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Endless Noise and Chaos: Children of the Emperor


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A very dark brown/almost black should do it. Wouldn't go with the silver though, just a little of the gold to clean up. That is unless you highlight your gold with silver (I prefer metallic medium).

We have some metallic medium, (which I will mix with my vallejo goldto to the "shining" top part of the armour. I have a couple inks I can use to line the rivets, I was thinking of Heavy Body Black but I could fall back on the Army painter dark tone or Citadel's agrax earthshade. The rivets are silver on the leg pads right now, I might go gold for them, still not sure. Once I get in the more final steps I'll made those decisions.


As promised, here's an overview of the army (with lord up front, Lucius in back)

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...and a shot of the noise marines

IMG 20150112 040115033


(Photoshoot was hosted by the snake)

IMG 20150112 040319906

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Dark Tone sounds good. Don't forget you can use the metallic medium pure too. Works well as a final highlight (so long as you thin it enough that is).


That snake is such a poser ;)

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Tiny upgrade for the demon prince.

I've worked on making the teeth gleam and added details on the spine, feet claws, loin cloth details, belt. Nothing uber major but it's some progress eh!


IMG 20150117 232910655[1]



IMG 20150117 232957417[1]


Tell me what you think :)

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One project at a time though :3

You are a servant of Tzeentch, come to break our souls with deceptions. This statement defies all truth. :P


Really nice start to your warband, and that daemon prince is looking good. Considering you've just moved on from your first painted mini, your skills are progressing quickly, you should be proud. Some nice kitbashes, too.


You really need to drill your barrels, though, imho.

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I will go over my older models as soon as the Daemon Prince is finished. The Lord first and then Lucius, finishing the "Assault Termies" need their arms painted.

I worked on the Daemon Prince today. Added some red to both wings. Going to ink it some tomorrow. Paint the claws on the wings. Then I might work on his arms or the shoulderpads.


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The usual two shots.

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(I like the progression effect it makes when I just show it from the same two angles always.)

But here's two shots of the back for good measure.

IMG 20150124 231225687

IMG 20150124 231138263

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You really need to drill your barrels, though, imho.

Always. And exhausts (yes, I do those too).


I knew I couldn't be the only one who did this. It makes such a difference, particularly with things like terminator combi-meltas.


It looks like the prince is progressing nicely! He does seem to have a mould line on one of his wing claws which could do with some attention, but you probably already saw that. Unrelated to this specific update, I really like his horns. That's a nice bone colour and a good fade.

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I knew I couldn't be the only one who did this. It makes such a difference, particularly with things like terminator combi-meltas.


It looks like the prince is progressing nicely! He does seem to have a mould line on one of his wing claws which could do with some attention, but you probably already saw that. Unrelated to this specific update, I really like his horns. That's a nice bone colour and a good fade.


Do not fret, I will address the mould line once I paint the horns (I wasn't sure if I was going to keep them for switch them for bat-like fingers at first and none of this guy was sprayed. Go-go-gagget-o-brushcoat!


What is sad is that the horns are literally just Ushabiti inked with Sepia, Agrax and Heavy Body Black. Zero finesse or technique there. But hey, glad that they're crowd pleasers. I will update tonight with today's progress. I'm looking forward to finish it so I can work on details again, kindof sick of painting tiny coats of red on red on red. I hope you'll like the flamer though. I'm keeping this part last as I think it'll be the most fun.




Another thing though, should the skin on the wings be paler? I'm leaning towards a yes, I'll see once I ink them, but I sortof want a thin skin effect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The shoulderpads and more detail on the daemon prince!

I haven't painted much recently but here's my mini update:


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This is the usual front shot of the prince with his brand new shoulderpads!


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Another shot of the shoulder pads...


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It's so sad to lose all the pretty shoulder muscles for this... but shoulderpads and mega important in 40k 
(or so I am told).


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This is how the (magnetised) sword arm will attach. I'll paint it soon :)


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This is what the wings look like from the back right now. The claws are still not painted on them and I kinda wanna light them up some more.

Hope you guys liked the update :)

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