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Ahriman's Prodigal Sons (Slow&Purposeful WIP)


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It's been a busy two weeks painting-wise and I managed to paint five Cultists, which is very fast for me. This brings me closer to the completion of my Call of Chaos vow.






Two more are in progress. I'm thinking about converting the flamer one to a heavy stubber. Haven't decided on the champion's loadout yet, but he will definitely fit in with the shooty style of this unit.


Augustus - goooood, goooood, let the hate flow through you... :D J/k mate, thanks!

Aasfresser - Thank you! My conversions are nowhere nearly as imaginative as yours, but I'm slowly getting there. ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Aaand we're done with Cultists. These five took a bit longer as there was more conversion work involved: autoguns instead of autopistols, a flamer converted to a heavy stubber, and a heavily modified Scout shotgun for the champ.






Which brings this squad to completion, however I am going to expand it in the future to reach the maximum 35 models.


And here's what they look like together with a lone Terminator:


I ordered some 3x1mm neodymium magnets yesterday and I'm still waiting for the postman to arrive, so in the meantime I converted and primed the Helbrute. I only have 3 models left to paint until December 15th, so I should be okay with my CoC vow. :)

Perfect conversion on the stubber. I'd never have guessed that wasn't the original heavy stubber. 


I wish the champion good luck with his broken wrist him after having fired that space marine shotgun one-handed like that, though. ;)

  • 4 weeks later...

End of November is approaching, and I'm all done with Terminators.




Thanks the Emperor for neodymium magnets! I might arm them differently in the future, but for the time being they will serve as a Termicide squad -- deep strike, pop some armour with their combi-meltas, anything more is a bonus.



Also made some progress on the Helbrute. Looks like December 15th is achievable if I keep this up.




@Thousand Eyes: Thanks! I think it's because of the bright highlights.

@Augustus: Oh but his arm is imbued with the vile power of Chaos! He can shoot one-handed as long as he kills innocents. ;)


I managed to finish the Helbrute at a painting session over at my friend's house:



And now my Call of Chaos vow is complete. Here they are:


And the entire army:


That's 10 Cultists, 9 Thousand Sons, 3 Terminators, 5 Chosen, and a Helbrute.

I'm currently working on a 10th Thousand Son to fill a Rhino, he will also be a test model on a 32mm base that will determine if I will rebase all power armour models to 32mm.

  • 2 weeks later...

The new AoS miniature inspired me to finally do something with the last bit of DV chaos that I haven't touched yet. So, Kranon the Relentless will actually be a Chaos Sorcerer in my army. Someone has to generate warp charges for Ahriman. ;)




The disc is PVC foam and plasticard from some old debit card. The fiery bits are from High Elves Mage. The book is from some DA box.


I've also moved almost all PA to 32mm and when I'm done, I'll take new pictures and replace all the old ones in this thread, because that's how OCD I am. :P The last bit of progress is I've primed a FW Thousand Sons dreadnought which is a lovely, fluffy model.


Jeremy, Augustus - Thanks guys!


Thousand Eyes - I know, but I'm thinking Ahriman will stand in a blob of Cultists for expendable wounds. ;)

Nice. Love the Kranon conversion. Small piece of attention: the DA box has thingies that are supposed to attache the book to a flat surface, which as they are now seem to kinda float in the air. Might want to do something about that. 


In any case  - I'd love to see the finished model. Also: dude, you got yourself a Thousand Sons Chaos MkIV dread? I am thoroughly looking forward to that. :tu:

  • 2 weeks later...

Augustus - I know what you mean, but those round thingies are the ends of ropes visible on the other side of the book that hold the pages down. I decided to leave them as they are. The addition of a Tzeentch icon on the book cover kinda redirects the attention, so I'm pretty happy with the end result. :)

Chaeron - Indeed! Here he is in dark blue & gold:


I painted the flame effect twice and it came out much better on the second go. Basically it's successive layers of Mephiston Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Troll Slayer Orange, Fire Dragon Bright, Yriel Yellow, Flash Gitz Yellow, and White Scar - all covered in 1-2 generous layers of Bloodletter glaze. I'm going to use this effect on some future miniatures in this army.

Here's the promised picture of the tenth Rubricae on a 32 mm base. Actually I'm not going to retake pictures of the remaining 9, turns out my OCD has its limits after all. ;)


The Mk IV dreadnought is currently waiting for the much needed Rhino. I bought one from a friend who's taking a break from the hobby. It was covered in Inquisition/Grey Knight icons and silver primer, but it only cost $10. ;) I think I applied an appropriate level of chaotic corruption. The Havoc launcher is converted from some old loyalist missile launchers I had lying around. Hopefully I'll paint the whole thing before the end of the year.


OCD with limits? I envy you, Sir. ;)


That Kranon on disk is glorious. And you were totally right about the rope thingies. Instead of them binding the book to a supposed surface, one could also see them as merely holding the pages open. :d

  • 1 month later...

It took longer than expected, but finally the Rhino is finished. Recently I've been preoccupied with another project, hence the delay.




I started thinking about adding another metal box to this army. The FW dreadnought and a finecast sorcered are on hold for now.

Some time ago (1-2 years) I bought a bits box that contained an incomplete Predator. As seen in the picture below, some essential parts like the top and halves of both sides are missing. What I'm going to do is use a lot of plasticard, PVC foam, and green stuff to try and make it useable. Thankfully the important stuff (turret with autocannon and two heavy bolters) is there. Expect a lot of mutations, demonic appendages, and Dark Mechanicum's handiwork. ;) For now I'm torn between two options to replace the missing track. One is a cluster of skeletal arms and legs (got some WFB bits). The other is demonic hellfire similar to the one on the sorcerer above (think Ghost Rider's motorbike wheels). If anyone has a better idea, I'm all ears.


Augustus - Thanks! Glad you like him.

I suppose you could cast the track somehow... but that sounds like a lot of work. I like the bone cluster idea- are you thinking of something like a bone millipede/centipede? That would really be something unique. As for my ideas- a mechanical millipede (dark mechanicus style) would be awesome, although labour-intensive, to say the least. As for the sides- you can find some papercraft rhino templates (i think google takes you to a russian faux-facebook with a collection of those), which should be fairly easy to translate onto plasticard. Or you could just copy the side you've got, which sounds even simpler.

As for the painting- the edge highlights on the rhino are a bit wide for my taste, but that's probably just me.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hobby update!


I went with a halftrack option. Scavenging one full track was enough to make two shorter ones, with some creative wheel rearrangement. Front wheels are from a space marine bike.


Lots of PVA foam and old bank cards went into this, but the final result -- and keep in mind this is my first serious scratchbuilding project -- turned out pretty well. I just have to avoid taking pictures at right angles to hide how uneven it is in some places. ;)


There it is, in its full reclaimed/scratchbuilt glory.












Autocannon and heavy bolters are magnetized, I might do lascannons in the future.

There are areas that could use more attention, but I'm kinda hoping that will be hidden by painting.


Other than that I fell into a kitbashing frenzy and finally decided to make use of some reclaimed possessed bits that I had bought over a year ago. They were enough to make 9 models (with some leftover arms). The final one was made out of a DV chosen body and backpack and a Raptor head (and some WFB horns with skulls stuck on them).





Kitbashing didn't end there. I decided to make a full 10-man Havoc squad with a twist - all of them would have some 30k armour parts. After doing 5 dudes I ran out of bits, so I'm currently waiting for the arrival of some more.






Once that squad is done, I will have enough stuff to keep me busy throughout 2016 and all B&C painting events. Yes, I'm a slow painter.


Ch@oZ - Thanks for your suggestions! I did compare the scratchbuilt side to the other one while adjusting its shape and dimensions.


Augustus - Thanks bro! As you can see, I managed without any extra purchases (hobby on a budget FTW). ;)

Thousand Eyes - thanks!


Just a quick update today. I've finished assembling the Havoc squad.


Now I'm wondering whether I should finally buy a new can of Chaos Black and start painting or wait for a B&C painting event. Do we have anything coming up? Augustus, are you hosting the Arena this year (hint hint)? ;)



Hey buddy! Cool havocs there. The ETL is coming up, so please save them for that painting event. Chaos needs to win a third time. I really wanted to host the Arena again, but RL got in the way an I spent most of my time working on my new house etc. Next year! So I got your hint ;)


Cool Rhino!

You could scalp the bits from ebay? Or ask some ppl if they have leftover tracks (hint hint).

A pity you didn't gett mine! I totaly have a set of rhino tracks lying around, doing nothing, and they'd have been yours for the low low price of free. I guess I should've hinted more strongly? They're still yours if you want them, but it'd mean repairing the hal track you went with now... :O

Alright, can't wait for 2017's Arena then! I have to admit that I couldn't wait and squeezed some paint out of an old Chaos Black can and primed one meatshield Havoc... I'm in the middle of painting him now. Oh well, I'll just pledge a smaller unit for ETL then. smile.png

Ahhh that's what you meant about the tracks... I'll keep that in mind and in the future if I'm in need of tracks again, I'll be sure to ask you if you still have them. smile.png

Edit: aaaand we're done here. I'm definitely buying a can of primer this week. Sorry for the photo quality.


  • 3 weeks later...

Recently I've become fed up with photoshopping pictures of my models, cutting them out of the backgrounds, adjusting brightness and contrast, all that stuff. So I decided to make a background that can be used as-is in the pictures. It's just some generic 40k gothic style wall made out of 5mm PVC foam. Don't look to closely or you'll see how uneven it is. msn-wink.gif But it does the job. From now on probably all my minis will be photographed against this background. The only downside is I can take pictures on sunny days only until I get a proper lamp. Natural light ftw!

First two meatshield Havocs are done, the third one is WIP.



In other news my 10-year-old nephew recently asked me for some painted miniatures. I asked him if he wanted me to continue bringing him action figures from the new Star Wars movie instead each time I visit, but he said "no uncle, I want minis like the ones you have". Well, who am I to refuse my favorite kid? smile.png So I decided to take some old snap-fit models, use the lazy painter method (drybrush) and make a 5-man tactical squad of Dark Angels. Their dark green armour really works well with a drybrush (Chaos Black primer, then Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, and Moot Green). It's a quick and painless paintjob. If he likes these, in the future he'll get another 5-man squad and a Company Champion. By that time we might play a small patrol game or something to get him into the game. msn-wink.gif Anyway here's how the DA turned out:




Almost forgot - the background looks like this. Should be large enough to accommodate models up to Helbrute/Dreadnought size.


That display base looks awesome, did you use a modular movement tray for the base itself? Having seen the new Thousand Sons havocs and Dark Angel tactictals I can only say that I'm very impressed how you mannaged to take such a simple paintjob and make the models look awesome. Kudos brother :)


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