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My Adventures with the Adeptus Astartes


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Hey Everybody! My name is Lachlan, but everyone calls me Loaf and i've been playing 40k nearly 4 years now and my army has changed first Blood Ravens and now Blood Angels (I have a thing for blood if you didn't notice). I will be forging my own 3rd company also known as the "Ironhelms" after the conflict of the third Armageddon war and the Ironhelms are preparing for the greatest conflict known to the successors of the IX Legion, Hive Fleet Leviathan and legions of daemons and Traitors overwhelm the Cryptan Shield. I also plan to delve into the Horus Heresy as well as the Crimson Sons and World Eaters or War Hounds


I have recently returned to the hobby after almost a year away due to school, and i hope to pick up where I left off and acquire new skills, mainly greenstuff and painting techniques (tips and tricks would be a great help!) and most of my older miniatures are soaking in Dettol solutions.




This is what I'm planning for the company plus the support from other parts of the 3rd Company




Captain - my Captain will be similar to Tycho mainly with the Arti armour and the combi melta but I'm not sure to make him a sternguard or a vanguard   


Command Squad/Honour Guard - Company Standard, Jump Packs, Sanguinary Novitiate, Blood Champion, thunder hammers and storm shields? or power weapons and special weapons, hmmm




Sanguinary guard squad 


2 x Furioso Dreads - one a a Libby and the other with a frag cannon and magna grapples because why not?


Chappy - nothing too special, i think i have the DV Chap somewhere


Assault Termies  - thunder hammers x2 




Sternguard squad - possibly buddies with the Captain, armed with elite killing weaponry


Sanguinary priest/ Brother Corbulo


Death Company Dread/ Moriar the Chosen


Death Company -  chain blades and bolt pistols, power weapons, and a thunder hammer




6 x Tactical squads - model up the squads for whatever the enemy throws at me, GRAV GUNS! woohoo! (I'm excited to get my hands on the new tac squad)Rhinos as well



Fast Attack:


Vanguard - mainly chain blades and special weapons


2 x Assault squads (2x5-man squads and 1x10 man squad) - same as above, but with razorbacks and a Redeemer


Baal Pred - armed with Flamestorm and heavy Bolter sponsons


Bike squad - stumped on either using the Ravenwing bike squad or Jetbikes, argh! decisions!


Heavy Support:


Dreadnought armed with Autocannons or something like that


2 x Gunships - for DC and Libby dreads, DC and Assault termies


2 x Devastator Squads - missle launchers


(not counting tanks and stuff at this point, gotta get through everything else first and it all might depending on something new is released)


Whew, man have i got my work cut out, but as Jamie Oliver would say, "Happy Days"




" Blood calls for blood, so they say. Let us spill that of our enemies with all due haste, so that we may hears its cry all the clearer"

- Sergeant Arcula, Blood Angels 3rd Company

Taken from 5th edition BA codex

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Welcome back! Nice list of models. 


When considering what you'll use, you'll want to grab a new codex and relook at your list. The new codex has moved some of your units around in terms of their FoC slots. 


Sanguinary priests and Corbulo are now HQ. Command squads are now elite. Vanguard are elite. Baals are heavy. Dreadnoughts are elite. Assault marines are fast. DC and DC dreads are elite. Chaplain and tech marine are now HQ.

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Welcome back! Nice list of models. 


When considering what you'll use, you'll want to grab a new codex and relook at your list. The new codex has moved some of your units around in terms of their FoC slots. 


Sanguinary guard and Corbulo are now HQ. Command squads are now elite. Vanguard are elite. Baals are heavy. Dreadnoughts are elite. Assault marines are fast. DC and DC dreads are elite. Chaplain and tech marine are now HQ.



Priests there mae, Sanguinary Priests.

Typos are such a pain, think I would cry if Guard became HQ.


Personally I see allot of use with Libarian Dreadnought HQ. :D

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Welcome back! Nice list of models. 


When considering what you'll use, you'll want to grab a new codex and relook at your list. The new codex has moved some of your units around in terms of their FoC slots. 


Sanguinary priests and Corbulo are now HQ. Command squads are now elite. Vanguard are elite. Baals are heavy. Dreadnoughts are elite. Assault marines are fast. DC and DC dreads are elite. Chaplain and tech marine are now HQ.

Alright thank you very much, i was using the 5th edition


Hi there and welcome back to 40k and to the best chapter there is.

You have a lot of good stuff there, but I'm curious. Will you ever use Tycho himself?

I will buy him at one stage and might make a campaign with some friends for The Third War of Armageddon


And thank you for welcoming me back! I hope to get wip on my Assault marines and death company

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to repose his legs, carve out the back of the knee, cust from above the knee pad, repin to where you want, extend the armour with green stuff to remake the join and build a new back of knee easily and add the ribs to the greenstuff so it looks like the origional.


Its an easy job, just time consuming due to the time it takes to dry.

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Looking good so far brother, although I'm not too keen on the Black Reach tacticals. I recommend getting a box of the new ones, they may be expensive but I think it's well worth it for all the awesome bitz and options you get. Plus the BR tacticals just look ugly tongue.png. I will be checking this thread from time to time, enjoy yourself and keep us updated!

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to repose his legs, carve out the back of the knee, cust from above the knee pad, repin to where you want, extend the armour with green stuff to remake the join and build a new back of knee easily and add the ribs to the greenstuff so it looks like the origional.

Its an easy job, just time consuming due to the time it takes to dry.

Awesome i'll try that out, thanks for that

Looking good so far brother, although I'm not too keen on the Black Reach tacticals. I recommend getting a box of the new ones, they may be expensive but I think it's well worth it for all the awesome bitz and options you get. Plus the BR tacticals just look ugly tongue.png. I will be checking this thread from time to time, enjoy yourself and keep us updated!

They were in fact from the DA box but i get what you're saying about them and thanks man!biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Merry (belated) Christmas to all! Hope you have all enjoyed yourselves


So for Christmas, I got a Furioso Dread and the new Blood Angels tac squad and I've made some progress with the dread:

Furioso Dreadnought WIP

I want to add something to make him unique but i don't know what exactly, must raid the bitz box...
And i had a go at reposing some legs for my assualt marine, but i didn't work out too well, because i drilled the hole a bit awkwardly in one of the thighs so it now sits like the leg has been dislocated or something like that.

first attempt of leg reposing (front)



If anyone can give some tips, greatly appreciated 
thanks for having a look
C&C is welcome!




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So, i've begun building my new tactical squad, but (as a lot of you would know) when you attach the bolters to the marines it becomes a pain to paint, so ive left the bolters off, but i was wondering, how am i going to paint to bolters? leave them on the sprue? or can anyone point me to the right direction 


Also I want to buy some forge world bits, but i don't have a lot of money, so i was looking for alternatives, any veterans out there willing to teach a young pup some tricks?

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for painting fiddly bits, I would recommend not leaving them on the sprues, as you'll have a ballache trying to clean off mold lines etc. if you've already painted them. Instead you can drill out the barrels, attach to a think piece of wire and voila, you have something to hold on to whilst painting. simply remove wire once done. Or you can bluetac / glue them to a bit of sprue which is what I've mostly done in the past (as I broke my pin drill)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again ladies and gents!


I have continued progress with my draednought by giving him a flashy base 

Dreadnought base

(sorry for crappy image)

And here is a idea of the finished product

dreadnought Wip #2

It looks cool and all but i dont know if it looks a bit too crowded, opinions?


I also found my bikers from the DA box set but they are a bit worse for wear (besides the sargeant, which i might use the torso for my assault marines)


Old bike squad



Close up of the Sargeant with a new torso and weapon

Biker Sargeant close up


C&C is welcome



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  • 2 weeks later...

Painting has begun on the dreadnought:

Furioso Dreadnought painting wip

I have made changes to the base mainly the dead CSM (not pictured)

Furioso Dreadnought base


I have also begun on the Death Company

Death Company squad 1 wip

There is only four at the moment, because i have misplaced the last one. Two are equipped with plasma pistols and chainswords, one with a power fist and bolter and a standard BP and CS marine


C&C is welcome



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello again Ladies and Gents, update time!

I am still fiddling around with my 1st tactical squad, but i have some WIP sergeants for the Assault squads:


Assault Sergeant #1 with Lightning Claws

WIP Assault Sergeant #1


And the second with a Storm bolter and either Power Fist of Power sword

WIP Assault sergeant #2



Rather small update as school has started again




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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks cool! I like the poses on the DC, very characterful!

Hey thanks man! comments like that keep this thread chugging along, but not right at the moment unfortunately, since school started back up and I to clean my zone due to my Dad's fortieth on the weekend i haven't had much time to do much. but i will get back to it don't worry!


But i have thought about 'editing' my dreadnought, by using the Ultramarine dread for FW and cutting out the sarcophagus: 


and replacing it with one the Furioso sarcophagus fronts




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey me again and i've got a small update (if you can call it that) on my tactical squad:


Sargeant #1 and BA Cypher?


I had to do bit of a torso switch of these two, but i believe it helped a lot. the Sergeant looked bit off pose wise before the switch but now I'm much happier with the result.

Also BA Cypher




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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen 
Update again! and it's better than last time
Progress on my Death Company! woohoo!
I reckon the fellow on the left is yelling 'Why Horus Why!? How could you turn your back on our father?" or something like that

Death Company WIP


And the Headtaker is what im calling the next fellow, i want to try and make him look like the Sanguinary Guard who has fallen to the Rage and is now been let loose to butcher his enemies

Death Company headsman WIP

I've made steady progress on an Assault marine, who, imho, looks pretty brutal

Assault Marine WIP

Assault Marin WIP back

Assault marine WIP #3

Assault Marine WIP #4


I also was mucking around and started making a comibi-flamer (which I thought I might use on the assault marine)

Here it is:

Combi Flamer

and the first of my tactical squad has been sprayed

Tactical Marine

C&C is definitely welcome
Cheers, Loaf 


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  • 1 month later...

i've made progress during the holidays and worked a little more on my tactical squad and i also was given a box of thunderwolf cavalry for my birthday. I've partially assembled two of the three wolves and made mock-ups of their riders.



And progress has been made on the heavy support of tactical team 1 but can't decide on a pose
#1 from the BA tactical squad

IMG 1562

IMG 1563

#2 with parts of the death company

IMG 1559

IMG 1560

he looks like he has planted himself in and making sure nothing gets past him




The other week i was going through The_Chaplain's Confessors blog, if you haven't seen it, you should, it's filled with great ideas(http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=113277&st=0#msg178505)

The siege vanguard caught my eye and i have noticed a broken Commander Dante on my desk, so i chopped him up and made a little mock-up of a siege commander

SVC with shield

SVC back


That's it for now 
C&C is welcome 
cheers. Lachy
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

dude good to see you at it, love the shade of red your getting with your angels thumbsup.gif

Thank you very much Kurama!

Now on with the update

i made my mind up this weekend (finally) and found a plasma cannon from the DA box set to be used in tactical squad one, i couldn't find any PC carrying arms, so i got the DA one and chopped it so i can have a different shoulder pad, it doesn't look too bad but i might find something to cover it up

IMG 1621

View of plasma cannon

IMG 1636

and here is the rest of squad one that i've finished and have bases, plus one wolf (that has a basecoat of Dryad Bark, but i'll take a photo when there is some worth posting)
*Note* these photos have been taken at completely different times

IMG 1614

IMG 1635

I also found some chaos and pewter bits and thought why not?

IMG 1646

IMG 1645

IMG 1644

What do you think?

i chopped the end of the force staff and it makes a very good banner topper

IMG 1642

That is it for now!

C&C is welcome and encouraged especially for the termies

Cheers Lachy

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