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Old Dog - Hopefully New Tricks - A Slaaneshi Warband Tale

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Cheers RolandTHTG - I had the box lying around and wanted to remove as much of the DE feel that I could from the models.

Big update today guys, the box of Scions arrived and fit the Deadmau5-esque helmets perfectly. The aquilas will be made to look as if they have recently been scratched off/ defieled also:

Shooty Jon

Thoughtful Charlie

The whole gang

Also while thinking about what to do with all the other bits, I happened upon the idea of Rough riders. I know there armaments aren't technically legal and for all I know the unit doesn't even exist anymore. But they look pretty cool and should paint up great. The flamer does need a little work around the shoulder joints.


And all the models I have so far for the cultists/ traitor guard detachment:




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Update time! First model of the scions is painted up let me know what you think:



Added this photo - minus flash. As I am quite proud of how this face came out, although I'm not sure if it looks dead enough? Any thoughts?

As always, thanks for looking and feedback is alwlays appreciated!


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The heads look great on those bodies bud. I have a R&H squad that I'm going to make Slaaneshi (the rest of the platoon is modelled up in the other Gods, so need to do a Dark Prince squad to fit their theme). Where did you get them from, if you don't mind me asking? Apologies if you've already said, I may have missed it rolleyes.gif . Good looking warband so far fellow heretic.

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Two more finished, minus bases. The flamer guy has since been cleaned up and I should hopefully have a third completed by the end of the day. 

As always, let me know what you think!

I tried to make it look as if the Aquila on the rifle had been scratched over, but it came out a little blocky so I may go back over that in the near future.

Flamer guy  - His collar and glove have since been cleaned up as mentioned above. Does he look Slanneshi enough?

As always, many thanks,


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Quick update guys,

Managed to complete two more for the squad, and attempted a freehand slaanesh symbol on the Flamer, let me know what you think:

Our glorious leader

Think it might be a little flat, should I try add shading/highlights?

The whole team so far

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a frustrating month of job hunting I am now back with an update!

I've put together a bit of a bashed Warlord to lead my noise marines as they stand. 



I will probably GS a slaaneshi symbol onto his belt and maybe a few other things that I am as yet undecided on. 

C & C always welcome,


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That Chaos Lord is fantastic.

I'm stealing that one, oh yes.


As for the tattoo on the flamer-cultist, I would do it in a darker pink and then use a lighter pink, your finest brush, best arms-steady pose and heaps of concentration to paint the symbol again lighter within the darker pink.

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@Kierdale - Feel free to! I envisioned him as Fulgrim's executioner or something similar to the WS master of the hunt who kills Fulgrim's enemies for slights both real and imagined. Thankyou for the painting advise also, once I find my steadies hands I'll give it another shot!



@Thousand Eyes - thanks pal, fingers crossed! Spellcrow do some amazing stuff it's true, but I was never a fan of the glam rock aesthetic I'm afraid.

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Hi guys,

I have recently completed the champion of my 2nd Noise Marine squad. Let me present: The Raven. [Edit - Whoops, forgot to highlight the backpack, that'll be done asap.]

(Apologies for the lack of white background/correct lighting. My lightbox is currently MIA after a recent sort)

The Front - As I mentioned earlier in this thread, this guy is supposed to be more violent/deranged than his counterpart The Bull. Hence the charging pose and over abundance of flayed skin. 

Shot of his sword and more flesh

Above. The head felt somewhat plain, so I used the structure of the helm to create a Slaaneshi symbol which I highlighted up from Cream to White.

C&C appreciated as always!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, bit of an update!

Not much done on the Noise Marine front, except finishing this guy:


Did get these guys underway though! Not 100% just yet as they need a bit of clean up and some highlights, but I'm happy so far:


Unfortunately this guy  had a rather thickly painted cab by the time I got him which has warped the paint job somewhat but he will do for now.

Also got this guy from Kromlech that I'll run as a Herald of Slaanesh, he's quite a bit taller than the daemonettes (I mean, the helmet doesn't help, but - rule of cool and all...):

Cheers for looking,


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