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Endless Noise and Chaos: Children of the Emperor


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This is my first post on this forum (so be gentle).

I present to you my Slaanesh themed army. I hope that you like them half as much as I do. I have been painting them for the better part of the year. This is my first army. Some of them are perverted by the Dark Prince, others are still tied up trying to uphold impossible notions of perfection. All follow Lucius the Eternal in his quest for glory.

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Terminator Aspiring Champion of Slaanesh. His mouth is a speaker and a doom organ sits on his back. First Model I ever painted.

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Terminator of Slaanesh. Second model I ever painted.

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Terminator of Slaanesh. Third model I ever painted.

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Terminator Sorcerer of Slaanesh.

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Emperor's Children Terminator. Still wearing his Pre-heresy armour. His squad isn't fully painted yet. I really like the purple ink on metal.

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Aspiring raptor champion of Slaanesh with lightning claws. I am particularly proud of this squad.

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Melta wielding raptor of Slaanesh.

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Chaos Lord on a steed of Slaanesh. Wielding the infamous Anathame "Murder Sword" he lusts to become a Demon Prince. Model is made from a Fantasy model with raptor hands and elven head.

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Lucius the Eternal. Champion of Slaanesh. Leader of my armies.

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Aspiring noise marine champion. Equipped with power sword and doom organ.

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One of my nine noise marines that follow my champion.

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Another noise marine. I didn't apply myself 100% on these guys but they look good on a table.

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My hellbrute. I don't know if I will field him yet. I like the paintjob though.

Let me know if you like them, feel free to make comments and give me tips. If you like them I will post more pictures as I get more models painted. 

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Firstly the good..

Great choice in Legion/ Warband. Got some good kit bashed models there too. Really making them yours. Feel free to post more pics directly in your thread too (some people feel going through links is a little time consuming). Keep them coming too.


Lastly, the awkward.

Please don't forget that members on the B&C come from a wide range of Countries, cultures, and ages, so I'm requesting a minor edit on your titles. Cheers.

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Firstly the good..

Great choice in Legion/ Warband. Got some good kit bashed models there too. Really making them yours. Feel free to post more pics directly in your thread too (some people feel going through links is a little time consuming). Keep them coming too.


Lastly, the awkward.

Please don't forget that members on the B&C come from a wide range of Countries, cultures, and ages, so I'm requesting a minor edit on your titles. Cheers.

This post must've offended Slaanesh in it's original conception. I have since made my title more PG13 and added the pictures directly to the thread as suggested.


As for my next piece coming, I am painting a demon prince for my boyfriend. I hope taking my sweet time will pay off though!

Here's a few pictures of the progress so far...


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I am basically done with the horns and the red of his skin. Still not sure which colour to paint the armour.


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The eyes may be yellow of glossy black. TBD soon.


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The missing arm is a burning brand of skalathrax that I converted out of a space wolf flamer


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This is the flamer so far...

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A great and nice army you have there you perverted Slaaneshi. I find so many of you on this forum a threat to my ascension. I have to do something here lest my "brother" forte will claim all your souls for himself. 


Still I especially like your pink/purple it is really a great choice of a color scheme. 

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Thanks a lot.


I am excited to hear that some of you like my work. Just to clarify things, the demon prince will not go to war with my armies. He is a gift for my lover's Chaos Demon/Death Guard army (I know, red looks more like Khorne than Papa Nurg-leh but it is his choice of colour.)

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Thanks a lot.


I am excited to hear that some of you like my work. Just to clarify things, the demon prince will not go to war with my armies. He is a gift for my lover's Chaos Demon/Death Guard army (I know, red looks more like Khorne than Papa Nurg-leh but it is his choice of colour.)

Nothing wrong with red for Nurgle. Sores are red anyway. If you shade it with purples or browns, and highlight using skin colours it can look pretty nasty too (in the right way).

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Nothing wrong with red for Nurgle. Sores are red anyway. If you shade it with purples or browns, and highlight using skin colours it can look pretty nasty too (in the right way).


Again I thank you for your advice. I hope that you will like the final result. I am following an old White Dwarf issue where they shaded the red with blue for effect. For the armour I am leaning towards a black plate with red-ish golden trims. Otherwise, shading metal with blue or purple might be a good idea (as Lucio pointed out). The same technique I used on the "perfectionist" Terminators.



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Here's a shot where I hope you can see the armour colour better. It shows the laurels and the details on the lightning claws better as well.


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Another shot of the armor. The arms are magnetised on this squad and I painted the wires in a lively colour.



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Just realised you're a new member too. Welcome to the B&C. Off to a great start too :tu:

Blue is also a triad colour for red which is why it can work well but does give quite a bright red that suits the likes of the other three gods.

The only example I have of red shaded with brown and purple, with flesh used to highlight.


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Thank you forte. I have to say, I am jealous of your talent. The model you used for the conversion above is stunning unpainted but you made it come alive! And instead of relying on purple or green tentacles for effect, you used fleshtones, rusty browns and a very effective green armour for effect.


Your sorcerer of Slaanesh is also worthy of praises.


As for my own demon prince (and not the one I am currently working on) I want to either make a boobied snake-tailed angel-winged version of my Lord. Basically remake the model after a dark apotheosis or find another way to emulate a fulgrim-like daemon. One project at a time though :3

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One project at a time though :3

Best of luck. That is the hardest thing to stick to.


And don't be jealous. I'm not at the standard I want to be so I'm pushing myself and speaking to lots of other painters. I also barely game so I focus on painting and am trying to develop more of a display style than a gaming one so it's almost like trying to break all the techniques and theories that I ever learned from GW and start from scratch.


Personally, if you want to improve you will. If you see something that someone has done which you like, ask about it. I've not come across a painter or modeller yet who doesn't like talking about how they do things. And please, keep posting what you do. Members here have given me loads of ideas over the past year by sharing.

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Your colour palette is excellent!

Giving them different shades of pink and purple makes them all look unique and full of character.

You have chosen the perfect base to contrast the rest of the colourful miniature.

Please put up some more photos of the army as a whole.

I'm keen to see more of the noise marines.

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Forte, How did you make the cords leading from the nurgle lord to its gun?

Tenticle maker?

You are such an inspiration for me.

Thank you :tu:

Did use a tentacle maker and kneadatite (green stuff). Leave the GS to firm up a bit for about 15 mins before trying to put into position and curving though or you'll likely find it quite soft and prone to finger prints.

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Firstly, well done on a great start to the board, Dezillusion. Some good looking models in there - I like the terminators and your Lord, but your Raptors look great too. 

Good luck with the DP, he's coming along nicely. Be nice to see it finished. 

Again, nice models. Now you have to keep up the momentum to satisfy Slaanesh. 

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Your colour palette is excellent!

Giving them different shades of pink and purple makes them all look unique and full of character.

You have chosen the perfect base to contrast the rest of the colourful miniature.

Please put up some more photos of the army as a whole.

I'm keen to see more of the noise marines.

That is, by far, the best comment I could've gotten. Ever. I really appreciate that you noticed how each squad has slightly different hues of pink/purple that, while keeping squad coherence adds to my palette. I dunno, I like it a lot.


Anyways, again, thank you, I will arrange for a quick photoshoot on the map/terrain I made. It matches the colour of my bases so it should be nice.


As for the DP, here he is as I progressed so far...


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I have used 4 colours for the gold so far and the purple is like I have done with my "heresy era" terminators. I will obviously outline all the colours with shade/black ink to accentuate the contrasts... but it's not done yet :P

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A very dark brown/almost black should do it. Wouldn't go with the silver though, just a little of the gold to clean up. That is unless you highlight your gold with silver (I prefer metallic medium).
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