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Dantay's VI Legion. Hvarls Headtakers

Dantay VI

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On the home stretch now,gap filling mostly done


Weapons are awaiting magnets and just need to heat and shape the tracks which can be fitted.






The missing centre will be replaced with a half sphere to look like a shied boss




Tank commander will get the Mark 3 techmarine head and need a bionic arm of some sort want to give him a beat up look, as if his injuries have been too severe to fight amongst the packs, so now he is a ship master, guiding the warriors safely in battle.




The other tankguy giving advice, I might convert him up t be a recon marine.. Part of an advance pack, offering guidance to the ship master as to whre to avoid traps and deliver a killing blow.




Thoughts?? Thanks for taking a look.

You should certainly get one... It is a fun but challenging kit to work on


Got mine done







Done a bit of patching up on the front doors.


Also just put a big order in, so fingers crossed I can get my army done, minus the slayers deathsworn, destroyers and varagyr 

Yes that is. It i one of the tank crew which comes with the model, but I had glued his hatch shut by accident.


I am not sure if I will leave him on the hull, or do a cloak, stick a sniper rifle on him  and make him a recon marine. Going to put bionics on the tank commander when my bits order comes in :)

I am going to see if I can do something longboat-ish with it in the paint job.


I would have to put something above the Melta array and I am not sure if it would look daft, plus impair its ability to actually crash through something.


I could have made my life a lot simpler building this thing, do not let my ham-handedness put you off, I did a lot of stuff wrong when building it, for example shaving sections off the body behind the doors, to try and get them to close, only to fnd it was the bottom of the doors casing the issue which a little heat treat sorted, or the fact that I the back end is on lower than it should be by maybe 2mm because I stuck it on wrong..


This brute is an exercise in patience, I do have to admit. And it wasn't Storm Eagle levels of frustration either.


Weirdly enough, I am looking at it and going "Now if I did another one, what would I do properly?"


It weighs a ton when built, 


Just went offshore for 3 weeks today, so a few half done models to paint up and finish off, plus a squad for the upcoming SW challenge.


Then when I get home my FW order should hopefully be in :smile.:

So the Mastodon has been put aside for now as I am working offshore and it is a bit delicate and chunky to carry out here.


So back to the finished and half done stuff.


I did these guys for last years ETL, but I have been really unhappy with how I did tem as I went for speed and not my usual paint style on them. Plus Iwas holding off on squad markings etc to see what would come from Inferno.


Well there was precious little in there for Legion squads, which means I get to make my own up.


Here are the guys guarding my painting area..




I am re-doing all the metallics and will probably re-do the armour on them all. For now they need an identity.

And as there is nothing in the book for Seeker markings. I have opted to use runes to denote them. I have used a red stripe behind it, but I am not sure if I am liking it, thinking to maybe make it a little thinner, or get rid, as I am getting nervy about a red overload on the models.





So as you see a lot of work to be done, this is the first pass.




And with a wee bit of tidying up, this is more like how they should be.


It is a binding Rune, the mark of the hunter, which seemed appropriate. From my limited research it is a combination of runes, which in a circle of text you right down who or what you want to find... The more specific hte better, and when done mark with crosses either side to bind the rune. I am not going to that extent, but I like the idea behind it and sits quite well with the "marked for death" rule that they have.


Will try to find something similar for the second seeker squad.


Thoughts on the markings??


Thanks for looking. :)

3 of the best thing s to happen to me with regards to freehand are:


GW air paint, as they are so thin, they are really easy to work with, and it dries fast. so you can wipe away mistakes if you are quick without messing up all the other hard work in the area.


Army Painter Psycho bush, mine has been fairly abused but works ace and is a super fine tip, so no chopping other brushes and risking bristles dropping out etc


Magnifying lenses that go over my glasses. You can pick them up pretty cheap, mine was less than a tenner and I get different lenses. You could get magnifying reading glasses, at different strengths from a drug store, if your eyes are okay and you do not need prescription specs, they work pretty well. Takes some getting used to though, but once you do, holy smokes it really helps you up your game

The freehanding on your models is outstanding sir! The Mastadon also looks great, awesome job with the kit. I actually quite enjoy the crew member standing on the top, directing fire. It looks awesome, and also helps demonstrate the size of the beast.


Keep up the great work! 

WLK you are right, it is a Teutogen hammer. If O am lucky I have a few more. I ordered them back in about 2005 when GW did bits.


B41: I think it is suitably nice and brutal, been waiting a while to use it.


Bluebelly: Cheers fella, I have been lurking and enjoying your Salamanders. The use of hebrew is very nicely done, as are the flames :tu:


Brother Michaels: Thak you, and I will when I get home.... Got a lot of half done stuff to work through too. :)


Okay, so I am about finished with my Seekers, trying to think of a suitable name for them, so far they are the Jackal-Wolves.... Warriors os of Fimbulvetr, they work alone from the main body of the Wolvs forces. The Jackal Wolves are used as Hvarl's eyes and ears, creeping forward along with the recon marines and vigilators to spy out weak points & exploit them to the fullest. Many wear pict-cams... To feed data back to command but also to verify thei kills, as they are tasked with assassinating the toughest of targets.


Seen here stalking the ruins of Tizca, as part of a running street battle with the Thousand Sons Blind Order
















The red and grey look damn good together.


As for names, I've got a few from Norwegian history that you might be interested in: Harald Greycloak (king), Harek (powerful chieftain from my hometown), and Thorir the Hound (chieftain who killed our king/patron saint in battle).

I like those and I will use them.


Thorir could be Sargeant (King slayer), Harald will be the warrior with the mark 2 helm Harek, one of the guys with a knife. Could have a fun side-story with Thorir ousting Harald as unit leader (rather than killing him).

Charlo, been overhauling the airbrush, so the grey ist to far away on the Mastodon :)


Brother Michaels:


Not quite  picture of everything I have done so far, but everything from built up to finished








Also some of my 40K Wolves which I am considering to sell off... Not sure if it is worth finishing painting them, so sell as-is or put a bunch of time into them and see if I can get a few quid more








60 more Wolves ready to get built up




And something not Warhammer related




Building a jet-pack with the wee boy


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