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Got Exterminatus and the WD:)


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What happened to the pic of the Archangels formation pages?


If I remember correctly that formation limits how much you can spam specific units.  I didn't see it restricting DC or SG.    Did I miss something?   DC I could understand but SG are part of 1st Company, aren't they?

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All of "those formations" in the thread are in WD? The thread title includes Exterminatus and an earlier post asking my question didn't seem answered.


I've ordered Exterminatus. I want to know if I need Satuday's WD too.


The White Dwarf has the Angel's Fury Spearhead Force, Angel's Wrath Intervention Force, Flesh Tearers Blood Rain Strike Force and Meprhis Dynasty Resurgence Decurion (Necrons) formations, which are labelled as WD exclusives so are unlikely to be included in the campaign book.

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Ahhh... I didn't catch that.  Thanks!


Detachments/Formations weren't a thing last time I played.  Personally I REALLY like them and can't wait to get back to the table and try them.


Is there a list or database somewhere of what's out there for D/F?  As BA is getting theirs now that's easy but I'm gonna need them for my Tyranids too...

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"he White Dwarf has the Angel's Fury Spearhead Force, Angel's Wrath Intervention Force, Flesh Tearers Blood Rain Strike Force and Meprhis Dynasty Resurgence Decurion (Necrons) formations, which are labelled as WD exclusives so are unlikely to be included in the campaign book."


Thanks. I was hoping that the OP would reply. There would be a level of certainty.


Sorry for not quoting. I don't see an easy option for that on mobile devices

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This has been voiced earlier, but it's one of the main unanswered concerns right now. Brother Pascalz, when you have the time, can you tell us if there's any restriction in the FT detachments? (like you have to use FT relics and warlord traits). Also, how do all these new relic tables work?...can you pick items from all the tables you want, or do you have to pick one table and all the items for your army need to come from that table?...I'd assume the second, but having only 3 relics for Archangels and FT feels rather limited.


Could you for instance have Dante, with his BA warlord trait, in a FT detachment, and have a libby in that detachment with the BA relic staff and a priest with the FT bolter?

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This has been voiced earlier, but it's one of the main unanswered concerns right now. Brother Pascalz, when you have the time, can you tell us if there's any restriction in the FT detachments? (like you have to use FT relics and warlord traits). Also, how do all these new relic tables work?...can you pick items from all the tables you want, or do you have to pick one table and all the items for your army need to come from that table?...I'd assume the second, but having only 3 relics for Archangels and FT feels rather limited.


Could you for instance have Dante, with his BA warlord trait, in a FT detachment, and have a libby in that detachment with the BA relic staff and a priest with the FT bolter?


Given the way that Factions work in the rulebook, you should be able to take anything from the Blood Angel faction (which also covers all the Flesh Tearer stuff) interchangeably and freely within the same detachment.

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Galian's staff is specifically a relic. It'd depend on if there are any caveats that say a detachment of flesh tearers has to use FT relics or not.

So it is a relic and not an upgrade? Then probably not.


@Red Worm: Honestly I'm not sure the WD formations are exclusive to the WD. The reason I say this is because looking through it, we get this:


“Inspired by this week’s release of Shield of Baal: Exterminatus, and the deluge of amazing new kits for the Blood Angels, we couldn’t resist taking to the battlefield to get in some Blood Angels versus Tyranids action. For our scenario, we decided to adapt one of the great narrative missions in Exterminatus – where Mephiston confronts the psychic abominations in the Tyranid army in a titanic clash of psychic mastery and might.


So for our game we would be using a Blood Angels army that included Mephiston and a Librarian, and we’d have plenty of psykers, such as Hive Tyrants, a Maleceptor and Neurothrope, in the Tyranid army too. The battle would be won by the side which earns the most Kill Points, with bonus points for toppling psykers like Mephiston, the Neurothrope and Swarmlord. The stage is set for a clash of minds on an epic scale!




The Blood Angels army represents a three-part task force sent to guard the outskirts of embattled Phodia, unaware that the Tyranid horde has been sent specifically to eliminate their chief psykers. The first portion of the force, dubbed the Archangels, is a sturdy core of Terminators, led by Epistolary Martellos and riding in a Land Raider Crusader. These would take the fight to the Tyranid monsters, and use Martellos’s force weapon to smite any large bio-beasts. The main body, including Mephiston, are the Blooded, a thin line of red power armour intended to stave off the Tyranid hordes with steady bolter fire. If the Lord of Death can harness his full psychic potential, nothing in the Tyranid hordes will be able to stay his bloody hand.


The third contingent represents a strike team despatched to aid their battle brothers, with Gabriel Seth leading a cadre of fast-moving combat troops to the rescue of their brothers in arms.”

And this:


“This week Shield of Baal brings a slew of new rules and formations for the Blood Angels and their successors, the Flesh Tearers. Here we examine how you can field a Flesh Tearers Strike Force detachment, and examine the Vanguard Strike Force formation.”


Everything points to "taking from Exterminatus". Literally nothing says "these can be found only in this issue of White Dwarf."


Now, one thing I should say is that I do not have Exterminatus so I do not know if these are actually in Exterminatus. I just know that nothing in White Dwarf #46 says these formations are exclusive to White Dwarf #46.

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SM players using sentinels of terra can take freely any relic from both the supplement and the main vanilla dex? I don't have any supplement, don't really know how this stuff goes...The relics in champions of Fenris are added to the pool of relics for any SW Faction detachment?

It depends on how it is done. In both Chaos supplements, the armies of each supplement are restricted to what the supplement offers in terms of warlord traits and relics.
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Everything points to "taking from Exterminatus". Literally nothing says "these can be found only in this issue of White Dwarf."


Now, one thing I should say is that I do not have Exterminatus so I do not know if these are actually in Exterminatus. I just know that nothing in White Dwarf #46 says these formations are exclusive to White Dwarf #46.



The ones in #47 have have a big red 'White Dwarf Exclusive' printed on the datasheets in the top right corner.

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Anything new on BA / Necrons Allies Matrix? Because they're currently Come The Apoc.


I doubt that will change. It was the apocalypse (for Baal, at least). The Blood Angels and Necrons don't have to be friendly for this plot to work.


Though, that said, I could see buying an upgrade that would change that. Maybe a Legacy of Glory for a tank that both gives it a ++ save vs. gauss weapons and makes Necron alliances better?

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