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Got Exterminatus and the WD:)


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ah, okay. So side note, can they be taken as Warlords? I ask because I do not have the current Codex. Or exterminatus.



Any character from your primary detachment can be your Warlord, even a Scout Sergeant.

Sweet. Mortalis just strikes me as an awesome lynchpin.
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Don't have a rulebook here, so I want to ask:

As I understand, Flesh Tearers detachment bonus gives Rage to any unit that rolls 10+ for charge distance. Can I take Flesh Tearers detachment and sanguine wings formation? If yes, then does Rage apply to units in formation?

The formation is a separate detachment, rules are not shared.

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Don't have a rulebook here, so I want to ask:

As I understand, Flesh Tearers detachment bonus gives Rage to any unit that rolls 10+ for charge distance. Can I take Flesh Tearers detachment and sanguine wings formation? If yes, then does Rage apply to units in formation?

The formation is a separate detachment, rules are not shared.
Ok, thanks :) And what about furious charge? Units in this formation are still from BA codex and have FC, right?
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Ok, thanks smile.png And what about furious charge? Units in this formation are still from BA codex and have FC, right?

Yes, they do. But a more important question is if any of the formation have the red thirst, similar to the Baal strike force in the codex?

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FC is not a rule that applies to all BA, it's just listed in the entry codex of the units that have it. It's not related to army, detachments, formations or any of that stuff. It's just like ATSKNF, it's in the special rules in the codex entry. All BA units in the codex have it though :)


The Red Thirst is not in any of the other formations or detachments, except the vanguard flesh tearers formation, which represents a force of FT trying to be friends with the BA. The 2nd BA company detachment also has it. I think all the other BA / FT formations and detachments forfeit the red thirst for something else.

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Any character from your primary detachment can be your Warlord, even a Scout Sergeant.

Any character from any detachment but an allied detachment can be your warlord.


Technically you are correct, and the detachment you choose your Warlord from will be your primary detachment, so in the end the point is moot.


But as there are other rules that rely on whether or not a detachment is your primary (for example, Eldar Warlocks can only be included in a primary detachment, and CSM Lords and Sorcerers only make cult marines troops in the primary detachment), you could make your army list invalid if you choose your warlord from a different detachment, making that the primary. It's a chicken and egg thing, I suppose.

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Can the extra formations be used in tournaments/official games? Or is it just the one in the codex that's allowed?

Depends on your local tournament organizers. Heck, I cannot even use my Imperial knight at my local GW store because they feel the knights are not properly balanced. I painted one for the glory of the BA board, everyone here thinks it looks awesome, have not gotten to use it yet.


GW wont let you use a model they sell in store in a game? lol Amusing. Even on Vets night?

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I just noticed something. In the Angel's Fury Spearhead force, it doesn't say anything about the tac squads having to disembark from the Stormravens in order for the Augur Triangulation to work...

Yup. Just zoom around on turn 1 and then disembark  when your 2nd wave arrives. 

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Can the extra formations be used in tournaments/official games? Or is it just the one in the codex that's allowed?

Depends on your local tournament organizers. Heck, I cannot even use my Imperial knight at my local GW store because they feel the knights are not properly balanced. I painted one for the glory of the BA board, everyone here thinks it looks awesome, have not gotten to use it yet.


GW wont let you use a model they sell in store in a game? lol Amusing. Even on Vets night?


Yeah, crap ton of cash for a single model, 30+ hours of painting, and it has sat on a shelf.  Ohh well, at least it got the board some good points during the ETL, we'll call that a win.  And assuming I don't get kicked out of my gaming group I can use it in the battle for Baal we are planning for next fall.  Which is hopefully when I will have everything repainted.

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Can the extra formations be used in tournaments/official games? Or is it just the one in the codex that's allowed?


These are 100% official.  But certain groups and tournaments (as noted) will provide their own restrictions.  


I think with the way GW have gone, any arbitrary restrictions are really backwards looking and not aligned with how things are going.  Shouldnt matter for your mates.


Please tell this to the GW stores in northern Illinois.



Dude, sorry to hear that. I find it INFURIATING that LGS dont facilitate this.  I know they do in the UK.  If I was in your situation, id write to the head of US to let them know that they sell a product that you are prevented from using in their stores.  Get some pressure from above. 


I really don't worry about it, I just don't play at the local GW shop and drive an extra 15 minutes to Games Plus, which is one of the top three hobby stores in the United States when I need to buy minis.  I try to avoid buying online and support brick and mortar as much as possible.  And a bunch of the guys who play in the tournaments there now come over to my brother's house to play on Sundays (much better day for me) because we have more boards and terrain than the local shop.  Plus we added a few house rules to clarify terrain and cover saves, so there is a lot less arguing. Pretty much every in game argument we have ever had revolves around cover, now we have none and a 1500 point match takes maybe an hour, though normally less.  Show up at noon, set up tables, get in three or four games and take off at four, works great.

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Can the extra formations be used in tournaments/official games? Or is it just the one in the codex that's allowed?

Depends on your local tournament organizers. Heck, I cannot even use my Imperial knight at my local GW store because they feel the knights are not properly balanced. I painted one for the glory of the BA board, everyone here thinks it looks awesome, have not gotten to use it yet.


GW wont let you use a model they sell in store in a game? lol Amusing. Even on Vets night?


Yeah, crap ton of cash for a single model, 30+ hours of painting, and it has sat on a shelf.  Ohh well, at least it got the board some good points during the ETL, we'll call that a win.  And assuming I don't get kicked out of my gaming group I can use it in the battle for Baal we are planning for next fall.  Which is hopefully when I will have everything repainted.


I would understand not in pick up games against strangers or kids, but why not if you and your opponent agrees? ISnt there anyone there who's good at the game that wants a challenge?

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The Knight I don't use in my group because they think Knights are over powered.  I disagree and have faced a few knight lists without pulling mine out.  I could have used it against him when he fields them, but I choose not to so hopefully everyone else will see that Knights are not overpowered if an outdated codex can handle them.  I have yet to lose to a list that has a knight.  They are a tool, the hand that wields them is what determines how effective it is.


Gaming shop I am welcome (the amount of money I have spent on this hobby I better be), my gaming group is becoming another story apparently.  I could go into details, but that would sound a lot like bragging.  Basically I was told to let other people win, because losing all the time sucks.  I agree with this, I have attempted to lose.  More importantly I have attempted to lose without letting the other player know I was throwing the game (if they knew it would be even worse).  Long story short, attempts to lose have not gone well and people are more upset than ever that I am winning with lists that should not stand a chance.  There is nothing you can do if the other guy chases down your CC beast unit you hung out in the open to get shot at with a unit of his that is important for scoring but stands no chance in close combat and he charges you. 


I help with list building and tactics when asked, but I don't volunteer it so I don't seem condescending, as that would never be my intention.  But you can only do what you can do.  Personally I wish I could get in some games against someone who could beat me consistently.  Facing a better opponent is the only way to improve.  Probably the only reason why I am still allowed around actually.  Since I have been playing them their understanding of the rules has improved dramatically, the games move faster as less things need to be looked up, and even the worst players in our group place in the top half of any local tournament they go to, and the better ones get first and second.  But I guess first place on Saturday is not much consolation if you know you are about to get rolled on Sunday.

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The Knight I don't use in my group because they think Knights are over powered.  I disagree and have faced a few knight lists without pulling mine out.  I could have used it against him when he fields them, but I choose not to so hopefully everyone else will see that Knights are not overpowered if an outdated codex can handle them.  I have yet to lose to a list that has a knight.  They are a tool, the hand that wields them is what determines how effective it is.


Gaming shop I am welcome (the amount of money I have spent on this hobby I better be), my gaming group is becoming another story apparently.  I could go into details, but that would sound a lot like bragging.  Basically I was told to let other people win, because losing all the time sucks.  I agree with this, I have attempted to lose.  More importantly I have attempted to lose without letting the other player know I was throwing the game (if they knew it would be even worse).  Long story short, attempts to lose have not gone well and people are more upset than ever that I am winning with lists that should not stand a chance.  There is nothing you can do if the other guy chases down your CC beast unit you hung out in the open to get shot at with a unit of his that is important for scoring but stands no chance in close combat and he charges you. 


I help with list building and tactics when asked, but I don't volunteer it so I don't seem condescending, as that would never be my intention.  But you can only do what you can do.  Personally I wish I could get in some games against someone who could beat me consistently.  Facing a better opponent is the only way to improve.  Probably the only reason why I am still allowed around actually.  Since I have been playing them their understanding of the rules has improved dramatically, the games move faster as less things need to be looked up, and even the worst players in our group place in the top half of any local tournament they go to, and the better ones get first and second.  But I guess first place on Saturday is not much consolation if you know you are about to get rolled on Sunday.


It's probably not my place to say, but the people at your game store sound completely pants-on-head. Maybe there's something to this story that you're not seeing? I just... when I hear a story that doesn't make sense unless someone is acting in a way that seems incomprehensible, I assume that I don't have all the facts. Maybe you should try to pin down one of the least evasive dudes and see if you can't get him to tell you what's "really" up.


Or maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. All I can tell you is that I can't ever imagine asking someone to "let" me win. I can see saying "don't bring that list, it's super cuttthroat and I don't want to have that kind of game today." "Let me win" though? What's the point?

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