Dantay VI Posted July 23, 2017 Author Share Posted July 23, 2017 Set out with good intentions last night but did not achieve very much. Got hair and faces done 20170722_215756 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_215807 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_222250 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_222234 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_222204 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_215853 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_215832 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_215631 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170722_215609 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Tried making them look like they were starting to go grey, which is why the hair is lighter close to the face rather than the tips. Almost as if they are transitioning to veteran/ Grey Hunter status. Was a fun experiment, not sure how well I pulled it off. One day I will try and paint eyes!! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4829185 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 2, 2017 Author Share Posted August 2, 2017 So I should be working on my tale of hobbyists, but motivation is killing me, as is my wife and her dissertation. So I started on a few bits First up is Hvarl, Jarl of the 4th great company I have based him off of Polux. He is quite a bit larger than a normal marine and same height as the Praetor in cataphractii armour. I used a BoP tartaros as Hvarl is in Tartaros armour. Early days, but this is the jist of it so far. 20170801_184418 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170801_184431 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170801_184436 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170801_184446 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Laurels and fist will go to make way for some norse runes or knots, and the script on the legs will be filled with liquid green stuff I also considered using the fist for mounting the Heavy bolter and this is sort of where i got to. 20170802_124856 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr I had some blight launcherd from soe Grave Wardens? but I feel like it is missing something. I like that the launcher has 2 mini drums and see that working well, but should I switch them out for one big HB drum? Alternatively I can see if I have any SW assault cannons kicking about and try to jury rig and ammo pack and belt feed, however the launcher comes with a mini drum attached so very careful cutting would be required (looking at my thumb should show you how good at delicate I am ) I am also considering shortening the barrel as it looks overlong on the arm very impractical, almost wish it was just a combi bolter like Logans. I cannot push it further back as it will interfere with the pads, so shortening the barrel might be the best option. Drilling the holes dos not really help disguise what it started life as does it? Next is a moritat Decided to change things up and got my hands on a vexillary, so decided he would make a nice moritat. Hated the pose as he felt like he was leaning backwards so clipped the rock underfoot to give him a more dynamic position. After chatting with the guys, the concensus was to go with the upgrade wolf helm. I am going with the twin plasma loadout but may magnetise the wrists so I can run twin volkite instead. Also thinned and cut down the neck armour as it was way too restrictive to fit a helmet in. 20170801_230017 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170801_230027 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Main issues with this guy will likely be head positioning and arms. Do I want him looking straight ahead both arms forwards blazing away, or do I want him looking to the side, 1 arm aiming and 1 in a more neutral position? Thoughts on this would be appreciated 3rd conversion for the day is the VIGILATOR I really like the moritat models spec ops vibe, so decided to make him a vigilator. again load-out and posing is where I am struggling. Do I go for an agressive (ish) pose with CC weapon and pistol, with boltgum strapped across his back or do I hve him carrying a specially modified bolter with other gear stowed? This is where I am at for now. 20170802_113906 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170802_113920 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170802_114005 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Something less archeoech like plasma or volkite 20170801_230154 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr or a wulfen claw? Or a bit more stealthy and arrying something like this which I knocked up a year or so ago, which would bring him kind of in-line with the recon marines.... 20170801_230139 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Thoughts on this would be very much appreciated Thanks for looking. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4842226 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 5, 2017 Author Share Posted August 5, 2017 A little bit more of an update on Hvarl 20170805_114936 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Found a resin grenade harness kicking abut so attached it to Hvarl. 20170805_114931 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr also tacked him to a base, just to see how he would look 20170805_114357 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Plus I shortened out the gun barrel and fitted the second small drum. Really not sure if I like it, 20170805_114916 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_114910 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Also tried the arm out, seems a it skinny especially up top. Will try to smooth the gun to the fist, but otherwise I am wondering if I should get rid of it and use a cut down autocannon from the BoP set. What d you think? I like the fact that the HB is small enough that he could theoretically use both hands to wield his axe, but.... Well let me know what you think about it. I also worked on a Master of Signals. I thought abut the Seer from Vikings as a Caser of Runs, due to his role in the show, however I decided that as the Seer was for want of a better word, not combat worthy, I figured a better role for the Seer would be as a MoS he could still see al and know all, just not in the mystical sense. Help to guide the Rout and call down the wrath of the old gods :D 20170805_113158 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_113205 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Still needs finished up, considering giving him a raven and a staff or maybe just stick to the pointing arm from the MoS. Cloak and head are from Cypher and is giving a pretty distinctive outline, which I will need to change a we bit. Maybe add the MoS head and make a home made hood? 20170805_113907 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_113925 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_113949 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Havent decided if he will be a 13th Company rune priest or wolf priest yet. Do you like the spear? Using Kharns arm with molocs spear nd a custodes lance for the tip. Could call it a staff or some such if a caster of runes, or swittch to a crozius, maul or ax if I go with wolf priest. I plan to make him look a little more "feral" by adding a wolf head and some more pelts Thoughts? Thanks for looking Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4845708 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted August 5, 2017 Share Posted August 5, 2017 Your work is fantastic! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4845723 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 5, 2017 Author Share Posted August 5, 2017 Thanks Warhead... Well, did somework on Hvarl not much but got hjis arm fitted 20170805_225447 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_225455 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Going to work on his base soon Looking to put a corpse under his foot This guy 20170805_213056 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Or this guy 20170805_213038 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Now the mark 2 corpse is from the Khârn model, speaking of which: 20170805_225357 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_225405 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_225412 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Am thinking a member of the deathsworn?? Also tried to make the MoS a bit less Cypher looking. Thought a psyber raven might be a good idea 20170805_212926 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_212937 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Not sure if it is too cartoony. Could always use the original MoS head Also tried a different weapon load out on the vigilator 20170805_214355 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170805_214403 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Was trying t sort weapon choices for the Priest (also 13th company) 20170805_212759 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Or 20170805_212847 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Finally a new priest joins the pack 20170805_225423 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Idea pinched from Grieux :) Let me know what you think Thanks for looking:) Thoughts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4846253 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor Perils Posted August 8, 2017 Share Posted August 8, 2017 I think I prefer the spear, and possibly without the second amo drum (a bit too bulky otherwise). Also, I think the Vigilator deserves a longer barrel (possibly with a small sculpture of a running wolf at the muzzle end ?) Looking really good :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4849048 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 12, 2017 Author Share Posted August 12, 2017 Took your advice on the vigilator rifle. Changed the priest slightly too and had a try with twin drums n Hvarl, but suspect you may be right, he is starting to look very top heavy, see below. Anyways was tinkering last night 20170812_105637 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105646 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105700 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Moritat pretty much done bar the cabling and filling on the left hip. Need to add some wolf bits to his knee pad 20170812_105716 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105737 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105757 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Hvarl is slowly getting there. I think he is starting to look a little top heavy and not sure about the twin drums on his HB. Really need some guidance on where to go wit this one. Enthusiasm is cooling off. 20170812_105817 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105839 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Legion champion based off of Loken and he MK3 command set 20170812_105852 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Was originally going to go with caster of Runes, but thinking Speaker of the dead. Dropped the spear and will o with crozius or axe... Thoughts?? Needs a pelt or 2 mat swap head for Ulriks or even try to do a chop job and apply the helm of Russ. Need ideas for left arm!! 20170812_105916 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105928 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105941 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_105954 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 4 Varagyr fleshed out have an idea for the 4th but run out of claws... 20170812_110011 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_110020 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_110028 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Thegn/ Praetor to lead Varagyr. Always loved the imagery of the Varagyr swathed in pelts and carrying great harpoon/spears. So decided to pinch this from the Priest. Kept him similarly armed to the Varagyr, but may strap a combi-weapon to his side for versatility.. Thoughts? 20170812_110055 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_110103 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_110112 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Thegn for the tartaros. Do I ditche the banner idea and leave the pose so he is eting readyto smash someone or keep him as a bnner bearer so he could be a commad squad member. He has Polux's combi melta, but the banner stops me giving hi a chain fist (could change to claw though). Tartaros squad are plasma blaster and chainfist + 3x combi-melta and chainFist or 3x combi plasma and chain fist What do you think? 20170812_110125 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 20170812_110135 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Folks said gun for the vigilator, just deciding if I want old-school scout pack or heavy loaded with a recon pack. What do you reckon? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4854115 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caillum Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 For Hvarl Red-Blade, my suggestion (and hopefully my plan) is to use the MkIV heavy bolter, hand & all, on a right-hand Tartaros arm. You could position it any way you like then, depending on how you want his pose. They all use their ranged weapons right-handed anyway, so it should work. :) However, I think you've done a great job with Polux making it look more like Tartaros armour! I personally would have started with a Tartaros model (as Polux is in MkIII, which is similar to Cataphractii). Nice work! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4854861 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 13, 2017 Author Share Posted August 13, 2017 Hi Caillum. The mark 4 heavy bolter had been my first choice too, but I had the idea that his axe could be used 2-handed when required. By using a traditional HB it would make that impossible. I also wished I had started with a Tartaros termi sometimes too, but the Polux idea had been rattling around for such a long time. I look forward to seeing what you come up with :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4854903 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 14, 2017 Author Share Posted August 14, 2017 Darn... So FW announced Hvarl WILL get a character series model. Do I plough on with mine? Short answer is yes, but with a view to transition him to a Praetor when the real thing lands. Oh and the preview of the Varagyr.... What an abomination, so glad I started making my own. Hopethe others are way better than that piece of garbage. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4856268 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 16, 2017 Author Share Posted August 16, 2017 Had an idea 2 days ago while snoozing on the helicopter ride to work! 20170517_190625 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr I hate the front doors on the Mastodon, plus my hack job to get them to shut looks awful. So maybe put a Mastodon door shaped plate over the front, leaving slots for the melta. I could leave it as a thin plate, so the frag launchers could fire throug it raining death on the enemy, or I could make it and fill the gaps so it is a huge solid door. Maybe make it look like the doors to Valhalla in Vikings or something similar like an image of Yggdrasill? valhalla doors by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Thoughts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4858670 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 16, 2017 Author Share Posted August 16, 2017 So more thoughts are springing up in my head today This was the Fire Raptor I did about 2 years ago: 30K Space Wolves Fire Raptor, designation Night Fury by Danny Taylor, on Flickr 30K Space Wolves Fire Raptor, designation Night Fury by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Now FW have gone for a very different aesthetic for fliers which is a bit more "austere" ad =it is down mainly to the Wolves not liking fliers so much. I have a Fire Raptor, Lightning and Storm Eagle to paint up, so do I stick with te bolder style of knot work design, or bring it more in line with FW's vision? Genuinely conflicted over this. Thanks for looking Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4858744 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 16, 2017 Share Posted August 16, 2017 Darn... So FW announced Hvarl WILL get a character series model. Do I plough on with mine? Yes. An issue I think a lot of people have with character models is that we get an idea of what it should look like in our heads, either through existing art or how we interpret their description in fluff or novels, and are often disappointed when the official model is revealed and doesn't live up to what he hoped it would be. The good thing about making your own is that you can make it look something like what you envision and the better your kitbashing and conversion skills are, the closer you can get it to that mental image. I've seen a lot custom character models made by folks that they prized over the official ones for this very reason. I hate the front doors on the Mastodon, plus my hack job to get them to shut looks awful. So maybe put a Mastodon door shaped plate over the front, leaving slots for the melta. I could leave it as a thin plate, so the frag launchers could fire throug it raining death on the enemy, or I could make it and fill the gaps so it is a huge solid door. Maybe make it look like the doors to Valhalla in Vikings or something similar like an image of Yggdrasill? Yeah, those doors could use some help. If it were me, I'd sand the front of them flat and cut new sheet plastic to match the interlocking pattern. Instead of Yggdrasil, maybe something more intimidating for the enemies to see like Jörmungandr? So more thoughts are springing up in my head today This was the Fire Raptor I did about 2 years ago: Now FW have gone for a very different aesthetic for fliers , so do I stick with te bolder style of knot work design, or bring it more in line with FW's vision? Anything that makes a model stand out enough that people can immediately identify it as yours is something you should definitely keep doing. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4858803 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jarl Kjaran Coldheart Posted August 16, 2017 Share Posted August 16, 2017 Agree with BCK Make those models YOURS. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4858857 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 17, 2017 Author Share Posted August 17, 2017 Thank you for the encouragement BCK, And you too Kjaran. I will keep working on Hvarl. To try and bulk out the legs, I might replace the ridged mark 3 armour and smooth it out to look more like terminator armour and If I can find a way of flattenining out the dwarf pads, maybe use them on the knees. As for the Mastodon, I did make a dogs dinner of the front-end as I rushed to get it done. I made a lot of mistakes with it as I didn't think through where a lot of the issues were. I will think through trimming the doors flat, as I had originally thought to use the ridges on the door to hold the plates in place. Yggdrasil is out, as it is the tree of life, but I had been envisioning something along the lines of this: I quite like the idea of these being the doors to Valhalla, which would release the warriors to make war on their foes. If going for something more aggressive, what about this? However I have wanted to run something like this up the front side to look like a long ship However I could do the dragon head on both sides of the door facing each other so they made a "prow" with the doors open? As for the Fire Raptor, I really like FW's gritty look. I will stick with the knot work, but maybe dial the gold back and give it more of an edge. Thanks Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4860677 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother-Chaplain Kage Posted August 18, 2017 Share Posted August 18, 2017 I'm sure whatever you choose to do on the assault doors will look great, and to make it look as professional as possible you might see about having a design laser engraved into the plastic. As for the Fire Raptor, I really like FW's gritty look. I will stick with the knot work, but maybe dial the gold back and give it more of an edge. What if you go with a design that's more stylized like this one that you posted (but not this one specifically): And paint it in a slighter darker tone than the base color, like a two-tone camouflage that keeps the "tactical" aspect of the markings but allows you to put some personality into the paint job. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4861075 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted August 18, 2017 Author Share Posted August 18, 2017 Lol, about 2 years ago, that was the exact idea Flint and I had for the Storm Eagle. The gleaming gold of the Fire Raptor descending from the heavens like a falling star, drawing the ire of the foe while the Storm Eagle flies in unmolested to deliver its vicious cargo of killers. The Eagle darkly adorned to avoid catching the eyes of the enemy would then rise to join her sisters in bringing death against the hapless prey. We also dreamt up the crazy idea to merge a fire Raptor back end with a Storm Eagle front end, so we had a long thin hatch at the back for marines to jump out and some cool round hatches to shoot or rappel from. I am not rich enough to try pulling that project off :D For this I would consider, maybe switching out the rune for a SW legion symbol and using it on the front body. Either that or go with running it across the top before the wings then use a knotwork wing design either down the wings or on the fins, like the previous fire Raptor What do you think? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4861366 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted September 26, 2017 Author Share Posted September 26, 2017 Sorry for being gone so long. Change of job and wife expecting a baby sometimes does that. Anyways, this is not quite 30K related, but on the SW forum we are putting a little model collection together for a kid called Brand. He loves SWs but not in the traditional baby-blue colours. I have decided to put a model forward and this is the start of it: guard 2 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr I am thinking static threatening, s would a thnder hammer and shied look cool, or would twin weapons like axes look better? Also, feel free to join in if you wish. Link is here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/339221-a-brother-needs-us-brandswolves/?p=4882124 My claw idea guard 3 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4895831 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reyner Posted September 27, 2017 Share Posted September 27, 2017 I vote for Thunder Hammer and Shield. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4896860 Share on other sites More sharing options...
betrayer41 Posted September 27, 2017 Share Posted September 27, 2017 hammer and shield 100% Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4897397 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted September 28, 2017 Share Posted September 28, 2017 That guy needs a shield and hammer. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4897798 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted September 29, 2017 Author Share Posted September 29, 2017 Thanks guys, well I had a Polux arm left over from the Hvarl conversion. I have used a fyreslayer axe as a stand in for now. What do you think? guard 8 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 7 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 4 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 5 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 6 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4898642 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted September 29, 2017 Share Posted September 29, 2017 Really bloody cool! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4898676 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted October 1, 2017 Author Share Posted October 1, 2017 Thanks Charlo, well pushing n and put the base colours down. I also had a crack at my leviathans I got part way through my dreads and ad the bright idea of doing my own decal designs to try and speed things up. Well it has been a bit of a disaster. The ink on the decal has disappeared and I severely underestimated how the dark grey would "absorb" the colour They look more like really badly drawn pictures dread 1 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr dreads by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Back to the drawing board Any hints or tip would be gratefully received. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4900216 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dantay VI Posted October 3, 2017 Author Share Posted October 3, 2017 To get over the annoyance of the decals and potentially ruining my leviathans Getting the basic colours down on Brands Wolf Guard. Will shorten the hammer later and make him look like he is holding halfway down the haft. Pads, shield and backpack are blu-tacked on. Not sure about the steel on the faceplate, might go to black or grey. guard 10 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 11 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 13 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 14 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 12 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 18 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 16 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 17 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr guard 15 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr Thoughts? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303437-dantays-vi-legion-hvarls-headtakers/page/35/#findComment-4901562 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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