.

All for now.
Edited by Wolf Lord Kieran
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"Yea, those Tactical Marines straight up DGAF"


So said the bard of the true heroes of the day 



No but for real awesome report great quality pictures as always , thanks for sharing ! 


I wish it were pure nerve, but I pulled an Assassinate card. Rayray had helpfully turned a Cultist into a Herald of Khorne, and in order to score the point, the squad stood it's ground and (rightfully it turned out) trusted the plasma gun squad to deal with the Bloodthirster.


and you are very welcome, I greatly enjoy Rayray's and I games. I like seeing such reports on B&C, so present my own offerings as well

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Thanks for the batrep, man. It looked like a blast!


It was a blast, Rayray is a fun opponent.


Thanks for the advice on the Contemptor Talon. Even in 5k I was unsure of the point investment, but they worked out beautifully for me.

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Got another game in this past Saturday versus my arch-nemisis and partner in crime Rayray. We played another 5k game.
Maelstrom Mission 3 (Hammer and Anvil deployment again. I'm lucking out with these)
the Raven Guard (yay!) 4,995pts
Praetor in Cataphractii Armor with Legion Command Squad in Anvillus
Praetor with Jump Pack with Dark Fury Assault Squad
Master of SIgnals Consul joining 1x2 Quad Mortar Battery
Tactical Squad 1x15
Tactical Squad 2x10 in Drop Pods
Tactical Squad Support Squad with Plasma Guns in Drop Pods
Tactical Squad Support Squad with Volkite Chargers
Recon Squad 1x5
Dark Fursy Assault Squad
1x5 Cataphractii Terminator Squad in Storm Eagle 
1x3 Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
1x10 Mor Deythan Squad
Deredeo Dreadnought
Rayray's Chaos Coalition
Sorcerer with Chaos Terminators in Land Raider Spartan
Sorcerer with 1x20 Possessed
Great Unclean One
1x3 Chaos Dreadnought formation
1x3 Mutilators
1x10 Possessed
2x2 Artillery teams
1x1 Outflanking Contemptor Dreadnought
3x35 Cultist mobs
1x15 Cultist mob
Tzeentch Flamers
Flesh Hounds
Slaaneshi Daemonettes
Plague Bearers

Table pre-game (after Flesh Hounds Scout move)
Chaos Deployment
Raven Guard Deployment
Corax creeping...
Turn 1
The Chaos Spartan, Possessed Rhino and Flesh Hounds surge forward...never playing against Flesh Hounds, their speed astounds me
My Pods arrival. One Drop Pod scatters off the table, one lands behind the Flesh Hounds, and the Cataphractii Praetor in the Anvillus lands safely in my deployment zone
My Praetor's view of the Chaos armor advance
My Master of Signal's view of the Chaos Armor advance
The Flesh Hounds are getting too close for comfort
The Master of Signal calls in some orbital support against the Chaos Spartan
The Quad Mortars, Master of Signal, and 2 Contemptor's with Multi-Meltas and Graviton Guns remove 4 of the Spartan's Hull Points, but the beast survives! The Possessed in the Rhino are stuck, as the MoS Orbital Love Tap immobilizes their ride
Hold on to your butts, this thing is just beginning! 
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Pookie the Great Unclean One to the left of me, a Soul Grinder on the right, stuck in the middle with you



Farther up the field, a Helldrake races up the left side of the board while a Hellblade flies up the right.



the MoS guides the aim of the Quad Mortar battery



the Deredeo's Intercepting Skyfire destroys the Helldrake's flame cannon thingy, and I let out a huge sigh of relief


a mess of Chaos Terminator pile out of the Spartan, but fail the all important charge to the Contemptor Dreadnought!


The Tactical Squad is blown out of their Drop Pod and the Daemonettes make their charge!



as do the Flesh Hounds



The Flesh Hounds rip through the Tactical Marines and pursue the survivors through the ruins



the Daemonettes show the puppies how its done however, and completely wipe out the Tactical Squad



My Storm Eagle with Cataphractii Terminators suffers a Deep Strike Mishap, and Rayray places it backwards in my deployment zone



My Tactical Support Squad with Plasma Guns lands on target, but seeing as the Possessed are both Shrouded and Invisible, elect to target the artillery




The Mor Deythan move on the Chaos flank, open firing on the Cultists to clear their way to the Chaos artillery



One of my Contemptor moves to challenge the Soul Grinder...opening fire first, it's Multi-Melta turns it into scrap and robs itself of the charge



Corax leaps ahead to halt the Chaos Terminators while the Contemptor dreadnought moves to put more firepower into the Spartan (it shot last, so if the other guns did the job it'd support Corax.) It's guns were required to drop the Spartan, meaning Corax charges alone...


The results of Corax crashing into the Terminators, a dead Champion and several slain Terminators. They lock into combat with the Raven Lord



Thats the end of Turn 2...more to come


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Turn 3


Rayray deep strikes Plague Bearers and his Mutilator squad DEEP in my Deployment zone



It's staring to get a little crowded down here. I think Rayray has more models in my Deployment zone than I do



and on my far left, an Outflanking Chaos Contemptor appears!



the middle of the table doesnt look much better for me. Another Helldrake appears



My Anvillus said screw reason and decided to attack HIS deployment zone



My Master of Signals...targets, targets everywhere



The Flesh Hounds charge their earlier prey in the ruins



Pookie got sent back to the Warp by a massive artillery barrage, and loses his last wound to a combi-bolter from a Drop Pod.



The Possessed move to engage another Tactical Squad



The Possessed Champion falls to the righteous wrath of the Sergeant's power fist!



the thin Black and White line fights for it's very survival



In the end, only the Sergeant remains...



My Tactical Support Volkite Squad arrives, and CHOOMS the hell out of a Cultist mob



Believe in the CHOOM



The Chaos artillery opens fire on the Drop Pod, but only remove a single Hull Point



The Mor Deythan charge the Chaos Artillery, but fail to kill them off. They lock in close combat



While Corax leads a Praetor and Dark Fury Assault Squad into the Plague Bearers 



The Cataphractii Terminators thunder into the Flesh Hounds to save what's left of the Tactical Squad



2 Contemptors thunder into 3 Mutilators. One Dread crosses terrain and is slowed to initiative 1. The first Dreadnought kills 2 of them, while the lone survivor drops a Contemptor with chainfists. Corax and Company completely wipe out the Plague Bearers





Almost there folks!

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Turn 4


Chaos Dreadnoughts in a formation deep strike even deeper behind my lines!



The Master of Signal directs the Artillery on the new threat, killing 1 and stripping hull points from another



The Possessed vs Tactical Squad still battle on, each slowly killing one another one by one



Chaos Cultists charge into the Mor Deythan vs Artillery fight to try and bail out their chaos masters



My Tactical Support Volkite Squad leaves their Drop Pod to deny the objective to the Cultists, and introduce them to the power of CHOOM



20+ dead Cultists later, the mob flees the CHOOM



A Contemptor moves to engage the Chaos Dreadnoughts. It's Multi-melta drops one of them, and he prepares himself to charge in



The table looks a lot clearer now



My Storm Eagle, who previously blasted the outflanking Chaos Contemptor to pieces, tries to engage the enemy flyers



My Praetor and Legion Command Squad moves to engage the large Possessed mob



Corax, the Praetor and remnants of the Dark Fury Assault Squad charge the Daemonettes



the fight continues, but as long as the Chaos artillery is quieted I guess its okay



the odds finally turn against the Possessed, and the Sergeant's power fist sends two more to hell



the two Dreadnoughts clash! 
The Contemptor pulls apart his foe, and while the Chaos Dreadnought strikes back twice, fails to so much as glance the Contemptor's stronger armor



the final score







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some brief notes:


-Rayray cast Iron Arm on Pookie, his Great Unclean One. With it's gifts it had a toughness of 10 for a single round. That flat out terrified me.


-I hate when people say this, but Ray's dice were not with him in any way, shape or form. The amount of times he failed to even glance the Contemptors or Drop Pods was bordering on insane. If he wasnt a dirty traitor, I would have felt bad for him. 


-I made a stupid number of invul saves on my Contemptors. 


-While neither the Orbital Strike of the Master of Signal or the Sunder of the Quad Mortars was especially useful, the MoS granting his BS and Vox was crazy awesome. I think combo will become a staple of my Raven Guard. 

-While the charges of the Dark Fury Assault Squad is devastatingly powerful, they are a glass cannon at best. They drop so quick it isnt funny.


Both Ray and I agreed it was a fun game, so we achieved the important part. If it wasnt fun for both of it, it wouldnt be worth the time.


All for now.



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As long as Rayray is game, these reports will continue on a semi-regular basis. Twice in 2 weeks probably won't happen again.


Which is good, as it gives me time to paint the unloved models I'm fielding.

I started on the Master of Signals last night, but the weather may have jinxed the primer. I figure I'll finish him, see how I feel and strip and repeat if I'm unhappy with him.


I'm waiting for 2 more contemptors to arrive in the mail, and then I'll paint all of them together. They deserve some loving.


So while there won't be a game post this upcoming weekend, I'll try and post some of the army itself.


Thanks for the encouragement Flint! I do this in the Wolf forum and the amount of readers to actual responses is a little disheartening at times.



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